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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    A quick hug to you Elizabeth!  I'm glad you don't have any pain and I hope you can play with the new puppy and have a great weekend in AZ.

    Carol, I am so happy for you, and right before you have to do all the work-good job girl!

    Much love and hugs to all...more later from snowy Tahoe!

    XO Kim

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Ronna, sorry you're healing so slowly.  Be gentle with yourself, and only do what you feel you really want to do.  It's not a time to overdo.

    Elizabeth, more hurry up and wait, huh!  Glad at least you aren't having pain, but as Mary Louise says, don't wait until it gets bad.  I shouldn't smile at your butt icing but I can't help it.  Sorry! Smile Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Mary Louise, you do sound back on track.  Congrats!

    Another family weekend, low-key but they always run me down anyway, and I have to pack and get the house and my cat ready so I can leave Sunday afternoon.   If I don't get back here before I leave, have a good weekend, everyone, and keep up the good work!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    PS Hi, Kim!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth, now you can say that this all is a pain in the butt, and it will be true! Yes, take the pain pills at the first glimmer of pain as it is better to stay ahead of it.

    Ronna, hope you feel more bouncy soon. I think even the more 'minor' surgeries take a toll; especially added on to all the other things.

    Annual physical went really well. Weight was good (thank you 'Wednesday Weigh In' people). Cholesterol is holding with the HDL very good (thank you niacin), blood pressure good (thank you dark chocolate....which my doc is going to tell all the rest of his patients about and thus become  very popular!), blood work good (thank you  Father Time....chemo had knocked some of the numbers around), and when we talked about exercise, it's importance and what I do, he was very complimentary to me about how I had taken charge of my own health and how it was paying off. Smile . Only one bad thing; because of the lack of estrogen, some scar tissue (caused by a forceps delivery decades ago) has started to close in an area one would rather keep I probably am in for an unpleasant gynecological 'procedure' (thank you Arimidex). He is going to talk to some surgeon colleagues and get back to me...always something to look forward to.....Frown.

    My dumb cat woke me up early so I did 30 minutes of pilates before my appt. It was really nice by mid-afternoon, so I dropped the errands I had planned to do and went for long walk.

    Oh yes, along with prunes being good for the bones, my doc says they also reduce your risk of colon cancer!! So, add them to your diet for sure!

    Happy Weekend to All! Ruth

    edited to add that I think long posts are just fine Wink!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    Congrats Ruth!!  Always good to know that the effort you are putting out there IS paying off!!!  Sorry about the "procedure" you get to look forward to!  I too will be having minor surgery just before Christmas.  Saw the surgeon yesterday to remove an unusual mole that seems to be getting larger and is attached to my "good" breast.  Worrying is one thing that I can keep giving to myself!!  OH well, I am glad that my daily workouts seem to have come back - something less to worry about now!!!

    Hope everyone has a great week end!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Sorry for my rant earlier which I posted yesterday. Not a good day.

    Natsfan: Good luck with your upcoming surgery, Basically I had the scar revision my last surgery as well. Hopefully, this surgery will have corrected it. Go for it. For one year, I could not wear a bra without putting some gauze under my augmented breast.

    Elizabeth, I hope you get good results, and have a ball with your new pup, I am an animal lover, have one dog a mini poodle Sammy and a cat, Emma Jane. - both rescues.

    Well last night I did go to the Susan G. Komen Kickoff for the Race For the Cure. Actually, I was very impressed with the evening. The chairs of the campaign hosted this event at a beautiful home and they were gracious for allowing so many people into their home. For those in the northern NJ area, it will be MAY 15 at the South Mountain Reservation in West Orange.

    Hugs to everyone today. Just have to get out of this depressed mood. So sorry again for ranting.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    Another FIRM workout done!!  Happy Weekend All!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    It's turned quite cold here, with occasional snow showers in the valleys and snow on the mountains.  I'm getting walks in when I can and continuing to teach and train, tho often indoors now.  No trip to AZ, since we haven't resolved the lameness issue with my Golden, but I am planning a fun trip to Long Beach to watch the National Obedience Invitational.  Two of my students have been invited to compete.

    Generally, I've been in a funk.  I am thinking of everyone on these boards with recurring problems, pain, and surgeries.  I appreciate and admire you all very much.

    Ruth, I'm going to my new gyne with issues, too.  Not the same ones, but there's an area that may need to be biopsied, and I have 4 different cremes and gels to apply inside and out on various nights.  

    I arranged for my mom to have a neuro consult, and the doc gave her a higher dose of the med she was already taking that was giving her side effects  When I talk with her, I can't figure out what's going on.  The head nurse there gets defensive when I call.  I can't afford to be pulling my hair out at this point, and the phone calls are very disheartening.

    Time to pull the puppy out and work her (more) so she will sleep later.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 of abs. On my way to a college woman's volleyball game; if they win, they go to the national tournament.

    BLUCK!!! I hate body stuff!!!!!! And old people stuff too (being with my dad is SO SAD!!!). Let's all run away to the South Seas and/or as Winston Churchill once said, "Never, never, never give up!"

    Hang in there! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Ruth, glad your physical went so well... you have a lot to be proud of!  I've been keeping my head in the sand about any gyne issues, since I have no SO.... sigh.  I should get my head out of the sand and stay on top of that stuff.  Anyway, hope you give yourself lots of credit for how much hard work you've done and how well it's paying off.   You continue to inspire!

    Ronna, this is the place to vent... you know we all understand.  Glad you enjoyed the kickoff.  Do keeping taking gentle care of yourself.

    Mary Louise, keep up the good work!

    Retriever, sorry you've been in a funk, it seems like I've been in and out of them lately, as have some others here... I'm sure the shorter days don't help, but certainly having to deal with your mom long distance adds to it too.  Is there any kind of social worker on staff that can intervene, help your mom, and feed you correct information?  Don't they have people to play that kind of role?  I'm not sure what I'm thinking of but it seems like there should be someone.

    Ruth, I know what you mean about being sad with your dad.... it's so hard to watch parents decline.  I was like that with my mom a lot as she faded... my dad was lucky to be sharp up until the very end, just physically weaker and weaker (not that that isn't hard to watch, too) but my mom lost so much cognitive ability, and it was heart-breaking.  I'm with you -- running aways to the south seas sounds lovely!  I'm a big fan of denial!  Or at least procrastination! :)

    It rained all day, at least I wasn't one of the crazy football fans getting soaked :) but I also didn't get a walk in.  I figure tomorrow at the airports I'll have plenty of time for walking.  I'm getting bummed about facing the task ahead and all the old memories but I'll be OK. In a few short days the worst will be over and I'll be back.

    I'll be thinking of y'all, will be in touch if time permits.  Kim, report in about your mammo!  Hugs and good night, all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Good Luck on your trip, Carol. Since you know you have to do it, it will be good to get it over with. Drop a line if you have a chance. Safe travels. Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Good luck on your trip Carol, I know you have to hit the ground running but you'll get it all done. Ruth glad you got good results except for your one hiccup, you are our poster girl. Elizabeth hope you are doing well and you are getting lots of puppy kisses. Ronna this is the place to rant, we understand how you feel and you've just had surgery you need to take care of yourself.  Retriever Long Beach is only 40 minutes from me, when are you coming? I am dog sitting over in Newport and I've brought all the wrong clothes didn't bring my sweats cause it was hot and now I'm sitting on the couch all rugged up cause I'm cold, crazy weather.

    I did go to the gym last night and did Body Pump and then stayed for a new Friday night Zumba class and only 3 people turned up. Friday nights are so random, I liked the new Zumba girl and it was a terrific class and I went to my 8am Combat class this morning after I had walked the dogs. Okay I'm all for running away and warm water/beach is always my first choice. Oh and yeah for prunes out new "fruit of choice"!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Did my FIRM 'Get Chiseled" DVD, and now HAVE TO get some school work done!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Ruth, glad your physical went well.  Sorry you may have to undergo another surgery.

     I can't stand it getting dark so early. Feels like we have to go to sleep earlier.

    Keep up the exercises ladies. Getting ready for Boardwalk Empire, the highlight of a Sund night.

    Going to purchase some prunes tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    gosh, think of the boast we are going to give to the prune industry!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    Bought prunes today and are already added to my diet!! Embarassed

    Cheryl, where do you get your energy??

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    I'm back, I'm nervous for tomorrow's fun and games mammo, but I'm here!

    Love to all!



    ps i have much to say to all especially to dear ruthie but my husband is yelling at me to get off computer.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Good Luck, Kim!

    *We need to think of an appropriate 'good luck' saying to use when we go off for for mammos; 'break a leg' doesn't seem quite right anatomically speaking......any clever ideas out there?

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Good Luck to you Kim!

    Ruth how about "Flatten A Boob" Give them the "Boobie Stare"

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    I like giving them the "Boobie Stare!"  Good Luck Kim... Hug some metal!!  lol

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    'Boobs Up', and 'Hug Some Metal'! ??

  • DucorpsToo
    DucorpsToo Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2010

    My exercise routine recently has consisted of walks(ca. 2 miles) 3 times daily. Other than that, I've been an avid rollerskater for about 20 years so I'll try to fit that in twice weekly, and twice weekly visits to the gymnasium for adult gymnastics...(very basic floor/bars).

    Good luck with mammos. Can't think of any witty saying specifically related to such. Perhaps in a more metaphorical sense one can use the old ice-skating blessing, "May all your spins be centered and jumps be clean"

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Well, we did the 9 mile mountain hike Saturday!!  I was tired and sore on Sunday, but who cares?  It was a great feeling! 

    Elizabeth - what an ordeal.  I'm so glad there's relatively little after-pain and you're feeling better now.  Ronna - how's the healing going?  You can pep me up when I get on here after surgery to vent about it all.  Laughing Ruth - great that the physical went so well.  It's nice to get the reinforcement that all that hard work does really pay off.  As for the other issues you talked about, my onc put me on an estring to help fight the vaginal atrophy - studies are preliminary, but most seem to be showing that there is an increase in estrogen levels in the body for a few weeks after use is started, but as the tissues "plump up" less and less is absorbed into the body till you're down to pretty much pre-estring levels.  It really does help.  That might not work for you since you issue is scarring, but whatever the cause, it's no fun.  Just another s/e of AIs no one ever tells you about.  FrownRetriever - sorry about the funk - it sounds like you have a lot going on, and worry about your mom isn't helping.  But if you do pull out your hair talking to that head nurse, at least you'll know where to get wigs, scarves, and hats!   Tongue out  Carol - good luck on your trip - I hope it doesn't rain too much for you!  Cheryl - I definitely need to try a Zumba class - they sound like so much fun.  Good luck Kim on the mammo today - let us know how it goes!

    Ducorp - roller skating!!  Wow - I'm impressed.  Welcome - this is a fun group!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hi Tartties....

    Well, thank you kindly for all the thoughts and well wishes...while the mammo (and ultrasound...more in a minute) went clear, MAN is it a crazy ride!  I think it's because of not knowing what is going to be happening.

    The used the heavy duty mammo machine (digital and higher density readings) and took three pics initially on both sides.  THEN the tech came back and said the radiologist wanted another pic of the area under the nipple magnified.  That's where my DCIS was really...for lack of a better word-scraped out to hell and back.  I knew it was going to be rough there because there is a heavy scar all over that area.  I became a little relieved because I knew they were focusing on the original surgery area...and while that could be a prime target for recurrance/not getting it all, at LEAST the rest looked good.

    They decided to do ultrasound to really get in there and see what was happening.  It still wasn't easy-even though I tried to convince myself that my breast tissue was less dense, this is not the case.  It FEELS like that to the med. onc but under the mammo/ultrasound it's still pretty dense.  I know one of the reasons is I have lost enough weight in the past year-25 pounds-that it is just empty in there (went from D to barely a B cup and I'm six feet tall, so it looks pretty weird.)

    The radiologist looked, looked, looked and let me tell you that pressure of that tool on my sore boob for over half an hour was tough!  But they were so good, talked to me about it the whole time, and were very satisifed it was scarring.  Still, I have tough reads and next time it will be an MRI because of that.

    I'm relieved...boy was that nerve wracking!  But I'm a little sad about the breast being still such tough reads.  I remember the surgeon told me the tissue in there was so "rough" looking that he was sure I had microinvasion of DCIS, but the margins were very good and the extent of DCIS in pathology matched the MRI exactly.  

    They also told me I was a famous case in there because I had the high grade DCIS with one of the lowest grade IDCs they had seen.  I guess the two aren't found far apart and separate like that-I'm darn lucky they found those.  Still, I wonder....with all the weirdness, is it best if I just get BMX and get it over with?

    I'm sure you have all been there.  I'm so sorry this is so much mememememe but maybe anyone who is getting ready for first post op mammo will be helped by it?

    I did get in a tough spin class AND a tough session with trainer today on top.  So there you tarties.

    I LOVE the metal hugger and boobie stare lingo. Now that is funny.



    and a big hug to Elizabeth just because.

    Still want to talk to Ruth...gosh, I'm full of it. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    I'm here; have been lurking around hoping to hear the 'all clear' from you, Kim. GLAD it is done for now! All the medical stuff does get better as time goes by....but still it is nerve wracking, no matter how far out you are, I suppose because you never really trust your body again.

    Now, I must go exercise before I log on again. Later! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    Hey, y'all.

    Kim, WOO HOO!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I know about the pain and anxiety but am really glad it all came out well.

    FWIW, a lot of us IDC women haven't had mastectomies. I understand your concerns, I think: your breasts are hard to read and it would take a lot of worry off. But your cancer was caught so early... I don't see how I could have decided any differently than you. I'm just really happy that you are where you are right now. Celebrate!!!

    Oh, yeah, and with two post-treatment mammos under my belt, I can tell you the second isn't any less nerve-wracking, but you have experience on your side and are better prepared for the wait, the extra pictures, etc. I'm really glad they were so thorough with you.

    Mary, I'm celebrating your hike with you! Way to go! I think I'll have to put that on my list of things to work towards.

    ducorps, walking 2 mi. a day, 3 times a day? That's great! Welcome, and keep up the good work!

    Everyone, thanks for being here.

    edited to add:

    I'm still in Portland, listening to planes land from my hotel... actually a sound I've never minded. I haven't done official exercise but I walked at the airports quite a bit Sunday, and today during my move I was on my feet the most of 5 hours, so at least I'm not sitting still.

    Tonight I'm vegging out, though, and heading to bed early for an AM flight.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Reader beware: this is all about my trip to PDX, so feel free to skip :) It's relevant to nothing except my trip, and it's a ramble.

    First of all, without any embarrassment, I'm going to tell you that I flew 2200 miles to Portland, home of some of my favorite restaurants... and all I wanted was KFC. I've had a nervous stomach for 3 days and have been skipping meals like mad (but losing weight? doubt it!) and today when the movers were almost done I realized I wanted comfort food. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes. So I'm not going to apologize for my sin. I enjoyed every bite. And I deserved it :)

    Flights here were fine. Before I left my brother wished me "synchronicity" for everything to go well... and I decided that was my word for the week... so I focused on that, and on making the best of this trip I could. And although there were a few tiny hiccups, everyone showed up on time, things all went smoothly, and I'm going to save a bundle over the orginal estimate because I was given that based on 21' linear feet of truck space, and I only used 12 -- so I'll get $81 per foot saved back. I didn't see my ex (although I was all over our/his neighborhood). I had some tears -- I haven't seen my "stuff" in 4 years and it was a bit emotional to open that storage unit after 4 years away.  And to be back in the place that still feels like my true home.  And to know I'm leaving officially.

    But now it's all loaded and although it's breaking my heart that it's going back to IN, it's all about moving forward.

    Too cloudy for mountain sightings but I'm hoping maybe tomorrow I'll get that. I upgraded myself to the extra 5" of leg room on my flights home -- again, I felt I deserved it.

    This has been a mixed trip. I love being back here, I love the fog and clouds and what passes for rain :) but moving my things back to IN is like saying my dream of living in the NW is over. I know it doesn't have to be, but it feels that way, so it's hard.  when I moved out here I thought I would be here for the rest of my life, and it was a dream come true.  Until it wasn't. :)

    I'm packed for my 8:40 AM flight, my rental car is refueled, and I should be back in IN by tomorrow night.

    Anyone who's read all this gets a free dark chocolate bar from me :) Thanks for understanding I just needed to share.

    Onward and upward.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2013

    Dear Carol-

    I know exactly where you are at, believe it or not, having gone through a painful divorce in 1994.  And I have to tell you that there is such bright light at the end of that tunnel.  You are in my thoughts tonight, and I know that airport so well, I can visualize where you are and am sending you love and prayers as you finish this journey.  BIG HUG!

    Ruth, I have to say that you have been such an inspiration to me about not complaining and being happy we have a choice with the for you to have an issue, it must be on your mind because you are always so forward thinking.  I know there are solutions out there, and certainly so do you, I just want to tell you that you are the trooper of all troopers so hang in there and we will get that area fixed together...ok how weird of a mental picture is THAT!!!

     Retriever, I used to live in SLC and I know that area can get that inversion layer and assist a funk.  We both went through our treatments at the same time and this far out is a weird part of the journey.  Hang in there!  Have one of those pups give you a puppy hug.  

    OK more to say but feel like I am going to crash any minute.  



    PS-Hi Ducorps! (I think that is how it is spelled) and good job Mary on the hike! We are still celebrating the SF Giants here BTW. Ha!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hi Again,

    Carol, eat all the chocolate and KFC you want. Even when you know it is right/necessary, closing out an important chapter of your life is a hard thing to do.

    I did 45 minutes on the treadmill & toned with Richard for 15 min. Mary, I'm thinking that the scar tissue would have caused trouble at some point (but not until I was 'much' older), the Als just speeded up the process. Cry I will wait for the doc to call me & then ask more questions (I am making a list). Yuck!!!

    Welcome Docorps! If I were rollerskating, it would be a great arm strenghtening exercise too, because I would always be having to lift myself off the ground!!!!

    Have a great night all! Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    Carol:  It's hard to have a dream seem to slip out of your grasp, but I truly believe that doors will open for you in unexpected ways.  Moving is hard, going back to old haunts is hard. When I came to Utah, it was for 2 years.  Twenty seven years later....I still feel like a stranger in a strange land at times, but I love having seen the trees in my yard grow.   I'm pulling for you in this next stage of your journey.

    Kim:  I'm glad they took the time they needed to get good pic's, and especially glad to hear good results.

    No inversions yet, but yes, those can make a funk even worse.  We don't have snow on the ground yet either.  I confess to no exercise today.  It was my DH & my anniversary, and we were both able to play hooky from work.  We drove up into the mountains (no moose sightings, darn it), then came home and went to a light movie.  A good break from the usual routine.

    Tonight I'm looking for flights for DS to come home for Christmas.  Ouch!  Prices are high.