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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone.  You are so wonderful and supportive.  Thank you. 

    Carol, I hope your fundraiser is a huge success!

    Bobbi, I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!

    Ruth, being an optomist is the only way to be...from you posts I can tell that you are a pro at it! Having faith helps a lot also. AND we have more than a fighting chance!  Thats way we are on this thread making it happen!

    Naturegrrl, thanks for letting me know its okay to vent somtimes. 

    Cheryl,I wanted to see Burlesque.  Hope it was good.  I ended up at Love and Other Drugs instead.  I thought it was great.

    Hello to everyone else!

    Do any of you ladies do yoga?  The integrative doctor I went to wants me to start going 2x/week on top of my daily workouts.  I have never tried it before and dont know where to begin!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    You can get a 'Yoga for Dummies' DVD Tongue out and try it out. I never feel like I have TIME for yoga but I do like pilates which I believe is somewhat similar (or maybe not.....anyone who actually knows the difference can chime in!).

    It snowed like crazy all day but didn't blow (hence no snow day for the kiddos). We do have a snowblower, but when my DH started it the first time this winter, sparks flew it's Sculpt and Shovel until he gets it fixed (or spring, whichever comes first). I walked on the treadmill 45 minutes & did 15 of abs. Now I'm taking a break from attacking the piles of JUNK on the dining room table.

    I went to Burlesque over Thanksgiving. Predictable plot; but a lot of great, high energy singing and dancing, so I thought it was fun. I want to look like Cher when I grow up!!!!!!

    OK, back to work for me. See ya later! Ruth

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    I think Yoga for Dummies is a great idea!  I found classes that work with my both my work and childrens schedules but they werent the fundimentals class.  I was afraid to walk in and not have a clue what was going on.  Maybe I will check out the DVD before trying a class.  I never felt like I had time for Yoga either.  This Dr. felt it was very important for joint aches, stress release, and sleeping??  I figured it is worth trying.  Back to amazon....again!  goodnight all.

    Also...I WISH we had snow to blow!  I am itching to get on skii's!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Susan, where are you (if you don't mind telling)?  I'm with you -- send in the snow!

     Bobbi, happy, happy birthday!  hope it was as fabulous as you are!  Kiss

     Fundraiser:  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Going to bed :)  More sometime soon!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    PS I love yoga!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    susand I do yoga twice a week and love it.  Don't know why I didn't start sooner.  I would suggest you talk to the instructor and see how advanced the class is.  Our class is a pretty advanced class but the instructor shows us how to do posses that make it easier on our bodies and for those that are not as advanced.  she also has a young girl that helps and shows us the posses so the instructor can walk around the room and help us do ours the correct way which makes a huge difference. I have only been going for three months and it is amazing how far I have come.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Did back to back classes tonight, first Body Pump and then Zumba, yeahhhh. Ruth see once again the sisters thing, I too want to look like Cher when I grow up, I'm going to take a guess and say she's had a little bit of work done but doesn't she look fabulous.

    Susan don't know when I could fit yoga in but I have done it in the past and liked it, if you feel unsure go to your local library and get a DVD so you can have a practice at home and you might also like tai chi, I did it after my surgery and it really helped with my range of motion. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    I'd say shes had alot of work.......but you can't fake Cher's style or her voice!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Happy Belated Birthday Bobbi!  Sounds like you celebrated in style!

    Susan - our local rec center offers a Gentle Yoga class on Tuesdays - I started going a couple years ago and I love it.  It's a less-intense yoga class designed for people who aren't quite up to the rigors of a regular class, such as people with arthritis, people who have been inactive for a while, or people with special needs such as b/c survivors.  I really miss it now that I'm on my post-surgical restrictions, and can't wait to go back in January.  Check your local rec department or maybe the Y - some places even have special yoga classes for b/c survivors.  I tend to do too much aerobics and weights, and not enough stretching and flexibility, so yoga forces me to incorporate that into my exercise program.

    I'm a bit blue today.  Thirty years ago today my mom died of b/c at the age of 58.  She was a victim of that generation's "doctors as god" attitude - she found a lump, and went to her doctor every three months for a year because she was concerned about it, especially since her sister had b/c some years prior.  But the doctor kept reassuring her, telling her that he could tell by feel that it wasn't cancer.  She never questioned him or got a second opinion, despite the rest of the family's growing concern - as far as she was concerned, he was a doctor, so of course he knew what he was talking about.  By the time she was dx, she was at very advanced Stage IV.  I'm so angry at that doctor - she never got to meet my husband, she never got to see how I turned out as an adult (I was 24 when she died), and she just missed so much.  That doctor not only robbed her of life, but he robbed me and the rest of us who loved her as well.   Also, today is the funeral for a dear friend who just died of ampullary cancer - we were dx at the same time and went through chemo at the same time.  All in all, not a cheerful day for me.  

    I think the exercise restrictions are getting to me as well - I'd love to get out of this mood by doing a hard sweaty workout.  But it's hard to work up a good sweat when you can't use your arms and you can't jiggle!  But I am healing well and the incisions look great so far, so that's keeping me on the straight and narrow about obeying the restrictions.  I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday, and I think the surgeon will be pleased with how I'm doing.

    Thanks for letting me vent this morning - you ladies are great.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    A big hug for you today, Mary.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Mary no matter how long they're gone we miss them as if it were yesterday and on anniversaries our hearts ache, sending you a a big warm hug.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    {{{{{Mary}}}}}  I know I always considered myself lucky that my parents lived so long and I got to have that time with them. I'm sorry about your mom and that whole experience, and I'm sorry about your friend. Warm hug from me, too.

    I woke up to -- snow!!!  A good 3" or more but it's just above freezing so I don't know if it'll stay.  I'd like about 3 more inches, then I'd be tearing through boxes to find my ski boots!

    Today, a tromp in the woods felt terrific.

    I think I'm going to make cabbage soup and cornbread tonight.  Good weather for it.

    Take care, tarts...

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Bobcat, happy belated birthday. Just got on site now. Hope your b'day brings only good things.

    Susan, your post made me so sad. An 11 year old girl, just not fair.

    I am going to vent, its too cold here, we had a few flurries this a.m. and I hate my implant.

    It is getting in my way. I don't want to start with the other sites because it will really set me off. That said, that's enough for now.

    Cheryl, tomorrow morning I am going to a going away party at gym for my zumba instructor who is moving back to Peru. Imagine, having a real Latino teaching Zumba. That was a real treat. Her husband got a job back in their homeland so there goes the one of the best Zumba instructors. I I am going to party but cannot dance.Frown

    My clearnace fior gym is on the 8th and I will get on the bike, treadmill and/or eliptical. No dancing, however squats in shower sounds good.

    If I missed anyone, sorry, to my northeastern and Indiana friends, stay warm.

    Carol, would love to have some pie.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Mary big hugs to you.  I was 20 when my Dad (48) died of a heart attach.  I still miss him terrible.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Mary, my mom died in 1986 at the age of 58. I ws 36. I remember she called me shortly before she died and said  she had cancer. Well, she never spoke of it again, and I never knew anything. I know she did not die of cancer, however, I often wondered if she ever had bc. Nothing then was discussed.  Yes, I am sad also, she never got to meet my wonderful husband and family, but I also think she never got to see my sadness with this disease. I still have my Dad.

    My hugs are with you.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for all your hugs, everyone.  It's been so many years that I usually don't get blue like that about my mom on December 4, but I think it was the combination of a "round number" anniversary plus our friend's funeral that made this year different.  I'm feeling much better today.  The funeral service was actually very comforting - our friend was one of those wonderful personalities that only come along a few times in your life's journey, so there were lots of funny stories and great remembrances shared at the funeral that brought smiles and laughter. 

    The local rec center (where I take yoga) is having a juried craft show today, so dh and I thought we'd walk there and back to get some exercise and check it out. The temps are only going up to the low 40's today with a stiff wind, so we're going to definitely have some roses in our cheeks from the walk!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Yesterday 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 of lower body. I have to go errands in a couple minutes, but will do 45 minutes of 'Get Chisled" & 15 cardio FIRM DVD when I get home.

    I also miss my mom, especially around the holidays. I wish I could call her up and get her opinion about a new recipe, or tell her about my goofy class (she was a teacher too), brag about my DS (because of course grammas actually do think their grandchildren are quite fascinating and wonderful!). I also wish that she could make me some of her homemade buns and turkey noodle soup!!!!!

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I miss my mom's fried chicken probably the most.  She was a Southerner, what can I say, she knew her fried chicken :)

    I shoveled today and took a brisk, quick walk around the neighborhood -- in the 20's here but not windy so it was nice.

    Ronna, come on over, I've got some of that pecan pie I burned (over-browned), it's still good! :)

    Night, all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010
    My Mum died in 1984 and I can still taste her Apple Charlottle (it's apple pie with milk chocolate icing) I've never tried to replicate it as it was her speciality, she was a plain cook but a fabulous baker - I wonder where my love of sweets comes from hmmmmmmmUndecided.  I did my Body Step class today and I did go to Body Combat yesterday and yesteday was the baby shower for one of the girls at the gym and it was a beautiful shower, they had individual cakes in the shape of a baby bootee, very cute.  Ronna I'd love to take a class with a "real" Zumba instructor or go to one of those classes where there are 100's of people when they first launched at my gym there were 40 people in a class and that is fun but now the most there ever is in a class 10 - 12, I want to woo hoo and rip it up with a big group.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Did my 21/2 mile walk/run today.  I ran 10 blocks of it today.  Tomorrow is yoga.  so maybe Tuesday I can run 11 blocks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    My mom made a wonderful oven baked chicken, thought gravy was a food group & firmly believed that you could never have too many desserts in the you know why I have to exercise all the time!!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I have my port removal today, under local only so I can drive myself home, wish me luck!  I'm hoping it's fast and easy.  Probably no exercise for me but if I feel good when I get home today I'll go for a walk -- if it's not windy -- it's 8 right now and the high is supposed to be 20.  Winter is here!

    I plan to try Tao bo by Wed.  You heard it here!

    My mom also made the best vegetable soup, with a ham hock instead of beef, so good!

    We do love our food, don't we? :)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Mary - so sorry about your Mom.  I know that mentality of doctors doing know wrong.  My mom went in for a lumpectomy and woke up with a radical mastectomy 30 years ago.  Thankfully she is still with us but her body was ravaged and scarred.  They didn't do any recon in those days.

    I used to do yoga and loved it but now don't seem to take the time for it.  When I have exercise time I like to move and sweat.  I should really try again because I know it's so good for flexibility. 

    Biked in the freezing cold on Saturday morning and then went to the beach for another birthday celebration with SO's family - so much fun.  Watched SO and his brother brave the cold bay waters to take out the last boat and all the moorings.  It was whitecaps on the bay, blowing about 45mph winds and cold!  They were exhausted and frozen.  Home last night in time for Boardwalk Empire season finale - it was so good.  I see the deep freeze all around the country and Ruth - you are getting more snow!!!  I am going to bundle up and take my ride in a couple minutes.  Want to see how long I can keep going outside.  Flurries right now...  Carol - good luck with port removal today.  Ronna - I'm sorry about how you feel about the implant.  I don't think I'll ever get used to mine.

    All the food talk is making me hungry and I have fallen off the wagon with my birthday.  Back to better eating today Kiss

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    It's been nice to hear everyone reminiscing about their mom's favorite dish. They all sound so yummy! 

    Bobbi - yes, that's the way they did it in the old days - you went under not knowing whether you'd wake up with a breast or not. Do you remember what a stir Shirley Temple Black caused when she she said no to that brutal procedure, and demanded a two-step process?  She said, "The doctor may make the incisions, but I will make the decision."  That was absolute heresy at the time in the Church of Doctors as God.  All of us today owe so much to those early b/c pioneers who fought to take control of their own medical care.   A fascinating book on the whole topic of b/c and its treatment is Bathesheba's Breast, by James Olson. I've recommended it to so many people - it's a fascinating account of b/c through history and some of the brutal treatments doctors have subjected women to, often with questionable results (such as mx with no, I repeat, no anesthesia such as the daughter of John and Abigail Adams went through).  

    And also Bobbi, thanks to your Phillies for not re-signing Jason Werth so my beloved Nationals could grab him.  I actually have his autograph from when he was in the Orioles minor league system, so he impressed me a long time ago.

    We did our 2 mile round trip walk to the craft show in the cold yesterday - I picked up some lovely glass pendants on ribbons for Christmas gifts for friends.  And I did my 30 minute no-arms Wii workout today.  I have a follow up appointment with the ps tomorrow so maybe I can get some of these %$*^% restrictions lifted!

    Carol - hooray on port removal!  Have some champagne to celebrate tonight!!

    Sherry - running!!! Very impressive.  Wow!

    Keep warm everyone! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Mary - your welcome on Jason Werth.  I can't believe the Phils let him go!  I always listen to Philadelphia espn radio on the way home from work - I'm sure that's all they'll be talking about today along with Donovan Mcabb's loss to the Giants yesterday.  Thanks for the tip on the book - I will look for it.

    My ride was awesome!!  Very cold and I was warm and sweatyKiss  Off to work.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Carol congrats on the port removal today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hooray to Carol!!!!! That was a HUGE thing emotionally for can.cross that whole experience off your list as DONE!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited December 2010

    Hello tartlet sisters, finally got insurance approval on my chemo. Start on Wednesday. I have been exercising with pain meds cause of the pain in my hip, leg and spine. Slowly subsiding with rads. Will be done with rads next Tuesday. SE's have taken place now. Hoping SE is mild this time around with chemo. Miss you all. Wow so much catching up to do. I notice Patoo has not been on for awhile. Love you all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    You know how I've been moaning for the last month about all the stressful stuff in Nov/Dec., and how I couldn't wait for the fundraiser to be over (the end of the stress-ors), and I was getting my port removed as a celebration of my good Nov. mammogram?  So that was today... and I'm driving home... and thinking, "Finally!  I can focus on just normal-ish stuff!  All the stress is behind me, at least for the moment!"  Happy dance! 

    Well, the universe heard me making plans and laughed at me.

    At the light 1 block from home someone pointed out the flat tire on my car.


    I spent a few minutes fuming ("when do I get a break??"), then I got busy.

    Do you have any idea how SMALL  a VW bug trunk is?  I don't even put groceries in it! 

    And they put a full-size tire in it.  In a well.  With a 4-point process to get the durned thing out.

    I want an award for wrestling that thing out.

    Never mind it took me 45 minutes.

    Spit on my hands, grab the wrench to loosen the lug nuts.

    HA!  Torqued on!

    I got smart, call the tow truck, and a nice young man changed my tire for me.

    Wind chill is minus 2.  My mama didn't raise no stupid babies.  I was gonna freeze before I got those lug bolts loose!

    Port removal was fine, a bit weird but fine.  I'm happy it's gone!

    However, between that and the tire-wrestling, I'm beat.  Taking today off.

    Thanks for listening to more in the saga of Carol's Winter! :)

    Elizabeth, glad you can exercise some and really glad the pain is subsiding.

    And yes, Patoo, we still look for you.... 

    I've got my PJ's on, I'm putting on "Dharma and Greg" (it still makes me giggle) and curling up in bed with my cat.

    Night, all!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Quick fly by post

    CAROL a big congrats re the port removal!  Sorry about your flat tire, but super impressed on how you handled it.  You are so smart!  

    Hi everyone and WHERE is PATOO!  (Do you think she can hear me yelling at her?)

    More later
