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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2018

    Another gorgeous picture, HMS!

    Welcome Capecodgirl. Do you actually live in Cape Cod? (If so, I am extremely jealous!). Post every day and that will MAKE you exercise!

    Runner, I wonder what the weather will bring for your run (for everyone else, our weather has been 'bouncy' was HOT two days ago and cold and raining like crazy today).

    Congratulations, Karen, on your evaluation and your job decision.

    Varga, I like working with kids who have challenges because it is so awesome (and fun.....for them and me both) when they succeed. How old is your daughter? And how old are your grandkids? Yes, you are earning your steps!!

    I went to Pound & Bone Builders this morning and just now got back from yoga tonight.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2018
    Hi CapeCod, welcome! Glad you joined us.

    Heidi thanks for the info, hope the dose reduction improves things.

    Karen, glad things went well with the evaluation.
  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited May 2018

    i did a 25 minute walk at lunch and got 12 squats and 12 counter push-uos done while I waited for my kunch to cook.

    What a view, homemade salsa. Welcom CapeCodGirl. You can do ot!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2018

    Octogirl: Moving is very stressful. Good luck with your packing!

    Runner: Hope you have good weather this Saturday. We will all "be there" with you!

    Heidi: Sorry you are having changes in your endometrial lining. I also had bleeding on Tamox. Hopefully the dose reduction will take care of your problem.

    HMS: Love your picture!!! Beautiful!

    Capecodgirl: Welcome! Keep coming back and posting!

    Karen: WTG on the fabulous evaluation!

    Hi Everyone! I've been on kitten watch as a homeless cat in the neighborhood had 6 kittens. She moves them around to different sheds where they live beneath them. Currently they are living under the shed next door. Dd and I have named them all Happy My neighbor who is feeding the momma cat plans to trap the her and the kitties to get them fixed. Also, dh and I saved a nestling today. We think he's a cardinal. Found him on the ground and his eyes aren't even opened yet. He would be eaten up in a minute with all the cats around! Looked up on the internet for suggestions bc we couldn't find the nest to put him back into. So, we put leaves in a pot, placed the bird in it, and hung it in the tree. Hope momma and daddy bird find him! Now I'm on kittie watch and bird watch.

    I've been walking/running since I last posted plus push mowed for 2 1/4 hours and yard work.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited May 2018

    running is my salvation. I run three to five miles almost everyday. Occasionally I will run a 10K. The only days I don't exercise are chemo days. Tomorrow will be round 5 of tchp. My time is significantly slower but I enjoy the exercise. I use 2 to 5 lb weights for upper body strengthening as well as resistance bands. Unfortunately I'm not as diligent with my upper body exercises as I am with running. I feel as long as I can run or power walk I'm ok. So, Keep on exercising.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2018

    Hi Jo!!!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited May 2018

    Hi Ruth- I'm always reading your posts on the Stage 2 Sisters site.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2018

    Hi all:

    Lots of packing today and a long walk.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited May 2018

    HMS, WOW, what a scene!  Welcome, capecodgirl and Jo.  Must feel great to be so appreciated, Karen, congrats. Wonderland, that is a lot of push mowing. Lucky animals to have you and your neighbor. 

    30  minutes of kettlebells yesterday. Am still feeling it today but will push through with some light Zumba this afternoon.

    I just read that raloxifene, another SERM, does not have the same endometrial side effect as Tamoxifen. Hmmm. Anyway, the good news is that my tumor markers, estradiol, CRP (inflammatory marker), liver enzymes, blood glucose and cholesterol came back all still pretty low. Pancreas is healthy as well.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited May 2018

    Heidihill- congrats on your good lab report.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited May 2018

    Ruth- my girl will be 29 in a few weeks. We have been together for 20 years now. My grandchildren are 12,11,9,6,3 and 1. 2 boys and 4 girls. The 12 y/o lives with us. My DD was 17 when she had him and he has been with us since March last year. The 3 y/o, 1 y/o and 11 are here alot to. The 9 y/o lives with her other grandparents. She was our oldest daughter's child she was 3 when her mother passed. Always busy at our house!

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346
    edited May 2018

    Welcome to the new gals!! I love to run as well!

    Ran 3 miles last night my final training run for this half. Bittersweet... have come so far since last April. I am a nervous ball of energy today!! I always get like this! Driving my husband crazy! This will be my 11th half marathon so you would think it would get better! Drinking my Nuun and water and of course consuming some carbs. Trying to stay off feet as much as I can today.

    Ruth...the wind looks crazy! Race start time show gusts around 24mph out of the north. It could be a slow slog back to the dome. Forecast says temps will be in upper 40s. Perfect running temps but do have to make an outfit change... bought a new tank top a month ago to wear tomorrow as I expected it to be warmer. With a North wind it will feel chilly!! Ruth I will send you my bib # and you can track me!

    Thank you Wonderland...I will be thinking of you ladies and getting strength from all of you tomorrow!

    Wanted to leave you all with this today..💗

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited May 2018

    Go Runnermum! You will be awesome tomorrow, even with the wind and well done on all your training*:-)/\:-) high five (like the poem too). HMS & Ruth love the photos - looking strong ladies. HeidiHill, terrific news on markers and trusting that endometrial issues will be squared away sometime soon. Karen, wonderful for you on work front. Welcome jo6359 & CapeCodGirl! Vargadoll, you are so busy and the glue for the family, no doubt about it. I'm baking a elderflower & lemon cake tonight to take to lunch tomorrow where I'll watch the wedding with pal Sal. Total wedding fever over here, OTT actually. Wonderland, I'm off to trim the field hedge. Have a good start to the weekend and let's keep at it everyone!

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited May 2018

    24 running miles this week! And today’s 4.5 was at a pace I haven’t seen in many many months. I think part of that is due to having lost a tiny bit of weight on Nerlynx but also I’m getting stronger, becoming more accustomed to altitude, maybe just getting meaner again. Two miles of every run barefoot and my callouses are coming back—I’ll ditch the shoes completely soon. I’ve also added hiking to my exercise routine as much as I can. My new trekking poles came in the mail today and I can’t wait to try them on a mountain hike.

    You all are inspiring.

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2018

    Hi all- thanks for the warm welcome--Falconer, Wonderland, Heidihill, Ruthbru, Lilacblue, Two Hobbies and Runnermom. Hope I did not miss anyone.

    Ruthbru- I have lived on the Cape all my life. The last few years we have wintered in Florida (if I never see snow again it will be too soon). I am on the Cape now, and weather is cold and rainy! Can't wait for summer. But I do love the Cape.

    Runnermon- Good luck on your half- I will be thinking of you. I was training for a half in June 2017 but was diagnosed in May. Pet scan was scheduled for the day after the race, so no race for me. For some reason they said not to exercise the day before the scan. But I was a week and a half out from my lumpectomy, so I would have hurt to run it. Anyway, hoping I have more halfs in my future. Also-- like the Ode to Legs!

    So after my big accountability post yesterday, I was warming up for my run on my bosu ball and heard a loud crack coming from my knee. Then I was down for the count. I am so mad!! The good news is I have an MRI scheduled for tonight at 9:00, so hopefully will hear some good news from that. Right now the knee is so painful I'm not sure if I will be able to do much for a few days (or more).

    Anyway, I will continue to follow this thread, and am rooting for you all to keep up with the excercising.

    Thanks again for the welcome!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited May 2018

    I will be offline this week-end through Monday night. Tonight and tomorrow is Shabbat and then Sunday and Monday is the holiday of Shavuot. Have a great week-end.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474
    edited May 2018

    We are indeed a chatty bunch (which is awesome!) Took me a while to read all that's been posted, and what I've read here is danged impressive!

    Bucsgirl & Ruth – With regard to lifting the cans of peas & cream of mushroom. Considering all we've been through I think we deserve better….a little luxury in consideration n' all. I think we should use containers of white truffle oil with jars of caviar taped to them. We could build up to a couple of bottles of Dom Perignon over time. LOL, might as well do it in style! Ruth, love the pics of your ladies, looks like a fun group!

    Heidi – Awesome labs yay! I want to thank you again for posting the footwork drills, tried em', loved em'. While I was doing it my DH walked by the room, stopped, started to pass and stopped again to watch what I was up to. He said "I can rent you a penguin costume if you insist on playing Happy Feet" . Please add my DH's exercise for the week: Full out 2 mile jog to escape angry penguin lady with Happy Feet. Bucsgirl, your comment about breaking your neck if you did them……I was convinced I looked like Ginger Rodgers/Fred Astaire but one look in the workout mirror screamed Jerry Lewis!

    Runnermom -Your Yoga will go a long way in starting any kind of weight lifting program. I tried Yoga once and it was HARD. I loved it and really should get my butt back into that class at least once a week, talk about a core workout! I'm also impressed by the marathons and am rooting for you to get that cool jacket….post a pic of yourself when you get it, which I'm sure you will! We'll all be there with you in spirit tomorrow!

    Claire – Are you biking from Seattle to Portland?If you get that svelte & fit you mentioned, could I borrow it sometime? ;)

    Octogirl – Movingis hard work, you were lifting the whole time! I used to go to a gym that had a pool and really miss swimming!

    TwoHobbies – same goes for you, 1.5 hours of mowing tall grass, way to go!! If that's not strength training I don't know what is! Squats and counter push ups…..near and dear to my heart, made me smile to read you did them while making dinner.I once heaved a 10 lb bag of potatoes over my head while cooking, only to have the bag rip open. My DH said 'serves ya' right show off'. No soup for him! I don't recommend anyone do the potato lift at home, it hurts.

    HMS – OMG what a beautiful pic! Such a gorgeous area to bike through….cool doggie too! My hat goes off to you for continuing to move through chemo. All I did was imitate Petunia Pig. You're a true fitness hero!

    Capecodgirl – Welcome! Glad to see you join us. MyFitnessPal is a great site…..just be careful on the community forms. I once posted my experiences on my Paleo way of life. I was lambasted, which was my own fault, I clicked into the wrong thread and posted onto the Vegetarian thread. Nothing like pushing meat at a bunch vegetarians to get yourself a virtual butt whooping! I'm still stinging!

    Jo6359 – Another chemo exercising hero! Way to go!! I wish I'd been smart like HMS and yourself! So proud of you both!

    Bareclaws – You ran 24 miles…..good lord that's amazing! I'm thinking we're all finding you inspiring!

    LilacBlue – The elderflower & lemon cake sounds yummy and good enough to serve to Harry & Megan!

    If I haven't lost everyone by blethering on so long, I have decided to add up my exercise this past week as total weight lifted & cardio. So as a total I have squatted, lunged, lifted pushed, pulled, yanked , grabbed, begged, borrowed, stole 2500 lbs….that's 2.5 tons!! (lbs. added X 3 reps of 10 X number of workouts). Cardio @ 80% 90 mins @60% 120 mins. Now I can officially say I have tons of things to do (yeah, pun intended). On an even better note – oh the wrist, oh the wrist, oh the wrist is back! (sung to Elton's 'Bitch is Back). Next week, I'm back in the swing with upper body stuff.

    I hope I didn't leave anyone out! Proud of each and every one of you, we're certainly gettin' it done!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2018

    Egads, I think we like to chat as least as we like to exercise (and eat/drink/be merry......I,myself, would gladly try out your alternate weights suggestion Loopy).

    Yikes, Capecod, what did you find out about your knee?

    Bareclaws, mean is good. Did you pick your screen name from your barefoot running?

    Lilac, your cake sounds yummy. I'm debating how early I can stand to get up since I'd like to take some of it in.

    I love your legs poem, Runner!! I have been watching some of the pre-race coverage tonight on the news. Hopefully the wind will settle down a little, and thank goodness the rain seems to have stopped. Best of luck! We are running with you!

    Heidi, glad your test results came back as they did.

    Varga, wow, you ARE busy. Your grandkids are very lucky to have such as cool gramma.

    I subbed today and am going to sub most of next week for a friend who tripped (while engaging in the dangerous sport of walking through a parking lot), fell, and broke both bones in her wrist.They took her into surgery today and inserted a plate and a bunch of pins. Shocked

    I walked the puppies after school and have been dancing around to Marshall Fitness on utube. Tomorrow is the last yoga class from my favorite teacher (l predict lots of tears) and then we are jumping in the car and driving a couple hours north and meet some friends for a concert. Maybe I will watch the Royal Wedding from the dreadmill before the rest of the day's activities commense.

    Happy Weekend!

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited May 2018

    Egads, yes bare feet=bareclaws. I almost cried when chemo destroyed my callouses. I had that nasty hand/foot syndrome, only not on my hands, just feet. Callouses literally sloughed off. Then winter in Colorado, so I’m just now rebuilding them

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2018

    Been lazy lately, so not much exercise to report - plus the weather is just not cooperating here in New England, we have had fires in the woodstove the last 3 nights. We will probably skip spring alltogether and go straight to hazy hot and humid!

    Heidihill, I also had thickening - twice - once before BC diagnosis, which they treated with estrogen, and once after, which they did a D&C for. Hope you will be able to control with a change in medication.

    Heading back down to DC Tuesday for more grandson time, so I am doing laundry, packing, and getting the house/yard ready for us to be gone. Lawn mowing in my future once the grass dries out.

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346
    edited May 2018

    I did it! This morning I ran with perseverance and crossed that finish line with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart. What a long shitty 12 months it has been but I did what I wanted to do and gave another F U to cancer today. I missed this half last spring due to my diagnosis and today was my redemption. I enjoyed every single minute of the race this morning and surprised myself with my time. My last half prior to this one was 1 1/2 yrs ago. Oct of 2016. 6 months prior to my diagnosis. My finish time this morning was only 8 min slower than the Oct 2016 half time! That is a victory in my book! I finished chemo 6 months ago and could not run 3 miles without a walk break. I did not walk 1 step today. I worked hard to get where I am. And I am not finished yet! 4 months til my next half! Thank u ladies for the inspiration!

    The back of my medal and a pic a friend took of me running this morning. I was smiles all the entire 13 miles! Now off to take a nap!



  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2018

    Congratulations Runnermum! Awesome finish and photo!


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited May 2018

    Way to go, Runnermum! Aw, the sweet smell of victory. I totally get this. I cried when I finished the Seattle-to-Portland the year I went through chemo and radiation. - Claire 

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346
    edited May 2018

    Thank you Octogirl & Claire! Claire...we earned everyone of those tears! Let them flow! How many miles is the Seattle to Portland ride? Thats amazing!

    One little awesome one point I was behind a gal running wearing a shirt tbat said "She's A Fighter" on the back with the pink ribbon. I followed her for a ways and shed a few tears cuz yes damn it WE are fighters! I caught up with her and told I her I loved her shirt and asked if she was a survivor. She was not but was running for her friend who is currently fighting. I shared my story with her. We parted ways after that...but seeing that shirt at that time was a boost I needed. We had just turned to head north back to finish and was running against some pretty good wind. My feet felt a little lighter after that encounter!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2018

    So awesome! Congratulations in every way possible, Runner!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2018
    Runnermum, sooooo happy to see the picture of your triumphant return. Xoxoxoxox
  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited May 2018

    Congratulations Runnermum!! You give me hope that I’ll be able to do a half again someday soon.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2018

    Runner: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Such a Beautiful Happy smile! Congratulations!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited May 2018

    Runnermum-Fantastic. Great run. Great smile. I have been running 5Kand 10Ks. After I finish chemo and radiation I might start training for a half. You are an inspiration.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited May 2018

    Woo-hoo, Runnermum! FU Cancer.

    Lilac I have been wondering what elderflower tastes like, The lemon part I know I like. i am an early riser anyway so I did watch the wedding today, Almost four hours later I was still watching the coverage so DH kicked me out of the house! So I went for a walk around the lake for 45 minutes, Did some more counter push ups this evening. Yesterday I did stairs for my HIIT workout-up and down 8 flights twice.