Lets Post our Daily Exercise
it’s been about a month since I checked in and now I’m doing so on ambien!
60-90 minute workouts 3-4 days a week. Was excited to do triceps pushups this week (girl style of course). Haven’t managed those for years
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I was in DC too earlier this week, not so much walking as the rest of you, but lots of new grandson snuggling.Here he is yesterday, 11 days old. His sweet little baby face hides the fact that he was pooping out the side of his diaper! I miss him already, but get to go back and visit for longer in a couple of weeks when his Dad goes back to work.
DH and I hope to go on a hike today, beautiful weather.
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That face! That hair! He's precious, Pat!!!
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What a doll!
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Good PT yesterday. The good news is that the therapist cleared me to start doing either the exercise bike or elliptical at the fitness center. I have to start with short 10-15 minute sessions at first but if I have no pain I can start increasing time and intensity. I’m so glad cuz I’ve lost so much cardio fitness and I want to start building back up. Hooray!! Lymphatic drainage massage scheduled for this afternoon. Hoping she can work off some of the fluid around the knee
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Squats! You're a better woman than I, ruthbru...oof!
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Homemadesalsa, your red rocks riding makes my weenie Escalante hiking (read: picking away at the trail) pale in comparison. Bravo!
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Currently scaling back my usual workouts out of an abundance of caution only because I had my lumpectomy/sentinel node biopsy on Monday of this week. However, we hit the pavement that evening at the hotel where we (wisely) spent the night rather than haul ass 2 hours up I-17 from Phoenix where I had my surgery to our home.Good thing. Then more walking the next day and a longer one on Wednesday; 2 1/2 miles with hills, briskly yesterday and the same today. Keeping that blood moving.
(Got my surgeon's call and the report on the surgery yesterday - clean margins, small tumor as expected - a teeny 5mm, clean nodes We'll move on to discussing treatment on Tuesday when I see my surgeon and meet both a radiation oncologist and medical oncologist. Lots to discuss with them like: am I a candidate for brachytherapy and should I have oncotypedx testing done? I'm hoping Yes for the former and planning on strongly asking for the latter.)
Keep moving, people!
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Pat, he's absolutely adorable!!
Patsy, yay for clean margins!
Enjoying nice weather here today, but it is breezy. Heading to the pool for laps shortly.
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Loving the pictures Ruth and Pat.
After my DC trip, got to the gym 3 times Wed/Thurs/Friday. At my lunchtime Friday pilates class that I LOVE!!! the instructor said the owner of the studio (mostly yoga and barre) is thinking of dropping pilates, yikes! Hope not, the class is well subscribed and is a great addition to balance yoga and barre.
It's graduation weekend at my school which is very hectic, but then we are off to the beach for two weeks, where my exercise will be started each day with my 3 mile walk on the beach. I paced it off several years ago...like 10 or more...it used to take 55-60 minutes, now a bit more, but have maintained the distance rather than the original goal of a 1hr walk.
Happy Mother's Day to all, TT
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Congratulations on your good report, Pasty!
We REALLY need to install new flooring and paint the whole upstairs of our house; today I have been running around getting carpet samples, paint samples, looking again at hardwood options. Yikes! As soon as I think I like something, I see something else.....stay tuned.
It is gorgeous so I am going to grab the grandpuppies and meet a friend and her dogs for a nice walk.
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Pat - Your grandson is adorable! Hope you were able to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom while you were there.
I'll be in DC next week to visit my dad at Arlington Cemetery. We try to visit every couple of years. He has a beautiful magnolia tree in his courtyard at the columbarium. It's so beautiful there.
I'm still doing my 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day. I've been back to my elliptical routine too. Oh, and my 6 month oncologist visit went very well today. I lost more weight, so I'm feeling great!
It's good to see that everyone is doing well.
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I did some serious hiking today. Only five miles but it was from 8200 to 9200 feet altitude over a difficult trail, and took 4.75 hours. I missed my Nerlynx meds but it's too late to take it today. Too bad-so sad. NOT.
I made myself a hiking stick and it rocks.
Summit view at the top of Black Bear Trail in Golden Gate Canyon State Park near Denver:
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Bareclaws, lovely view. Pat, what an adorable, beautiful baby boy. BucsGirl, good on the weight loss. Patsy, nice to read you on the other side and all is going smooth. Trmtab, hope your pilates classes stay on the schedule. Had an interview yesterday morning with a GP practice in a village not too far that is interested in what I do for older adults and hopefully will pilot 12 weeks to see how it goes. Off to teach BodyBalance and more gardening later this afternoon.
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Just caught up on three pages because I have been too busy to get here. I did my first bike ride last Saturday because it was summer hot 85 degrees. I like to get that breeze from the ride on hot days. Sunday was cooler so I mowed the lawn and assorted garden and sculpt. The rest of the week has been walks but yesterday and today it is back to rainy and cold, sigh. It will be hard to motivate myself to get in a workout. I really wanted to plant and dig today.
Bareclaws what a beautiful site. That is worth a hike.
Pat your grandson is beautiful. My son was born with a ton of dark hair too, so I always feel babies with hair are extra beautiful!
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Thanks LilacBlue! I hope all goes well with the 12 week program. I'm sure they'll see the benefit in what you have to offer for older adults. I know that we all certainly appreciate your knowledge in health & fitness.
Bareclaws - What a beautiful view! I've never been to Colorado, but hope to one day soon. BTW, a 5 mile hike with that altitude is very impressive. You rock!
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I went to a lovely Early Bird Yoga class this morning. I have a busy day ahead so am not sure if I'll get in any other exercise (since one of the things I'm doing involves going to a yummy food-filled graduation party, maybe I better squeeze in something aerobic!).
Happy Mothers Day tomorrow to all moms, grandmothers, aunts, teachers, mentors.....to all who nurture others; be they be young, elderly, friends/acquantainces who need a boast or a shoulder to cry on, animals and/or plants. The ancients called the planet we live on 'Mother' Earth for a reason.
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Thanks everyone, I think he's beautiful, but any Nana would say that. Twohobbies, my kids were bald at birth too, I can't get over his head of hair. My daughter was two before she had that much hair! Can't wait to go back down there.
Happy Mother's day to all - we are going to NYC to meet up with DS2, who is in from London for a conference. I suspect he doesn't know it's also Mother's day, as the celebrate a different date in the UK - hoping his siblings clue him in!
DH and I did another stretch of the North South Trail yesterday. Spring has sprung so it wasn't as boring as the first leg. A good deal of this leg was along roads. At first we had considered skipping the road parts, but now we are realizing it is nice to walk a road you usually drive, you appreciate more of your surroundings, get to see unique things people do with their yards, and can stop and admire the cattle at the farm, or see turkeys and snakes and even an Amtrak train. Probably hiked about 6 miles (this is Rhode Island so mostly flat), 75 more to go!
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Nice words ruthbru for a spring weekend, thanks. Spring as a time for renewal, to thank our mother earth and our human mothers as well.
After 3rd of 4 DD taxol/ perjeta/ herceptin on Wednesday, I felt remarkably flexible and strong today. Thursday I was full wound up from the pre-med steroids (Dex), and yesterday was an achy couch potato, although I did a walk around the block with the old dog. But today I went to the gym because it was pouring rain, and felt strong. Crazy to think that our bodies adapt to putting this really bad stuff into them, and then can even perform.
I do have a heart rate question for you all. During AC I was really careful to keep my heart rate under 140 (came up with that # with my age and fitness level), and I could sense (without a HR monitor) when I was close or over that # while biking or skiing, after calibrating on the elliptical which has a built-in HR monitor. I didn't want to damage or extend my heart while on the AC, and my resting HR was at roughly 77- it's usually 52. Now on TPH it's down to 62-66 resting, and I was able to get it up to 155 on the elliptical. Going on Monday for a second echocardiogram after getting baseline before chemo. Be interesting to see what it reads, eh?
Did any of you get any guidance on this from your MO or PT? Got any studies to send me to? Have any common sense guidelines that you follow?
thanks, homemadesalsa (aka HMS)
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Happy Mothers Day to all and HUGS to those who have a hard day today.
"The Hay Is In The Barn" 😁 Ran my last long training run yesterday of 10 miles. The hard work is done and will run a few easy runs this week along with walking and yoga.. Half is on Saturday. One year ago I was diagnosed and had to miss my half last spring due to receiving a hematoma after my final MRI biopsy and not being able to run for about 3 wks so it could heal for surgery. No matter what happens I will be proud of what I went thru this past year..diagnosis, biopsies, scans, surgeries, chemo and radiation. I have learned how strong I am. I "ran" thru chemo but it was not my normal running and it was very hard. 6 months ago when I finished chemo I could not run 3 miles continuously without walking. I think of all the tears I have cried during my runs the past 12 months...scared, angry, sad and joyous tears. I remember the first weeks after being diagnosed having so much anxiety and some days I could not run. Finally I told myself this cancer diagnosis was taking so much away from me, I couldn't let it take running away from me too. The last few weeks something has really clicked...My runs have gotten easier and my pace has improved. I think 6 months post chemo has been a turning point. But yet I know I have worked hard to get to this point and learned so much more about myself along the way . So thankful I found this thread...you ladies are wonderful motivators and so inspiring. I truly feel like next Sat I will be giving cancer 1 final kick in the ass! 😘
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Give it a hard final kick, Runner. Gorgeous gecko, Wonderland and fantastic trail view, bareclaws. Sweet, sweet boy, Pat. Bucsgirl, oncs are very happy when we lose weight, from my experience. TrmTab, you are rocking those beach walks at whatever time/speed. Ruth, lovely pic with your aunt.
HMS, my oncs approved of skiing, hiking, biking and lifting during TAC, not that I was able to do much except walking and hiking although I did ski easy slopes. It was just a theoretical question and they most likely knew it was. You are not the average patient so I would try to be very specific with the questions to your onc as to limitations and when you should be exercising at what intensity. If he/she doesn't know, ask a cardiologist familiar with cancer treatment. I can't believe your RHR during treatment is the same as mine now. BTW loved that photo!
Here's one of me, again walking my bike yesterday.
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Dear Homemadesalsa,
I never asked. As Heidihill says, there just aren't any guidelines for those of us who exercise through chemo because it's still so uncommon. I just made sure that I got out there and did what I could. Every single day, I did a minimum of a one mile walk. I did 3 miles where possible, and I got on my bicycle on weekends. The result was that I kept my core fitness, and had a much easier recovery. I also noticed that I was suddenly a lot stronger about 6 months post chemo. I did all the summer cycling events anyway, fueled by GU Gel and ibuprofen. I am very proud of that too.
I became a legend in Seattle oncology circles, being known as "that patient." My oncologist tells me that I am the only one of her patients who does the type of endurance events that I do.
Yesterday, I did the Metric Century route of the Skagit Spring Classic. A real challenge as I was seriously dragging after a brutal week and a very long Friday. I cut off a final loop at the end so about 5% of the distance. The benefit is that the shortcut was far more scenic than the regular route, and fascinating geography. Farms instead of another look at the regional airport. My knee was really hurting as had done a 5k run the night before.
I am claiming victory. It was a gorgeous, if windy day with just splendid scenery. Three mountain ranges in view, glorious farmland, and cycling next to the coast. Chuckanut Drive did wonders for my legs. But that headwind whipped my butt!!!
More later. Happy Mother's Day everyone. - Claire
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HMS, I asked about the HR thing a couple weeks ago.... I ended up deciding to try to stay in cardio zone and not go to peak.
Mostly because - "patients treated with anthracycline-containing regimens are considered intermediate risk (of an exercise-related event) and require exercise testing with ECG monitoring. While no life-threatening AEs were observed during the CPET, the present results support this recommendation since exercise-induced ECG abnormalities were detected, which necessitates rigorous monitoring during testing and subsequent aerobic training sessions. Formal investigations of the safety of CPET and exercise training in the oncology setting are required."https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3109/028418...
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Pat, your grand baby is gorgeous
Runner, crying tears of joy for you while reading your post. You go get 'em!
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Runner, no matter how the race goes, you've already won!!!
I'm having a nice family day which has included a walk with DS and the grand-dogs.
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HMS...I agree with whats been said...My oncologist looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about continuing to run during chemo. His only advice was to tell me to listen to my body and not over do. I was careful and did only slow easy runs during that time.
Pat...your grandson is beautiful! Enjoy!!
Heidi...love the pic!!
Ruth..glad you had a nice day.
Claire..wonderful job!!
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Our advice from MOs is all over the place, isn’t it? My first MO in Texas was a runner and she said “Keep running!” Second MO here in Colorado is athletic and also very encouraging. No one has suggested taking it easy.