Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited August 2018

    imageMade the Shakti FB page- looking rather earnest in my Natarajasana.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited August 2018

    Falconer: Great picture! You do look earnest and fabulous!

    Pat: Not sure when you're going to England and Wales, but have fun and enjoy the temperatures.

    Nats: That woman sounds like a selfish jerk!

    Been walking/running each day. Today I pushed mowed for 90 minutes and an hour of much needed pruning. It's so hot and humid and miserable. I took this picture of my arm after mowing. Pure sweat - although it looks like I hosed myself down with water like Claire suggested.


  • pat01
    pat01 Posts: 913
    edited August 2018

    Amazingly got my 10K steps in yesterday, despite the heat. DH is in line at the music festival with our camper, I will join him later, then a weekend of friends and good music. Many errands to run today in preparation for vacation next week, bet I'll get my steps in today too!

    One tip I have for people trying to get steps, whenever you get a phone call, walk around while talking to that person - it's amazing how many steps you can get in a 10 minute phone call!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited August 2018

    Another workout in the books! The thing I like best about the WiiFit is that I never get bored working out. Every day I mix in a few yoga poses I have learned with some strength, then a little aerobics and then I finish with some balance training. My hubby can tell already that it is working, even if I can't

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2018

    Strength circuit today. No TV Hog Lady today, thank goodness. Will talk to management tomorrow. I hate to be a griper since we’ve just been members for a few weeks, but in this case I think it’s needed. DEXA scan this afternoon. We’ll see what the last 2 years of Letrozole have done to my bones

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    More scanning, scanning, scanning. I've never had a job where I had to sit down, and I am glad! I'm going to yoga tonight to get stretched back out.

  • vermonster
    vermonster Posts: 20
    edited August 2018

    I had physical therapy yesterday. I was given a stretchy band so I can start with some mild resistance range-of-motion stretches, and I got to use a hand-pedal machine for 4 minutes. I was exhausted last night! But am still doing my 30 minute walk every morning, followed by the stretches - it really does help. Some moments it's hard to believe surgery was only 6+ weeks ago, other times it seems much longer ago. The ferns in the meadow are starting to turn yellow, there's goldenrod everywhere and I needed a sweatshirt this morning - compare to Wednesday's already melting temps by 8am. The seasons are changing!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2018

    Was feeling a bit tight and stiff today so I skipped the gym and instead hauled out my yin yoga DVD for a nice hour session. It really loosened all the tight places in my hips and back.

    DH went to gym and ended up on the treadmill next to TV Hog Lady. Sen. McCain’s service was on all the TVs and she turns to DH and complains that she’s tired about hearing about McCain and that it was annoying having the service on TV. My DH just looked at her and said that he could listen all day about a hero like McCain. Then he put in his ear buds and started the treadmill up, ignoring her.She was not a happy camper. After she left another regular thanked DH for what he said. So we’re not the only ones who have issues with her. There’s always one in every crowd.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    not exercising much this last 2 weeks. Was having new windows and doors put into the house. Say a prayer for DH- he called today and told me he was coming home early. The company re-organized, and his job was eliminated. He holds in all the stress, so I hope this job search does not get the best of him. Say a prayer for DD, she's applying for the same job as one of her good friends, and she feels horrible, but both of them need work.

    I saw my regular Gyno today, and everything g looks good. Will see gyno/oncologist in a few weeks. Lots of drs to look after me!

    I'm getting back.into school.on Tuesday, so back to exercising for me!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    Its been a long, long week!!! I'm part of the district crisis response team and we were busy all week. Last week we lost a 4th grade student to suicide and this week a 13 year old student was shot on Tuesday - fighting for his life. Today it is hitting me hard. I was at 2 schools this week meeting with students in the neighborhood of the shooting. I love what I do but weeks like this are hard. So glad its a 3 day week-end. But we are still short staffed so we are spread thin....2 maternity leaves starting the end of the week.

    DD#2 is in NY visiting friends. This week-end she is with her best friend and her family. When DD32 gets back we have 9 days with her. Guess I'm missing her already!!

    Got to finish cooking Shabbat dinner - grilling chicken thighs and wings.

    Have a good wee-end. Karen

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited August 2018

    karen- school has just started and you have all this to deal with. It must be excruciating for you as well as the students. Suicide is always difficult to wrap one's head around but when it's a child it's almost impossible. My heart goes out to you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    2FUN, sorry about your DH's job situation. Hopefully he will find something even better very soon. And hope things work out for DD and her friend both. That is tough.

    Karen, sending a hug. So many hard situations. The kids are lucky to have caring people like yourself in their corner.

    Scanned books all day, ARG! I walked the puppies after school, have been doing a little house cleaning, & need to do a toning DVD tonight.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    Karen, sending you a hug that you may find some peace and rest this weekend.

  • jaboo
    jaboo Posts: 368
    edited September 2018

    I was asking here about a fitness band a week back, so I thought I may as well update you. My last AC was on Tuesday, so I ordered the band as a treat for finishing AC. Today is day 4 after AC and I had the band for the first time.

    Well, and it showed 12900 steps. The kids are not yet in bed, so with all the evening chasing and fetching I might finish the day with 14000 steps. Just a day with kids, running around the garden + house with them/after them, doing some housework, plus a walk with the smaller kid (me on foot, kid on his bike). And I was wondering how am I so tired. Chemo sucks, but what do you think - shall I try for more steps? (I have to admit, I don't like running) or could this amount of steps be considered enough activity? For chemo? What about later?

    I would greatly appreciate your opinion here, ladies.. thanks a lot. I'm trying to find a way to be active, to help avoid recurence in future and help feeling better of course

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited September 2018

    You are doing great. it's important to have sustained physical activity. If you feel up to it, try walking for a few minutes daily and steadily increase your distance or steps.The most important thing is listen to your body. If you're feeling too tired or in pain, don't do it. I've always found that once I start the activity my energy level increases. I ran almost daily during chemo. The difference here is I've been running my whole adult life. I also did not have the responsibility of taking care of kids . I do take care of my six dogs but that isn't the same thing.lol Find an exercise or activity you enjoy.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited September 2018

    nats- unfortunately there are individuals out there whose goal seems to be to spread negative energy. You have every right to speak up and speak out.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited September 2018

    Goodness, if I get 14,000 steps, that is a very good day for me!!! If you weren't getting near to 10,000 steps, or if you were full of energy at the end of the day, I'd say to do more. Since you are getting more than the recommended steps and are tired both, don't push it any further. If you want to do more 'exercise' you could add in some stretching and/or toning. Those are as important as the aerobic parts, which is sometimes hard to remember.

    It's a beautiful day here. I watched the whole McCain funeral this morning. DS invited me to lunch and for a dog walk in a park this afternoon (his lady friend is out of town for the weekend), and I need to get in some more toning myself before the end of the day.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2018

    Karen- what a heartbreaking week for you all. Sending you a giant hug. I hope the weekend helps to refuel you. Those students are lucky to have you to support them.

    Nats-good for your husband! I don’t think I would have been able to hold my tongue either. She sounds terrible. I bet she will find the equipment near her empty a lot of the time. I watched John McCain’s daughter’s beautiful tribute to him.

    2Fun-I hope the job searches produce the desired jobs for both. My older DD is job searching right now. Such a stressful time.

    We had a really HOT week at school. We had an early dismissal on Wednesday which was the first day for students. That’s never happened before in my 34 years of teaching.

    I am nursing a strained Achilles and it’s causing some knee pain. I did try Zumba yesterday but had to leave class early due to pain. Our local fair is this weekend so I am getting a good amount of walking in, just a bit slower than usual.

  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Posts: 110
    edited September 2018

    Stopping by to say hi! Had surgery at the end of July. He had to do a lot more to my abdomen and there was more necrosis in lefty than he planned on, so there will be discussion about more surgery in 6 months. Still need to be symmetrical. I’m not released to do any activity, have a lifting restriction, and post surgery binder and bra. Really can only walk right now (but not with any effort). It’s better than nothing. I signed up for a race on 12/1 before the surgery because he thought it would be more simple than it turned out. Hope I can run at least part of it.

    Hope everyone is doing well

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited September 2018

    Haven’t worked out since Friday. My left foot and ankle is really sore. I am icing it and taking Tylenol. Think I might have overdone the workouts. Thinking about soaking my foot in warm water and Epsom salts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited September 2018

    Sorry you are having so many problems, CVD.

    Ice and elevate, Mommy.

    I went to yoga and took a long walk on a gorgeous day.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2018

    Hi all.... Have been blissfully unaware of the news for 2 days. Promise pictures, but was at an event celebrating the winery's 30 years of fabulous wines. I know, because I signed up for the tasting, with Year 1 being over the hill, but years and years of fabulous wines, some as much as 25 years old. Someone has to do this hard work!!!

    I camped at the vineyard, and bought eats at the barbecue/smoker that had been brought in for the occasion. Friday night was prime rib, and last night was roast pig. We had more pork and eggs for breakfast this morning with all the other revelers. There was a swing duo, and a ceramic totem pole unveiling. Since the musicians stayed over, they were joined later by a violinist for a second concert on the porch.

    I did a bicycle ride on Friday, and all of us went rafting yesterday on the Yakima River. My first time doing this, and it was a blast. Short hike of the Cowiche Canyon this morning prior to heading back to work on a research report. (Boo-hoo!!)

    I have to get used to vin ordinaire now after all the fabulous imbibing, and quite a bit less of it. 

    The scenery was spectacular. What an absolutely glorious time. More to come, and great to hang out with a crowd that loves good wine as much as I do. And yes, I will do river rafting again. Gorgeous and an absolute hoot. - Claire 

    p.s. Came home to a hot bath to fumigate my sorry hide with clothes in the washing machine as learned that dip in the Yakima river doesn't quite do it.

  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Posts: 110
    edited September 2018

    Oh gosh, not having problems, it’s just how reconstruction is. Never a one and done thing. Everything is going exactly how it is supposed to with healing. I’m impatient to get back to running.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited September 2018

    I would be impatient too. Surgery recovery drives me nuts (although I do what the doctor orders).

    Claire, my rafting experience this summer was one of the most fun things I've ever done in my life! I had gone rafting before but about 20 years ago so it was like the first time for me.

  • jaboo
    jaboo Posts: 368
    edited September 2018

    Jo63.., thanks for your input. I'm also trying to stay active through chemo, although not running. The kids take care of most of my activity

    Ruthbru, thank you for your advice. That's a good point regarding toning/stretching exercises. I really should add some.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited September 2018
    9 minute strength training

    Morning fit friends,

    It's the morning eve of my return to work and I've been reflecting on my summer exercise routine, which followed another surgery (June 15), many long hours in the car driving around this beautiful country, and a general lazy hormone therapy slog feeling that I can't fully shake.

    I did return to and maintain my ability to run 5k and I did practice enough yoga to still be able to touch my toes, oh! And there was this one really challenging bike my friend and I took through The Lemon Squeeze at Mohonk Mountain House. It was the after effects of the hike that got me thinking about strength training, as my outer thighs, glutes, etc were really burned out after the hike. Plus I've noticed a loss of muscle mass there (easily seen in a pair of shorts while sitting in the car).

    So, I found this strength training workout- 9 minutes long appealed to me- and pasted it to the top of my post. What do you think? I have not been a gym person or a weight lifter ever. But it seems my muscle mass needs a boost. What suggestions do y'all have to build muscle?
  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Posts: 110
    edited September 2018

    Falconer, gaining/maintaining muscle mass is important. It’s the number one thing on my to do list once I’m released. Need to get back to it. The weights side of the gym intimidates me. I’ve got a couple of dvds I use a home (old school but effective) and YouTube and Pinterest are great for finding different routines and exercises. I love running but strength training also gives me a sense of accomplishment and I’m missing it while recooperating.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited September 2018

    Soaked my foot last night and it feels better. Thinking about soaking it again after I get the laundry done

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018

    Falconer I also feel I should do more strength and it only being nine minutes seems a tolerable start. I do some dumbells and planks during TV ads and I do squats while I am microwaving. Its just a little but something.

    We have had a rainy threeday weekend but yesterday I got my activity done in between rain storms. Dog walk in the morning, about a half hour of digging up weeds and daylillies, and a 30 minute bike ride. I miss my long bike rides but its killing my back so I hope this will work out better.

  • vermonster
    vermonster Posts: 20
    edited September 2018

    I added some distance to my walking route, up to about 2.25 miles now, in 35 minutes or so. Bought a yoga mat to do my stretches on - much more comfortable than the sheet spread out on the floor (although that made it easier to slide my arms for the snow angel stretch). I am seven weeks out from surgery today - I tried some weeding in the garden yesterday - fighting impatience on so many fronts.