Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • PatsyKB
    PatsyKB Posts: 211
    edited June 2018
    Normally I’d be sharing a variety of workouts but...currently I’m under activity restrictions for 6 weeks (1 down, 5 to go) following completion of SAVI brachytherapy. So every day my routine consists of a walk - brisk up and down hill and flat for 3 miles. And evening stretching and light crunches (both for physical benefits and to keep me from going into my nightly couch-coma while watching tv). July 11 when I can resume normal activity, easing into it, can’t soon soon enough!
  • chelseasculler
    chelseasculler Posts: 29
    edited June 2018

    Did a super-short run this morning before my first radiation treatment. I had that rotten spring cold which knocked me out for several days, so I was glad to get at least one good run in even if it was quick. The NP gave me quite the look when I said I was planning to run through treatments, so one day at a time!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited June 2018
    ran 3.8 miles today.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    Pound this morning, painting this afternoon, yoga tonight, back to painting now!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 908
    edited June 2018

    Exercise today was keeping us on the road while driving 8 of the 10.5 hrs to get to my 35th college reunion...ugh. Enjoying what I think is a well deserved glass of wine right now!  I have never seen a day where Mr. Fitbit had just 2 dots on it for the 10 hrs of the core of the day...just at 8am as we finished packing the car and 12noon when we stopped for lunch.  I usually am disappointed when I only get 9 of 10!

    But no fear, as we are now living in a college dorm (!) for the weekend and will be walking and hiking and doing all sorts of activities.

    This is my first reunion since BC diagnosis and surgery...many of my college classmates are medical doctors...versus the world of PhD doctors I usually live in and no one notices...hope the med docs don't as I am not really symmetrical anymore...that said, I am pretty healthy and hearty...for 56 at least! TT

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2018

    Enjoy your weekend TT living in the dorm will make you feel like a kid again.  LB I was disappointed the UK didn't have an event this year, one of my workout buddies DH spent 5 years a manager for UPS in Birmingham and she got hooked on LM and they go back every year so we had a grand plan to come to the London event together, so hopefully next year.  Ruth you'll be so pleased when the painting is completed.  

    No exercise yesterday as I went to a play in Laguna Beach last night but tonight did my Sprint class.

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    I had Taxol #6 today so I'm wired from the steroids. Did an extra long walk with the dogs in the evening, ran around in the garden with the pup and then did a 30 min zumba youtube party in the kitchen. I logged > 12k on the fitbit.

    Hey - REAL TALK TIME. Gals, my exercise urinary incontinence is getting worse. It's been an issue for a few years, always wear a pad for jogging and zumba etc but since the estrogen went bye bye during chemo it's much worse. I've been doing kegels for years so wth? I guess maybe I'm doing them wrong or not enough or something. Talk to me about exercise as a menopausal leaky woman. Is there hope to fix the pelvic floor without surgical interventions?


    oh ooooops, that's not sweat.....

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited June 2018

    Started back on my workouts. I have been sporadic with the exercise since before vacation a month ago. This last week I really put myself back on track. Sunday, my hubby and I helped with other volunteers to clean up a city park that was in bad need of it. I raked dead leaves up and helped spread mulch on the playground. Was sore for a few days afterward, so I didn’t do anything until Wednesday when I did a 20 minute workout. The last two days were busy with housework. So tonight I am planning on doing another workout.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    Welcome back, Mommy!

    Moth, could you have a prolapsed bladder? If so, that could be dealt with surgically. I don't know about any great non-surgical remedies but maybe someone else will chime in.

    We are putting down the paintbrushes for a week and going on an already planned vacation. Tomorrow we will pick up another couple, who are great friends and traveling companions and head down to Springfield, Illinois to hang outwith Abraham Lincoln. I've been there before but none of the others have, so I will get to be their tour guide! I love 'history vacations'.........I'll post some pictures.

    *oh yes, I am watering, doing yard work, and will get in an hour of toning and a grand-puppy walk today.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Posts: 474
    edited June 2018

    Moth....LOL@ oooops, I know that one well. I did the kegal thing for years too. When I started at the gym I had to interrupt my trainer constantly with "If you make me do that I'll wet my pants!" Answer: Weight bearing squats and lunges everyday. No more pee. Yup, none. All the kegals in the world as well as other exercise did nothing. Weight bearing squats and lunges, 3 sets/10 reps, daily if possible, did the trick for me.

    ooooops, that IS sweat :))))

  • pat01
    pat01 Posts: 913
    edited June 2018

    Interesting Egads that squats and lunges worked for you. I was like you Moth, jogging, sneezing, it seemed like anything would make me leak. And I've been a faithful kegel exerciser too. Several years ago I got serious at the gym, and hired a trainer - and yes squats and lunges were part of my regime. I never made the connection, but I started to leak less, and now I'm leak free. But following up on what Ruth said, it could be a prolapsed bladder or something else very fixable, perhaps a trip to a urologist would be a good idea.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    I had a prolapsed uterus, and, since all those 'parts' are connected together having a hysterectomy did lead to less urgency in having to pee because, even though my bladder was fine, the uterus was dragging it down with it.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    I finished my chemo today. I brought in pastelitos, bagels and fruits for the chemo staff and my MOs office.staff. My oncology nurse told me they ONLY have acknowledgment parties when a patient has completed both chemo and infusions. I told her it was my celebration and my Milestone. I celebrated when I recuperated from my BMX and now I'm celebrating the finish of chemo. Infusions every 3 weeks for another 7 months and rads(duration unknown) are my next milestones. She laughed and said that I should celebrate every month and keep bringing goodies for the staff. LOL I still can't taste wine. But tonight I will celebrate my chemo completion with a bottle of the finest Gatorade in a crystal wine glass.

    I still have blisters on the bottom of my toes, therefore, I cannot run my 10K tomorrow. I'm definitely disappointed because I was looking forward to the 10K. But I need to let these blisters heal. My doctor did decrease my chemo today because my low WBC. But he isn't overly concerned because I've never had a fever. Tonight I will use my resistance bands and my weights to continue to work on strengthening. You guys have inspired me to start doing more squats and lunges.

    Ruth- I finished painting my bedroom last night. It came out pretty good. It looks professional from a distance. Just don't look too close. I have decided to purchase a new antique platform bed and mattress. I'm going to leave the room empty until I find what I'm looking for. So in a week or two I'll start perusing antique shops looking for my new bed. One advantage to living alone is that I can take my time. I'm not expecting any overnight guests until the end of July.

    Enjoy your trip. I'm with you when it comes to history vacations. I love them. Send us some great pics when you have time.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    Yea,Jo!!!! Congratulations!!! Give it a couple weeks and the wine (and everything else) will taste extra good. I did rads during the summer, in a bigger town 100 miles away, and different teacher friends volunteered to drive me each day. Since my appointment was right before noon, the friends would take to me lunch.......very dangerous for the weight control but so wonderful to be able to enjoy food again.

    I predict that there will be plenty other races in your future!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    ruth- I'm looking forward to being able to taste food again. I've always driven myself back and forth to chemo. So I was planning on doing the same thing with radiation. The cancer center is only 15 minutes from my house. If I had to travel a hundred miles I would take a friend and make a day out of it. Enjoy your vacation

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    You won't have any trouble with 15 minutes. I still am not done packing......which is my usual mode of operation....sigh.....

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    Thank you for the tips about the squats and lunges. Now that I think of it, when I was going to workout classes I was doing tons more of them but I've been slacking. That could definitely be part of the problem. And I also read that 50% of menopausal parous women have some degree of prolapse. A pessary is sometimes a solution. So I will ask my GP to check me out when I see her next, and I will resume squats and lunges.

    Last night when I did my Zumba workout, I incorporated this

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Congratulations on finishing chemo, Jo!

    I have been on a short vacation of my own, first three days on Catalina Island, then a few days in SoCal visiting with my grandkids...On Catalina I did LOTS of walking and hiking, a few good hours of kayak paddling, and some swimming, then I came back to the mainland and took the kids to the Long Beach Aquarium, which was also a fair amount of walking, then swam laps...

    back home today and relaxing. It is fairly cool here for this time of year, so will be biking in the am.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2018

    octogirl- I have always wanted to go to Catalina Island. It sounds like you got a lot of exercising.. When you have grandkids I guess you get plenty of exercise keeping up with them.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited June 2018

    Hi All! It's been a few weeks since I've signed on. Catching up now. Welcome to all the new beautiful ladies!

    Been walking/running and of course mowing.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited June 2018

    95 today, so hot....great at 7:30 this morning but not later in the day...lots of steps in, at least 18K but forgot my fitbit when I went to visit my gf....oh well....tomorrow its supposed to be 97! Way too hot for my liking

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited June 2018

    Jo, congrats on finishing chemo!! Moth, I haven't gone for tango in ages so I will have to try that choreo today.  Octogirl, Catalina sounds like paradise. Karen, you reminded me to put my fitbit on as soon as I finish here. 

    Yesterday was a rest day or rather Walking in the Airport day. DHs flight was delayed and I was way too early anyway from chauffering DD around so did some shopping. Friday was 4 hours of biking where I somehow managed to avoid local rainshowers front and back of me. Today will be Zumba and some weight training.  

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Posts: 1,427
    edited June 2018

    Jo, great on chemo completion! Octo, wow Catalina..have not been there since I was a young girl. Egads, elderflower cordial is sold everywhere here plus, elderflower is subtle. Sumo deadlift, with the plates you stack, no one will call you a whip! Cheryl, had Q2 BB workshop in London yesterday and trainer (have had many Q's and Aim 1 with) George is head of LMUK education. LMUK won in large TAP category at Euro Summit this past week: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/tribalgathering2018/ HeidiHill, bit gray over here with rain due at 2pm - ugh. Moth, like Zumba tango.

    Pilates this morning and yoga this afternoon. Happy Sunday everyone!

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Posts: 1,532
    edited June 2018

    Moth, loved the tango zumba. In my mind I am the instructor, but I'm more like the lady to the left in the pink tank - slightly losing balance - sometimes half a step behind. Reminded me that Zumba is a good thing to do on rainy days like today.

    Jo, congrats on finishing chemo - you my not be done but done with one step. That's worth celebrating.

    Homemade - looks like you have some beautiful areas to ride in. What a treat.

    Friday I did a 25 minute walk at lunch. Yesterday the rain cleared enough to get in a 40 minute bike ride around the lake.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited June 2018

    got in 35 min of walking thru the neighborhood, now tons of gradening. Was trying to figure out why there are so many weeds and dead wood in the trees....of yeah, all those surgeries and I didn't do it last year!lol.

    Rhetorical question, why is gardening when your head is upside down so muchharder???

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited June 2018

    Hello from the road. We stayed in South Dakota last night and are in St. Joseph, Missouri tonight. We checked out a couple cool museums this afternoon and have just returned to the hotel after dinner and drinks. I might wander over to the fitness center after I'v digested my food since the 102 heat index is a little much for a northern girl! Illinois tomorrow!


  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2018

    pat01, could not make myself throw the ice creamout. ruthbru, I didn't eat it either! It's just there but I've gotten over the hump and can now resist sweets and junk. I will keep it for a treat every once and awhile.

    New workout week starts in a few hours so let's get some sleep. Will do Walk Away the Pounds in the morning and then volunteered to help the first aid station at cub scout camp in a nearby town tomorrow afternoon. Usually just get lots of scraped elbows and knees.

    Night sculpted friends.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited June 2018

    HOT, HOT, HOT today....Walked around 8 this morning and it was starting to heat up and was still hot at 8 tonight. A little break from the heat tomorrow, only in the 80s, then it heats up again. Broke down and bought a new Fitbit Alta since my band broke....Its been quiet today so hope that means everyone had a good day.

    The 10pm news showed 97 as the high today!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2018

    Moth that is a great video the only thing for me in a class is that  I need to have the instructor face me so I can learn by looking.  Wow Ruth that is hot!!!  Congratulations Jo.  Good to see you again Mommy.  LB thanks for the link I had seen some of the photos as I'm friends with Steve Tansey from the UK team and a couple of people on the US team - all I can say is I'm in love with Tau Heart

    Went to Zumba on Friday, its been ages since I've done Zumba and I sure got a workout, then yesterday was Body Combat and  in class a young man who I've never seen before complimented me at about track 3 and told me what a good job I was doing, then he petered out around track 7  taking lots of breaks and I was just sailing along Happy

    Today was shopping for workout shoes, I did get some but I'm concerned as the ones I bought feel like slippers so I don't know how they'll feel when I go to dance class tomorrow.  Ladies if you or your husband have some nice holy gardening clothes you may now wear them out and about - I cam across this shirt today apparently it's called "fashion" Shocked


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Posts: 1,942
    edited June 2018

    Karen- how old was your fitbit that the band broke on? I have replaced my band 3 times now. The first one that broke I contacted Fitbit and they sent me a new one. My Alta was about a year old then. I actually think today is my 2 year Fitbit anniversary. ..lol. I'm pretty sure I got it on June 11.