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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • DucorpsToo
    DucorpsToo Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2010
    I had meant to correct's a walk for 2 miles per day, 3 times per week. I had reached my 5-post maximum and had to wait out the 24 hrs till I could correct that typo!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Carol I know how hard these past few days have been on you but you've made it through and it's no wonder you've had an upset tummy and if it was comfort food you craved it is what your body needed and you listened. Who knows what the future holds, and as my dad always said to me "when a door closes a window opens". Mary another 9 miles knocked off the trail is fantastic, when is your surgery? Welcome to the group Ducorps. Kim it sounds like you had a very thorough exam you just can't explain to people how scared you get, for us it's not the fear of the unknown, it's the fear of the known so big woohoo and fist pump to you. I got my second bloodwork results in the mail on Saturday and my potassium is back in the normal range, whew. Mary Louise I just felt so sorry for the new Zumba girl having such a small turnout and I always remember how nervous I was on my first day of anything, so if an old fat broad can give a bit of reassurance that everything is going to be okay then I've found my calling.  Ruth it's nice to see you spending time with Richard again, tonight I spent a hour with Eduardo doing Body Combat but I'll be honest I didn't give it my all as my knees and shins are creaking ... I really have to buy new shoes. Nite all.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    Happy Anniversary Retreiver!!!   Congrats!  How many years?

    ((Carol)) hope your trip back is uneventful! 

    Ducorps - Welcome to the group that just keeps going!! 

    Cheryl - really wished I lived closer to you - you would be a great excercise role model - and sometimes I really need that!!

    Hoping to get out walking again this morning, then off to work!!  Have a great day everyone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Hello All - I too have been lurking.  After my day off on Thursday work has doubled and I am very busy - that is a good thing$$  I only get paid if I work!  Carol - thinking of you and your journey - I went through that 10 years ago.  It's painful but can be a source of growth and the future is yours to shape now.  Sorry everyone is having some funk issues and gyn concerns....I'm sending you all warm hugs.  Ronna - hope the healing is going well - I am a Boardwalk Empire fan too!!

    Have been getting in my early bike rides before work and this past weekend ran into a couple riding Trikkes.  Check them out at - they let me give it a ride and I loved it so SO and I ordered one as an early Christmas present to share.  We usually don't exchange gifts to this will be something we both enjoy and work the upper body and core.  Off to work and my brother is coming today for 2 days - will take him out for dinner - he's having marital problems he wants to discuss with me Frown  Will check in later.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Retriever - Happy Anniversary!!!  Cheryl - great for the normal range potassium - little victories like tht help. Bobcat - the trikke looks fascinating!  It looks like a wonderful way to change up a workout pattern. And aren't you good to offer to be a shoulder for your brother tonight. 

    I have been easing off exercising a bit before surgery on Thursday to try to rest up a bit - I don't want to go into surgery exhausted.  The 9 mile hike was my last big blow-out workout wise.  I did just 10 minute elliptical and 10 minutes treadmill last night, and no walk this morning.  Yoga is tonight - it's raining so I'll feel very virtuous doing the 2 mile round trip walk to the class.  It's funny, but I think this surgery is scaring me a bit for some reason - I've been moody and cranky, and there's really no reason for it except the upcoming surgery.  I think I just don't want to be in pain and debilitated again after working so hard to get myself active again.  Weird.

    Tomorrow is Wednesday Weigh-In - we'll see how that goes!  Night everyone!  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Feeling pretty good, just rec'd a call from the Volunteer Dept. that my intereview is put off until next week. Good b/c I could not find an outfit for a "volunteer" interview. Having worked almost 40 years, I find that laughable on what to wear when it is not "real work".

    NatureGrll, time heals, I went through a divorce at a very young age. Everything is for a reason.

    Dazdnfused: I also understand the " first mammo". With my bad scarring, it hurt like hell but it had to be done.You are entitled to be "mememememe".  Its about all of us, and you are us.

    DuCorps: Welcome.

    Hi Ruth. You are a real trooper, diligent with the exercises.

    Natsfan: Zumba classes are the greatest. Especially if you have a great instructor. Hope you find a class near you.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Mary, how long of a recovery period on the surgery? I am having sympathy pains for you, as I am a horrible surgery/medical procedures person......although I, myself, exercise like a crazy maniac beforehand...mostly as a coping device, I figure I'll be exhausted from worrying anyway.

    Ronna, glad you are on the mend!

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 FIRM Scuplt. and now have been sitting here making my Thanksgiving menus and grocery list. I do NOT love to entertain, so it is all rather a chore for me.

    My weight won't probably be all that great tomorrow as I have been snacking too much the last few days (the pressure was on when I had to weigh at the doctor's office).

    I'm thinking that Patoo should be showing up pretty soon again.

    Good Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Retriever hope you had a Happy Anniversary.

    Mary you are allowed to feel a little off but you are strong, have they told you how long a recovery you are going to have?

    Bobbi that trikke looks interesting, looks like a great workout, glad you have work I know what it's like, I love being self employed but it's been a really tough year.

    Ronna know what you mean about the outfit selection. I'm going to a baby shower for one of the girls at my gym in a couple of weeks and I don't have a clue what to wear I have a great selection of jeans that I wear to work or my workout gear and it's at a country club and I don't have a clue what to wear!!!!

    Ruth hope your Thanksgiving planning is going along smoothly, I'm lucky I go to a friends and she has a gathering of 40 to 50 and she and her sisters have it down to a fine art, the only thing I have to do is show up and bring tea bags for myself, so that's my plan - tea bags, check.

    Carol hope you made it home safely.

    Did Body Step class tonight, we did a lot of old stuff and it was fun but my knees are really sore I think I have to start back on the glucosamine.  Goodnight all.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Well got my results in. They just called instead of going tomorrow to see my Dr PA. They are having me come in at 12:15 to see the Dr instead. That does not sound like good news. Anyway's sitting here waiting for  time to pass by so I can get this over with and start a new journey whatever that is.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    You are in my prayers as I write this Elizabeth.  I will be praying the whole day through.  You are such a remarkable woman!  

    Much love,


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth - sending you love and support and will be thinking about you tomorrow.

    Thanks to everyone for your good wishes on my surgery tomorrow.  It's outpatient at 8:45am. The ps estimated 3 hours for surgery, then there's always 3-4 hours in recovery before they let you go.  I may or may not have a drain, depending on how some of it goes.  She said I'd be on pretty strict upper body restrictions for 6-8 weeks, so no yoga, Pilates, weights, and even things like using the elliptical are banned, unless, as she said, "you can use one of those things without jiggling."   Walking is probably going to be about all I'm allowed to do, and my guess is not even power walking that could cause jiggling.  She really wants those puppies to be pretty stable during the healing process to hopefully avoid some of the scarring and other issues I had previously. 

    I'll check in here when I can - we're going up to the cabin for recovery - dh will have a work laptop there with an air card, but we can't always get a connection up there.  We're staying through Tkg and will be back home on the 28th - I deliberately scheduled the surgery for tomorrow so I could fold my recovery into the Tkg holiday.  If I'm not able to check in before next week, Happy Turkey Day everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Mary thought I would check in early and wish you well for tomorrow and you've already checked in, lately it's around 11pm before I get on anyway hope you get the message.  Will be thinking of you and know that we're all here for you.  Spend the week with your feet up and your head in a good book and let your DH take care of you, wishing you a speedy recovery and a Happy Thanksgiving.  (((((Elizabeth))))) I know your heart is in your mouth but hopefully they can get a plan of action in place quickly for you, you are in my prayers.  Much love all.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth, prayers, hugs, and love.

    Mary, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Let your DH spoil you as you recover, and enjoy all that time at the cabin!

    I got in over an hour of walking at the airports yesterday so I felt good about that.  Getting ready to rug up and go out today.

    Thanks to all for words of support and advice.  It helped.

    warm hugs, tarts! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    PS   my thanks to you all for your support seems lame -- I'm just dragging a bit today -- but please know I read and took into my heart all you all wrote, and every word meant the world to me.  Thank you... and another big hug to everyone.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    ((Mary)) - wishing you all the best with your surgery tomorrow and a speedy recovery!  Enjoy your recovery time at the cabin - Rest, Relax & Heal.  Happy Thanksgiving to you if you don't get back on before then!

    ((Elizabeth)) - will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow as you start out on the next phase to getting well - again.  ((HUGS))

    Carol - glad you made it home - it's ok to drag once in a while, just don't linger there too long!

    Got my walk in again this morning and it was a different kind of walking (fighting the wind)!!  It wasn't too cold out this morning, but when we got back inside, our cheeks were bright red from the wind!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth, thinking of you and sending all my best, best wishes.

    Mary, hope you have a totally uneventful surgery; you will be 'jiggling' before you know it!! We will all be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Carol, glad you made it through the airports in one piece. To end this post on a lighter note; at lunch we were talking about all the people upset about airport security. Our librarian, an older single lady said, "Heck, it's been so long since anyone's looked at my body, I'd be THRILLED if they'd scan or, better yet, frisk me!" Smile As appropriate for a librarian, 'you can't always tell a book by its cover'!

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010
    One last check in before taking off for the cabin - thanks for all the wonderful good wishes.  As Carol says, your good thoughts and wishes mean the world to me too.  Sculpted Tarts Rock!!!  Cool
  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    I'm late, but best wishes and lots o' prayers for you Mary!


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Natsfan(Mary) - Wishing you an easy surgery tomorrow. Hugs, (PS, I too can do no exercises, just walking, two weeks down and Tues I see the dr.)

    Elizabeth, thinking of you with warmest wishes.

     Chery: - UMM, for a baby shower, black slacks, long sweater and comfortable top. I am always concerned with the top.

    Ruth, good for you that you are entertaining. I am going to my stepdaughter's house. Two babies over there, so its easier for us to go there and kids don't get bored. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    Everyone on board: Peaceful evening. Keep up the exercises when you can.

    Hugs and good night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    and all sorts of jewelry is very in; I'm going to drag out some of my mom's old pieces & wear them with everything.

    Did my 500 Calorie FIRM DVD; must have been in the mood because it didn't seem as hard as it usually does.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010

    ((Elizabeth and Mary)))Sending out healthy vibes,while I am working out.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth - hugs and love to you tomorrow.

    Mary - a speedy recovery and Happy Thanksgiving to you.  Take care and relax at the cabin.  I did spin with NO arms after my exchange in addition to walking.  Knowing you, you'll find something that works!

    Ruth - I love your librarian story and your jewelry idea.  My SIL gave me a big new chunky fake necklace last month and I've been wearing it to death.  Cheryl - that's what you need for the shower with your black pants and top Kiss  I bet you'll be trikking soon - let you know when it arrives and how it goes.

    Carol - welcome HOME!!  Hugs to you and love for your journey.

    Mary Louise - windy here in PA too!!  What a ride I had this morning but ran into my marathon training partner and her chololate lab, Cocoa about 4 miles into it - she was walking so I hopped off my bike and we walked and talked for 5 miles. Loved being with them and then rode the 4 miles back home.  Dinner with brother last night was troubling - he is looking to separate from his wife of 20+ yrs and 3 children.  He was very emotional and I felt very helpless.

    Good night Ladies.  Patoo - are you home yet???

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Thank you all for your tips, think I might make a trip to Dress Barn and treat myself to a new outfit. Bobbi I'm sorry about your brother, it is hard when there are children but kids know when you're unhappy and blame themselves.

    Tonight we were having a great Body Combat class but there was this horrible smell, kind of like manure well we got a quick water break and everyone is like "ewww can you smell it" well I look down on the floor and there it is, a lady had stepped in dog poop and brought it into the room well I moved her off her spot and started cleaning the floor then I had to go and wash my hands and discovered something about myself - I really am a social butterfly, I can't believe how many people chitty chatted to me on the way in and out of the bathroom, one lady who I don't know but was on a machine next to someone I do said "I watch you all the time, you're amazing" how nice to get a compliment like that, it really put a spring in my step. Goodnight all.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Will saw my Dr. and she said it has spread to all my bones. I will be doing chemo again every week for 6 months. I will be doing Abraxane & Avastin and then Zometa for my bones. Then I will be put on a maintenance chemo for the rest of my life. She does not want me to exercise cause of my bones. She says I need to be cautious when doing things cause how fragile they become from chemo and the cancer in them. so basically here i go again. I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth, I'm so sorry you have to go through this.  Be careful with your bones -- and most of all, take good and gentle care of yourself. {{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Oh Elizabeth, I am so sorry. If it is at all helpful, my friend who found out she was Stage IV this fall is doing the same chemo; she says that it is not as bad as the stuff they blast you with the first time around (she supposes because the first time around they are trying to kill everything, now it's to keep things at bay). She is doing OK with the treatments ( and then will do maintenance too once she's done with this). In fact, to celebrate being done with this phase in December, she and her husband are taking a Caribbean Cruise over Christmas.

     Could you swim, do water aerobics, or ride a stationary bike?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    30 minutes Cardio Dance Party & 30 minutes lower body sculpt.

    Where is everybody tonight?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Hey Ruth, I'm hereSealed. (((((Elizabeth))))) I'm sorry to hear this news, this is the time to take care of you, I'm sending you a warm gentle hug. Tonight was a spin class for me oh my, I have to say it's hard but I'm finding it more enjoyable each week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hi Cheryl! How's your weather? We have snow in the forecast & I need a walk on a beach!!!