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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    PS, Patoo, we're going to start to worry about you... please check in when you can!  (I'm guessing you're still readjusting after the culture change?).


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Susan - your post brought tears to my eyes.  I am so glad you are getting good advice and I was with you every step on your walk through the city.  NYC always energizes me and the people are so outgoing - just start talking to someone and you will make a new friend but that is true anywhere Kiss  I think we have a pre-holiday committment to keep up the good work!!  Ronqa - your Menorah lighting sounds so lovely.  Happy Hannukah to you, my friend.  Love to all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    I am going to quickly post this sweet quote. Here's what Christopher Robin says to Pooh:

    "Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

    And it's also later than I think, so it's off to exercise for me. Later! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    After oversleeping this morning and not getting the ellipitcal in.  I went to my rads appt and they they tood the needed xrays for the dr to look at to make sure everything is good.  So as long as I don't get a phone call in the morning I will start my rads tomorrow.  When I got home went for  a 45 minute brisk walk and DH decided to go with me.  It was getting dark and I think he did not want me going alone.  Which is fine by me because I have been hopeing that he would get motivated to start some exercising also.  He goes with me every now and then, so maybe he will start doing more.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hi, between the treadmill, the FIRM, and Denise Austin, I managed to get in an hour of exercise (not counting the shoveling I did when I got home from work Frown).

    Ronna and Mary, all exercise counts! When I was recovering from surgery & scared to do upper body work, I really concentrated on lower body/ab workouts (which I never liked very much) & ended up losing a pants size (without losing any weight), so this will maybe give you the opportunity to do somethings you wouldn't usually do.

    Mary, my weigh-in is going to be BAD tomorrow as I am still eating the last of the holiday food. But today is IT and I will get back on track tomorrow for sure.

    Sherry, my rads were on the left side too. They are very careful and precise (as we want them to be!). I will be thinking about you tomorrow.

    Susan, what a great day you had. First your good appointment, wonderful to have a doctor who listens and has real and specific advice! (Although instead of a 4th meal, I more think of exercise as brushing my teeth. I might skip a meal, but I would never skip brushing!) And what a fun day in the city. I do think that once you are doing everything you, yourself, can do then you need to leave it as much as possible mentally and just live and enjoy the fun things and even when you are dealing with annoying things/people in your life, be grateful that this is your worst problem. One time when I was talking to my oncologist and pestering him about WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? (we had already talked many times about the subject & he is very good & nice, but we had covered about everything possible multiple times), he did remind me that if he and I have done our best with the knowledge available; then that's it, the rest we have to leave to God.

    Enough philosophy. I want to travel with Mum!!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Susan - thought of you when I saw the Rockefeller Center on TV last night - what a great day. 

    With hearing about all the sibling issues, sometimes I'm grateful for being an only child!

    Wednesday Weigh In was not good, as I feared - up 3.5 pounds since the 17th.  Cry  Surgery and post-surgery exercise restrictions have done a number on my exercise program.  

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Hi all-

    I"m not awake enough yet to post coherently, but after reading these posts, I just wanted to say this is the BEST forum on this site!  Susand's story was so uplifting and all your responses were uplifting as well!  I read through all your dx's at the bottom and  I'm proud to be in this club.  And can't wait for Tahoe.

    Yes, I'm joining the "soon to be worried about Patoo club."  PATOO!  CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

    I'm going back, re-reading and soaking up everything you guys said.  What a year this has been.

    More later


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Happy Chanuka Ronna.  Sherry Hope all is well with you today.  Bobcat/Nats and all my other east coasters take it easy with all that rain that you're about to get or getting.  Carol you'll ramp up the exercise once your fundraiser is over, hope it goes well for you.  Susan what a wonderful day you had yesterday, I honestly think those little unexpected side journeys we take are the best and most memorable and you got to see Mariah sing what a bonus.  I am also in the "worried about Patoo" club, please Patoo just check in and let us know how you are, and yes I want to be adopted by Mum and grudgingly let her take me all over the world on vacationLaughing

    Last night I did do my step class but came home had dinner and went and played cards with my neighbors and I want to say she served warm brownies and I said "no thank you" I know, I know the world should really have come to an endSealed .  Have a great day everyone.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Ok so I am really bummed, just got a call from the rad tech and they are having maintenance issues with the machine so I do not get to start today.  I have had so many delays.  Hopefully it will get fixed and I will start tomorrow.  I will at least go to yoga tonight, that always makes me feel good.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I remember Patoo posting before she left, something to the effect that she has a hard time when she comes back from these trips because the contrast is so dramatic and people here take so much for granted and complain over trivial stuff (she exempted us TARTS from that!) -- I'm wondering if coming back right at the start of the holidays and all the commercialism isn't adding to that readjustment -- but yes, Patoo, if you're reading, please do let us know you're OK.

    My SIL's brother is a pilot for UPS and flies all over the world,  Flew to India recently and stayed to do a mission trip (all previously arranged).  He was emphatically told to be sure to get his passport stamped when he went into the country but the person at customs insisted that since he was a pilot he didn't need to and wouldn't stamp it.  As it turns out, that's only good for 72 hours and he was there a week on his mission trip... and then detained a week and prohibited from leaving because his passport wasn't stamped so he was supposedly in the country illegally.  It all got taken care of but he was detained a week.  Crazy.

    Ruth, you'll think I'm crazy, but I woke up to flurries and was SO happy!!! :)  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!  Now I'm in the mood to see "White Christmas" and "It's a Wonderful Life."

    Mary, I have confidence that those 3.5# won't be around long.

    Sherry, glad you have a walking partner in your husband (or at least it's going that way!).  Hope your first rads finally get going tomorrow and all goes well.

    Babble :)  Taking a break from insanity at work, but time to plunge back into it.  I'm so happy I have energy! 

    Let it snow! :)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Rain rain rain.  Didn't get out on my bike this am because it was raining sideways!!  Went to work early and returned with my pants soaked up to my thighs.  Been enjoying the afternoon at home and the sun is starting to come out.  I am meeting a friend for a late lunch/early birthday celebration in about 20 minutes.  I am starving so have to be careful.  No exercise for me today except climbing 6 flights - I think my body will thank me.

    Sherry - sorry about the delay - just enjoy your yoga tonight.

    Carol - snow!!  I feel the same and love those old movies.  I too remember Patoo talking about returning from these trips.  It's happened to others I know.

    Cheryl - chocolate brownies!  Thank goodness you said yes - we all deserve a little treat sometimes because everyone on here works so darn hard.

    Have a good evening all.  Rain has stopped and it's going to get cold tonight...

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    Ha!  I am already tired of snow, and you guys are wanting it?  I'm leaving town Fri and driving to Long Beach, hoping to see some sunshine along the way. 

    My mom went for a neurology follow-up.  Beforehand, she cut back on her pain med and started feeling more coherent and energetic.  The MRI was clear, and the NP gave her an rx for a different med to use this winter if pain increases.  She sounded so much better on the phone yesterday!  Thanks for all your encouraging words.  I know there are more trials to come, but I'm rejoycing now.

    Ronna:  There used to be a Chabad group in Salt Lake, even.  Happy holidays!

    Dog training this morning, but pup is clamoring for more to do, so I will go exercise while she runs around the basement.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited December 2010

    Hello everyone...started rads today and things went well. I have my own special road map on me. I hope this really does take the pain away. I finally saw Jim (trainer) yesterday and we worked on an exercise program. He only wants me to do the treadmill for 15 min and the other weights 1 set each. He says he thinks it is best even if I can get 3 x a week in. It was really good to see him. He gave me a hug and said he missed me. How sweet is that!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010
    Susan, I watched the tree lighting last night and it was great!! Did you get to see Susan Boyle and Jackie???? I want to get to the city to see the tree but I have learned a lesson, go early in the morning. Too many people at night.

    Retrievermon, glad that your mom is doing better.

    Right now I am in pt, and using my arms on the arm bike so that is giving me some movement and helping the pains in my hands and more flexibility in my arm on mx side. The rain has finally stopped here, thank goodness.

    Ruth, I guess I can always do lower body in the house, glad you put that idea in my head.

    Carol, now that my shopping is done I can go to mall and power walk w/out stopping.

    Mary, you are right, I am up in weight also, but it will go away once we get back to the exercise regime. We have to be patient.

    Mum, hope you are having a grand time in Mexico. Warm, Warm and more Warm.

    Elizabeth, we are with you on your special road. May the pain disappear.

    Bobcat, Cheryl, and everyone else, sorry so many names, have a good night. Thinking of everyone.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010
    Great visit with my friend.  Because I hate to do them, I do 20 squats in the shower every day - only takes about a minute but gives those muscles a workout they normally wouldn't get.  Retriever - good news about your mom. Which Long Island - west or east?   I won't be on for while because I am stowing away in Mum's luggage for the rest of the year!!! where are you going next week Mum??  Good night all Kiss
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Yes, mum, I think you have a whole bunch of us who want to be adopted!  You've been warned!  Smile

    Bobbi, love the squats-in-the-shower idea -- thanks!

    Elizabeth -- hurrah for program, and hurray for Jim being so sweet -- now we REALLY like this man!

    retrievermom, glad things with your mom are better.  Meds can certainly mess one up -- I'm glad she took that action and is feeling better.

    Less than 1" of snow but I love it anyway.  Bring it on!

    love each and every one of you.  This IS the best thread!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hi Everyone, what a long day I had.....7 am meeting to start it out and another meeting that lasted until 5:30 at the end of the day. Then I got a haircut. When I came out of the salon, my car wouldn't start (since this is the second time this has happened in two weeks, I'm thinking there is something seriously wrong with the car Frown). By the time I got home is was after 8 pm........since I just gave all that 'exercise no matter what' advice; I was forced to do two FIRM DVDs; half hour toning & half hour "Cardio Dance Party' (which is more fun than work). The good thing about the day is that I didn't have the opportunity to eat very much!

    Sherry, I hope they get their act together so you can get going and get the rads over with!

    Elizabeth, glad you and Jim are an 'item' again Wink. He sounds like a great trainer AND a great guy. Give him a hug from us too.

    Carol, they are predicting 3-6 MORE inches of snow for us on Friday. I will do my best to get it redirected your way if you want it!

    Retriver, glad your mom is doing better. I am already dreading 'Christmas with the Family'. Pretty sad!!!

    This really is the best thread. Most of the other ones (other than the fun & games) make me want to put my head in an oven! I am sticking with you all!! Kiss Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Did Body Combat tonight and the delightful Eduardo pulled a fast one on us. On the weekend he travels all over and trains trainers and tonight he advised us he was going to practice on us for this weekend. I came out of there with my hair wringing wet and Bobbi we did enough squats to raise my butt 2 inches (yeah like that's really going to happen but it sure feels like it)Surprised.

    Elizabeth so good to see that Jim has worked out a plan for you, onward and upward as the saying goes.

    Ronna can you do the recumbent bike at the gym?

    Ruth you've really had one heck of a day and I hope your car is okay with all that snow coming.

    Retriever I'm so glad your Mom is doing better.  It's going to be nice here through the weekend high 60s so you'll see the sun but maybe rain Monday and let me know it you want to work out Long Beach is just up the road from me.

    Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Ruth, go ahead and send the snow to me! Smile  You're amazing -- that long day, and you still got a lot of exercise in.  Could the car thing be the battery?  Whatever it is, I hope it's simple and inexpensive!  I've opted out of family Christmas this year -- although my older brother never joins us anyway, and the rest of the family is fine -- but I've just seen family SO much this fall that I feel like I need to set aside some time just for me.  I can change my mind and I may but it's been such a year...

    Cheryl, wow.  You run circles around me!  I'm getting inspired by y'all to join a gym -- if I start looking, anything special I should look for based on your experiences?  I'm especially thinking about how I need to use my left arm. No lymphedema yet but I don't want to do anything to set it off.  Advice appreciated!

    Also, the committee member in charge of our silent auction at our fundraiser bailed on us -- it's tomorrow night!!  Guess who got put in charge?  I've been to silent auctions and I know it's not rocket science and we have the logistics worked out (bid sheets, etc) but if anyone has any advice about setting things up, etc., I'd appreciate it -- I used to do some retail displays so I think I'll be fine but Yikes! 

    Mary Louise, how are you doing?

    OK... enough procrastination -- time to work.  Have a date with Leslie later this afternoon while I'm baking for the fundraiser tomorrow.  Come on over -- all-you-can-eat buffet of soups, breads, and desserts donated by area restaurants! (and a few individuals....)...

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Hi there, thank you all for the warm responses to my post.  I agree this is a wonderful thread.

    Naturgrrl, There are definitely days that I don't fit more in than 30 mins exercise so I thought that was great news!

    Bobcat, I am glad you were there walking with me!

    Ruthbru, I loved your Christopher Robin quote and your philosophy!

    Ronna, No I didn't see Susan Boyle or Jackie. I did see Charice...but I didnt know who she was until I watched it on TV that night. I wish I could have seen Sheryl Crow! I was there around 11:30. It was a great time to go since there weren't many people there.

    Dazdnfused, I agree it's a great thread and I am proud to be part of it.  I guess if you were looking at everyone's  dx's at bottom you noticed mine isn't there.  I guess I am still a little in denial with my own you think I have issues or what!  I am IDC, Stage IIb, grade2, 2.6cm and ER/PR+,Her-

    Elizabeth, it sounds like you have a great trainer.  What a sweet guy.  I hope that your pain starts to go away quickly!

    Retrievermom, I will take your snow over rain any day! We need snow on our mountains here in NY!

    Natsfan, sound like you are recovering so quickly.  How much longer on the no jiggle restriction?  You are lucky you found that tick!

      I haven't posted since Tuesday because I have had a couple challenging days since my last post.  I don't want to be the Debbie Downer of this thread but guess I need a place to vent.  2 people I know passed away from cancer this week (not breast ). One was my friend's mother and the other was an 11 year old girl who was friends with my child.  It hit me so hard.  I wish children could be exempt from this disease and that science would catch up and figure out a cure.   I'm just a little heartbroken. It's also a slap in the face because I definitely get angry at times that I am one of the "one in seven" statistics.  With that said I am going to go for a long brisk walk now.  I can't do anything to change what happened so I have to focus on the now. I definitely hugged my children a little tighter last night. The sun is finally shining again and I don't have to worry about the sideways rain.   Thanks for listening.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Susan, if you look back at my posts, you'll see I rant more than anyone -- that's the great thing about this thread -- we support each other through all the ups and downs.  I'm really sorry about the recent cancer deaths in your circle.  Children are especially hard to lose.  But you're right on about focusing on now and hugging those we love.  I bet the walk helped you feel better.  Big hugs to you.

    Talk about denial, I've got to stop checking in here and focus on work! :)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Carol - good luck with the fundraiser.  Of course, you were the logical choice to take over :)

    Susan -I am so sorry for your losses this week.  I know those hugs and the walk had to help. It's A-OK to rant here.  We generally rant and then get moving because we read how much Ruth gets done in one day!! It's exhausting.  And then there's Cheryl and Eduardo - I love that guy from way across the country.

    Safe travels, Retriever.  They just opened a "doggie" shop in my little town - I will check it out this weekend and report back.  I have 2 cats but would love to have a dog somewhere down the road - I love dogs and cats.

    I biked and abed this morning, worked and now joining my training(marathon) partner at a local restaurant to celebrate my 54th birthday tomorrow - whoo hoo!!  We are having brick oven thin crust pizza and lemon drop martinis (one for me).  SO arrives home sometime tomorrow and we will celebrate tomorrow night. Good night all and hugs all around Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Bobbie -- funny!  If you could see my kitchen after 5 hours of baking you might revise that statement! :)

    My rosemary bread is perfect, chocolate bar cookies are great, I burned 2 pecan pies and scrambled to come up with what-can-I-bake-from-what-I-have (we're short on desserts for the fundraiser so I didn't just want to dump the pie idea) and made two pretty blueberry pies, I'm done for the evening.... tomorrow my marathon begins at 7am and I hope to be home by 10 tomorrow night.  I think I'd like Eduardo and/or Jim here to serve me a drink and massage my feet -- they do that, right? Wink

    I have to say, although I'm going to be worn to a nub, having the energy to do so much and be so focused has been good for me.  I'm so far ahead of where I was a year ago (I couldn't even go to the fundraiser last year, I was out of chemo/surgery but just starting rads, mom was dying...).  I'm grateful.

    Bobbie, enjoy your birthday celebration, and Happy Birthday!  You are young, girlfriend!  You are beautiful!  Hope you enjoyed your dinner; hug your SO when you're back together, and have a terrific birthday!

    Blah blah mememememe :)  Thanks for listening!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010
    Oh.  I didn't exercise today (bad mememememe!) unless you count burning pies as exercise Tongue out
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Did my 15 minutes of elliptical this morning.  Finally started rads today and when I got home was going to go for my walk/run, but some friends came by to help my DH out with some electrical issues so then we went out to dinner.  I love my friends but sometimes they get in the way of my wonderful plans.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Got a new battery for the car, did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 lower body toning and went to a play at the middle school; so fun to see all those kids up there having a great time!

    Carol, I'd say all that cooking would count as 'The Kitchen Workout'! Wow! I don't know if you'd want Eduardo or Jim there though, they'd probably make you drop to the floor and do pushups! Good luck on the fundraiser, it sounds like you have it all under control. I can tell you are getting your zest and energy back because your posts have so much more pep than when you first joined us Cool.

    Bobbi, your pizza and martini sounds like a great start to your birthday celebration weekend!!! I am joining you with a virtual martini (actually I'm eating cereal, but I'm thinking martini!!).

    Sherry, glad you have finally gotten going on the radiation. It's just a fraction of time in the whole rest of your life. And if someone comes over to help with electrical issues.....that takes top priority, even over exercise!

    Susan, so sorry about your friends. There can't be anything worse than a death of a child, no matter what the cause. And yeah, I think we all get mad about being a 'statistic', but then I think of people with horrible dieases or conditions for which there is no treatment at all & then I think, "At least I have a fighting chance." and, as Winston Churchill said, "I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else."

    Still predicting 6 inches of snow. I SHOULD have great arms if I survive the winter! 'Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Just a quick fly by to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBBI" hope you have a wonderful day and may it be a precursor to a fabulous year.

    Carol - Good Luck with the fundraiser, I'm sure it will be a huge success fueled by your fabulous contribution and yes I'm sure Eduardo would not only make you do push ups he'd make you do Superman or Alligator crawl push upsSurprised.

    Ruth glad you got your car taken care of, maybe you should ask for a snow blower for ChristmasLaughing I'll bet the kids are chanting "snow day" "snow day"

    Susan I am so sorry you have been touched with such sorrow this week.

    Sherry glad you finally got started on the rads and I understand those pesky friends, mine dragged me out to the movies tonight to see Burlesque, that Christina Aguiler sure can belt out a tune and I just had breakfast for dinner, oh I really had better go to the gym tomorrow. Nite all, but guess what it's 2.30am in Pennsylvania so "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBBI"

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Happy Birthday to the Bold Beautiful Bobbi!!!!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010
    Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes!!  I love my birthday - just always feel so good.  Had a lovely time with my friend last night - we laughed and laughed, she's so funny.  Slept like a baby with my 2 kitties and then a bike ride this am.  Just enjoyed a sweet potato with non-fat sour cream for lunch with jalapeno on top - delicious.  Now off to work and then stopping for white pointsettias on the way home.  I always decorate with pointsettias on my birthday to start the holiday season.  SO should be home early evening after a week away.  Have a great day all and thank you, my friends Kiss
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Happy Birthday bobycat