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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Yes, get a flu shot for sure!!! Also if you haven't gotten a pneumonia shot, you should talk to your doctor about getting one, especially if you've had chemo. The oncology people didn't mention that to me, but my GP (whom I love & trust) was very insistent that I get one that next fall after I was done with treatment. Have a great day everyone!

    Patoo, where are you?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    thanks all I am really hopefully about not getting very fatigued.

    Kim do take the flue shot my rad onco told me to get it before I started treatment so I went to walgreeens about a month ago.  No SE.  I have been a little worried about the skin issues.  I am very fair skin and have to use SPF 50 when outside and still get pink.  My dr. has prescribed Xclair cream for me.  I have not heard anyone on the discussions boards that have used it.  He swears it is the best and it should be for the cost.  With my insurance it was suppose to be $100 for 3 tubes but someone made a mistake and I got 6 tubes for $100 so I will use it often.  It is not greasy at all which everyone that has talked about aquafor talkes about how greasy it is.  I hope this stuff works.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Never put any on in the morning before radiation (would intensify the burn), but bring a tube with and smear it on while you are still in the dressing room getting dressed afterwards and again before you go to bed at night. Do it right from the start, don't wait until you start to get red.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Bobcat, I agree with you. I recently saw some young girls (tweens) wearing the bracelets regarding boobs. Say breast. You are absolutely correct.

    Nothing much to say except hello to all and keep moving.

    Welcome Sherry.


  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone, I am new to this thread.  I am very glad I found it.  I feel like I have read mostly threads about side effects and treatments.  They are very helpful and I learn a lot but I know I need to focus on how I can best improve my quality of life.  Every single doctor I have gone to says that exercise it the number one thing I can do to help myself.  Knowing that, I still look at my elliptical machine some days and think "oh I don't have time for it today".  Well, what a poor excuse.  I certainly make time to check these threads!  With that said I enjoyed reading many of your posts and seeing how motivated you are.  I am an avid skier, love mountain biking and hiking.  It is the day to day exercises I have trouble with.  I think today is the day to change that! I love hearing about what you are doing both with exercise and day to day matters.  You are all very inspiring.  I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving.   

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Oh, I have some catching up to do, but I'm waiting on the movers to show up (hurry up and wait!!) and don't have time for a long post...

    and I just heard sandhill cranes flying over (we're on their migration path and I love their sound)... and something clicked in my heart (don't you love how nature can do that?) and all's right with the world!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010
    (until the next stress-er, that is!) Wink
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Kim - I had the flu shot because my GP insisted.  Like Ruth, I love and trust him - he's into running and working out and has been fascinated by my BC journey because I worked out through all the surgeries and chemo.  Carol - I hope the movers arrived and all your things traveled safely.  Susand - this is a great board - lots of encouragement and also room to cry and rant if you need it.  Ruth - are you getting snow?? Looks like lots of weather out your way.  Sculpt and shovel Kiss Kim - I am getting excited about Tahoe!!  Wow! Never thought we Tarts would get together and here you are with your generous offer.  Cheryl - biking, schmiking!!  a hike in the moutains sounds heavenly and a picnic to boot.  Let's see....gruyere, apples, PRUNES, hard crusty bread, dark chocolate, smoked salmon, greek yogurt, fruit, a little vino?  Retiever - hope you are well.  Saw a black and a white standard poodles on the trail this morning - beautiful dogs.  

    I live in Easton, PA - we have the largest candle in the world.  If you google the Peace Candle you can read all about it.  Friday night is the annual lighting of the Peace Candle.  Lots of music, horse drawn carriage rides, Santa, ice carvings, all the restaurants and shops open.  We are a struggling, small east coast industrial town and this is something that brings our community together.  I can see the Peace Candle from my window as I live right off Center Square on the 6th floor of an old newspaper building.  It's just lovely and I enjoy it throughout the holiday season.  Have a great night all...

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    I'm here and ok, just major depressed.  My mom's situation is worse now.  The neurologist gave her a higher dose of pain meds.  She's now unable to get anywhere except in a wheelchair, is very anxious, and has memory deficits.  There's family who will be with her for the holiday, and I twisted my bro's arm so he will go with her to the next doctor's appt.  Meanwhile, I'm hitting all sorts of "this time last year" road bumps as I recall each step of dx and tx.  AND my DH has been especially crabby.  Moan, moan.

    It's been hard to get out to walk since the weather turned cold.  I'm going to have to get back to a routine on the total gym in my basement. There's a major snowstorm predicted here for tonight through tomorrow morning.  I hear the wind howling already. 

    Got my DS's flight home for Christmas.  It will be great to have him home for a couple of weeks.

    Sherry:  I did have fatigue and it took a couple months to feel better, but the fatigue was not debilitating.  I still did some exercise, went to work, and worked my dogs.  I used xclair during rads and thought it helped.  Pure aloe is good, too.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Flu shot -- yes. This year and last.  It can't be because of my age :) so it must be because of treatment.

    I have the best-ever bread for picnicking, slightly salty (can be adjusted) with walnuts and butter and oh-so-good with cheese and fruit,  a French-country-style bread I've been baking it for 30 years.  I think we might need a a loaf or two for Tahoe.

    I will hike.  May not bike but I will hike!  Also will be happy to sit with my feet up and enjoy people and views and time away.  And help with cooking!

    I haven't had a vacation in three years.   I'm so loving this. 

    Bobbi, I'm loving your peace candle.  How perfect.

    susand, welcome!  You're doing all the right stuff -- keep it up!

    'Boobies"  -- please!!!!!! I know men use this, but women?  Oh sheez.  We are not our body parts.  We are whole women -- with or without our breasts!

    Breast Cancer Society -- see  Their mission statement is "The guiding mission of The Breast Cancer Society, Inc. (The BCS) is to provide relief to those who suffer from the effects of breast cancer now, as well as to work cooperatively with and give support to other personnel, individuals and organizations that share in the goal of helping cancer patients, the critically ill, and the impoverished. This is done through such means as education, direct assistance, financial aid, and the providing of supplies and care-giving products, and referral services. Additionally, The BCS assist in the eradication of breast cancer through education and the support of breast cancer research"  I'm not sure it's a  bad organization but I didn't dig in deep.

    From my move: I think my things are ok, although there was a lot of shifting during the move and boxes dented.  It was a hard afternoon.  FYI:  If you ever need a mover in Portland, OR or Vancouver, WA:  I do not recommend who loaded the truck at that end.  Big Al's.  They did a horrible job, and I had to fight them to get them to tie the load down, and it still shifted a lot.  I will have to open every box to be sure but I think damage is minimal -- but it was a  shock to see how things looked. When I moved out west, every box and piece of furniture looked pristine.

    One half of the garage is full.  The living room is also pretty full.  How did all this fit in a 10x20 storage area?  and wow, when I moved west, I got rid of something between 1/3 and 1/2 of my stuff -- but I look at all this and I think, too much!!!! I know it's full of memories and family stuff and I remember why I kept what I did... wow.  I think I want to pare down more.  But it's also been so hard to be away from what gives me comfort.  I don't want to toss away wildly. But I've lived without all of this for four years, and maybe my priorities have changed ( but how do I give up what my grandparents left me?). Sigh.  sorry. too long, again.

    Everything is here and all's good with the world :) More or less!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    While I was doing my own P&M, I see you posted, retreivermom... All I can say is I"m sorry about your mom.  The whole aging stuff is hard, no matter what.

    Moan all you need. You see I do!  That's what makes us so great -- we support and understand.  

    Only other thing I feel I can offer is a hug.  You've got it, big time.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hello All; a meeting after school, a store run, organize all the food ingredients, another meeting, an hour on the treadmill......Thanksgiving weather: it is suppose to start snowing tomorrow & turn into a blizzard for Thanksgiving day. My brother & family first planned to be here Thursday, then planned to be here Wednesday evening and now don't know if they should come at all (6 1/2 hours away), or wait and try for the weekend. So we shall see......the grocery store was full of people who plan to travel but were buying food in case they were stuck at home, and people who are expecting company but don't know it anyone will show up. Fun, fun.

    Welcome Susan! Great to see you here at the virtual gym! This is a great site, and having to report on what you've done is a great motivation to fit it in.

    Retriver; I so get the 'elderly parent' frustration. I'm there too, and it's made even worse for you by having to deal with it all long distance. Plus, I always get totally crabby/moody/sad/creeped out in February; my BC diagnosis 'anniversary' month. BLAH! Get down in the gym; get a punching bag or kick boxing DVD and hit something!!

    I am getting excited thinking about hiking and eating!!!!! Cool

    'Night Ladies! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Ruth, I see the blizzard stuff on the news this morning -- stay safe!  Hope all that travel arrive where they're going with no problems.

    retrievermom, the news also said part of the interstate in UT is closed from snow -- you be safe as well, if that's in your area.

    Rain and wind here, I'm glad the move was yesterday.

    My butt is sore from going up and down and in and out and lifting/moving boxes around -- so while I didn't walk, I did get some muscle workout!  Actually feels a little bit good to feel the soreness.  Good clue that I need to work out harder.  Tao bo is still waiting to kick my butt!  I really want to get going on that -- need to carve out a time and just reserve it for that.

    Patoo... we miss you! Ronna and Mary, how's recovery going?  Kim, I also got a flu shot -- recommended by my oncologist.  Probably my age is a factor, too (58). I not only barely felt the needle (!) but I also had no SE's.

    Everyone -- I know it's a bit early -- but for those who are traveling and may be away from computers:  have a Happy Thanksgiving.  I know one thing I'm truly grateful for this year is this group of wonderful women.  Thanks for being here for each other!  Y'all are the greatest!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    I second that motion!!! (got up early to watch the weather forecast)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    Retrievermom and Ruth--I so get the aging parent thing.  I am the only girl with 7 brothers and the one who live in the same town as our parents, guess who gets to see after mom and dad.  I also have my in-laws too look after as my husband travels with his job and my sister-in-law is too selfish to see after her parents.  When they had to make a move to be closer to son or daughter she did not want to care for them.  They all live in their own homes, but it will not be long and my father-in-law will have to go to the NH.  It is a stuggle to keep up with my bc much less four aging parents and all their illnesses and I work full time.  Thank God I have a great boss who lets me off when I need or I can run out when I get those emergency phone calls.  I do have to say that my brothers have been better about trying to keep up since my BC diag.  I just told them they had to start helping I could not do it all. Although my parents still call me all the time and then I take turns calling  my brothers and tell them to take care of it.  Their eyes have been opened in the last few months.  But I guess I can look on the bright side and be thankful that I still have all of them here.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome and encouragement.  I got off to a shaky start on the virtual gym.  Both of my children (8 and 10yrs) stayed home from school with the stomach virus.  I spent most of my day in the bathroom with one or the other. However, I did make a promise to myself that I am not allowed on the computer until I did some exercise and I am here so that is good news! Once they were resting I got in a 30 minute workout.  It felt great.  I would have loved to do it outside but had the kids and its very windy here in upstate NY.  I think I might have blown away!  Now I have my fingers crossed that I dont catch what the kids had right in time for Thanksgiving.  Guests are coming in tonight so I better get cleaning.  Enjoy the holiday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010
    Sculpt and Scrub! Wink
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    What is this I am reading about Tahoe? Please feel me in! Sounds like a trip!

    Susand; welcome this is a great group of ladies. I just love them & such wonderful support.

    Retrievermom; I feel for you. My mother is getting up there in age as well. I know when the time comes she will be moving in with us. It is not easy seeing her age & become frail.

    Sherryc; You must be new too. Welcome I look forward to getting to know you.

    Nature; Sounds like you are moving. Where too?

    Ronqt; Hope things are going well for you!

    Ruth: Sounds like a good storm is coming in. I hope you will be safe & be able to enjoy your Thanksgiving.

    Spoke to my onc she has agreed to let me go ahead & do light exercise. So I am meeting with my trainer Jim to work on a schedule for me. I feel so much better knowing this. I have been experiencing pain in my left hip. I do hope that exercise will make a difference. I was suppose to start chemo on Monday. We are now waiting for ins approval for my chemo drug. So we are hopefully looking at next Monday instead. At least I will not be sick for Thanksgiving. So hoping that my ins approves the drug and I can get started & get this over with. See Radio onc on Friday to see what we are going to do. I used Jean's cream my last time. It worked out really good for me. I put it on 2 hours before appt. Then apply afterwards. Not sticky, cooling effect. I turned red did not burn. Not looking forward to the every day stuff again. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

    Love you all & thank you for your thoughts & prayers.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    I slept late this morning so no time for the elliptical.  Was planning on walking this evening but now looks like I will be going to dinner with an old friend who is in from out of town.  Guess I will have to do that walk in the morning before I eat turkey.  Have decided that I am going to get fitted for a really good walking/running shoe on Friday.  I have never done that but the more I try to run I can tell my shoes are not the ones.  Have found several stores in San Antonio that provide a professional fitting of athletic shoes, should be an interesting experience.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010


    I have it easy tomorrow, going to daughter's house. All she want us to bring is wine. OK with that.

    Today, I had my "volunteer interview" at the hospital. I don't know if I can "work" in the oncology dept. b/c it might be a conflict of interest, so I asked if I can volunteer at the Breast Center, or admitting. I had to go for a TB test and they will do a background check on me. I think I got the "job." Regarding flu shot, I got one.

     Welcome Susan: Stick with us gals and you will be exercising like crazy.

    Sherry, I wear Aesics. Very comfortable.

    Cheryl, I used to take spinning classes before Zumba became the fashion. Might try it again.Hope your weather is still great for tomorow.

    Ruth - YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF ENERGY. WOW OH WOW. Has it stormed. Its cold here, but not that awful. Where do you get your energy. I am so not the Queens of Domestic Godesses. (RoseAnn Bar's favorite description of herself). Can't bake at all and get too nervous when entertaining. You are this site's inspiration.

    My new fipple is coming along nicely, stitches are all out, and I have clearance to go back to gym on Dec. 8, but no Zumba. Start slowly on eliptical and/or treadmill. That's it. In fact my Zumba instructor is leaving the gym to go back to Peru and a party is planned for her on Dec. 5. Cake and exercise. I will eat the cake. Can't Zumba for a couple of weeks.

    Elizabeth, hoping the exercise makes you feel better.

     Carol - I still have my grandmother's silverware in the attic she left me and she died in the 70s. I was in my 20's and I am now 61. An idea of some small keepsakes: A friend of mine made a picture of small possessions of her mother's. Terrific idea. It really is the most unusual piece. A hanky, a broach, a bracelet, a berett, small articles glues to backdrop and framed. If this helps in any way. I have my mom's stuff in a jewely box by itself. Nothing good but just stuff.

    RetrieverMom - I sympathize with you, I was the caregiver for my DH's mother who lived independently, developed dementia, dealt with all the problems. We did put her in a nursing home where I told her it was a hotel. She spend the last 5 years of her life there. She passed at 95. I still can't believe I got through that. I was much younger and healthier.

    Bobcat: You live in the next state - the peace candle sounds absolutely lovely. Never knew about that. Will check into lookiing for it. How was Bill?  Love him, when he is on HBO, I can't wait for Friday nights at 10. We have tickets for Susie Essman and Richard Lewis from Curb Your Enthusiam on Dec. 10.

    Kim I hope to PM you and enjoy the pics of Tahoe. I have been to Vegas, but only the strip and Hoover Dam. Very touristry.  Isn't Tahoe in Vegas?????

    Patoo - Hello wherever you are...

    Now if I have missed anyone, I am so sorry, please ladies, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and wishing everyone good health.

    Tonight going out with a bunch of friends for dinner.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010


    I have it easy tomorrow, going to daughter's house. All she want us to bring is wine. OK with that.

    Today, I had my "volunteer interview" at the hospital. I don't know if I can "work" in the oncology dept. b/c it might be a conflict of interest, so I asked if I can volunteer at the Breast Center, or admitting. I had to go for a TB test and they will do a background check on me. I think I got the "job." Regarding flu shot, I got one.My new fipple is coming along nicely, stitches are all out, and I have clearance to go back to gym on Dec. 8, but no Zumba. Start slowly on eliptical and/or treadmill. That's it. In fact my Zumba instructor is leaving the gym to go back to Peru and a party is planned for her on Dec. 5. Cake and exercise. I will eat the cake. Can't Zumba for a couple of weeks

     Welcome Susan: Stick with us gals and you will be exercising like crazy.

    Sherry, I wear Aesics. Very comfortable.

    Cheryl, I used to take spinning classes before Zumba became the fashion. Might try it again.Hope your weather is still great for tomorow.

    Ruth - YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF ENERGY. WOW OH WOW. Has it stormed. Its cold here, but not that awful. Where do you get your energy. I am so not the Queens of Domestic Godesses. (RoseAnn Bar's favorite description of herself). Can't bake at all and get too nervous when entertaining. You are this site's inspiration..

    Elizabeth, hoping the exercise makes you feel better.

     Carol - I still have my grandmother's silverware in the attic she left me and she died in the 70s. I was in my 20's and I am now 61. An idea of some small keepsakes: A friend of mine made a picture of small possessions of her mother's. Terrific idea. It really is the most unusual piece. A hanky, a broach, a bracelet, a berett, small articles glues to backdrop and framed. If this helps in any way. I have my mom's stuff in a jewely box by itself. Nothing good but just stuff.

    RetrieverMom - I sympathize with you, I was the caregiver for my DH's mother who lived independently, developed dementia, dealt with all the problems. We did put her in a nursing home where I told her it was a hotel. She spend the last 5 years of her life there. She passed at 95. I still can't believe I got through that. I was much younger and healthier.

    Bobcat: You live in the next state - the peace candle sounds absolutely lovely. Never knew about that. Will check into looking for it. How was Bill?  Love him, when he is on HBO, I can't wait for Friday nights at 10. We have tickets for Susie Essman and Richard Lewis from Curb Your Enthusiam on Dec. 10.

    Kim I hope to PM you and enjoy the pics of Tahoe. I have been to Vegas, but only the strip and Hoover Dam. Very touristry.  Isn't Tahoe in Vegas?????

    Patoo - Hello wherever you are...

    Now if I have missed anyone, I am so sorry, please ladies, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and wishing everyone good health.

    Tonight going out with a bunch of friends for dinner.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth - I am laughing out loud at your turkey picture!!!    Hugs to you...

    Retriever - I can sympathize with you and you parental situation.  My mother will be 80 - lives alone 2 hours aways from all of us.  She has replacement shoulders and knees.  Forgetful but not anything else, strong as horse at 105 pounds.  My younger sister would like nothing better than to sell her house and warehouse her - it's a source of tension in our family.  I talk to my mom everyday on my way home from work as she just needs someone to vent to.  Tomorrow morning I pick up my BIL's parents - they are 85 and drive to my other sister's for dinner.  They also have been put into assisted living and love to talk.  I like having them in the car and Jack directs me the entire 45 minute drive Kiss

    Ronna - Bill was very funny but the last 15 mintues he tried to align himself with the common people...kind of annoying knowing he's a multi-millionare.  I do background checks on people that live in NJ - I will probably do one on you in the coming weeks.  My company does checks for just about everyone in the world.  I am an independent contractor for them.

    Susand - hope the kids recover and you don't get it!!  Sculpt and Scrub is right.

    Ruth - are you Shovelling and Sculpting??

    Sherry - good move on the shoes.  The right shoes can make or break a running life.

    Patoo - are you home yet???  We miss you.

    Carol - your journey continues.  I wish you love.

    Hi Cheryl!!  Hi Kim!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to every wonderful woman on this board.  Blessing to all....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hi All! I am giving myself an 8 minute break; my company is not here yet (a very good thing for me, actually) as they didn't leave their house (6 1/2 hours away) until late afternoon (so they can drive on the black ice, in the blowing snow, while it's you sense a hint of sarcasm? Undecided). I sculpted and shoveled when I got home and now have pre-made the mashed potatoes, salads, some bread, the dressing, have the turkey in cold water in the sink, and washing clothes and dishes (all of which I really do NOT like to do at all, so I am feeling very much like martyr Innocent).Now I am going into the basement and doing something resembling exercise, because I ate candy corn all day at work and have been sampling everything I've made so far tonight.....I am feeling rather ill! Ha!!!

    If I don't get on again until all the company stuff is done, I want to say that I am very THANKFUL for all of YOU!! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Did you like the nice picture of me that Elizabeth postedSealed

    I did gym it last night but was so tired I came home and was in bed asleep by 8.30pm. I moaned and complained all the way through my step class - my feet hurt, they were numb - moan moan moan so I went to Kohls after class looking for Nikes but nothing in my size so tonight did Body Combat in my walking shoes which was a mistake but there is no complaining in Combat and there were only 10 people in class so he made us all move in close and I expended so much energy that I thought I was going to throw up so I know I worked hard then after class went to Sports Chalet and finally got myself some new shoes, so no more moaning (easier said than done)Innocent.

    Elizabeth I'm so glad you've been cleared for light exercise and I know Jim is your rock and will take good care of you and yes it is a get together as Kim has offered to host us at her place in Tahoe in June no dates firm yet but we're getting together, yeahSmile. Bobbi I'm going to google earth the candle it sounds like the lighting ceremony is beautiful and I love your choices for our picnic. Carol I'm glad you're getting your things squared away and thanks for finding that info for me I'd never heard of them. Susan hope the kids are better and that you don't catch the bug. Retriever I'm sorry you're feeling low, being so far away from your Mom and trying to deal with things can't be easy. Ruth you are the queen, I'm telling you if it was me in ND and the snow came I'd be in my chair wrapped in a Snuggie.

    I'll be back in the morning as I have an 8.30am step class but I would like to say to all of you that I am so grateful for your friendship finding this thread and all of you has truly enhanced my life, Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving Tarts!

    Elizabeth, as Cheryl said, we are planning a fitness get together in June sometime (we think) meeting up at my place in Lake Tahoe.  You are more than welcome to join us-great goal to shoot for going through treatment, right?!?!?!?!  If you want to know more about it, PM me and I'll explain in a bit more detail.  So happy you got cleared for some exercise; I know how much it means to you.

    Ronna, got your PM and will respond.  Lake Tahoe is actually on the border of California and Nevada, closer to Reno.  In South Lake Tahoe, there are casinos, etc., but I have a place in North Lake Tahoe, more California.  It's all beautiful.  

    I'm not cooking Turkey day this year, my mother in law is.  She is one of those people that is more concerned about the decorating and the way the food looks than the food itself.  I'm the opposite.  I wanted to do it, but she overrulled!  She's almost 80, so I certainly want her to have at it.  She had BC last year, is on Arimidex, but for some reason they never did a DEXA scan until last month-and she is in full blown osteoporosis.  Because I am so...well, obsessed might be a good word (HA!) about vitamins, eating, not drinking, getting all the tests, she gave me a little grief at first.  "I don't know why you are having so much trouble and worried about things-this drug is harmless."  I kept telling her the dangers, but it wasn't until this month that she figured it out.  Her Vitamin D level was 7.  Sigh.  She is a trooper though, hard, hard worker and has been through a great deal.  My in laws kind of expect it out of her, they like to pretend that nothing bad can ever happen to her.  She just works away.  I love her, but she is tough to get through to...and still procrastinating getting the bone drugs.  Her hips are especially bad.

    Wow, what a blah blah blah post from me!

    OK girls, I agree with Ruth...I am so thankful I met you here and can't wait to meet you in TAHOE!  WOOOHOOO!



    and WHERE is Patoo???? 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Hi, everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Susan, hope your kids are better and you're on your way to a good holiday with friends and family.

    Elizabeth, hurrah! I'm glad you're coming to Tahoe! And glad you can exercise. Hope the chemo works out and goes well. I didn't move -- although I will be moving by spring -- but I had to move all my things out of storage in Portland, OR and have them carted here. Fun. (not).

    How fun of you to post a photo of Cheryl with her great tan :)  I thought it was me at first but the stomach is too flat :)

    Sherry, running shoes you get at a running specialty store are a better breed than anything you get at the mall stores (even the same brand and model of shoe will be much better quality/better made from a specialty store -- I don't know why they do it that way, exactly, but it's one surprising thing I learned from other runners and running magazines back when my knees were fine). Hope those new shoes have you flying soon!

    Ronna, glad your recovery is moving along. Your volunteer interview sounds as rigourous as any job interview I've ever had! Congrats on that! I love the idea of framing small sentimental pieces -- although most of what I have is large (from a hand-hewn bowl that my grandmother used to knead butter to furniture). Kim can tell you more about Tahoe but I do know it's about an hour from Reno, 2 or so hours from Sacramento, and it's spectacular!

    Bobbi, thank you for the sweet wishes.

    Ruth, 8 minutes, glad you spent it with us, hope your company arrived safely! Sampling while cooking is the best part of cooking, sometimes... yum!

    Cheryl, you and Ruth wear me out just reading your posts!

    Kim, LOVE your Tahoe (and other!) pictures -- wow -- I can't wait to see it again. I have some photos from my one hike there; I'll see if I can dig them out and post them somewhere. And in case I didn't mention it on FB, it is so great to see you! Hope you don't mind me saying -- Everyone else, she's tall, blond, and gorgeous Kiss and her childhood pictures are great!

    Anyone I missed, hello and hugs!

    I walked about 35 or 38 blocks yesterday, distributing posters for our fundraiser; it started raining as I did the last few blocks and hasn't stopped, but I figure that was an OK amount of exercise. I really need to pick it up, though. I'm going to keep mentioning Tao bo until I actually DO it! Kick my butt, everyone!

    I have a quiet day ahead -- family arriving tomorrow night -- so I'm just going to follow my nose and do what I like!  Rain and cold, maybe a good day to watch movies.

    What ever you do today, relax, enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday...  Photobucket

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Kim, I know as my mom aged, she wanted to do things as she had always done them so she still felt "useful" -- maybe your MIL is the same way.  Hope she gets some help for her bones, but I know how hard it can be to reach people in that generation.  Maybe her dr. could get her to get some help?  My mom was very compliant with drs. and thought the rest of us didn't know anything, so if her dr. said to do it, she would. 

    Anyway -- happy T-day!!  Enjoy!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Good morning everyone, I just checked in to ready posts, and it is now noon and still in sweats. Don't have to leave until 3. Ruth, I am exhausted reading your post. LOL

     Kim, your MIL is 80 and going through this crap. Unbelievable. God bless her that she is adament about cooking and doing it her way.

    Just a quick hello to all again. Happy T Day,


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    I can eat BIG today, went to the gym and did ½ and hour in the weight room then did a step class, the class and gym were packed ohhhhhh my butt is on fire lots of repeaters, our instructor had warned us she was going to go hard today and she was telling the truth. It's an absolutely beautiful day here, a little chilly but the sun is shining and a little secret - my friend not only cooks turkey but prime rib and lamb and she pre packs leftovers so it's all ready to go when you leave, yes she does a dinner in advance of dinner and cuts it all up, she's crazy but a long time ago I learned she is who she is and I just accept her kindness and say thank you - tea bags in my handbag - check - I'm ready to go. Happy Turkey Day everyone.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Bobcat, I forgot to add in my post: If you have to find me, I hope it is all good things you see.


    Again all, happy Turkey day.