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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone, I can see we are all busy exercising and checking in daily.

    Patoo, sorry to hear about your Aunt passing. I think it is great that she gave to Make A Wish foundation. That is a really good charity. I wish you a safe trip there and back.

    Nature I love the idea of vacation we are planning one in March still working out the details of where. We are going on vacation in September to Wiscousin to see lighthouses and wineries. Really looking forward to that trip. Dream all you want and figure out away to travel as much as you can. You are getting your mammo done on Thursday. That is when my biopsy takes place.

    Bobcat understand what a great feeling it is to clear the closet. I did mine last week and so happy I did. I got rid of 5 bags full of clothes. Felt great to do. All clothes to big for me.

    Kim had did your mammo go? I think it is good that your have your routine exercises for the week planned out. Way to go!

    Nats, redoing your deck sounds great. Please send pics when it is done. I have a new addition to my home and it is a chihuahua. She is adorable 3 years old and her name is Emme. We just love her we have had her for a week now. She just loves my hubby.

    Cheryl I understand having to let go and let our children grow is not an easy step. It is healthy though. I am glad you got to visit with your daughter and see where she lives and how good her life is turning out so far.

    Ruth you make me laugh. I love your sense of humor. I love your dedication to exercise as well. I miss not being at the gym.

    Well thinking of all you and thank you for all the hugs. ((((hugs back))))

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    bobcat, woo hoo!!   Look at those guys strutting their stuff!  And they look like they're having tons of fun, too.  How great that he did so well!

    Elizabeth, good to hear from  you.  Your new family member sounds like fun :)  I'll be thinking of you Thursday...

    I got my walk in, in between phone calls and running all over town for our December fundraiser.  Looks like our good weather will hold until the weekend, then back to colder and more seasonable stuff.

    Just wanted to check in -- later, everyone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010
    Elizabeth - you sound good.  Welcome to Emme.   Cheryl - glad your visit with Hannah was so satisfying.  Love all our young people.  Had such fun with all of Nils' friends last night - some call me Bobbi and some call me Mrs. Nils - how cool is that?  SO is surprising me tonight on his way from Pittsburgh to Boston - a quick 5-hour sleepover Kiss  Nature - what is the fundraiser for?
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Bobbi, if things don't work out between Nils and his girlfriend; I have a very nice niece who is unattached, a senior in college, and from just watching the video, I am SURE she would LOVE to meet him!! Laughing Very fun!

    Elizabeth, great to hear from you. Maybe once you get the biopsy behind you, you could swim or do water aerobics.? Those would not be hard on your bones. Your new little puppy sounds so fun. I just watched a PBS special about dogs with my dad & it made me want one. (The three cats VETO that idea!).

    Speaking of bones....a lady on a 'bone health' thread says she has increased her bone density by eating 6-8 prunes a day, so I may add that to the dark chocolate (for the blood pressure, Cheryl are you eating your chocolate?). My bones have been fine (so far, knock on wood), but it can't hurt (but if I say I've been will mean to the bathroom!).

    Today is suppose to be the last 'unseasonably warm' day; so zipped out after school & walked for an hour (with my fast neighbor), then picked up branches in the backyard until it got dark & then swept out the garage. No school Thursday due to Veteran's Day, but I plan to spend the whole day there anyway, so don't feel bad about leaving on time for a couple days.

    Good Night Ladies! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Bobbi amazing video wow impressive he has an 8 pack, you know I have one too but it's hidden under my belly fatSealed it really looks like they were having so much fun and yes, like you I love being with the kids, Hannah has always called me Chezza or Chez and it's surprising how many of her friends who call me that as well, in the car on the weekend we were singing away to songs on the radio and they were laughing that I knew the words to the songs they like but they don't realize that it's the music that's in all the classes I do and that's why I know them, my secret and I'm keeping it to keep the cool factorWink.  Ruth I have always loved prunes and yes I eat them every day as I had read about them helping with the Femara side effects but I usually only have four so I have to up my intake, and yes I've been eating my chocolate, and if I every talk about running know that someone has kidnapped me and an alien is writing in my place, you see I just can't runFrown.  Carol what kind of fundraiser are you working on? Glad your weather is holding, it's tough heading to the gym now as it's dark and cold when I head out of an evening and I'd rather stay in and put on my jammies.  Elizabeth it's good to see you and congrats on the new baby. Well tonight I did my Body Step class and guess what - I was in the front row, who'd thunk it 2 years ago when I started that I could be in the front row and not give a darn woo hoo - front row girl yup that's me.  Nite all.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hey all-

    These were some nice posts ladies!  We are all getting ready for that holiday season!

    Elizabeth how wonderful to hear from you and a cute puppy to boot!  I'm primarily a dog person, but I love all animals, birds, creatures.  

    Bobcat, your son is so impressive.  It takes such dedication to work like that to look like that!

    Ruth, I saw the "prune" link and I am doing the same thing...we really will be the dangerous part of armed and dangerous with prunes in the system.  I love them, so they are easy to eat.  Cheryl, you are a stud, pure and simple. I also sing along with the music in spin class (when I can catch my breath) and the young uns laugh at me I am sure.   Carol, I am so tempted to get on that plane...

    RetrieverMom, where are you and how have you been?  You must have done, or are getting close to doing your dx mammo as rads buddy!

    Everyone else have a great day.  We are headed up to Tahoe again; we've been getting snow up there, so I'll take some pics.  



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010
    Bobcat, Nil is impressive. Wow! you must be so proud. He has really worked hard. Cool
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    The fundraiser is one of the big ones for the NP I work for (although "big" is relative, we'll be lucky to pull in $5000). It's a soup and bread concert with a silent auction; food and music and auction items all donated by local restaurants, etc.  Our previous fundraisers this year have been weak compared to past years and we really, really need the money for our budget.  The board helps a lot (or at least a few of them do) but it's also very staff-labor-intensive and sometimes tedious work to get us up to the actual event.  Will be glad when it's over.

    Cheryl, we know you're cool, your secret is safe with us!  

    And everyone's prune comments have me smiling Smile 

    Kim, enjoy Tahoe!

    Elizabeth, thinking of you tomorrow.

    No walk today -- worked late then had a haircut and then home late -- I may still go although it's dark (not that it matters) and I'm tired -- but it would be good for me.  Get out the wet noodles and I'll put on my walking shoes.



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Prunes are king in our house - they solve so many problems.  I always have a bag on the cart.  Thanks for the comments re Nils - I am posting another link!!!! :) what a night we had.  Getting great comments from all over the place - this is not the boy anyone knew growing up!!

    Cheryl - you are the coolest on this board Kiss and I also have a hidden 8 pack :0  Elizabeth - hugs to you.... Good luck with the FR, Carol.  RUTH - where are you?  Kim - have fun in Tahoe.  Hugs and prayers to Patoo - she's gone for a bit.  Biked, abbed, worked and now eating.  Good night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    I am here! I had a long meeting after work & then unexpected company stopped by and stayed until 8pm. I am TIRED (due to the time change, I'm sure), but dragged myself downstairs after they left & muddled through a 45 minutes toning DVD. BLAH!! But something is always better than nothing Undecided.

    Bobbi, your DS is so cute!! And what a body (speaking in a motherly way, of course!).

    Cheryl, you are our exercise QUEEN (or GODDESS, your choice)!!!!

    Elizabeth, let us know how it goes.

    Carol, did you be good and go on your walk?

    Kim, have fun in Tahoe, and you can keep the snow there because we don't want it!!!!

    Good Night All! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    I just goggled the weather in Nicaragua and it is in the 70s.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Whew - I've gotten behind on reading your posts. It's a day off for me for Veterans' Day, so I've scheduled routine home checkups like the furnace guy for this morning.  This afternoon off to the hair place for a cut and much-needed highlight - it's rapidly become apparent that I am not a natural blond!!  Surprised  And if everyone comes early enough, I hope to have time to get out to buy those black ankle boots I've been wanting. And I still haven't gotten around to switching out my closet! 

    I think I've told you all how many budget cuts we've had at our work - I work for our county, and in 3 years my Department has gone from 167 career employees to our current 99.  As you can imagine, it's a bit grim, plus we're all crazed trying to do the work of a couple of employees each.  So a wonderful manager got the idea to form a FUNraisers Committee - a committee of employees to come up with fun things to boost morale.  We've already had a night at Dave & Busters (we even manged to get discount coupons from them so people didn't have to pay so much).  Next week we're having a Hand Turkey contest - all staff are invited to create Hand Turkeys (you remember them from elementary school) - we'll hang them up, vote for the best one, and the winner gets a free turkey donated by the manager.  I can't wait to do my turkey - I think I'll do a baseball one, sort of like the old Milwaukee Brewers logo for those of you who remember that.  I thought it was a great idea for a quick fun morale booster, but then again my co-workers and I are pretty much still kids at heart!

    Nature - Yellowstone sounds beautiful - it's someplace I defintely want to get to, and fall sounds perfect.  Cheryl, Mary Louise and others with high BP, cholestoral or bone thinning issues - I'm having the same issues. Like everyone here I exercise, try to eat right, and yet my values still keep creeping in the wrong direction. AIs just throw a wrench into everything. Ronna - how are you doing?  My surgery is one week from today - yikes!  Bobcat - my goodness - look at your son!!!!  Wow - that takes a lot of dedication and self-discipline to do that - you must be incredibly proud!  Elizabeth - a new Chi-hooa-hooa at your house!  This one we have now is our first one, and I have to say I love the breed now.  They such funny quirky little dogs - they pack a lot of personality in a small package.  Mine is sitting on my lap now (of course - the floor is no place for a princess!)  I'm thinking of you today and sending along many hugs (and a few kisses from the Chihuahua for good measure! Ruth - prunes,huh? I am having flashbacks to having to drink prune juice as a kid - I hated that horrible stuff. I'm guessing that real prunes taste better?  Maybe I'll pick some up at the grocery store today, just to try.

    The new deck is coming along nicely - it's all framed, and they're starting to put in the floorboards this morning.  Really exciting!

    Oh yeah, exercise - 30 minute walk Tuesday morning, and yoga class plus 2 mile round trip walk Tuesday night.  Yesterday I did 30 minutes before work on the Wii, and 40 minutes after work on it.  Can you tell I'm enjoying all the new challenges? Not sure what today holds - it depends on how quickly the furnace and other people get here.

    Thank you to all the Veterans out there who have served our country so honorably - this is your day.  Thanks! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Sorry for the long post - yikes!  Feel free to skip!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth thinking about you today.  Did my usual at the gym today but need to change it up somehow.Got the go ahead to play golf so next spring I intend  to staryt swinging my clubs again.Anyone else getting bored with their workouts.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    First off:  all clear on my mammogram.  Happy dance!  To celebrate (I've been planning this since last winter, seriously), I'm finally having my port removed in early December.  Dr. is doing it with just a local so I can drive myself home.   Getting that out will be some kind of milestone, at least in my head. 

    I admit to some significant anxiety when their "we'll have your results in 10 minutes or so" turned into almost 45 but all is well.  So Kim, be forewarned, you might have to wait longer than you like, but don't let it spook you!  (like I didn't.  Ha!)

    OK, mememe done.

    Elizabeth, yes, we're most definitely thinking of you today.   Ruth, you're so dedicated.... I admire how you always get exercise in.  When I'm tired it's really really hard to convince myself to exercise.  Last night was a case in point.  Bad me.  Mary, at least they're trying to make some good out of a bad situation.  Makes you really grateful to have your job, I bet, with so many getting laid off.  Maybe we should all make hand turkeys and post pictures.  Mine wouldn't be any more creative than grade school, I'm afraid Smile  but it would be fun.  FWIW, I think prunes are yummy -- sweet -- not at all like prune juice.  They're on my list. 

    Um.... but, Mary, have I missed something?  What surgery are you having one week from today?

    mum, I haven't been regular enough on my workouts to get bored yet, plus I just love to walk, but winter is going to make walking more challenging. And I do admit I find the DVD's boring, even if they are a good workout (I want to be going somewhere when I walk).    Once I get a FT job maybe I'll be able to join a gym.

    Now that I'm one year NED (oh, I teared up when I typed that, it's such a relief), and am feeling better, I'm really going to put more energy into taking the best care of me I can.  I've been making good stabs at it the last several months but it's time to ramp things up.

    And Mary, as much as I babble on and people still wade through my posts, I'd never not read one of yours!

    Time to get some serious work done, here at work and once I get home... leaving Sunday for PDX!  Yikes!  Wish it were vacation (whine, whine).  Slap me :)  Kim, I'll look for you in Vancouver :)

    Later, Tarts!

    (talk about long.  My fingers don't know how to stop.) Undecided 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010
    Carol - congrats on the mammo and the port removal - what a relief!  Thinking of you today, Elizabeth. Mary - I love your long posts, always newsy and you must be so looking forward to the deck being finished.  I too have the day off because I do my work in the county courthouses and they are all closed today.  That will make tomorrow extra busy but I love having the day to myself.  Biked and abbed and now sitting here in my robe.  I guess I'll head out for a few much needed errands.  Have to caulk a window and then meeting a friend for dinner.   Thanks for all the comments on my Nils and I will bore you with only one more link Kiss these photos are from his personal posing routine for which he received an award.   Have a great day all!!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Thinking of you today Elizabeth.  Carol - happy dance, happy dance whew I'll be you lost a pound or two worrying when they kept you waiting that extra 35 mins.  Nats, your post is newsy and informing and I so understand, it's depressing to lose so many co-workers and still have to get the job done , hope  you are enjoying your day off and are tottering around in your new boots as a beautiful blondeWink.   Bobbi, Nils just looks like he was having so much fun and I know how hard he worked to get his body into that shape.  Get your window caulked as the cold weather is on its way over, it's freezing here, lovely and sunny but a bitter wind blowing.  Kim I was invited to Tahoe for Thanksgiving but I've decided against it, I just can't be bothered travelling with a million other people, my friend has offered to pick me up in Sacramento or Oakland or I can drive up with her girls but I'd rather stick close to home - oh I'm turning into an old fuddy duddy.

    Well I did go to the gym last night and do my Body Combat class but had kind of a rough night.  One of the girls in my gangs grandson was killed by a drunk driver last year and the trial has been this week and the verdict was yesterday.  The driver had 3 previous DUIs  and he was found not guilty of manslaughter but guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and not rendering aid - I guess the video of him playing video games and getting something to eat afterwards did its job, the legal system boggles my mind.  Well must get back to work.  To all of our veterans and those who are currently serving, Thank You.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Wow, Cheryl, that trial must have been so hard for the family. I'm with you on being a homebody (although Tahoe... that would be tempting!).

    Please feel free to skip this, I shouldn't be taking up more space, y'all are so patient with me... but.... I've been so HAPPY all afternoon, singing, put the top down on my bug and enjoyed the wonderful day, actually danced in the woods on my walk... I knew I was anxious but had no idea how much this mammo was weighing on me. I haven't felt anywhere near this good in weeks.  I feel like I could conquer the world today!

    Bobbi, hope you enjoyed your day off! Those photos are amazing, what muscle definition. 

    OK, shutting up now Sealed

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Carol, good mammo Laughing!!!! Port Removal Laughing!!!!! (I truly hated that damn thing.) I don't think you realize how much it weighs on your mind until you get the 'all clear' and then you are just crazy/giddy! 

    Bobbi, I belive I can safely speak for us all; we are not bored by the photos!!! (By the way, which guy took first?)

    Cheryl; so, so sorry for your friends. You can see why people sometimes take the law into their own hands!!

    Mary, love the idea of a 'FUN RAISER'!

    I've been working all day (boo hoo, poor me). Yesterday I had a great discussion with my 7th grade advisee group about the meaning of Veteran's Day. They were very receptive and engaged, so that was encouraging! Now off to visit my dad, a World War II Vet. I'll check in after doing some sort of exercise (the temp has dropped 20 degrees since Tuesday so it won't be outside!). Later! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Ruth --- give your dad an extra hug from me.  I miss my dad (WW2 navy).

    I AM crazy/giddy... wow, how could I be so unaware of how much that mammogram was affecting me?  I even feel like I can go to Portland, conquer the move back to where I never thought I'd live again, and if I run into my ex, I'll just laugh in his face!  I want to go to Portland and shout from the rooftops that I'm there!



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Carol - you deserve it!!  shout from the rooftops.

    Ruth - give your Dad a big hug from me.  Mine was WWII Navy and has been gone 18 years.  I think of him every single day and miss him so much.  I know he is watching from above and hasn't missed a moment of this crazy journey and also enjoyed watching his grandson on Monday.  He loved Nils so much and was my babysitter from the very beginning.    Cheryl - so sorry for your friends and I agree with Ruth - I know why some people take the law into their own hands.  Can't even imagine losing a child. 

    Off to dinner with my friend - just put on my "semi" skinny jeans Kiss and they sort of fit! Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes of toning with Richard. I have some nervous energy to burn off as I have my annual physical tomorrow. And we all know how 'jumpy' one feels before any doctor appointment.

    Carol,I don't know the story, but I almost hope that you DO run into your ex. You will look so good & be so vibrant that he will think, "Holy Sh*t! How did I let her get away?" Then you can toss your hair and go, "HA!!!!" and strut away with a sexy, tartly stride!

    Elizabeth, hope you are doing OK.

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Did a spin class tonight, when I got off that bike my quads were quivering and right now they are screaming so at least I know I worked those muscles.

    Hope you had a nice visit with your Dad Ruth how lucky you are to still have him, I miss mine so much, I was a daddys girl. Carol you could probably dance and twirl your way to Portland what a wonderful feeling and you have every right to be giddy. Bobbi woo hoo on the semi-skinny jeans you worked your butt off to get into them (pun intended).  Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Bobbi, woo hoo on the skinny jeans! 

    Ruth, I have confidence in your physical -- you work so hard!  But I understand the nervous part :)

    Cheryl, way to go on the spin class.  I want my muscles to scream! :)


    I'm maintaining my weight loss (10# since last spring) but not making any more progress lately so it's time to up things. Plus I just need the overall benefits of working harder.  So this morning (day off, up early) I got out and instead of walking in the woods -- which is good for my soul but I know I don't focus on walking fast -- I walked the paved path in the ravine in my rockers, and pushed myself so I was breathing hard for the entire walk.

    I'm still flying high from yesterday.  Off to dance through some chores!   Enjoy the day, everyone...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Nature - woohoo on the clear mammo!!!  I love your idea to celebrate by getting your port out.  I also had mine out under a local in the exam room - it was a strange feeling to lie there, chatting and joking with the surgeon, as she's operating!  DH stayed in the room too and actually watched without fainting. This was at Hopkins in Baltimore, so we celebrated afterwards by going to Fells Point (where much of the old TV drama Homicide was filmed) and eating at a local brewpub.  They gave me some pain meds, but I never needed them.  So hopefully you'll be fine. 

    And I love Portland, especially the Columbia River Highway with all the waterfalls.  Beautiful!!!  Go shout from the Multnomah Bridge!

    And my surgery on the 18th is scar revision (I didn't dissolve the dissovable stitches last time and ended up with hypertropic scarring), tidying up a dog ear under one pit, and down-sizing one boob (one ended up a C and the other ended up a D).  I've waited over a year to do this - I wanted to see if the scars flattened and faded, and how the other stuff settled before jumping into yet another surgery.  If it was just one thing I probably wouldn't do it, but after a long honest meeting with my ps earlier this year about what could and could not be done, I decided to go for it.  But this is my last shot!

    Mum - I too was getting bored with my workout routine, and I didn't seem to be getting results any more.  So I shook it up some, changed things around, and added a few things, like Pilates lessons and a new Wii Fit Plus.  I'm noticing the difference - not that much weight loss, but my pants seem to be a bit looser.  

    Cheryl - I'm so sorry about the court verdict for your friend's grandson's killer.  Not that a different verdict would bring him back, but at least the family might feel that some justice was done. 

    Bobbi - semi-skinny jeans - all riiiight!!

    Ruth - hope you get better cholesterol and BP news than the rest of us!!!  I have my 4-month onc visit this afternoon - just routine, but still a reminder.  Yuk.  

    No luck with boots yesterday, but I did get some shirts and pants, so it wasn't a wasted day.  I am also newly cut and blonded. (Whew!)  I did 30 minutes on the Wii last night, and did a 2+ mile walk this morning.

    We plan to tackle a 9 mile hike tomorrow in the Catoctins. When I was doing chemo, I planned out the hike and made it a goal that a year after chemo we'd do it.  Just the thought of that kept me going, and we did do it a year later.  Now we've decided that we'll try to do it at least once a year for as long as we can, just for the challenge.  The only downside - I'm in that 2 week pre-surgical period where I can't have any aspirin, Aleve, etc. so I know I'm going to be sore Sunday.  Frown We do have a hot tub at the cabin, so I think I'll just collapse into that when we're done.  Wish me luck!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Darn - I did it again with a long post. Wonder why I'm so chatty lately?  Sorry!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Mary, quit apologizing for long posts, or I won't be able to post any more Sealed  Glad the surgery is just corrective-type things -- I'll be thinking of you!  Portland and that whole area is incredible, isn't it?  I loved living there.  Good luck on your hike and post-hike aches -- I like the hot tub idea!  Enjoy the mountains!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Hi all, been off for a few days. Almost think the nips thing with keloid removal was almost as bad as TE. However, have to deal with it and slowly getting around. I mean slowly. Today, I took my first shower since surgery - 11-1 and had to stand backwards so my boobs did not get saturated. Then I had to do my own hair. That was my exercise. I also went to CVS, fought with them about Novartis coupon for Femara and then did food shopping. Exhausted.

     Ruthrbu, I hope you physical goes well, just keep us laughing.

    Elizabethl: Thinking of you.

     Natsfan,Dazdnconfused, Naturgrll hope all is well with you and everyone else on this board. Patoo, have a safe trip. I don't want to leave anyone out so I am giving a shout out to all, have a great day and keep exercising.

     Now I have to get the strength up to attend a Komen Kick Off fund cocktail party tonight. I really don't know if I want the stress of signing up or doing it at my own pace. I am ready to pass out. Haven't even made my bed yet. Look, I am telling the world my personal business. It is now 1:50 p.m. and yes, I did not make my bed. Another form of exercise.

    I went to general practioner and complained about wrist pain from Femara, so I will be starting physical therapy hopefully on Mond. Is that exercise?????

    Stay well all. Hugs.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone got home yesterday around 6pm. The Dr. made an incision from the bottom of my butt and guided the needle to my hip. They could not do it the normal way cause of the blood vessels and nerves that were close by and to deep down the bone marrow. I am not feeling any pain or feel sore. They did give me pain meds but I have not needed them so far. I have to ice my butt 3 times a day. So now I will find out more next Thursday. My result will be in on Tuesday. I may attempt to call and get them over the phone and get the results sooner. Probably won't and tell me to wait till Thursday. I will be happy to have all of this behind me.  (((HUGS))) and love you all.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    ((Elizabeth)) - glad you are home and not in much pain!  Don't wait for the pain to settle in before you take any pain killers!! 

    Hey everyone!!  Will have to go back and read up to see what has been happening!  Hope all are well and still getting their butts up and out!!!   I have been able to have my hour long walk every morning again!! GREAT!!  Also, have done a bit of FIRM excercises also!!  Maybe back on track??!?!