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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Saw my Radioncologist today. she said, I will be doing 10 rads. That it is different than when I had IBC since it is with the bones now. She said, I will get more of a tan I will have nausea and diaherra since it is on the spine, hips and femurs. The one good thing about it is that I will not have anymore pain. She told me this is a chronic condition and basically I will seem like I will be married to my onc. Hearing that is very upseting to me. I just did not imagine this happening again. I will let you know how my treatments go. I start on Wednesday.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010
    (((Elizabeth))) Hope all the Tarts had a wonderful thanksgiving.I am at the airport waiting for a delayed flight to Mexico.They do have a gym at the resort but I usually prefer to swim for my exercise.No Turkey comas allowed ladies keep on moving.Cool
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    I hope everyone had/is having a good holiday.  Cheryl, what a feast! 

    My family is arriving in 3 waves over the next 12 hours (night owls vs early risers) but I left the door unlocked and am headed to bed.

    mum, love your turkey comas comment Laughing

    Elizabeth, I don't know what to say except (again) I'm sorry you have to go through this.  What a hard thing.  You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

    I got in a very cold walk this morning and baked all afternoon.  The baking was more fun than being out in the wind :)

    Night, everyone...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Just stopping by for a house is still full of relatives.............please send an escape capsule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    On it's way.  You can come to my house, Ruth.  I have family here but it's very low-key and relaxed :)  Honest! :) 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    OK -- even with my low-key family, I've had enough!  Calgon, take me away! :)

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Hi turkey-less Tarts....

    I had the lowest cal Thanksgiving ever!  My poor MIL.  She made the turkey all right, my husband went to carve it, and this HORRIBLE smell came out of the bird...I mean, BAD.  We all just stood there in shock for a moment, gathered in the kitchen.  We had to throw out the potatoes, gravy, stuffing and sweet potatoes as well.  Ended up with salad, green beans, bread and cold ham (I am not a ham eater) and some cupcakes my sister in law had made.  My MIL took it pretty well, but I think she has a problem smelling because she was the only one that couldn't smell the bad smell.  It probably was like that when she stuffed it and put in oven but she didn't know.  

    Have you seen "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase?  Remember when he cuts the bird and it explodes?  Well, it was just like that only the explosion was one of smell.  We actually laughed about it the rest of the day, and my MIL was a good sport about it.  

    Elizabeth, a great big hug to you this morning.  

    My husband is leaving for Japan, China, and Taiwan this morning for 2 1/2 weeks.  My younger son is still in Argentina, and my older son...still in trouble, still estranged.  So it will be a quiet few days leading up to Christmas.  I have plenty to do and of course, good old exercise to fit in, so I'll stay busy.  I may try to get up to Tahoe quickly just to see the snow and tromp around in it!

    I hope all of you are shooing the relatives out and having a nice Sunday.  Prayers for all in church this morning.



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Good Sunday Morning - Sitting here with my coffee and enjoying an empty and quiet house.  Love reading about everyone's holiday and relatives.  Our day was very nice - as my SO says  "people of goodwill behaving civilized".  That probably sums up a lot of familiesKiss  He left at 5AM for trade show in Boston and will be home Friday night - my birthday!!  Nils and Amy went into NYC yesterday morning and will stay with me tonight before returning to school.  I am going to enjoy this quiet day alone.  We did the Peace Candle lighting on Friday and then yesterday was getting SO ready for his trip, groceries in for me, mass etc... Collapsed into bed last night at 9:30.  All in all, a nice Thanksgiving long weekend.  I did manage to bike each and every morning and I broke out the winter riding gear - snow boots and all!

    Elizabeth - I am sorry for your news and wish you much strength as you start your treatments.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hi All! I am just sneaking by to tell a funny turkey story; I had the dressing ready to go Wednesday night. I got up early (and half asleep) Thursday, stuffed the dressing in the bird & threw it in the oven. I didn't really pay attention to it the various times I basted it. When it came time to take it out, I couldn't find the themometer that is suppose to pop out when its done, and the bird looked so was the same size I usually get but didn't really look like there was very much meat on it at  wasn't until I started to carve it that I realized I had cooked it UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!!! (actually the breast meat was very tender from being cooked in the juices). Good Grief!

    Now I am off to church, I will write more of my 'exciting Undecided' Thanksgiving adventures later on today. Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Yes, this is going to be a long posting I'm sure but just think of it as 11 days of posting all in one. Laughing

    Thanks again to everyone for all the wonderful wishes before surgery.  It went well - we were back at the cabin around 3:30pm - much earlier than I had ever dreamed.  I took the minimum dose of pain killers for the first 48 hours, then went to just tylenol for a few days, and have been off meds since then, so it was not a terribly painful surgery.  We had a wonderful time at the cabin - I did nothing but relax, read (I re-read the entire Tolkein Rings trilogy again - what a luxury to have time to do that!), and watch the wildlife. It was perfect.  As you know, I was kind of on the fence as to whether I was being too vain in doing this second revision, but now I'm so glad I did.  Even with surgical incisions and swelling, I can tell the "girls" look SO much better!  My ps did a great job.

    BUT THE EXERCISE RESTRICTIONS ARE REALLY HARD TO DO!!  No lifting, stretching, straining, or jiggling for 6 weeks - my only permitted exercise is walking.  So I've been doing that, and even took a 2 mile hike in the woods (on a very easy trail) yesterday.  And dh has been doing all the cooking and cleaning - he even cooked the entire Tkg dinner with all the trimmings and cleaned up afterwards,  He is now outside doing the leaves.  Maybe I could get used to these restrictions after all! Tongue out

    Of course we couldn't get through this without at least one medical drama - on Thursday I found a fully engorged deer tick on me.  Lyme disease is rampant in our area - several people we know have it and it's not fun, so I was a bit panicked.  But of course all doctors were closed Tkg day and I just couldn't bring myself to call my PCP's on-call doctor on Tkg. I do know that with Lyme there is a window is which you can take a single dose of doxycycline within 72 hours of exposure, and studies have shown it greatly reduces the rate of Lyme.  So Friday morning we trudged out to the local hospital's urgent care center - I got my dose of doxycycline and took it - it made me very nauseous, but I figured a couple of hours of nausea were worth it to reduce the chances of getting Lyme.  So now it's watch for rashes, and get a Lyme test in 6-8 weeks. 

    Elizabeth - I'm glad your onc relented a bit on the original "no exercise" edict and has approved light exercise - hopefully it will make the treatment go a little easier and provide some kind of outlet as well.  I feel so bad for you  have to go through all of this all over again and I can't imagine being plunged into it again. I think of you often and send love.  LOL at the turkey picture!!

    Kim - Tahoe sounds wonderful. I haven't been there since dh's and my honeymoon in 1982, but I still remember how beautiful it was. I can't commit now, but it is certainly verrrrry tempting!!  How generous of you to offer!  And yes, I got my flu shot - going through chemo was too much like getting a nasty flu every three weeks that there's no way in heck I want to go through anything like that again if I can avoid it.  Had to laugh about your descrip of your MIL being more concerned with the appearance of the food than the actual food.  I had an aunt like that - I'll never forget the time she had a bunch of people over for dinner and after we'd put all the food on the table (and it did look beautiful) she leaned over to me and confided that she really didn't like any of the food she'd prepared, but couldn't resist serving it because it all looked so nice.  I almost fell on the floor!  And from the looks of the not-emptied plates, most of the guests shared her opinion of the food.  Frown  As I was reading the description of your MIL's turkey I immediately thought of the turkey disaster in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - I imagine the look on everyone's face was pretty much like in the movie.  

    Carol - use meds as necessary to get through this!  You've been hit with so much lately.  And now having to move all your stuff in the middle of this - that's a high-value stressor all by itself. 

    Bobbi -  congrats on the weight loss!!  Very impressive!  And I bet Bill Maher was a stitch to see in person - what fun! The Peace Candle is huge - how cool you can see it from your window. And Happy Birthday early - December babies are the best!!  (OK, my b-day is 12/24 so I'm not exactly a disinterested observer.Wink)

    Ruth - Shovel and Sculpt already!!??!!  We had a few snow flurries at the cabin and that was enough, thank you very much.  Also, did anyone tell you there was an article all about North Dakota in the Travel section of the Washington Post on the 12th?  I kept meaning to tell you and kept forgetting.  If you haven't seen it, here's the link: The author was following a Steinbeck Travels with Charley itinerary and fell in love with Fargo.  And loved your upside-down turkey story - I bet the breast was more tender that way. 

    Sherry + Sus - welcome!  This is a fun group, and they will keep you on your toes!  Sherry, I hear you on the portion control issue.  Sealed  Check out the Wednesday Weigh In thread as well - we don't post actual numbers, but the number of pounds up or down that week.  Very motivating knowing you have to post your weight every week!

    Cheryl - your beach walking sounds wonderful!!  Good for you for giving those Breast Cancer Society people a piece of your mind.  Awareness is good and all, but too many people are glomming onto b/c to make a quick buck.  And definitely keep that friend who cooked Thanksgiving dinner - she sounds like a wonder!

    Retriever - I'm so sorry about your mom. And I remember that first year of "anniversaries" as well - it does take you back to a place you don't want to go. Maybe your dh is crabby because he too is re-living all the anniversaries.  Cancer sure takes its toll, and not just a physical toll.   Not sure if you're a drinker, but personally, I tend to handle the cancer anniversaries with champagne to celebrate that I'm another year past it - it's hard to stay gloomy with a glass of bubbly in hand. Freixenet is a good cheap champagne - under $10 a bottle and quite drinkable. 

    Ronna - hooray on getting the stitches out. You're about 2 weeks ahead of me on this surgery thing. It's surprising how much even a relatively small surgery can tire you out for a few weeks.

    Mum - you're a woman after my own heart with all your traveling.  Have a great time in Mexico!

    Anyone I missed - hope you had a great Thanksgiving!  I go back to work tomorrow - yuk.  But those silly mortgage people keep wanting their money every month, so hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    The storm predicted for Thanksgiving did not materialize, but the one last night did.  We awoke to several inches of snow on the ground (after dog training outside yesterday) and not much of the mountains visible.  Didn't drive to church, but am debating driving to dog train this afternoon.  I know, I know, priorities :)

    A couple and their 2-year old girl came for Thanksgiving.   She was fascinated by our house and the dogs, but was very sweet and well-behaved.  All the food turned out well, and the company was pleasant.  I love the turkey stories you all are telling.  My DS will be coming home mid-Dec for 2 weeks, at which point I plan to re-do the entire T'giving meal.

    Mary:  It's good to hear you are doing so well, despite the restrictions, and I appreciate the champagne suggestion.  That will come in handy once DS comes home, too.  And mimosas are always a good idea, right?  Stay away from ticks!

    Elizabeth:  I think of you often and wish you strength through all the upcoming tx.

    Thanks for the support concerning my mom.  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Mary - love the December birthdays!! Welcome back and glad you are feeling well enough to get back to walking and work.  I know you're going to love the revised girls.

    Ruth- that turkey story is a riot.  My ex-MIL used to cook her turkey upside down on purpose - said it made the breast more juicy and tender.  You proved her right.

    Cheryl - has Hannah gone back already?  Your Tday dinner sounds heavenly.

    Retirever - I'm sorry your DS could not come home for Thanksgiving.  I do remember he's on the east coast.  I hope he had a friend to spend the day with - if not, I will snag him next year and fill his belly.

    Had my ride and just spent the last 2 hours rearranging the pantry - what a mess and got rid of alot of things.  Now making quinoa and waiting for DS and girlfriend.  Going to put on an old movieKiss

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Hello everyone, had a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend had 61 people and we had lunch then dinner and on friday went back and had lunch again and guess what, there was still food left and all of those hours mindlessly playing Bookworm on my computer have paid off as I won the Scrabble gameSurprised.

    I have been good and kept up with the exercise all weekend, did Step on Thanksgiving morning, then Combat on saturday and step again this morning and all classes have been packed.

    It was so lovely having kids around, the house was like a bomb had hit it with clothes and bedding everywhere but who cares, and yes Bobbi she's gone back but she'll be back in 3 weeks for Christmas break. Kim what a way to "eat lite" don't think I'd like to try it but now you have a Thanksgiving story to "dine out" on for years to come. Ruth I'll bet you were panicking when you saw your small bird but I'll bet it turned out nice and juicy. Mary glad everything went well and that you enjoyed the down time and take it easy at work, if you're like me I hate asking for help but it is important that you take care of yourself. Retreiver brrrrrrrr I'm sorry your DS couldn't get home but he'll be with you soon and I know you'll have a great time together. Carol hope you're enjoying your family time. One thing about this long weekend is that I have had a nap every afternoon, the couch calls my name and I respond, pull the blankie over me and off to dreamland I go, hope the urge doesn't hit me at work tomorrow gosh do I even want to go to work tomorrow hmmmmmUndecided.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    Natsfan thanks for the weigh in info.  I have been keeping up with calories and exercise on the website and mobile app.  It has helped in keeping me on track. 

    Went to a wedding this weekend so my exercise got really messed up.  Was able to get some in at the hotel gym.  The wedding cake blew my diet, but I have not had sweets in quite a while and even managed to get through Thanksgiving with no desert.  So back to yoga tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hi again; well, I had a productive afternoon, I not only have the house back in shape but also the Christmas decorations up!

    Mary, glad the surgery went well & is behind you. I LOVE the LORs books (and movies). I read them in college, then read them to my son for bedtime stories when he was in second grade, later when the movies were coming out, he and I both reread them (he was in middle school by then)  to ourselves & then went to the movies together & discussed how true to the books each movie was etc. Thanks for the Fargo article. I lived right across the river in Minnesota from the ages of 5 to 13, and my parents retired there, so I have been to all the places mentioned in the article many times.

    Elizabeth, thinking of you. Have some fun reward for yourself to look forward to (like, for instance, a trip to Tahoe) for completing each treatment section. Not everyone has every horrible SE they mention; and you are good shape going into the treatments, which has to be a good thing. Hugs, hugs, hugs......

    My Thanksgiving had good & bad sections.....the good being that I got all my exercise in. SIL has now lost 33 pounds on Weight Watchers and has turned into a walking fiend (she bought grips for her shoes, a glow in the dark vest & a miners lamp so that she can walk outside at night!). I am not as crazy (or motivated) as that, but the weather here settled down so I put on layers of clothes and we walked and walked. Very refreshing, and reminded me that I should still try to get outside when I can even in the winter (on the weekends, during the day, when it isn't dark, or icy, or.....). The bad thing about the weekend was that my brother & I got into a big fight about my dad's finances. He has vastly different ideas about what should be happening there (he wanting to make some risky investments, me absolutely NOT willing to sign off, which I would have to do for anything to happen). He said some very mean spirited things to me, and I (very immaturely) said some pretty mean things the time they left we were being cordial to each other, but knowing him, this will be an ongoing issue for as long as my dad is alive. Pretty sad when people want to spend money that isn't even theirs, and I can see how elderly people can be taken to the cleaners. OK, that is my rant for the evening.

    We have no more fattening, gravy laden food left in the house, so I will be forced back to better eating. Sigh!

    'Night All! Ruth

    edited to note that we sure are a chatty group, aren't we? Cool

    and PATOO, where are you? Please check in!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Hey, everyone!  Happy post-Thanksgiving!  Sounds like everyone had a (mostly) fun and great time -- but Kim, that turkey story -- yikes!  Surprised

    Mary, I'm glad your surgery went well and you're recovery was so pleasant (well, except for the tick scare).  Reading and being waited on -- I could do that!

    Ruth, my SIL usually makes a turkey breast and just throws in it the oven, so the one we had yesterday was cooked upside down as well -- but it sure was good!  I second the moist-turkey upside-down cooking method as being a good one!

    And, I know about brothers being jerks, I have one that just drives me crazy.  Fortunately I don't have to see him often.

    The other part of my family (other brother, SIL, their three young adult kids & a spouse, & two dogs) were here all weekend.  It was great being with them, I enjoy seeing everyone, we had a wonderful dinner yesterday, mostly just played a few games and visited, pretty low-key.   They went to the Purdue-Indiana game and watched Purdue throw away the last game of the season, consistent with how they've played all year.  I got in a couple of walks which helped with  exercise and my sanity.  Smile They didn't leave until late afternoon yesterday and I still had to do laundry and clean up the house a bit, I was so tired, I really wanted to stay in bed this morning!

    Everyone sounds like you're all doing great in sticking with the exercise, keep it up!  I'm hoping for lots of snow this winter because now I finally have my cross-country skiis back, I'm ready!   Time to get to work... enjoy the day! 

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2010

    Hi Everyone,  This is the first time I am turning on my computer since before Thanksgiving.  It was fun reading about all your holidays!  The kids stayed sick for a while so scrub and sculpt was the only workout I got in for a few days...until I came down with the stomach bug too.  Its such fun hosting guests when all you want to do is sleep!  I am feeling good today and back on the elliptical.  Thank you all for the nice welcomes.  It has been fun reading your posts and getting to know you! Elizabeth, I loved the turkey picture.  I am keeping you in my prayers and hope your treatments go well. Ruth, Your dad is lucky to have to watching out for him.  At least nothing can happen with his finances if you dont sign off. 

    I hope you all enjoy your day. Guests are gone, I dont have to work today and  I am loving my quiet house.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010
    Funny upshot on the Great Tick Incident - DH, a country music fan, played a Brad Paisley song for me last night - it's called "I'd Like to Check You for Ticks".  I was laughing so hard listening to it that I had to hang onto the "girls" so they didn't jiggle. Wow - there's a country song for just about every occasion, isn't there?  Tongue out
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Susan, sorry you got sick, but glad you're better and having a quiet day!

    Mary, too funny.  Yeah, I think you're right!

    I power-walked at the mall today; I had to go there to run into one store so I used my trip there to power walk two laps, which if you follow the little side halls is exactly 2 miles. (BTW, what a lot of junk they're selling in the kiosks, our mall is such a junk-magnet anyway, I may have to go to Indy to do my holiday shopping). Didn't get home from work until it was nearly dark so I'm glad I did the mall walk.

    Power up for the holidays!  Kick those feet, lift those weights!  Later, Tarts!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Hey Mary, hope you didn't get too "ticked off' at your DH for finding that songLaughing.

    It's 2pm my nap time but I haven't done a lick of work at all today, I had a doctors appointment and sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half and because of all of you I got a flu shot, got all my prescriptions renewed got my bone scan scheduled and got all my skin cancers frozen - oh and my BP was 130/70 so he was pleased.  Now off to put in an hour of actual work before I head to the gym, back later.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    Did 15 minutes of elliptical this morning and a great yoga class tonight.  I can tell I am getting stronger in my arms which is nice.  They are starting to get some shape back into them.  Go to the rads dr tomorrow for xrays and to make sure everything is OK and if so I will start on Wed.  They had some trouble getting my calculations right so I hope everything is OK tomorrow.  I really hope I can keep up my workout routine through rads. I have worked hard and don't want to backslide.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Cold, snowy and blowy here again. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes of arms; I would have continued on to other sections of the body but kept getting interrupted by phone calls so ran out of time and energy. 

    Sherry, I think you will do really well with rads; (even if you do slack off a little, if keep doing something you won't have to start over from scratch).

    Here is my favorite country-western song title: "How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?" Laughing

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Did a Body Combat class tonight and it was hard to do that drive to the gym as it is freezing here, although I feel kind of silly saying that compared to you RuthTongue out. Carol I think that Ruth will send you some snow if you ask her nicelyInnocent. Susan glad both you and the kids are feeling better. Sherry I'm sure you'll do well just listen to your what your body says.  Elizabeth I'm thinking of you and sending you a warm (((((HUG))))) when you feel up to it keep us posted on how things are going.  Goodnight tarts.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010
    I've put together a half hour Wii yoga and strength workout where I just do the lower body moves with no upper body stuff - not as effective, but better than nothing.  I also hit the treadmill last night - unfortunately the maximum speed I can hit before I start to jiggle is 2.8 mph (I usually am closer to 4mph).  Again, not as effective, but better than nothing.  So I did the half hour of modified Wii yesterday and today before work, and did 45 minutes on the treadmill last night.  I guess I'm stuck with this lower intensity workout program as long as my ps's "no jiggling" rule is in effect! I'm dreading Wednesday Weigh-In tomorrow . . .  Frown
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2010

    I overslept this morning so no elliptical.  I actually made it to work on time.  Going to the rad dr., they have had a little diffuculty in doing my plan and being to close to my heart so they are going to check everything with me today and if everything is good I will start rads tomorrow.  I hope I can get a walk/run in today when I get home.  Hope it is not too late.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Mary - good job on the lower body workout.  It is frustrating to have the no jiggle rule but you'll get your legs and butt in good shape. 

    Sherry - good luck with rads today and tomorrow.

    Ruth - the story of your brother rings so close to home for me.  My youngest sister made a power play this summer to have her and her husband control the little bit of $'s and financial control my mother has.  They bullied her into turning over her savings and checking to them.  Luckily I found out before she could sign anything and put a stop to it.  We four siblings had a big conference call and she ended up hanging up on me at the end.  Hadn't spoken or seen her (she doesn't respond to emails or return messages) since that day and wasn't sure what I was in for at Thanksgiving.  She and BIL were both cordial but not warm - oh well.  That's what SO meant when he said "people of goodwill acting civilized" except I don't know if my sister has goodwill in her heart.  It saddens me because we used to be so close.  At least I know my Mom has $  control back in her life - it's the one thing she takes so much pride in and just needs oversight and input sometimes.

    Just home from a damp ride - abs and then off to work.  Expecting a big rain/thunderstorm event here in the next 24 hours.  Hello to all!!!  Hi Cheryl!  Hi Carol!! Thinking of you ElizabethKiss

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Good morning everyone:

    Ruth, years ago I cooked a turked upside down and it turned out absolutely delicious. BTW, I have decided to finally get a medical alert bracelet and found you on another site where I just went and bought a Pandoras's style bracelet for anyone not to use my right arm, so I thank you for that.

    I have my clearance back to gym on 12-8 but only walking on treadmill or eliptical.

    Sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving. My small town is having the Menorah Lighting on Thurs. night.  It is fun, the Chabad rabbis make latkes, (potatoe pancakes) and bring donuts. All fattening stuff. I hope the weather is good, they are predicting tons of rain for tomorrow. Chanukah is early this year so all our shopping is now done.

    Elizabeth, my prayers are with you.

    Mary, recuperate well.

    Love to all,


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010
    Hi ladies ( from Mexico).It takes me over an hour to walk the beach one way so I have been doing it every day.Behaving myself at the buffet as well.But can't say the same for my DH.He certainly doesn't eat like a bird.So much for snorkling the untertowe is too strong.Well keep on moving Tarts.Cool
  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2010

    Hi ladies, I just wanted to check in and let you know about my wonderful day.   I have been feeling so many side effects of my BC treatments from headaches to exhaustion and everything in between.  Sometimes I feel like I have aged 20 years since my DX two years ago (I am now 44 should be feeling great!). I had decided a while back to try and take every step possible to improve my quality of life.  Joining this thread has been part of that decision in that you all seem like wonderful women and exercise is such a positive action we can take to help ourselves.  So today I ventured down to New York City to Memorial Slone Kettering Cancer Center to see a highly regarded doctor of integrative medicine hoping for some new insite.  He was wonderful and spent  a lot of time with me.  He listened to all of the SE's that my regular oncologist just shrugs off.  Anyway, he stressed that exercise combined with diet (5-7 servings of fruit and veggies/day) was absolutely the best thing we can do both for QOL and helping prevent recurrence.  He said that we should exercise for 30 minutes every day...making it our 4th meal (like skipping it would be like skipping a meal).  He said walking was wonderful and that although increased intensity or time will help with more fitness it didn't increase overall survival rates over the 30 mins.  It was a great appointment and I was provided with so much more information that I wish I could write it all down.  It was so nice to have a doctor really listen.  With that said, I left my appt on a very upbeat note even though I had arrived with a headache.  I decided that since I had an hour to wait before the train home that I would get exercise and walk briskly around the city.  I got the urge to stop by Rockefeller Plaza since the Tree Lighting Ceremony is tonight.  What a fun surprise.  Not only did I see the Christmas Tree, but they were having rehearsals.  I got to see Mariah Carey and Boys to Men performing right in front of me.  It was so fun and everyone watching was so chatty and in great spirits.  It very rarely happens for me, but every once in a while I forget all about cancer and remember what it was like to feel care before my dx.  Anyway I thought I would share because you ladies are a big part in me focusing on the positives and putting my best foot forward, even on days I think I am to tired to!  Thank you.Smile

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Susan, thank you for sharing your great day (I can just see Rockefeller Plaza!) and information with us.  Good to know about the 30 minutes -- there are plenty of days when that's all I do, and although I know I should increase it for various reasons, I'm glad to know that if that's "all" I do, at least I'm doing what I can for anti-cancer!  I hear the same thing about diet for so many things, from heart to brain and memory retention to overall good health to cancer prevention -- always good to have it reinforced again!

    I am determined to ramp up my exercise but the past month has been crazy -- once I get past our big fundraiser (Friday) and my port removal (Monday), exercise becomes my focus -- for now, I'm happy to get in my walks every day.  It was cold and breezy today so I went into the woods to get out of some of the wind and enjoyed it.

    At least with all the extra time at work this week, I'm piling up some good comp time.  Next week I'm taking a day off!

    Mum, Mexico. sunny beaches... ah!!

    Ronna, enjoy the Menorah Lighting -- and the latkes -- yum!  Glad you'll be walking again soon, too.

    Cheryl, great BP!!  and Mary, glad you can at least get some level of exercise in.

    Sherry, my rads were close to my heart, too, but the techs did a great job of constantly monitoring my marks, etc., to make sure the radiation stayed where it was supposed to -- sounds like your techs are very conscientious, too.

    Sounds like more than one of us has sibling issues -- what's sad in my family is that my older brother, I think, means well -- but then he manipulates and changes stories and it all gets to be a mess. And he's completely unaware of his behavior, or deludes himself about it, I don't know which.  But I'll shut up before I go off on a rant! 

    It's been a wild week and it's only Tuesday.   Once Friday night is over, I can really breath again!

    Have a good evening, everyone!