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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    cheryl sorry for the news on your bone scan but keep up the good work because it does benefit you.

    Thanks for the comments on my sore nipple.  I did not have recon.  It is caused from the rads, but I have a great dr. who suggested that I get silicone nipple guards to wear with my sports bra because that is when it really bothers me.  They were not expensive, but DH wanted to know if they came with tassles!

    Also had a great yoga class last night.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    posting on several threads but must start this to say I haven't been exercising but I'm down, for some reason, 4 lbs, from a month ago.  coming back to the boards should jump-start my program again - thanks my sisters.  here's what I'm posting about my absence:

    Okay, all.  I'm here.  Been back from Nicaragua for 3 weeks but just continued to stay off the computer as it takes on a life of its own.  Was also under the weather a few times these last 3 weeks although I'm not calling it the flu, so just resting when not involved with seasonal "things" and occasionally lurking.

    Missions trip was awesome as usual.  We flew into the capital of Managua and then a van took us 2 hours up into the mountains.  No physical work this trip, just playing with kids for a week.  We prayed with/for them, did face paintings, made balloon animals, performed little skits and passed out candy, toothbrushes, beanie babies, etc..  Each morning and each afternoon we went to a different village, called out at doorways (since most shacks have no doors) to let the people know we were gathering near a local church, which was usually just a dirt floor with a roof, and to come down for fun and treats.  I wish we could have done a soup kitchen as many don't get to eat every day.

    Most of the shacks are lean-tos with no doors or windows and dirt floors.  Electricity is hit-miss and there is none in most places after 5pm.  Interestingly many have TV's, a very few had satellite dishes on top of metal roofs.  Where the signal came from I have no clue.   We also went into some schools (church groups are allowed although it's a Marxist government).  Children usually only go up to 5th grade in the villages.  If they can go to one of the cities for higher education, they are "qualified" to be a teacher if they finish high school.   Generally though the people in these villages have no hope whatsoever as there is nothing to aspire towards. 

    Puts things so much into perspective as we are truly blessed in this country.  BC or any chronic illness/disease goes untreated as there are no medical facilities - none, for the villagers.  You live with it and just pass on.  So sad.   Maybe this is why I had to stay away from these boards a little.   Understand, this does not negate the trials that my sisters here undergo, but it's hard to get back to "our" reality immediately on returning.

    I did miss you all, however, and will try to come on more often although it's a busy time of year right now.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    Patoo we missed you very happy to see you are home safe. I can understand how these trips can be depressing but remember you were there helping and making a difference. Now get your butt back into exercisingLaughing
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Just hopping in quickly to say welcome back, patoo!  You've been missed!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    WHOO HOOO!!! Welcome back, Patoo.  Thank you for checking in and thank you for doing so much good on your trip.  I know you must have seen so much poverty and suffering.  What a great opportunity to be able to bring some cheer on this trip.  God bless you.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Patoo, you are so right.  We need to hear this.  I love what Mum said "get your butt back into exercising!"  We did miss you and are very proud of you-you are an inspiration.  

    There's so much on here to comment on-

    Cheryl-DON'T despair!  Like Carol said, just think if you didn't do what you are doing.  I think I can imagine how you feel.  I'm already in osteopenia-I went through menopause at 40 (I'm gonna be 54) and thought "oh with bone loss and early meno, at least I don't have to worry about BC..."

    Bwahahahahahah!  Joke was on me!  Seriously though, I know it's gonna happen with me, and I keep thinking "Oh, I'm doing ALL this stuff, I'll be OK...." well-the drug is powerful and it's doing it's job and there goes our bone.  

    The good thing about all us tarts is we can EMPATHIZE.  Those around us without BC can SYMPATHIZE, but they don't/can't get it.  We know.  We know how it felt to hear Elizabeth Edwards died.  We know how hard we are trying to mitigate side effects.  We are trying.  

    But as Patoo said, we have options, choices, a great, positive chance.  We can not empthaize with the people in Nicaragua...because we have no idea what having no options would be like.

    So we press forward! We are truly here for each other.  We're going to deal with stuff together-sad, frustrating and all that.  And most importantly, no matter what "we need to get our butts back into exercising" and stay FIT to FIGHT!



    and will someone please remind me I said this the next time I freak out about my mammos or my bone density studies or my blood work etc etc.  Because I'm the best cheerleader but the worst player. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Kim, I went through menopause at 42, and with two other people in my family (one a  blood relative and one not) I also thought statistically I was safe from cancer... wrong!  How life loves to laugh at us!

    Your post is on target -- we have options -- we can empathize -- we press forward.  And we freak about mammos and all that and will -- but we have each other to understand.  

    Patoo, I so admire those who go on mission trips.  My nephew and niece do them all the time, so many for people only 18 and 21!  You are an inspiration and bring joy where you go...  including here.  Keep up the good work, everywhere you go.  You make a difference.

    And you all make a difference to me, so thank you (again!) for being here!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Welcome back, patoo!!! We have missed you. Meeting after work & then did some shopping & NOW have to exercise. I'll check back for a minute later. Ruth

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Patoo:Welcome back and what a wonderful adventure you had. In the good old USA we could never image what you saw. What you give in this world, you will get back. Thank you for helping the less fortunate.

     I am still waiting for the Volunteer Dept. at the hospital to call me. I did the TB Testing, had my references sent in, and they must still be checking my background. That will be my way of giving back. Today I played cheerleader while I was at my PS' office, who also gave the ok to do anything I wanted at the gym. Yipee.

     I was also at a Clinique area in Lord and Taylor and the salespeson waiting on me just got over chemo, looked absolutely lovely and I was in awe. We played cheerleader to each other.

    Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your bone loss, I have not had a DEXA since diagnosis. Probably next mamo around. I blame everything that is happening to us on the meds. We gave enough, leave us alone already.

    Mary, I got my book today. I stopped in at Barnes & Noble and asked if it came in and was thrilled it was there. We are going away for 4 days next week. Can't wait to start the book.

     Happy exercising, and stay warm in this ridiculous cold weather.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Quick stop by - thanks everyone, but remember we don't have to go overseas, we have mission fields right here in our own backyard.  Volunteering to help anywhere is a work worth applause.  Giving back is never in vain.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    45 minutes of hard toning & 15 on the treadmill, then addressed a bunch of Christmas cards for my dad (of course, have not started on my own). I am nervous about my appointment tomorrow.....bluck, I hate doctors and body stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Patoo is right. Every time you cheer someone on, or open the door for someone, or let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store when they have two items and you have a cart load, or give a compliment or even a never know what that might mean to someone. Sometimes you can do something BIG, but don't underestimate the difference you can make to each and every day. There is my sermon for the I suppose I will shave my legs in anticipation of someone looking up them tomorrow Embarassed!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Thank you everyone for the warm hugs, they worked their magic and I feel much better and I have an appt in the morning to see my doctor so onward and upward. Tonight I did my RPM spin class and it was fantastic, when I think back to not so long ago when I was so frightened by the class and now I just love it (are you listening Carol) Tongue out

    Oh Patoo welcome back we have missed you and your mission trip sounds like it was a mission of joy. Mary I hope you were able to get your DH to walk with you I'm sorry you are on restrictions but better it is when it's cold and miserable out, if it were summer you would really go crazy. Carol my gym has a one week introductory pass, can you ask the gyms in your area if they have something like that or does your city have programs, my city puts out a book every quarter and it is filled with classes from yoga to pilates to tai chi, when I did my water aerobics it was through the city. Ronna congrats on getting your clearance to join us back on the exercise trail. Susan I don't know how you manage to stay off the computer I love love love my computer. Ruth you make me laugh, why is it that we shave our legs for our doctors appointments, ahhhh remember the days we used to shave them cause it was Friday night and we were going to partyInnocent

    Is everyone getting excited, kids coming home from college next week, woo hoo

    Once again thank you all, you have lifted me up and I am grateful.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I'm listening, Cheryl :) I'm going to check out the WL city classes, forgot about that, they should have their spring schedule out, but I like the idea of the gym, too.  Still gathering information and thinking.

    I woke up at 5 AM (on my day off, no less) so I read the paper, had tea, put on my work-out clothes, and did about 45 minutes with Richard and Leslie.  Sweaty and need a shower!

    Ruth, let us know how your appointment goes...

    I may have the opportunity to help the YW breast cancer program look for and write grants, right in my area of expertise... it's volunteer and what I need is a job but the program is near and dear to my heart, not only because it's BC, but also because the YW helped me get going on a financial path that led to insurance when I was first dx and had none.  A friend of mine who has 4 sisters, all of whom have had BC and two of whom have died, is very involved in the Komen race in Indy and saw a woman from our local YW speak (our local YW was the recipient of a grant from Komen), so my friend tracked her down after the program and talked to her about the possibility of my helping... funny where leads come from. I'll check into it next week.

    My niece graduates from Purdue next weekend, but she's staying in the area for two years as an intern at Campus House (campus Christian association) so I'm glad she'll be around.  

    Good to have exercise done early in the day!  And to have done a decent workout, I threw myself into it more than usual.  I'm going to look at the Tao bo DVD before I shower -- I hope it's not too intimidating!  

    Seize the day, everyone...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Patoo - welcome back! I have seen some poverty like that in my travels as well - as Dazd says, it's hard to even comprehend what a life with no options or hope would be like. Thank you so much for your work and sharing what you saw and experienced with us. Ronnie - I can't wait to hear what you think of the book. 

    Loved all the comments about cheerleading others.  On Tuesday while I was in the waiting room, I was sitting next to a woman that I figured was newly dx, as she had all kinds of pamphlets and brochures and was avidly reading them. I struck up a conversation with her, and let her know I was almost 3 years out.  The floodgates opened and she asked a million questions, which I was so happy to answer. She thanked me so much.  All of us can remember those first frightening weeks after dx, and there were so many women who reached out to me during that time that I'm always glad to pay it forward to someone else. Doctors and research are great, but nothing like being able to ask questions of someone who has actually gone through the experience.  

    Susan - I'm am horrified to hear about what happened to you.  Good for you for realizing that something was indeed wrong and that doctors are not all knowing, so you kept on pushing them.  I'd like to think that those days ended a long time ago, but apparently not. Another woman I was talking to in the waiting room on Tuesday had her IBC mis-diagnosed as mastitis (she'd just finished nursing her child).  She kept telling the doctor it didn't feel like mastitis, but the doctor kept blowing her off.  By the time she was properly diagnosed 6 months later, she was at Stage IIIc.  That was 3 years ago and she's doing well, and was at Hopkins scheduling her delayed DIEP, so I'm thrilled for her.  But she is rightfully so angry at the first doctor for wasting 6 months of treatment time which probably put her in a much more advanced stage.  Sadly, her story sounded all too familiar.  

    I did get dh out to walk in the cold last night for 2+ miles, and I did my 30 minute Wii routine today - I'm getting really good at squats! Happy Friday everyone!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Oh my gosh, I don't remember who recommended Tao Bo to me, but I'm in love! I've only done the tutorial, where he (Billy Blanks) explains and has you do the 4 punches and 4 kicks... but in the short time I went through that (15 or 20 minutes), even tho I'm wobbly on the kicks and have lots of room for improvement, I started feeling more confident and saw my balance getting better just in a short, wimpy first attempt. Woo hoo!! Thank you! I like this a lot!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Good morning all, just wanted to say, you gals are all great. Love you.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    Off to the gym this morning I think I will try a bodyflow class and give my joints a break.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Goodmorning all,

    Patoo, Your mission sounds amazing and inspiring. I joined this thread while you were away.  I'm glad your back.  I saw how much everyone missed you and from reading your posts it is obvious why.

    Yesterday I was asking about zometa and today there was a new thread posted about it from a recent study that stated it doesnt help prevent recurrence. However if you are  5 years post menapausal it might offer some protection.  They think it has something to do with having lack of estrogen. I am still going to inquire with my Onc  next appointment. I am worried about my osteopena and arimidex.

    Good luck with your appointments today Ruth and Cheryl!  I got my exercise in early today.  Now I must cook for a bake sale. I went to a holdiay concert last night at my kids school.  There is nothing more beautiful than the enthusiasm and sound of children singing!  Especially the tiny ones. I couldnt help but smile throughout.   I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Patoo I join while you were gone.  It was great to hear about your mission trip.  God works in such amazing ways we cannot comprehend it all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Patoo - love the new photo.  I'm still trying to figure that one out.  I will wait for Nils to come home and he'll do it an about 1 minute Tongue out  Got a call late last night from Amy - she was nursing Nils with a 103 fever!! and she's a 4th yr nursing student.  Anyway, talked her through the routine and his fever broke by this am and now she is getting whatever he has.  I'm glad they have each other to take care of.  Carol -you go with the TaeBo.  Susan - your story is all too familiar.  I was told to wait another year by my local surgeon - he thought it was just something to "watch".  Well, I sought another opinion at Penn and 3 months later had the double mx and the diagnosis of IDC and DCIS in the other breast.  We have to be our own best advocates.  And I like the cheerleader thing for all kinds of reasons.  Mary - you described your encounter in the doctors office - I hope we all will have many opportunities to help our sisters going forward.

    On another note - I saw where that horrible Kansas church group that protests at military funerals is going to protest at Elizabeth Edwards' funeral.  There too much hatred in this world.

    SO put snow tires on my bike yesterday and I dug out my ski pants this morning.  Had a toasty ride and now off too work.  Later, Tarts Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Oh - and good luck today, Ruth.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for the welcome back and welcome to the new sisters on this thread.  I've gotten off of my routine but intend to get back soon.  I have been watching my eating so that has helped but I'm on my way to a Christmas party now so tonight is not looking healthy!

    I'm thrilled to see that you all are trying to do for others.  It is really important.  Not only does it help others but it helps us to take our focus off of 'self'.  Ruth is so right that sometimes it's just the small things that mean so much to another.  Carol, many volunteer opportunities lead to paid jobs and what makes it so much better is that if you are volunteering it's because it's something you enjoy so if it turns into paid employment it's so much better.

    So you all warm my heart.  What a great group you are.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010
    What a great group WE are Smile! I am truly on for only a minute because after my appointment I stopped & visited my dad & now I am off to a basketball game; but the doctor appointment was suprisingly encouraging and 'OK'. I will you more about it tomorrow (when we are probably going to be blizzarded in). Much love to you all! Ruth 
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Well my appointment went really well. He explained that on my first scan 2 years ago on the bell curve I was a -1.3 and this one I was at -1.8 so I have had bone loss. He said he was not liking the studies he's reading on the once a month drugs but there is a drug that is administered through the nose BUT when I read the results it said that at -1.8 I had a 13% chance of fracture in the next 10 years, now if that had said 30-40% I might have opted for pharmaceuticals but at 13% I'm going to take my chances and up my calcium and he's going to scan me again in 12 months as opposed to the 2 years and if I hit the -2 then we'll go the drug route.

    Tonight I did my Body Pump class and the instructor had heard that I wasn't myself the other night and she bought me a beautiful teddy bear as a "boo boo gift" - her words not mine. I am a lucky old woman.

    Mum I so miss Bodyflow, my gym has it through the day when I'm working but no night classes. Carol why is it that on our days off we wake up with the sparrows and a volunteer position may lead to a full time position you just never know what is around the corner and I'm so glad you like the tae bo, I absolutely love Combat it is so empowering, when I finish that class I feel I can take on the world so I hope it gives you the same feeling. Ruth, you're right we are a great group and we're not afraid to say itKiss and brrrrrrrr for tomorrow, hate to tell you this they are predicting we're going up to 80, don't believe them as it's foggy tonight so we'll see. Nite all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    When I first found out that I'd gotten osteopenia I did a lot of research, and from what I saw it really doesn't do that much good to get on the bone loss prevention drugs until you have full-blown osterporosis.  And the bone drugs are not without side effects - my uncle was on Zometra to build bones after cancer treatment, and he developed that horrible side effect where basically his entire jaw rotted away.  Cheryl, it sounds like your onc advice is pretty much in line with what I read, and what my onc said as well.  And I'm pretending I didn't hear you say anything about 80 degree temps!  Laughing

    I did my 30 minutes of Wii yesterday morning and we walked last night for 2+ miles.  Today should be a fun day - we're off to a matinee of A Christmas Carol at Ford's Theatre, then we'll grab a bite to eat near the theatre, then walk over to the Ellipse to see the National Christmas Tree.  The big main tree is surrounded by 50+ smaller trees, one for each state and territory, and each state's tree is decorated to reflect the state, so those are always fun to look at.  Each night also features choirs, real reindeer, and even a huge Yule Log (basically an entire tree trunk blazing away) - everyone crowds around to warm up!  For those of you who just know DC from the politicians' caricature (you know, that den of inequity called Washington) it really is a beautiful and inspiring city - especially at night with all the lights on the monuments, the White House, the Capitol, etc. I've lived here my whole life and I still get chills when I see the Washington Monument, the White House, and all the other symbols of our freedom.

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    Any tips of there is snow and ice for the next 4 months and I hate the treadmill and exercise tapes?

    I also went through a very early menopause

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    welcome Erica bundle up and head outside for a brisk walk.I live in Canada so am familiar with the cold weather.If you don't like indoor gym equipment either walk outside or find a local pool.I am thinking about switching up my exercise to pool laps because I am having problems with arthritic joints. (The Tarts) just keep active whatever you enjoy.Tongue out
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Welcome Erica, I agree with mumayan, get going in an indoor pool. How about putting music you enjoy and doing whatever you want as to movement in front of a mirror. I have done that.

    I went to Plastic Surgeon yesterday because my right new boob was bothering me along with too much stiffness on side. He asked me to stretch which I did for him, he said terrific. Go the gym and do anything you want. I guess I can do machines now.

    I won't be on for a few days because hubby and I have to go on a business trip for him, leaving tomorrow. The fun thing is it is in Atlantic City. Yipee. There really is no business center for me to go on a computer and we do not have lap tops, so when I come back I will be checking in Wed.

    Keep exercising and be well.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Hi all.  Just finished LS 2 mile tape and it feels good.  It's only 30 minutes so I don't know why I can't seem to push myself to do it daily so will have to try harder.  Last winter I also went to the pool 2-3 times a week and now make excuses about it being too cold to go out of the gym afterwards.  But I enjoy it so much so think I will try and also get back to that.  Being back on this board definitely is motivating - thanks.

    Welcome Erica.  You will find what will work for you, just as long as you do something.  (do as I say, not as I do!)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Welcome, Erica.  I walk outside if it's not windy or bitter (below about 10). I especially love to tromp in the woods in winter. I've collected a few DVD's -- NOT my favorite way to exercise and it took an attitude shift but I'm better with them now.  Having a variety helps. I dance to an oldie's station when I'm doing housework or in the kitchen.  I park my car farther (even half a block), take stairs instead of elevators, etc.  It all helps.  I also do light free weights.  I know how important exercise is for me and that (along with these women) keeps me going.  Walk at the mall -- find a friend to exercise with -- join a gym, ride a bike, swim.  Find what works for you.  (BTW, I'm the blabbermouth of the thread, so feel free to skim/skip my long posts!) Smile

    Ruth, hope the blizzard didn't wipe out your electricity!  Cheryl, glad it was relatively good news for you -- and how sweet for someone to give you the teddy bear :)  But I really wish you wouldn't call yourself old, we are forever young!  (Never Never Land, here I come!).

    Mary, I can about picture your DC walk, my parents lived there for 5 years after dad retired (he took a position there) and we were all there for Christmas one year, it was really lovely.  What terrific traditions and events.  The thing that impacted me the most, however, was the Vietnam Memorial.  Extremely moving for reasons I still can't explain.

    Ronna, enjoy your trip!!

    I did light weights today and yoga.  And scraped ice off the driveway, and moved boxes of books in an unsucessful attempt to find my recipe file.  (Heavy boxes always worry me because of possible LE but I was careful).  It all counts, right? :)

    Tomorrow I may have to bake some of mom's Christmas cookies.  She used to make 100's each year, some of them recipes from my dad's mom, about 15 different kinds, but I think I'll settle on half recipes of three or four.

    You know what's coming back for me in larger and larger doses?  Peace. And more spontaneous laughter.   I'm so grateful.

    Have a warm evening, everyone!