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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Carol congrats on the port removal and what a day with the tire.  I would be in PJ's too!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth  good news on the coverage.Good luck with your chemo on Wed.How many TXs are you going to receive? Just got back from Mexico and am trying to catch up.Heard from everyone except Patoo.Is she back from her trip?

    I walked this beach every morning took me over an hour to walk one way.But what a fun way to exercise. (((Carol)))

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    Just got back from LA watching the national obedience show.  The one thing I didn't want to do, I did, which was get lost as my friend and I left Long Beach yesterday.  We totally missed an exit and ended up in Pasadena.  My phone GPS wasn't working, and I was getting panicky.  After we got back on track, I drove to Vegas, where we spent the night.  Ended up having to call motel security when someone in the neighboring room went bonkers.  Sooo glad to be back home.  Too many adventures.  Now it's time to tackle Christmas.  My DS comes home on the 17th and I haven't made plan one.

    Anniversaries are bitter sweet.  I have been thinking of you Mary, and others who have lost their moms.  

    Time to get back to regular exercise.  The weekend was spent either driving or sitting.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    Todays exercise was 6 hours of xmas shopping.More exhausting than the gym. Calgon take me back to the beachLaughing
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    I'll sign up for the beach too! All the Christmas 'stuff' is being more of a hassle than fun for me this year.

    Carol, my first car was a orange VW Beetle (named Clarabell), so I DO know how small the trunk is!

    Patoo, I hope you are not being held hostage in a Central American country!! And if you have run off with a tall, dark South American....please let us in on the fun!!

    Elizabeth, I'm saying prayers that the chemo is totally effective with few SEs.

    I got home late & walked for an hour on the treadmill while watching TV & reading the Time Magazine (multi-multi-tasking). 'Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Carol congratulations on the port removal and curled up in bed with your cat and a favourite show on the telly is a perfect end to a day. Elizabeth glad you got the insurance sorted out and I am so in awe of your tenacity, you are my superhero.  Retrievermom you weren't lost, when you get to Pasadena you just turn right and head for Vegas, sorry about the rain but I figure you were indoors anyway. Ruth and Mum I'll join you on the beach, do you know I never had Christmas in a house till I was 19, we were always camping at the beach at Christmas. Patoo please check in with us, we miss you.

    Tonight was Body Combat and it was a great class, my shoulders are on fire from all the punches. Hope you are all safe and warm, nite all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Carol, congrats on your port removal. Hope weird feeling goes away. Cuddling with your cat is great watching Drhama and Greg. Good show. My rotten cat won't cuddle and I rescued her when she was a day old - abandoned by her mother. I taught her eveything. She likes my dh better.

    Mary, I am going to get the book you recommended Bathesheb'as Breast. I wonder In the old days, ie 1700's, how in the world would you know anyone had bc.

    When I heard the news about Elizabeth Edwards last night, I cried. Such a strong woman. She is one of us.

    Ruth, I think I may have to move in with you and be your shadow. You just keep going and going.

    Well, I went to my Zumba instructor's farewall party. I cheated. I defied dr's orders. I did dance. Once that music goes on, can't help it. However, I did take it rather slow. No arm movements or jumping. Gym has a few zumba instructors, but not like the one who left. Tomorrow I am cleared to go back but boring stuff, bike and eliptical. I don't believe I can work with machines yet.

    Bobcat, I will be im'g you on implant if you don't mind.

    If it so enjoyable to read about everyone's homemade dishes. My mother was not from the cookers or bakers. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Like I said I am not a domesticated goddess (quoting from Roseann Barr). 

    Wishing everyone a great day.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    ruthbru my oldest brothers first car was an orange VW.  There are five of us kids in our family and we all drove VW's.LOL

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Thanks, everyone!  I'm glad to have the port out and will be happier when the nagging pain is gone -- not severe and certainly nothing to complain about in the overall scheme of things (but notice, I complained anyway) Smile

    Tire is ruined (I probably drove across town on it, I don't know how I didn't notice it was flat).  $215 to replace it.  ARGH.  Durn VW's!  I love driving it but maintenance is $$$$. However, the other tires only have 12000 miles on them, so it's worth the investment, I guess.

    Mum, the beach!!!  Oh, yes, I can walk for miles and miles on the beach.  The ocean is so healing.  Thanks for posting the photo.

    Ronna, good for you for dancing!  (maybe I shouldn't say that since you weren't supposed to)... but when the mood seizes you, you just gotta!  The news about Elizabeth Edwards made me really sad, too.  My cat only cuddles when SHE wants to, but now that she's so old (18) she likes my lap a lot, so when I'm in bed reading or watching TV, she's usually right there.

    Bobbi, I love the beach in winter (although it can be really bitter) -- but I love the wildness of the waves, etc.

    Mary, thanks for the book mention, I'll be looking that one up as well.  Let us know what your PS says!

    And Sherry, running!  you're amazing!

    Mixed news about my SIL with stage IV ovarian:  she just had a total hip replacement plus more bone removal and rebuilding.  She had a tumor in her hip socket and would have been in a wheel chair for life soon and she wanted to be able to keep walking so she did the surgery.  She's doing well, hospital 10 days, brace for 6 weeks, but she should be mobile and she's happy about that. Then back to her search for clinical trials to address her cancer.

    Cancer sucks.

    We're in a really cold cold spell -- not sub-zero yet, thankfully -- but if there's wind it's too bitter to be outside.  So I'm back to DVD's (Leslie, Richard, and my yet-to-be-tested Tae bo) and thoughts of joining a gym.  Leslie and I will march this afternoon.

    Onward and upward... later, Tarts!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Just home from work.  Ronna - I received your message and will respond tomorrow.  Tonight I am just so saddened by the death of Elizabeth Edwards.  I will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.  This disease really sucks...

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Yes, I just signed on and saw the news about Elizabeth Edwards.  I suspect many of us are in mourning with her family.  Elizabeth Edwards, safe and peaceful journey.... thank you for being such an advocate for so many.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Thank you Elizabeth Edwards for the strength you carried in your last months and the media did not let us know.  I just came home and found out she passed. I can't stand this f......n disease. My prayers are with the children and family.

    Mary, I was at Barnes and Noble today looking for the book. They did not have it and the help area said the book is out of publication as it is an old book. Supposedly there are 3 copies left.The customer service person said she would order it for me.  Just for the sake of it, I am going to look on Amazon.

    Bobbie, I will wait for PM. No hurry.

    Not much to say, good night everyone.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    We are all so down about Elizabeth Edwards. She was the epitome of 'grace under pressure' and a class act. She really, really lived; even under the most difficult circumstances, played out in the glare of the public eye, and she used her life and her fame as an inspiration and a help to others. I did an old hour long FIRM tape with tears in my eyes, but didn't skip (even though I wanted to) as I didn't think she'd approve of anyone shirking their obligations just because they felt bad, as she surely did not. Hugs and Love! Ruth

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Ruth, well said.

    Good for you that you got the tape.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    I am so sad she only survived 6 years.I had to turn off CNN last night it was too upsetting for me.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Like all of us, the news about Elizabeth Edwards was so sad.  She certainly carried on with grace and class to the end.

    I'm so glad so many of you are interested in the Bathsheba's Breast book - I think you'll find it's a good read.  I read it right when I started chemo.  It really was an eye opener to me, and it absolutely gave me the courage to ask more questions of my doctors to make sure all my options were being explained and that I understood them.  I feel it made me a much more informed patient and I am a much better advocate for myself.  I'd love to hear your reactions when you've read it.  If your bookstore doesn't have it, I believe Amazon does.  Also, our local library system carries several copies.  I just treated myself to a new book that was written up in Time - "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer" by Siddhartha Mukherjee - it seems to cover much the same territory but for all cancers, not just breast cancer.  I think it will provide a complementary read to Bathesheba's Breast.

    The follow up with the ps went well.  She is very pleased with my progress, but doesn't want anything to mess up now, so I'm still on the physical restrictions until the end of the year.  So I'm just going to have to get in my walking when I can, so for my appointment, I deliberately parked on the top level of the parking garage (5th level) and walked the steps, plus went up the steps in the building to the 4th Floor where the Breast Center is, and vice-versa when I was finished.  I also had some errands to run afterwards, so I parked at the other end of the parking lot at the strip mall and walked in the 30 degree temps!  I'm just going to have to do extra stuff like that to get in what movement I can until January 1.

    And I did my half hour Wii "no-arms" workout this morning.

    Forgot to add my Wednesday Weigh-In - down 1.4 pounds.  So I'm starting to lose a bit of that post-surgery, Thanksgiving weight.  

    Keep warm everyone!   

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Well monday I weighed in and I have lost 11 pounds total.  Last night when I did my walk/run I ran 13 blocks of my 2 1/2 miles.  My goal was eleven.  So tonight is yoga and tomorrow my goal will be 14 blocks.  Today is #4 of rads.  I am having some issues with the cream so having to change things up a bit.  My biggest issue is my nipple is very sore so my RO told me to get silicone nipple guards.  I ordered them yesterday and should get them tomorrow.  Has anyone used them and how did you like them?  My nipple is ok in my reg bra but when I wear my sports bra it really bothers me.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Sent up my ride today for Elizabeth Edwards.  The reports on her just bring tears but I loved her zest and commitment to family and to the cause.  She gave so much so that we can continue the fight.

    I did the Wednesday weigh in(only on this sight) and I haven't lost anymore but I haven't gained with all the birthday eating.  Mary - you sound like me - I always park as far away when I go somewhere.  I can use the exercise and there's no jockeying for position or stray carts to smash into my car :)  A little more walking is the best.  Sherry - running 13 blocks!!  You go! and good luck with rads and the cream regimen.  I didn't have rads, only chemo but I know alot of you have had skin issues - hugs to all.

    Carol - your SIL is a brave woman.  Glad that she has you. are my hero with the flat tire. I've changed more flats in my life than I care to recall.  Now I have AAA.  My first 3 cars were VWs - a beetle, a convertible karman ghia and a beetle convertible.  FUN FUN FUN and I am now dating myself.

    Biked in the 20 degree with windchill this AM - I am hanging in there and plan to get my ski pants into the act by the weekend.  I love the thrill of being outdoors and sweating when it's below freezing - reminds me of my running days. 

    I am celebrating all of you tonight.  SO bringing his 3 yr old grandaughter for an overnight in a couple of minutes.  Gramma Bobbi and she will watch Polar Express - doesn't get any better than that Kiss

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Bobby and Sherry, two more Ruths. Biking in this cold and running. OMG.

    In warm weather, I will park far away for the exercise. Today was my clearance to go to the gym. Never got there.

    Bobby, you are right, watching Polar Express with the little one, nothing beats that.

    I went to JC on Monday for a weigh in and food, lost 2 oz. Better than gaining so I do not feel so bad.

    Still thinking about Ms. Edwards. Courage and strength. Just an inspiration. Let's get rid of this crappy disease.

    Hugs and good night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    45 minutes on the treadmill. DH is trying to help with with something on the computer before he goes out of town for a few days, so I better shut down and let him help me. Rock On, my Rock Solid friends!!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Yesterday I was on my way to my bone scan when a friend pulled up beside me, wound down our windows and I was all happy to see her and she said "Did you know Elizabeth Edwards just died", I just started crying. I just can't imagine the stress of having to endure her betrayal in the public eye I admired her so much she was such grace under fire. Then today I get a call from my doctor telling me that the results of my scan show bone loss and can I come in to discuss, well wham again - what more can I do, I can't exercise any more than I do, I take calcium I eat an assortment of vegetables, darned Femara. I did go to my Body Combat class tonight but I didn't give it my all as I feel so darned depressed, I know I'll pull out of it but for right now I just feel blah.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    {{{{{{{Cheryl}}}}}}}}   Look at it this way:  without your hard work I'm thinking your bone loss might  be a whole lot worse.  I can't help thinking all you do helps.

    Mary, glad your report was good.  And you're making the best of the situation with all your ways of sneaking in more exercise/walking/etc... and losing weight.  Good for you!

    Sherry, you're amazing, I finally gave up walking during rads I was so wiped out... I can't help with the nipple problem because I didn't really have any skin issues (and didn't -- don't -- wear bras!).  Maybe post in the rads forum for more answers?

    bobbi, your biking in the cold is amazing.  I loved the old VW's... my brother had a yellow bug, the car I learned to drive stick on.  Hope you had lots of fun with the little one!

    I'm taking today off, comp time for all my overtime last week, so that gives me a 4-day weekend -- doing lots of things just for me.  November was a long and stressful month.

    Yesterday I couldn't summon much energy so I just walked a mile with LS... pathetic, but it was something instead of nothing.  Today I hope to get to the woods and do something with a DVD.

    Cheryl, one more hug!

    TTFN, Tarts...

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    (((Cheryl))) I totally understand how you feel.Just keep active and busy with the holiday season that is what I am doing.YellIt has to help.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010
    Cherl Yell,  and I have to go see the gynocologist my GP referred me to tomorrow Frown.
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Sherry - you go girl! I never did rads either, so I can't help with advice on creams and things.  Bobbi - I'm with you on AAA - I can change a tire if I have to, but I'm old enough now that I'd rather have someone else loosen those lug nuts!  Ronnie - yay for clearance to go to the gym!  I'm stuck with restrictions till New Year's Eve, but I'm being so good about following them.  Innocent  Cheryl - I also had osteopenia at my last DEXA scan - before b/c I was always well over normal density aso I really thought I had nothing to worry about.  Wrong!!   And as you say, there's really not a lot more that you can do about it at this point with everything you're doing.  I finally took Nature's thought and decided that it would have been a lot worse if I hadn't been exercising and taking calcium and Vit D. 

    45 minutes on the treadmill last night, and 30 minutes on the Wii this morning. I'm usually pretty good about aerobic exercise, but I'm finding that because I have to go so slowly on the treadmill to avoid jiggling, I never get that exercise endorphin high to carry me through - I feel every one of those 45 minutes.  I'd walk outside but it's dark before and after work, so that's kind of yucky to be out in the dark.  I think I'll try to get dh to walk with me after work, but it's going to be hard to get him out in 20-something degree weather - he grew up in warm sunny Southern California where they don't have weather like that! Laughing

    Have a good Thursday everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    Well Tarts I am off to the gym.Tongue outMy joints are not too bad today and tomorrow we are supposed to get socked in with snow.Yell
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I'm thinking about joining a gym (although after purusing their web pages I'm not convinced they have classes that I could handle, which makes me feel unsuccessful before I even start!) and posted questions on the fitness forum -- if you have a minute, jump to my "help me find a gym" thread and see if you can help.  Right now it looks like I'd mainly be using gym equipment.  Thanks!

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone!  I have not been on the computer for almost a week (except at work and checking this site is a no no)!  So if what I write seems a bit late it is because I am just catching up.  Thank you all for your encouraging resposes about yoga.  I am ready to give it a try. 

    Naturgrrl, I am in NY state in the Hudson Valley.  Its been freezing here, so I feel like if it going to be cold then send in the snow.

    Natsfan, congratulations on your port removal!  I never had one.  They just used my veins.  I kind of wish I had since my veins are all tapped out on one arm and off limits on the other (lymph nodes removed). 

    Your posts about your mom's were so heartwarming.  I am so grateful to still have my parents.  I dont know what I would do without them and they basically took care of my children during chemo.  NatsFan, I understand how you feel robbed by your mothers doctor.  I am not too sure things are all that different now.  Even with the best doctors you really have to be your own advocate.  I had a mamo and ultrasound 5 weeks before I found my own lump and both came back normal.  the only reason I found the lump was because I bought a new bra and it was really uncomfortable...right where the lump happened to be.  Still I had to wait 6 weeks to see a specialist and when I did the Dr. told me that by its characteristics it was almost positively a benign fatty lipoma.  I went back yet another 5 weeks later and again was told It was nothing except that one radiologist came back in the room and said he thought I should be biopsied anyway.  Even when the Dr. performed the biopsy he said to me "I am only doing this to prove to you that it is a fatty lipoma".  Well, my results shocked them all.  I still get upset thinking that my treatment was postponed for almost 3 months because I didnt fight hard enough for myself.  Who knows if I could have prevented lymph node envolvement!  thats my rant for the week.  All of your words about your mom's and Elizabeth Edwards were so well written and make me sad...and mad at hell at this disease that robs us of so many.

    I have been doing well with my exercise.  Not as much outdoors this week because of the cold.  I wont be online much until after the new year.  It is such a beautiful yet busy time of year!  We are heading out west for a family ski vacation during the school break...YEAH!  Skiing is like therapy for me.  I just love it. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Cheryl Yell - I am sorry for your results but you are doing all you possibly can until Femara is over with.  For me it's armidex - they,re all yucky.  Ruth Yell I was wondering when you were going to have that appointment - I hope all goes well.  Susan - welcome back.  We love to ski too although I haven't skied in the past two years because of the obvious.  Hopefully this year.  SO wants me to go to Hunter.  Sherry - are you healing from nipple recon?  If that is your issue, I used to put 2 non-medicated Dr. Scholls corn cushions together and place them over the nipple inside my sports bra.  But I too have given up on bras forever now.  Mary - I hear the Nationals are trying to get Cliff Lee now!  Carol - our local Y caters to all exercise levels and maybe even more toward the not so hardcore LA Fitness crowd.  Definitely an older clientele and then lots of young families.  Looking for Patoo to check in. Hope all is well with her.  Hi Kim, Muma, Ronna and everyone else. 

    Just did my bike and ab - Baby, it's cold outsideKiss  Have a great day all - I am off to work.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Cheryl, sorry to hear about your bone loss.  I was curious if your doctor has spoken to you about Zometa?  I am hearing very positive things about it being used for early stage breast cancer patients now to help protect the bones and it supposedly gives benefits for preventing recurrences. I was going to talk to my Onc about it at my next appointment.  The last thing I want is infusions but if it can help protect me I would consider it.  Good luck at your appointment.  I would love to hear how it goes.