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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Come walk on the beach with me but you'll have to rug up, we have rain in the forecast for the weekend but the days are sunny just a little chilly.  Do you know Ruth, I see the ocean every day as I drive on Pacific Coast Highway and I always think of you.  My friend from the UK has been here for the past 2 weeks and he has played golf nearly every day does that give you some idea of how nice it's been, but as I say a little chilly at night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Sounds lovely! I will pack a sweatshirt and jeans.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010


    Good night!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010
    Nit NiteCool
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Good Morning!!  We had SO's 3yr old grandaughter last night.  Such fun watching the Little Mermaid in bed together.  She's so sweet and calls me Gramma Bobbi.  She's back home with her mom now and I just had a bike ride.  The Trikke arrived this morning so we are taking it to the trail tomorrow to start learning how to ride - I'm very excited.  No beach for us this weekend.  Cheryl - your weather sounds heavenly.  It's getting cold here so I am all bundled up when I ride and I ever wear snow boots to keep my toes warm.  Hang in there on spin Kiss - I know everyone at your gym is watching you!!

    Elizabeth - I am sad about your news.  I hope these treatments are not too hard on you and that you continue to stay with us here on this board.  I think Ruth had some wise words for you and maybe you can get permission to swim gently.  Take care.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2013

    ((hugs Elizabeth))) We are all here for you. Pls keep in touch

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Patoo, not back yet?  Mary, if you catch us, hope surgery went well!

    Elizabeth, hope you are finding support and strength.  

    Bobbi, the little ones are a joy, aren't they?  Let us know about the Trikke, it looks really fun!

    Cheryl and Ruth... can I join your beach walk?  You are both the exercise queens!

    Skip the following whine and I won't be hurt, really, I know I use this thread a lot for ranting. Drop to the last paragraph :)

    I'm having a rough week, besides the move... old tax issues resurfacing (my ex tried to file jointly 2 years without my knowledge (!) although I told his lawyer THREE times I was filing on my own -- he was legally in the wrong, and I'm fine, but why am I the one dealing with this instead of him?) and my brother wants to settle my mother's estate before the end of the year, which means I'll lose my health insurance... and more.  My BP was 170/112 this afternoon.  I've had so many close-to-panic attacks the last month in spite of exercise and TM.  YIKES!  Meditation City.  I'll be OK no matter what and I don't mean to whine and complain again, but sheez... I'm ready for a break from stress.  And of course I feel like crap for complaining because in the overall scheme of things I've got it easy.

    It was COLD and windy today, I couldn't handle it, I'm going to have to find a way to like working out in front of the TV.   If anyone has any brilliant ideas about calming onesself down, please let me know, I feel like I need extra doses lately!  Hugs to you all....

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Bobcat, I just checked out the trikke bikes. Watched a you tube video. Looks like fun.

    Mary, hoping you are recovering well. Wish warmest wishes.

    Ruth, I am going with you to Cal to walk on the beach. Getting too cold here.

    MaryLouse, you inspire me.

    Elizabeth, please know my thoughts are with you.

    Carol, vent all you want, you have a lot going on. I also say, a little tranqy won't hurt, so if you need one, take one. I am queen of the nervous wrecks, but I try and think of the sun and beach when too stressed out which is always.

    So many sisters on this site, another shout out to all, a peaceful good night.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hi, I am checking in late because I brought a report home that I HAD TO GET DONE TONIGHT (so I can start concentrating on getting ready for all the Thanksgiving 'stuff'), so I did not let myself check in here until it was done! Before I starting typing I did 30 minutes on the treadmill & Bobbi and my abs scuplt tape.

    Bobbi, I checked out the trikke website too. You will have to report on how you like it, how easy (or hard) it is to use etc. I think we would need to order the ski one here, because snow is in the forecast. BRRRRRR!!

    Carol, come walking on the beach with Cheryl, Ronna and me! Seriously, can you explain the health insurance situation to your brother, or if that won't work; find ways to drag out the estate settlement? For the stress.....maybe take up kickboxing. Once when I had a boss I couldn't stand; I thorougly enjoyed imagining that I was punching and kicking at her in the kickboxing class I was taking at the time..... so maybe meditate AND hit things!!! 

    Tomorrow I have to shop for a long list of groceries and start to organize the house for company. Hopefully not in the snow.

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hi girls,

    Carol, I agree with Ruth-I think mediation is good, but I also think kickboxing is great.  The old Tae-Bo DVDs are really good for that type of thing; there may be newer, better ones, but I think when anyone is prone to panic attacks (been there!), it's good to get some of that adrenline out of the system by hard core workouts.  It really helps with lowering the blood pressure as well.  That lower number getting higher is an issue though, need to figure that one out with doc's help.  Ha, I'm telling you something you DON'T know, right?!?  Anyhoooo-Ronna is probably right as well, maybe a short term med to help you bring things down a notch, again with advice from doc.  You have had so much on your plate it's unbelievable.  

    I have to laugh about walks on the beach in Cal.  Right now, at least in Nor Cal, it is almost freezing outside.  We are in the middle of a major storm and Tahoe is supposed to get over 5 feet of snow in the mountains.  Yahoo, ski time!

    I'm going to put something out here for you all to think about.  Five years ago, I made friends with a bunch of tall women on diets on eDiets.  We called ourselves the Tall Cool Ones (we are all over 5'10").  We got together from all over and one of the places we went was my pad in Tahoe.  If you guys are really serious about a vacation, you can come to Tahoe (you would fly into Reno) and I would gladly host you.  If many came, we'd have to rent some of the condos next to my house (which is what the eDiet girls did).  It was a blast in the summer-hiking, the gorgeous lake, we ate healthy at my house, biking, there's golf, tennis, name it.  Just a blast.  Anyway think about a trip in the early summer that would be pretty economical!  We'll have a "fitness team" get together, just like some of the women do in their local areas!

    OK that's it for now.  I got one heck of a workout day in yesterday, started with spin in the morning, an hour of weights and then I worked at a big memorial service from 9-3.  I was just supposed to babysit the hall for my best buddy (it was her Godmother and there were over 500 people at this thing) but the turnout was so large that the caterer was severely understaffed.  I ended up being a wine hostess at first, opened over 14 cases of wine, then turned around and bussed plates for a couple hours.  It was actually fun in a weird way.  This woman was a big community volunteer and spent half of her life in a wheelchair after a bad car accident.  She did more in the wheelchair than she did prior and was very loved in our community.  Made me feel like I was an 18 year old again, being a waitress and putting myself through college!

    Ok blah blah blah just wanted to check in...



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Kim, wow, I'm so there! You'll have to pull me off the trails! What a kind and generous offer -- and what fun! and how brave of you to take on all us Tarts! :) Well, count me in! Now I really have to lose weight so I fit into my hiking shorts!

    So, I took the kick-boxing recommendation to heart (thanks, Ruth and Kim!) and bought a DVD today (almost got run down in the parking lot by an impatient driver -- seriously, he grazed me. I smacked his car hard (hurt my hand!) Tongue out and YELLED at him! Idiot. That gave me a jolt of adrenaline, I'm sure, but also was a release to let loose. I'm surprised no profanity came out). The DVD is one hour of rigorous exercise and I know there's no way I can do it right now but I figure I'll do what I can, it'll give me something to really build on, and by hiking time at Tahoe I'll be really to hit the trails!

    Ronna, I have some ativan I've kept since chemo, and when I get really bad I do pull one out... you're right, sometimes a pill does what nothing else can do. I've been doing well with anxiety until this month. Just too much going on.

    I do think most of this (serious stress and high BP) (it's better today but still not great) is temporary and related but I'm taking it seriously. I found out today that calcium, potassium, and magnesium deficiencies can all contribute to a high diastolic (and that calcium can leach magnesium out of your body) so I bought prunes, bananas, broccoli, and magnesium supplements. We'll see if my self-diagnosis helps. I'd rather try a few simple things before going back to the cardiologist -- he'll just want to throw more heart meds at me and I really want to see if I can get things back under control before I go that route.

    I realized today what I've hated most about feeling so stressed is that I feel so beat down, and I hate that feeling... I think of myself as a strong person but lately I've just felt like someone is whopping me over the head with a stick every time I look up. So I'm working on controlling what I can and letting go of the rest.

    And hitting things :)

    Ruth, you're the queen of self-discipline! Good for you for getting that report out of the way on a Friday night, no less. Hope your weather is OK. And thanks for the laugh -- hitting things is cathartic, isn't it? My brother may back off on the estate thing when he hears about my insurance (but he may not, he can be a jerk) -- I only heard about the estate thing from my younger brother.

    Kim, my very favorite time on the OR coast in is winter -- rain, storms, and all! Crazy, huh? I can tell that helping out at the memorial really energized you. I love doing that kind of thing, too -- I loved working in food service although it's a hard field to be in -- and it feels good to help.  The woman who the service was for sounds remarkable.

    Today:  I cleaned out the garage at last, went for a walk, and am now tired, so I'm going to fix a simple, healthy dinner, watch a movie, and get out my Tae Bo tomorrow morning!

    Yeah, I'm yak yak yak, too!   What a surprise, huh! Undecided (and in person I'm MUCH quieter, really!)

    Have a great evening, everyone... hugs!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Hey Kim count me in as well and if we were beach walking today you'd have to have your umbrella up as it's raining and cold here as well. Carol you have been taking hit after hit lately and you are entitled to rant all you want and I'm so glad that you are taking control, and I agree about the kickboxing I absolutely love my Combat classes, even with my creaky old body I give 110 percent in that class and I come out of there feeling great, so enjoy the tae bo and good on you for getting your garage done, now come and do mineLaughing.

    My internet was down yesterday but I did go to the gym and did Body Pump and stayed for Zumba but I'm not counting Zumba as I kind of did a very low impact version as my knees were hurting then this morning went to Body Combat.

    I'm sooooooo excited as Hannah is driving across the country and should be home by tomorrow morning. It's supposed to be a surprise but if you want to surprise someone then when you are telling your friends your plans on facebook you should unfriend the person you're going to surprise but I'm going to win the Academy Award as I'm not going to give away that I found out, bless her she told all her friends not to say anything to me, kids you gotta love them!!! 

    Oh and in person I can talk the leg off an iron pot!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hello All! My internet was down yesterday too.......actually I did not let myself go online because I was on a Mission From God: get all the Thanksgiving groceries (which filled the frontseat, backseat and trunk of my car), spend a couple hour with my dad, and CLEAN the house!!! I did sneak in 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes with Richard, othewise I was pure business.

    Kim, OMG, a TART get-together would be fantastic!!! 'Tahoe Aerobic Reunion Tour'. I would love to do it. If we are serious about a long weekend in early June.....I am done with school May 26, need to be around for graduation the 29th, and my nephew graduates June first weekend in June would be PERFECT for me.....and would I be totally flexible about the exact dates.......only one thing; do we have to eat healthy foods??? Wink

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    OK, so cool, three of you in already!  Yes, let's do it in early June...still touches of snow on the mountain and beautiful weather-maybe too cold for a dip in the Lake, but we can probably get in the kayaks.

    We can also rent bikes and bike as far as we want along the lake.  Picnic and fun!

    No, we won't eat all healthy foods...I love to cook and have fully stocked kitchen up there, so we will have some good...and not so good...foods!

    We will shoot for June 4 weekend.  Like I said, a little chilly still up there most of the time, but just beautiful.  

    I love the Tahoe Aerobic Reunion Tour!  And we'll ride on the TART bus and get our pictures taken!

    More later XO


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Will I do have some good news that is that my onc approved light exercise. So I see my trainer on Monday to get started on a schedule. Thank goodness cause I believe I will benefit from it. I hope to be catching up with you all soon.

    Well I am waiting for approval to be able to use the chemo drug Avastin. My Dr said a lot of ins turn it down cause it is so expensive.So I am praying that it gets approved. I was suppose to start chemo Monday so that is now postponed until we hear from the ins. My Dr Abraxane is best with Avastin cause it enhances Avastin and it has had the best studies in working on bone cancer.

    I got my port put in on Friday. Everything went well. I am sore and tender in the area but was up and running that night. Hubby took me out for sushi since I will have to be giving that up for now. I really hate doing this again and just want to get started and get it over with

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010

    (((Hugs elizabeth))) Hope your ins gets settled soon so you can get your TX started.Take care of yourself.See how you feel on the chemo before starting anything new.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Kim - the vacation in Tahoe sounds wonderful.  Thank you for thinking of it!! And biking around the lake.  I hope I can make it!!  Couple graduations next spring but I put it on my calendar.

    Elizabeth - glad all went well with the port and crossing fingers for your insurance approval.  Makes me flippin crazy all the insurance companies put you through.  Hugs to you....

    Ruth - good job on the Thanksgiving prep.  Will your Dad be joining you?  All I have to make is baked brie and an apple pie - my sister is hosting us all.

    Cheryl - whoo hoo for Hannah's trip home.  Very funny about the FB though - I guess they think we don't keep up with those things.  I always check out Nils FB just to see what he's doing and where he's going. 

    Carol - I agree with Ronca - a little tranq goes a long way sometimes just to calm the storm.  I too kept some atavan from post surgery and use it when needed.  Sending you good wishes and happy vibes.

    Did my bike ride this am and SO got the trikke all set up and met me at the trail entrance.  He trikked for 2 hours!!! and came home exhausted.  He loves it and I'm so glad because he hasn't been enjoying his roller blading as much lately.  I will have my lesson on Tuesday and anticipate I'll like it too.  I'll let you know.  Muma - saw a great blue heron and a king fisher today.  The geese are on the move.

    Tomorrow is no workout - I have my 2nd year appointment with my PS after exchange surgery on 11/19/08.  SO told me to tell her she did a lovely job.  She already knows though because the woman is a rock star in my book.  Best part of tomorrow is a late lunch with Nils and Amy after my appointment.  They have classes right up through Wednesday. So looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner Kiss Going to see Bill Maher at the local theater tonight(guess I just gave away my politics)! but looking forward to some laughter.  OH OH OH - I had Sunday weigh in as I missed last Wednesday.  I AM DOWN 15 POUNDS since mid July.  Recently added bee pollen and acai berry supplements to boost metabolism.  Have a good night all..

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Wow, Bobbi, 15 pounds, that has to be at least one pants size?!!! I would enjoy hearing Bill too (now my politics have also been revealed!).

    Elizabeth, I am glad you got an exercise approval.....I think that will help, mentally anyway. A big, gentle hug from me to you.

    I did a little Shovel and Scuplt this morning as we got 3 inches of snow overnight. Later I did 30 minutes toning & a good old FIRM tape called "Calorie Killer".

    My brother and family are coming for Thanksgiving, also DS, his girlfriend & her father. Yes, we are planning to have my dad over too; we have split level house, he is a big man and has gotten to be dead weight, so I don't know how we are going to get him up the stairs.....we may be having dinner on the landing. My brother, who is not around that much, and doesn't 'get it' really wants to have the traditional meal at the house (as opposed to going out to eat or bringing the meal to the nursing home), so we'll try it and see what happens. SIGH!

    Bobbi, when are your graduations? I could also do a trip later in June, if that works better for everyone, as of right now I just have that graduation the weekend of the 11th. I want to get out to NC sometime too, but if we are scheduled, I will work around US!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Ruth -- I went through that "not getting it" with my brothers when I was taking care of my mom.  Over two years of them not getting it. My suggestion?  Let them get it.  Do what you can to be generous and accommodating -- but let them take care of dad while you're busy with dinner, etc.  Of course (no offense to men, but...) men often just don't seem to get it, no matter what.   I have no clue why.  But it wasn't until about 2 weeks before my mom died, and she fell in our presence (Thanksgiving dinner), and my brother tried to pick her up and couldn't -- she weighed about 75 pounds by then but had no strength to help him, pure dead weight -- that he started to see that there were some serious issues with her being at home, even with me here.  Whatever happens, I hope it is with little stress to everyone, and that you still enjoy your time together.  But I also hope your brothers get a lesson in caring for dad.

    And I'm glad you mentioned the possibility of a later June date -- I *think* but am not sure that  my niece graduates the first weekend in June.  If we could do it later that month, I would put the date in stone, get my tickets, and let my future employer deal with it!  

    Kim, it looks like I would fly into Sacramento; is the drive to Tahoe from there bad?  I could fly into Reno but not on schedules/airlines I like.  Can you tell I'm looking forward to this possibility? Laughing  Is it possible to hike in June or is there too much snow?  

    Bobbi, you go, girl!!  15#, woo hoo!!  And enjoy Bill!!

    Elizabeth, I'm glad you got cleared for some exercise.  You're another one of those I look up to for the example you set.  I will send good thoughts for your insurance.  

    Cheryl, I love that your Hannah thinks you won't catch the posting on FB Smile  I'm a horrible actor so I could never pull that off -- enjoy your time with her!  You clearly have a close relationship.  

    My BP was 124/97 today.... not great, but better than Friday's!  Still have to work on that diastolic but I can't help feeling I'll get it down. Thanks again to all for support and suggestions.  I'll be fine -- until I hear from my older brother :)  

    I did not tao bo today but I promise, I will, soon!  I was just so wiped out for some unknown reason and it was pretty nice out so I walked instead.  I tried a few kicks, though, and laughed at my total ineptitude :) I WILL do this!!!

    Love ya'll!!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hi there all-Bobbi, now there are five of us total!

    Carol, Sacramento is fine, I could pick you up on my way up there-and pick up the Reno people...Sacramento is right on my drive up to Tahoe.  

    We will definitely be able to hike in June-there is snow in the higher elavations, but in Tahoe there are so many places to choose from, I can custom design where we go based on our levels.  This is a good goal for our fitness too, right?!  I'm hoping all of us can get there!

    Don't worry about the time, we'll figure it out when all of us can come.  If it is cheaper for everyone, you can always fly into San Jose and I'll drive you up from there.  We even have two big trucks-a Suburban and an Escalade that will seat about 6 each.  You won't believe how quickly it will get here.

    Great to hear from you Elizabeth and such good news about working out.  I sure hope the Avastin works out, and soon.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Everyone who wants to come should post the dates that won't work for them; we can narrow dates that would work down from there. Fun!!! Laughing

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Long, long day back at work, putting out fires.  Will be doing that the rest of the work week.  Fundraiser stuff is full bore.  Worn out. 

    Movers move stuff in tomorrow; keep your fingers crossed for me that it all survived the cross-country trip.  I don't trust the way the load was tied up.

    More on everything else later, but still count me in on the trip!

    I didn't even try to exercise today.   I'm not even going to feel bad about it.  I'm too tired to do anything.

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010

    This cold damp weather is really inflaming nmy joints had to skip the gym again today because I can barely walk.I will have to start popping stronger nsaids if I am not better tomorrow.Try to keep on moving ladies.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    I am new to this forum and was not exercising at all when I first started on this journey.  As soon as I started having test run I decided whether I had BC or not I needed to get in better shape.  My diet was pretty good but too large of portions.  I had a lupectomy on 9/30 and only missed one yoga class.  I have continued to add to my exercise because I did not know what treatments I would have and wanted to build up my stami.  As it turns out I was lucky to not have to do Chemo and will starts rads next Monday.  I am doing yoga 2 times a week, walking 2.5 miles 4 dimes a week and starting to try to run some of that, and am up to 13 minutes on the elliptical 5 to 6 days a week.  Have cut back on my portions and have managed to loose 7 lbs.  The best part is that my DH is now motivated and has started joining me on some of this.  I really hope all my hard work will help with the fatigue I hear about associated with rads.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Ruth - I will get my calendar out tomorrow.  Carol - have a restful night - good luck with the delivery.  Muma - be careful with the joints.  I know what you mean because my left wrist/hand has almost no capacity to do anything because of Arimidex SE's.  Used to be my right but now my left.  Knees are cooperating for the time being but the back is always problematic.  Just keep moving!!  Sherry - welcome.  You have a great routine in place.  Rads have their own unique SE's.  We are here to coach/cheer you through it! 

    My appointment with my PS today - well, about 1 minute.  She admired her work, took her photos, felt the girls and declared all looked and felt fine.  Problems? No. See you next year.  Very sweet but a little funny as my day is completely disrupted by the appointment.  Had a nice hour long lunch with Nils and Amy - love those two together - lots of mutual caring and respect.  She is joining us for Thanksgiving....   Good night all Kiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Very crazy busy day here (includes more snow, a car with a dead battery, and (happil) my Book Club night. Got in 30 minutes of pliates & 30 on the treadmill. Welcome Sherry, all your exercise will really pay off now and in the long run. Don't be too scared about the radiation SE stories. I, myself, did not feel fatigued at all. In fact, I could have been part of a fatigue study; but had to turn them down because the criteria didn't match at all with how I was feeling.

    I'm wondering if I wil get my Thanksgiving company or not? Right now we are in a winter storm watch for Wed/Thurs. Anybody have some good leftover turkey recipes? Smile

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Yesterday I did my Step class and tonight was Body Combat - I so love that class and it was packed everyone is working out so they can eat lots of turkeyTongue out.

    Oh Ruth I'm sorry you've had such a day maybe Patoo can stop over and shovel and sculpt with you (and where is she, I thought she'd be back by now, I hope she's having a great time). If it makes you feel any better it's absolutely freezing here, the sky was a beautiful blue today and so clear but man it's cold, we have a fire in the fireplace tonight. Welcome Sherry, sounds like you are doing really well and it keeps you motivated to post here. Carol hope everything is in good order when the truck arrives tomorrow, you're allowed to have a day off as you've been stressed to the max lately. I am so looking forward to a couple of days off and hitting up some movies this weekend. Kim, I have a confession I've only just learned to ride a spin bike and I don't know how to ride one with wheels that go round and round on the ground but I'm looking forward to hiking. Glad your appt was such a breeze Bobbi and a special bonus to have lunch with Nils and Amy. Well I won the best actress award yesterday she doesn't have a clue that I knew she was coming and it was fabulous to have a house full of kids last night, the poor dog didn't know what to do, so many people to kiss. She is down in San Diego tonight at the Chargers game and she's going to the Lakers tomorrow night, can you tell she is a huge sports fan.

    Okay I have a rant. Tonight I got a phone call from the "Breast Cancer Society" the name pops up on our tv when the phone rings anyway they did the usual spiel and I asked the question "well actually can you tell me where the money goes?" and I got the answer it's 80% to fundraising and 20% to help people pay for chemo she couldn't, or wouldn't give me any more specifics. I was floored and was so mad I gave her a piece of my mind for all the good it did, where do these people come from and I've never heard of the "Breast Cancer Society" any of you?

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Cheryl - I think I can help you with that Breast Cancer Society.  Two middle school age girls in my town are suing the school for their "right" to wear their bracelets that say "I (heart) boobies" from a fundraising group in CA.  Well it is causing a huge debate here and in the newspapers because it's so ridiculous that the parents have gone to the ACLU to help prove they have a right to wear these and all this blah blah blah about the people in their young lives so drastically affected by BC.  I say if you want to honor your loved ones and all people with BC you will refer to it appropriately as a BREAST not a boobie.  It's just degrading IMO.  There's my rant for the day!!  I don't have them often. 

    Off to ride and then work.  Shoprite after work to buy apple pie fixings.  Have a great day all Kiss

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Good morning-

    I'm so excited that all of you are so excited about Tahoe!  They are getting so much snow up there right now; it's fabulous!

    Cheryl, don't worry about the biking-there is so much to do there, but I think a hike for all of us will be a blast!  We'll pack a great lunch and then see where we go.  For those of you who have not been in the altitude before (my house is at 7000 feet), it takes a little getting used to, but it is glorious.  

    If anyone wants to friend me on Facebook, you can see pics I've posted of Tahoe in my pictures.  Just send me a PM and I will look for you on there, give you my info, etc.

    Sherryc, I will tell you that I think radiation goes much better if you are exercising.  Personally, it didn't fatigue me and I had 30 treatments (including 5 boosts).  The skin issues are challenging at times, and I still have a very sensitive inframmary (under the boob) burn mark that makes it tough to wear a bra.  Just take really good care of yourself.

    Did everyone here get a flu shot?  I haven't yet and was thinking I probably should...wanted to hear opinions on this.

    Yes, missing Patoo.  Hope she checks in soon, anxious to hear about her trip.  Retrievermom, where are you?  Is Utah getting snow?

    OK I'm off to a busy day.  DH is going to Asia for three weeks at the end of this week, got lots to do to get him ready.  Going to strength training today and a light run. Later Tarts!

