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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Mary Louise, thanks for the reminder about being called back.  This is my one-year-after-chemo.  If it goes well, port comes out!  I'm ready!

    Patoo, safe journey.

    bobcat, yes, cancer is never far from my thoughts, especially with well-meaning people talking to me ("did you see the documentary about bc cancer..."), sending me bc awareness cards, etc.   Like you said, it's not doom and gloom.  I try to be grateful for being where I am.  I need to up that more.

    Cheryl, I feel your frustration.  I need to up my TM to twice a day.  FWIW, it is helping with my BP,  but not 24/7 yet -- usually it's lowest for the hours after I meditate.  

    And I need to up all my exercise, internal and external.  Thanks, Kim, for all your encouragement for all of us!

    Armed and dangerous, indeed! I like it!  The Tart Army! Smile

    I'm putting on my walkers and going out to tear up the concrete.  


    later, everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    We deserve all the vacations we can get so here are my thoughts for the next year.  Feel free to add/delete/whatever!  (I probably won't be able to take a vacation for awhile but I love dreaming!).

    Winter:  some place tropical... so we can get our exercise by walking beaches... I don't think there's any bad tropical island.  Greece springs to mind, Fiji, any place in the Caribbean....

    Spring:  Paris, of course!  Walking, shopping, museums, coffee shops... 

    Summer:  Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon.  Or any mountain anywhere.  Hiking, mountain wildflowers, more hiking...

    Fall:  Yellowstone, anyone?  It's incredible any time of year but way less crowded in early fall, and absolutely stunning with all the vegetation turning shades of red and brown.  Or, perhaps Florence,, food, food!  and plenty of opportunity for walking and biking...

    OK, time to stop the silliness and get out for my walk.  

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited August 2013

    Goal for today instead of sending emails I will get up and walk and talk. Plain and simple.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Hi all.  Quick check-in before I leave work.  No, my sister is not going.  She's flying in for the weekend because we are cleaning out my aunt's apt.  She passed about 2 weeks ago from colon cancer.  She was 77, never married; no children.  Just learned today she left a little over $107,000.00. to Make-A-Wish to help kids fighting diseases.  .So, some relatives who thought they were going to inherit will be feuding this weekend!  (not me)

    I will have a hard time when I get back.  We here in the U.S. and in most of the highly developed countries have so much to be thankful for.  I've come back from these trips in the past with little patience for trivial complaints (not talking about what the ladies on these boards face as they are not trivial).  For instance, the lights went out for about 45 secs a couple of hours ago - you'd think the world was ending.  In Nicaragua and many of those countries they have flashlights because they never know when the electricity will go off, as it can do several times a day.  Okay, no ranting!

    Off to finish laundry and try to start packing.  Oh, also have to grocery shop for DS to have food while I'm gone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Good Evening!!  I am feeling much better tonight after all your great thoughts and suggestions.  Cheryl - I know how you feel about the BP - what more can you possibly do???  Retriever - hope your DH gets home safely - what a dangerous job.  My SO is travelling(sales) until next Friday - think that may contribute to my mood.  I love being alone but the thought of 8 days and nights - well, not really....  Patoo - so sorry about your aunt.  I always tell my mom to spend it while she has it because I do not want it although don't know if my siblings feel the same way.  Just read about the Canadian couple that won millions in July and have given it all to charity.  And Patoo  - travel safe.  I know others that return from stints abroad doing charity that suffer a form of PTSD - completely understand that.  So now - I am ARMED AND DANGEROUS Kiss back in the saddle and ready to conquer the roads and my closets this weekend.  Taking a boxing session with my friend in the AM and then a bike ride.

    Monday I am traveling to Philadelphia to watch my son compete in the Mr. Penn competition.  He has never been a big weightlifter but decided in January to do this in his senior year and has worked very hard all year.  Now this weekend is spray tanning, removing body hair and finalizing posing routine.  Never thought my child would ever do something like this but he is very dedicated when he puts his mind to something.  His girlfriend is a nursing student and has monitored all his dieting and food intake.  What a pair.  Anyway, I will keep you all posted on the outcome and direct you towards the online photos when it's over.  This is the 20th year for the competition and it's sold out every year Kiss  Good night all!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited August 2013

    Armed and Dangerous - I like that!! Thanks!

    Cheryl, I too have been battling with high blood pressure for over a year now, but I have been able to keep it out of medication range - I can't imagine with the amount of dedication you put towards excercising that you would be having this issue!!  Frustrating can not be a strong enough word for what you may be feeling!! 

    Nature - I would take a beach vacation any day - I love walking the beach.  Could actually walk all day it is just so relaxing to me!!

    Bobcat - ((hugs)) - you are never alone if you just log on!!!  Innocent

    ((Elizabeth)) still keeping you in my prayers!

    I did get another day in with excercising!!  Now the goal is to get up tomorrow morning and do some formal excercise before the housework!!!  UH OH,  NOW I've written it down - I will HAVE to follow through!  Laughing

    Patoo - Sorry about your aunt - Make a wish foundation is a great program!!  Hope you have a great trip!!  When should we expect you back on the boards!!

    Edited for typos!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Cheryl, we must have been posting at the same time last night. VERY frustrating about the BP. GRRR! Hope you are having a fantastic time with the birthday girl!

    Patoo, good for your aunt! I know you will have a tremendous trip. Things like that certainly put the terms 'wants and needs' in a different perspective!!

    Looking forward to the Mr. Penn photos. How cool!

    Got up this morning ahead of the alarm; thought I was up 20 minutes early; washed my hair, brushed my teeth and then realized I had gotten up an HOUR and 20 minutes earlier than normal Surprised. I was too awake to go back to bed so did my 30 minutes pilates, read the paper and actually ate breakfast sitting down. Tonight walked on the treadmill 30 minutes because there was something I wanted to watch on the news & did a 30 minutes tape called 'Cardio Dance Party'.

    I love the beach more than anything; so my vote is for a beach vacation too!!!

    Great Night All! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    FIRM floor excercises DONE!!!  You guys keep me honest!!  Cool

    Now off to do some yard work!!  Beautiful sunshine today, but quite cool!  I'll just imagine the beach as I walk around in the sun!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Long bike ride.  Saw a red fox along the river - looked right at me.  Very cool.  Tackling the closets before I loose my motivation!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Hi all, Elizabeth, I am thinking of you with many hugs.

    Patoo, while you volunteer abroad, I was just called by the hospital for the volunteer position interview that I said I wanted when I had my core biopsy. The position will be in the cancer center, where else? 

     Right now I feel like Raggerty Ann with all my stiches. New nip, keloid removal and stiches down by groin area. Hopefully on Tues, some of the stiches will come out. NaureGrll, please take it easy, Ruthbru, please continue to make all of us smile.

     Thank you ladies for all of your good wishes.

    HBCheryl:L Thank you for your good wishes.

    As my plastic surgeon was marking me up getting a good peep show, my last words to him were how long do I have to stay out of the gym, I think he said 4 weeks.

    My healing thoughts to all of you back.

    Hugs, Ronna

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Youch, I am having sympathy pains with you, Ronna. Four weeks will go by fast, but can't you wait until they are over?!!!

    I have been running around like a maniac all day; but did take time out to go for a long walk in our unbelievably gorgeous weather (which can not last!) and also did 30 minutes of abs.

    Enjoy the extra hour of sleep tomorrow! Night All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    bobcat, glad you're feeling better. Hope closet cleaning went well. That stuff always feel so good to me when it's done! And yes, can't wait to see Mr. Penn photos.

    Ronna, hope you're feeling better... be gentle with yourself as you heal.

    I had family here this weekend and when they were at the football game, instead of walking yesterday I slept... lazy me. And then I not only slept an extra hour last night but another extra hour over that! Lazy me!! But I plan to walk today (you heard me!) and also clean out the shed in the back of the yard, so I can clean out the garage and move stuff in there, so I have room for all my stuff when it arrives from Portland...

    Meet you at the beach, Tarts!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    PS Patoo, I've never been through the experience you're about to go through, but I know what you mean about trivial complaints and other excesses... one of my current peeves is gluttony, as in eating contests and things like that, where eating to the point of throwing up is lauded.  Makes me sad and seems like a symbol of waste and many other things.  

    I applaud your trip and wish you a safe and wonderful journey!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Nature - love the nap!!!  Did your guests know?  Too funny but guess you really needed it.  I took my extra hour too.  My yellow cat, Andy Roddick, crawled under the covers at 6 and we went back to sleep for two more hours this morning.  Took a nice ride in the sun and wind and now back home to read the papers and watch some old movies.  I got that closet done around 6 last night and loaded a big bag of stuff for goodwill into my car.  I keep paring down more and more each year and it feels good not to have so much "stuff" - it just seems excessive to me.  This from a woman who used to own 50+ pairs of shoes!     Ronna - hope you are having a healing weekend.  Can you at least get out for a bit of a walk?  Congrats on the volunteer position, too.   Ruth - enjoy your beautiful weather.  I keep thinking it can't last but I love all the seasons anyway.  Most of the leaves are down here.  Ok - if it's the beach, I'm all in.  Getting excited about Mr. Penn tomorrow night - lots of family, his old high school friends, and all his friends at school planning to attend and cheer him on.  I watched the old competition on YouTube and the crowd is hooting, hollering and whistling - a real good time. 

    Patoo - God Speed Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    My nap is a secret Wink

    And yes, paring down is good, I find myself doing it all the time, too (not that I have tons to work with at the moment)... can't wait to get my "stuff" (my entire household) back from Oregon so I can pare it more.  When I left there I brought my cat, my laptop, and what I could fit in my car... that was 4 years ago.  Although I pared my house by 1/2 to 2/3 when I moved out there,  there's always room for more.

    Right now, I just want a FT job and my own place to live.  And health insurance.

    Kim -- when is your dx mammogram?  How're you holdling up?  Let us know!!

    I walked and cleaned (but not the shed) and cooked a big pot of soup for my lunches and did laundry, and although it sounds like work, it was a good day... it's so good to feel good enough to do all that without it being a strain on my body/energy!

    Hugs to y'all...

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hi A&D Tarts (that would be Armed and Dangerous)...

    We are having a nice, gray rainy day here in Nor Cal, and we need it!  Tahoe is getting snow, so that is exciting as well.

    I was hoping Elizabeth would have checked in, thinking about her.  Ronna, I hope you are "feeling the healing" as well!

    Carol, thanks for asking about the dx mammo. It was supposed to be tomorrow, but it got moved out a week because I guess they didn't have it down as a dx-just a screen, and good thing they caught it.  I think (but I'm not sure) at our BC center the radiologist is much more involved in the mammo when it's the first post treatment one.  I hope so!  I'd rather have them talk to me about it than get called back in, but it is what it is.  It's so weird how we fear these things-in my case, I should hug the machine because the mammo is what found the DCIS in the first place.  I'm not kidding when I say you guys keep me brave.  I just know that many of you have been through so much more than I have, and you are so great!  

    My onc said my breast tissue is nice and squishy now so the A is leeching out the density I suppose.

    OK this is too much me me me stuff...on to exercise!  This week is a big one, spin, weights, swim and then some hiking in Tahoe later in the week.  

    Carol when is your mammo?  Keep me posted.

    TIme to go put on some more armour...I have more to say but you'd probably really go to sleep then!

    See you tomorrow!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

     Used the extra hour to sleep too. Did 30 minutes of toning and walked, walked, walked, walked. It is SO BEAUTIFUL here (and won't be for long).

    Patoo, if you are checking in with all the crazy 'get out of town' stuff; have you a great trip. Keep a little journal so that you can share the highlights with us. Be safe, be blessed. I know you will be a blessing! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    I split the difference with the extra hour this morning - got up a half an hour earlier than usual so I'd have more time to exercise - so I still got to sleep in half a hour later!  Busy weekend around the house raking, cleaning the gutters, trimming branches away from the roof, digging and moving plants away from the deck and clearing off the deck to prepare for the new deck we're getting installed starting today.  Can't wait - our old deck is 20+ years old and the wood is splintered and decomposing, so we're more than ready for a new deck.  The Chihuahua won't be happy while it's being installed, though, as the deck is off the kitchen door - we just open it to let her out, she trots across the deck and down the 3 stairs to get to our fenced backyard.  I guess we're going to have to take her out on a leash in the front yard during construction.  

    I actually snuck in a nap late Sunday afternoon as I was exhausted from all the yard work.  But I did 33 minutes on the Wii this morning.  Gotta go - deck install guys just arrived!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Patoo-what Ruth said!  We will be looking forward to hearing about your trip-and you will be in our prayers for a safe, healthy, productive journey helping others!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Patoo just wanted to wish you a safe journey you are truly a kind, generous and giving woman and I am proud to call you my sister.

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2010

    Boy do I really have to work-out this week. I ate tooooo much over the weekend :(

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    This is just a rant, will be going to the gym tonight but just wanted you all to know that I had a wonderful weekend with my girl, she LOVES college and has a very sweet nice boyfriend and a delightful roommate. I needed a wake up call because I was feeling sorry for myself and the weekend showed me a few things.

    We were on the second floor of the hotel and I just ran up and down the stairs as if I was a young girl. Then at Dallas airport last night I walked from one end of the terminal to the sky link then walked all over the second terminal pulling my carry-on and with my very heavy handbag over my shoulder, when I got to my gate there were 10 people in wheelchairs for the Orange County flight, yes 10 and when I looked around we were all around the same age but I'd just walked a couple of terminals hauled my bag up and down from the overhead locker with no problems - heck, yes I have to take more medication but I'm okay and I know it's all of the exercise that has kept the spring in my step and I'm so grateful to have all of you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Laughing
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Cheryl, I love those paradigm shifts.  They keep things in perpective, don't they! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for where we are.  It's the month for that anyway, isn't it?  And hurrah for all that energy!!

    Kim, snow at Tahoe, I'm ready!   This will be my second post-treatment mammo (it's Thursday).  I'll be in Portland next week but hopefully will be able to check in and see how you're doing. 

    Mary, hope the deck building goes well!  

    Fighter, just  move forward...  I know I'm sure no saint! We all enjoy food but the exercise helps!

    Anyone who's flown in the last few months:  what do you do with your meds?  I heard to keep them in the original bottles but that's too many bottles to cart along... I could just take my scripts and leave the OTC ones behind, 3 days without them wouldn't be the end of the world, but ideally I'd like to just load up the pill box thing and take that.  Thoughts?  Do they bug you about meds if they aren't in the original bottle?

    We're getting some of Ruth's gorgeous weather, 60's and 70's this week, perfect!  Nice long walk today.  Looked in the shed and decided I needed to do other chores first :)  Any bets on how long I can put this off? :)

    The next 10 days are going to be hard... slap me if I start whining.  Seriously.

    Hugs, all!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Carol, I took a bunch of vitamins in random spots on my carry on and they didn't give me any grief at all.  The only med I have is the big A, so I kept that in its original bottle.  They seem to be more concerned about gel/liquid/lotions/etc.  

    Are you going to Portland Oregon?  That's where my mom lives (actually Vancouver) and the airport I was in when doing the above.  They are pretty efficient there.  I'm actually from Pendleton Oregon and college in Eugene (a Duck!)

    I just am curious about the post treatment mammos...what they say, how they do it, is it different, etc.  Seems like...although this is too much to ask for...they would tell you a little more during those mammos.  

    Hope everyone is behaving!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    You don't have to keep meds in their orginal containers unless you are traveling internationally. What is your schedule going to be Carol?

    Post treatment mammos are just like pre-treatment....although they might want a few more shots because of scar tissue or whatever, and might ask about how many radiation treatments you had etc. I HOPE that they read them with extra, extra care!!!

    Nice today, suppose to be nice tomorrow and then SNOW!!! I left my desk piled with work, rushed home & took a walk before it got dark, and will do the same tomorrow, also did 45 minutes of toning (I felt energic just from reading your post, Cheryl!).

    Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Back to the gym tonight and did Body Combat class it was great to get back after almost a week off. Carol I took my meds loose in my 7 day pill box, I take a thyroid, my Femara and just added the BP I also took a few loose Aleve and Benedryl just in case and the box was in my handbag and I didn't have any trouble. My friend who comes from the UK brings his meds in their original packaging as he has to go through Customs and don't give that shed a second look till you get back, you've got enough to think about. Kim I've had two post mammos and they were very thorough had a few extra shots because of the scar tissue. Nats hope your deck build is going smoothly. Bobbi how exciting for your son, you have every reason to be a proud Momma. Ruth I can't believe snow already yes go for those walks before you have to come indoors for the season and glad I could help with the energy level.  Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Thanks for the meds advice, everyone.  It's off my list of worries :)

    Kim, I lived in Vancouver!  That's where all my stuff is, I never thought I'd be moving it back to IN but oh well.  I love the NW and it's home to me (although I was born and raised in the Midwest) but it's also full of some sad and painful memories now.

    For me, the big difference with a dx mammogram is that I stay to get the results right away.  In my case I also see my surgeon afterwards.  For my first post-treatment one, they did take extra pictures.  It's a bit nerve-wracking (racking?).  ommmmmmmm...... :)

    Ruth, snow already, wow!  I'm flying out to Portland Sunday, doing the rush-loading Monday, and flying back to IN Tuesday.  Short trip!   

    I'll walk this afternoon... 70 & sunny here today.  It won't last but I'm loving it while it's here.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010
    Wow - what a night!!  I am just getting started on the day.  Didn't get home until 1AM but still heading out for bike ride after I post this.  My son, Nils, is in this link - he is on the left.  He placed third in the Mr. Penn competition and also received the "best posing routine" award.  It was such a great, fun night with family and all his friends.  He had a blast and I know he's now happy for all the hard work but glad to reclaim his life back.   I can't stop watching and if you turn up the sound you'll hear me hooting and hollering.  Will check in to bike.  Have a great day all Kiss