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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited June 2018

    HMS, you may feel bad, but you look GREAT! Congratulations on being done with that very, very hard part of the course.

    Sunshine, I can relate. I 'had to' finish off the last of the 'Memorial Day Picnic Leftovers' before restarting my diet! I did not record my food intake on my fitbit ap because I was afraid it would explode! Shocked

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited June 2018

    I did my one 'pink' thing of the year. A local car dealership and the Regional Medical Center team up for a 10 & 5K wall/run entitled The Running Of The Pink. 100% of the money stays local and provides free mammograms and cervical cancer screening for low income women in the area (one of my former teacher's aides feels that this program saved her life (or at least nasty treatments), as they caught a precancerous condition with a pap smear that she would not have been able to afford otherwise).

    Here's some of my Walking Women buddies and me by a pink firetruck (the Fire Department is always very involved, some of them walk in their gear and this year their new Dalmatian puppy mascot walked with them too). Lots of grownups, teenagers, kids, babies in strollers, dogs; a great way to spend the morning!


  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Today I got on a bicycle for the first time since replacing my knees: I've done a stationary bike, but wasn't sure how I'd feel on a regular bike...Did an easy 45 minute ride around the neighborhood, all on flat ground. Answer: I felt a little unstable the first few blocks, but riding a bike after a seven month hiatus is, well, like riding a bike again.....being on the bike felt GREAT but my hamstrings, especially on the leg where the knee was most recently replaced, need work!!! I could feel the burn in those muscles very quickly. More biking in my future!

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited June 2018

    i have been recovering from my horrible coldthis week and my minutes are low for the week but what can you do. I mowed today for an hour and cut down a dead shrub.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2018

    Homemadesalsa, love the happy you photo manoeuvring through rocks. TwoHobbies summer colds are no fun and hope you are back on the beam. Was one with you yesterday on yard work. Back on our acre long hedge along the road. Octo, question for you regarding your new knees. Can you kneel on all fours or is that not possible? Ruth, who handles the Pink monies raised, is it the medical center or a pink charity..just curious. Sunshiine, good luck on the weight loss.

    My DH saw a lymphedema specialist yesterday and came home sporting a sleeve. Darling hubby had a pacemaker in 2017 and this past February, whilst we were on holiday in Venice, his left arm & hand blew. Apparently, about 3% have left arm lymphedema issues after pacemaker placement. Lucky guy huh? One channel at the top of his arm redirected, so that area that was outsized went back to normal. The therapist reckons the middle of his forearm, is now where his lymphatic obstruction lies. I offered to buy him one of those tattooed sleeves, and tattoos are so not him (unlike the fitness world that I work in, where an uninscribed such as moi, really sticks out - I could not stand the pain of a tat, hence why my reconstructed nipple has never been tattooed). Off to the spa later this morning for an hour of Pilates and to see what some of the participants thought of this weeks installment of the Bridge (a Scandinavian noir crime television series) and more hedge work this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited June 2018

    Poor DH, Lilac. Hope he can get the LE under control quickly. I was surprised when I learned that other types of surgery, even a blow to the chest, can cause LE. The program that the Run Money goes to is called Women's Way. It's is administered by the North Dakota Department of Health and coordinated on the local level by our local Regional Medical Center and the local clinics (which includes a clinic that specifically is geared to help low income clients).

    I'm going to yoga this afternoon, then clean, then start unloading a closet for our upcoming painting project.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 886
    edited June 2018

    lots of walking yesterday...the 2 mile loop to the farmers market and then walked to the concert hall to see 70's/80's folk/country singer John was fantastic in case he come by your way.

    Today is my 2 year "anniversary" of my MX...that was a very bad day, when I was checking in at the hospital the intake clerk was very loud...why are you full ear shot of all others.  I broke down crying. Wow, what a memory.  In a much better place today.

    Went to the concert as an early 26th anniversary...a much better memory. Real anniversary is Wednesday.

    Happy Sunday, TT

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Lilac, yes poor DH, and hope the sleeve and therapy helps! To answer your question: yes, I *can* kneel on all fours, if I absolutely have to (which I did once when I slept on a traditional mat in a Japanese inn and it was the best way to get up without help)....but it isn't pleasant or comfortable (the scars run right down the front of the knee.) I was told just that before surgery: that after therapy and recovery I could do any activities I wanted to do but that I probably wouldn't want to kneel... (although the NIH does discourage high impact sports or skiing because of the risk of a fall, especially before full healing. That said, I know many people do both).

    TrmTab, I love John Prine, will keep an eye out!

    In addition to the biking yesterday, I went to see my beloved SF Giants play, which involved a good amount of walking to/from the BART (subway), and around the stadium just for fun. and sitting and standing to cheer them on for a win! Speaking of the knees, the stairs in the stadium to my seat were no problem, yay!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    congrats on all your anniversaries TT!

    Octo, glad your knees are able to handle the hills of SF! you may want to start working on the scars so you don't have restrictions in your tissues.

    I walked 60 min then ran into a neighbor, so we walked 30 more!

    I am trying to decide what cancerversary I am celebrating....lumpectomy ? no, b/c they found DCIS (thus my MX), Endometrial cancer surgery? They say it's all gone. MX? They say it all. Reconstruction?

    I'll just celebrate every day!

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited June 2018

    Hi Everyone!!!

    Homemadesalsa - I LOVE your pic!!! CONGRATS on making it through the hardest part! You look AMAZING!!!

    TrmTab and 2FUN - Yes - cancerversaries - are an interesting time. I definitely had mixed feeling when mine came. Part of me feels grateful that I'm still alive. While another part of me - keeps replaying the first conversation I had with the radiologist... April 13, 2016 - a day that I will never forget.

    Today was Turbo Kick and 30 minutes of bike afterwards. It felt amazing!!! I'm getting better at Turbo - inching closer to the front of the room.

    My leg muscles really took a beating!! I feel like they are going to fall off - but somehow I really enjoy that feeling.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2018
    Hi Everyone!
    Glad to hear of your forward motion away from Dx. 2Fun, was the endometrial cancer Tamoxifen related?
    TT, I was stoic all throughout Dx etc and then my BS called to say I had to have a Mx. I was at the beach, standing on the bordwalk, and I just lost it. Crying hard is a released, no doubt.
    LB, sorry to hear about your husbands LE. Hope he has relief.
    Ginger, it's wonderful that you and your MIL had a loving relationship. I'm sorry for your loss.
    I hadn't been exercising much, but this morning I took a lovely run and it felt great. I'm off Tamoxifen for a few weeks as I'm having my stage two surgery on June 15. Can't wait...
  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited June 2018

    Trm tab - saw John Prine last year at the Newport folk festival - he is great!

    I'm back from my grandson visit - wow, newborns are a lot of work! He's a real sweetie, and I am in love. My DH did his ride from Pittsburgh to DC in 6 1/2 days, then he got to spend some grandpa time. My DD is doing great so far, but her 3 step kids arrive in a couple of weeks for the summer, so things will get interesting.

    Not much exercise the last couple of weeks, but today I mowed the lawn.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2018

    LB your poor DH really won the lottery didn't he, he certainly has been put through the wringer more than once. Great group photo of you and your WWW friends Ruth. Pat glad you got to spend time with your DD and DGS, he certainly won in the hair department. TT a celebration is definitely in order.

    Yesterday did Body Flow class then filmed a Barre class, I tell you those ballerinas certainly are fit, we had to move from 1st to second to 3rd position, sounds easy in theory but when the music speeds up and basically you are doing nothing but jumping in the air over and over again, I was worn out when we finished. Spending today tethered to my desk it's so nice and quiet I am getting a lot done so I wion't feel so frazzled tomorrow.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    falconer, my BC and EC were diagnosed within months of each other. Both primary CA. They thought my thyroid was malignant, so I had that removed when I had my implant placed. Thank goodness it was benign.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2018

    Oh gosh, LilacBlue. Your poor husband! Hopefully, all will get much better soon.

    Just in from a 60 mile training ride where I misread the weather and FROZE. I was dressed for high 60s with some sun, whereas it was low 50s and raining. I stopped for a burger and sat under the heat lamps using the fries to warm my numb fingers. A long, slow uphill after that so I could keep my core temperature up. Then, things got a bit warmer and the rain stopped. 

    The bit of drizzle at the end wasn't a problem because I was almost done.

    Bathtub, a warm sweater, and now hot tea and the world is a much better place.

    In the midst of all the wretchedness, I could tell how much fitter I am now than a few short weeks ago. I am counting that as progress. - Claire 

  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018

    Homemadesalsa - That is so amazing - you are so fit! Congrats on your final TPH! You're almost there!

    Trmtb - Happy birthday to your mom and that salad looks amazing.

    I started my workout today by going for a brisk walk/jog with my dog. I wanted to walk again during my son's 4 hour baseball game but it was so hot I didn't. However, I stood most of the time in the shade so it's better than sitting. I packed a salad for lunch and didn't cheat. I feel like cheating for dinner...but I am going to try not to. You are all an inspiration. Will start my second week of rads next week. Hope my skin stays intact - so far so good.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!


  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited June 2018

    Lilacblue, hope that obstruction is cleared soon. Remind him to ask the therapist what to do when he flies for business, especially long haul. Sorry he has to deal with this problem as well. Ugh.

    Twohobbies, hope you are feeling better.

    Zumba yesterday with my favorite teacher.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2018

    Thank you Octo for your reply on kneeling on all fours with replacement knees. I'm getting more in Pilates with replacement knees and some can kneel and some not. So thought I'd ask you. Cheryl, my friend just sent in her Barre filming and I tried it with her and it's quite a workout. No one out here has the license and not many want to take it up for that fact and that it's a 30 minute class (can extend to 45) and the pay for half hour teaching, not worth it. Clare, could feel the chill in your post - oh yeah, no doubt about your fitness. Speaking of emotional wringer, 2FUN, I'd not realized the depth of cancer treatment for you, until this recent discussion. How is your exercise doing? Falconer, like your excitement for revision. Pat, more photos please, of your beautiful bonny baby grandboy - love reading your joy.

    Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts for DH's arm. I knew when he showed me last February (third floor, Ca' Pesaro, modern art museum in Venice) his swollen arm & hand was lymphedema. Being English, he is stoic about and not making a fuss in the slightest, although whilst he was mowing yesterday (a sit on, tractor mower) he said it feltt hot and he was sweating through the sleeve. So, washed and hung dried his sleeve, that he wore today. DH is left handed, kind of a double hassle for him - ugh is right HeidiHill! Cool, overcast morning, similar to what is known as June Gloom in San Deigo and burns off around mid-day. Off to Pink Pilates soon and BodyBalance tonight. Have a good start to the week everyone!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited June 2018


    My sweet little grandson. 1 month old.
  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018


    He is adorable. He looks just like you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited June 2018

    What a doll! I can see why you've fallen in love with a younger man, Pat! Heart

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2018

    Pat - what a gorgeous child!! All that hair (lucky kid), longfingers (sign of an artistic soul), and the tiny, get my heart strings going every time! Lucky you..what a cutie!!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    omg, what a handsome little thing he is!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2018

    pat, beautiful baby!

    2Fun, I didn't know you'd been through all of that. Hugs for your old self who had so much to shoulder then.

    Today I played hopscotch with the little DS and that's the exercise for today.(There's something to look forward to Pat!)

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    thanks for the words of encouragement. I feel so frustrated that I'm just not getting stronger. My muscles never get that sore but good feeling. I will keep at it. I'm taking DS to the other side of town to play basketball with his old high school friends. There is a ymca nearby, so I will do aquatic aerobics class. Kill 2 birds!

    That baby is too cute!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    TT- great picture of you and your mom. Happy birthday to your mom.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    ruth- I always love your pictures that you post. I checked out fundraisers in my area for Huntington's disease. The only thing they had was a triathlon. I can bike 14 miles and I can run 3 miles but I cannot swim two and a half miles in the ocean. So I have to wait for another fundraiser to come up for the cause.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    I ran a 5k last night. It was a Twilight run in South Miami. Unfortunately developed blisters on the bottom of my toes and barely finished. The blisters are not from running but they're chemo blisters. It rain before the race and towards the end of the race. The rain was nice because it cooled things off a little bit. So for the next few days I'm going to focus on upper body and lower body strengthening and give my toes a rest. I'm also painting my master bedroom. I started Saturday evening and hopefully I'll be finished within the next few days. I'm only able to work on it a couple hours at night because I work all day. I'm really looking forward to my last chemo on Friday. Hallelujah. I don't care if my last chemo is acknowledged by the chemo staff. I'm bringing donuts and fruit platters because I'm celebrating.LOL

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited June 2018

    Congrats, Jo, on your last chemo! Watch your blisters and take care for infection. My son ended up having to go weekly for cleaning and dressing when he got a huge blister while on immunosuppressants.

    Lilac, someone said it best, your hubby has been through the wringer. Can't we all relate in some fashion.

    Pat, I think your grandson looks like you! How big he is getting already. Precious.

    Happy Anniversary, TTab. I just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary and 5 years cancer free. So you know what ruined my 20th wedding anniversary, but that's OK, as soon as I was done with treatment we went to Aruba and we celebrated big time for our 23rd with a second honeymoon. One lesson cancer taught me is don't wait till next year.

    Yesterday I did two hours of weeding and planting. I know I'm not fully over this cold because I was totally exhausted doing that. But I sure slept well and today I did a 35 minute walk at lunch.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    jo, congrats on your last chemo!!!!

    Got 60 min of aqua exercise. I was the youngest person there. I'm trying to decide if I would freak out anyone by changing in the locker room.and not a private stall. Do any of you have an opinion about that? I don't look "normal", but maybe people will learn if they are exposed to what us real women now look like!