Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    DD#2 is on her way!!! Flight scheduled to leave TLV in about 1/2 hour. DD#2 has an aisle seat and someone who has a middle asked her to switch seats...really, give up an aisle for a middle!!! She flies through Frankfurt and has a 2 or 3 hour layover. She gets into Denver around 3:30 Denver time. Can't wait to see her, even though its only been 2 weeks. DD#1 gets in a couple hours later so 2 trips to the airport. I'll get DD#1 after work and DH will get DD#2 and I'll get dinner ready. Stocked up on fruits and veggies to last till Sunday. Also picked up Atlantic Salmon to make for dinner tomorrow night. Its not often the 5 of us are all in the same country!!!

    One of the schools I'm covering for maternity leave is an early college high school with only 80 students 9-12th grade. Met the principal and sped teacher. I think it will be a good couple months there. Need to schedule meetings for a couple hour schools. It seems like the schools I'm covering are all charter schools - not my favorite at all!!!

    Waiting to go to bed till DD#2 tells me they are taking off. Its 4 1/2 hour flight so it will be middle of night here when she lands. She will text us. When the second flight takes off it will be almost time to get up, so hopefully we'll get a chance to at least talk for a couple minutes.

    DH continues to feel better but still having some GI distress. As long as he keeps getting bette not going to worry.

    Sweet dreams.

  • Wildcolonialgirl
    Wildcolonialgirl Posts: 119
    edited August 2018

    Hi ladies!  Jumping in on this thread - Ruthbru said it's a great forum and has lots of positivity!  So glad to see a group of folks who are incorporating exercise and fitness into their daily lives and facing challenges with a good outlook!.  I'm not up to many of you yet, but working on walking 3-4 miles each day.  Finished rads 2 weeks ago and the boost burn is still lingering, but otherwise healing pretty well.  About to head off on a once cancelled/once delayed family cruise holiday and so planning to keep up the walking and gentle exercise daily.

    Wishing everyone a fantastic last few weeks of August!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Welcome, Wild!!

    Karen, enjoy your familtime!

    DH & I are taking off in a few minutes to meet up with some friends & go to a Canjun Fest in Minnesota. It's an annual event so I already know that I'll have fun. There will be walking, possibly dancing, for sure eating Happy.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Posts: 1,427
    edited August 2018

    Thanks Cheryl and a class with Rachel must be awesome. Welcome Wild! Pat, photo update of beautiful grandboy please. 2FUN, hope today is better and Jaboo, I'm impressed by how you are moving forward without the kids, taking care of you. Karen, good to read all is holding with DH and wonderful family you have. Ruth super www photo. Had a chiropractic adjustment this morning, Pilates class mid-day and going to BB in a few hours. Raining here ugh...back to typical UK summer weather.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    Both my girls arrived. I picked up DD#2 and DH picked up DD#1. The 5 of us (not counting SIL) are all on 1 continent, 1 country and 1 city. It doesn't happen often. We were all together for Passover, but otherwise its been a few years. DD#2 bag made it in one piece. She was worried as at the airport, she noticed there was a tear. Her backpack broke, so luckily she had another smaller one with her to use her. So she emptied the one backpack and threw the broken one away. So we need to do some luggage shopping, even if its only in the storage room to see what is in there. I have all my parent's luggage, but don't know if any of us want to use it.

    Ruth - thanks, I'll enjoy my girls. Tomorrow DD#2 has a dentist appt in the morning and her 20 year old check up in the afternoon. She stills likes Mommy going to the doctor. She has another appointment late Monday afternoon so I can meet her after work.

    So staring off the year I have one high school, one elementary and one K-8. High school is a maternity leave, the other two are vacancies. I might be helping out at another high school after Labor Day for a maternity leave. We have 8 vacancies starting the year, not all full-time, maybe half, but still special education minutes must be covered.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Sweet dreams.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited August 2018

    loved all the pics. I took a week from the threads to catch up with my room renovation. I'm still painting walls and baseboards and cleaning out shelves. After working 8 to 10 hours a day it's sort of nice just to paint and throw out junk. It's great seeing the progress. It's tiring but fun.

    I 5K tomorrow morning. Hopefully the heat and humidity won't kick my butt. I continue to run on my treadmill because I cannot tolerate running in the early evening in this heat. I haven't been able to tolerate running outside or the past four or five years in July and August. Yet I'm able to wake up at 6 in the morning and run a 5k. probably because I know my friends are waiting for me. Plus it's only Saturday or Sunday mornings. The worst part of radiation was having to wake up at 6 a.m. for 5 weeks ugh I'm a night person not a morning person. Have a great weekend. Hope the side effects are minimal or non-existent. I finished work early today and I want to tackle my guest room.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited August 2018

    Exercised yesterday and danced at a fundraiser for a friend last night. Today is a rest day!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2018

    Hi Group! Haven't been on here in ages. As some of you may remember, DH and I were in the processing of moving to our mountain cabin full time now that we're both retired. Downsizing and moving is a royal pain! But we're finally unpacked and settled in completely and loving it. Of course I had to find a new hairdresser, new fitness center, new primary care physician, and new vet for our Min Pin Mikey, but nowwe have that all lined as well. Our new place is only about an hour from our old house, so I can keep my wonderful onc.

    I was so glad to find a fitness center I liked. I haven't done much exercise except physical therapy for my knee, and of course a lot of packing, lugging, and unpacking with the move. I'm ready to get back to working out on a regular basis. Our new center offers a few classes, including Body Pump, so of course I thought of hbcheryl. I'll have to try it out sometime.

    Went to the Hagerstown "Augustoberfest" today - basically Octoberfest but held in August. One of the largest groups who initially settled here were Germans, and there are still a lot of their descendants here. I don't have a bit of German ancestry, but I can enjoy German bands and traditional dance demos. And of course good German food and beer! I've never heard a real Alpenhorn before today.

    Thought with a new home I'd try a new avatar, a close up of one of our baby neighbors who passes by occasionally with mom and a sib. So cute!

    edit - Forgot to add, I finished my 10 years on letrozole July 1. Woohoo

  • jaboo
    jaboo Posts: 368
    edited August 2018

    Did some wood work for a bit, consider it enough exercise to eat half a chocolate while watching a film. First day to feel a bit normal after AC chemo, so I thought what the hell.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited August 2018

    Welcome Wild! Have a great time on your family cruise.

    Karen: I feel the joy in your words. So happy for you to have your family all in one place at the same time.

    Jo: How was your 5k?

    Mommy: I bet you had fun dancing, especially since it was a fundraiser for your friend.

    Nats: So glad to see you again!!! My, you have been busy. Love your new avatar - so cute! Congratulations on finishing your letrozole!

    JaBoo: WTH is right. Go for the chocolate!

    Been walking/running and of course mowing. Grass already needs mowing again - that's on for next week. Went to the farmer's market this morning. Bought some fresh peaches and I have a peach cobbler baking right now.

  • vermonster
    vermonster Posts: 20
    edited August 2018

    Still walking thirty minutes every morning - it's cooler and less chance of sunburn in the mornings - although it's rained so much lately I'm more at risk of pruning! I get to see butterflies, newts, crows, goldfinches, mosquitoes, etc., and squashed frogs (!) on our rolling country road. Walking feels good - loosens my back & shoulders. Only 33 days post-surgery. Stopped the anastrazole last night on doctor's orders after vertigo/dizziness hit [on day two.] Took a mini-tub tonight with a cocktail. Not quite the same as a nice long soak in a full & bubbly tub, but still... almost normal. Started scar massage today, too. Picked off the steri-strips this morning. Tonight doing a shrimp & green bean stir fry - being the chef also feels good!!

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2018

    Hi all and welcome Wildcolonialgirl. Great to hear from ya Nats!

    Morning walk then tended the bird feeder and flowerbeds. Nice breakfast of steel-cut oats with fresh blueberries, then off 2c mom. She is doing great at (almost) 88. Hit the gym on way home - 45 TM 30 weights 15 yoga stretch.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Glad you are all settled in, Nats. LOTS of work!!

    JaBoo, dark chocolate actually is GOOD for you! (I am not even making that up!)

    Shrimp/green bean stir fry with peach cobbler for dessert sounds yummy to me!

    We are back from letting the good times roll at the Cajun Fest. My friend and I went for a walk each day but then proceeded to eat a disgraceful amount of food and have a few drinks as well, so......alas, I will have to be good (starting Monday, tomorrow is DH's birthday.......excuses, excuses Loopy).

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited August 2018

    Hi Nats! Glad the move went well! My teenagers spent many years in the Catoctin Mountains, hiking around with the Catoctin Quaker Camp. Are you nearby? Congrats on the ten years of Letrozole and for finishing that treatment. Yeah

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018


  • jaboo
    jaboo Posts: 368
    edited August 2018

    Ruthbru, that's fitting! I've just came back from grocery shopping... I received two bags of Mozart Kugeln prescribed! 🍫

    BUT I went to a brisk forest walk with my brother and niece (15y.o.) and I'm happy to say they were both out of their breath and very sweaty, whereas I was able to speak freely while climbing uphill! 😀 Sorry for patting my own shoulder like this, but considering I'm in chemo, I think I can be happy about this small thing.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited August 2018

    JaBoo, that's great! Of course you should pat yourself on the shoulder!

    NatsFan, since I am in the final stages of packing for a move, I can relate. Packing is a lot of physical and mental work! The movers come tomorrow, so today we will finish the few boxes of stuff that still need to be packed, then I will clean out the fridge (yuck) and hopefully get a few minutes to relax tonight. I've also been swimming when I can.

    New Mexico, here we come. Road trip! Woohoo!


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Posts: 1,993
    edited August 2018

    wonderland- the 5K went great. It was only 87 degrees. I'll become tired when I hear you talk about mowing your yard.

    jaboo- you deserve to Pat yourself on the shoulder. Great job. Especially climbing uphill.

    Fresh peaches. I would give anything for a fresh peach now. The farmers market that I go to only carry items that are seasonal for our area. Unfortunately that doesn't include peaches. At this time of the year, not a lot of things are growing in Miami. Except for weeds

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Half hour abs & half hour general toning DVDs today.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2018

    Nice day - early morning walk, then did some some gardening, house cleaning, and laundry. Snoozed for an hour then cooked supper: roast chicken with carrots & parsnips, and risotto with green peas & mushrooms.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    1st day with kiddos tomorrow.....will be interesting!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Good luck, Karen!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    good luck karen!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited August 2018
    Karen, hope your return to work with the kids is a smooth one!

    I'm off to Stockbridge, MA to the Kripalu Center for a day of yoga, r&r, and healthy eating. I'm finally using the gift certificate my DH gave me the birthday before my DX almost three years ago.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited August 2018

    Haha, Ruth. In the same vein, I own stock in a pharmaceutical company called Lindt.

    Badger, nice to hear your mom is doing well. Have fun with the kiddos, Karen! Have a great r&r, Falconer! Congrats on the 5K, Jo! Nats, not sure if I'd want to be too close to your neighbors, but the babies must be so cute. Have a blast on your road trip, Octogirl! Vermonster, heat is our friend, in tubs or saunas.

    Will have to bring my bike for repair today. The gears are acting up and the bike is still on warranty.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2018

    I have decided that things such as replacing running shoes, bicycle tires, exercise gear, and the like are all signs that I am doing the right activities with my free time. I have dropped a lot of the cash at the bicycle shop, spending more there last year than on car repairs. For the record, chain lube is handy to keep around, and I need to use it on my own bicycle gears. 

    Had a wonderful Saturday cycling Lopez Island which is rolling hills so used my gears quite a bit. Just gorgeous scenery, but a long day (6:30a-9:30p). Laid low yesterday and wanted nothing to do with driving.

    Here is a picture of the sunset from the ferry ride back. Lopez Island is in the distance.


    Oncology visit today which I expect to be uneventful. Two major projects due this week.

    Trying to get motivated..... - Claire 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Pretty picture!

    Zumbaclass and a 30 minute lower body DVD.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    It is so hazy out due to all the wildfires....air quality is quite poor.

    Tonight during walk after dinner with DH, saw a beautiful large hawk on top of the street signs. Took a picture but not very good, on the second try the hawk started to fly away. gorgeous creature.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2018

    Falconer - I know exactly where the Catoctin Quaker Camp is - it’s only about 3-4 miles from us. As you said, hiking is a major activity around here. Lots of trails all around, including the Appalachian Trail. Your upcoming yoga trip sounds wonderful!

    Octo - I don’t envy you packing now, but just think how nice it will be once you’re done and settled in.

    Jo - one of our local communities had their annual peach fest last weekend. Fresh peaches, peach pie, peach ice cream, etc. Sounds like you’d have loved it!

    Badger - glad your mom is doing so well.

    Hit the fitness center yesterday for some cardio. Still trying out all the machines, but found a step machine that seems perfect to strengthen the area around my knee that’s still a bit weak after surgery this spring. Leaving now to go back for a strength session today.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited August 2018

    Beautiful sunset photo, Claire!

    Nats, I think you'd have to roll me out if I ever went to that peach fest.

    Ran 5.5K yesterday. Creeping towards 10K. I've downloaded a C 2 10K app. Started at week 9 without taking the walking breaks except at the halfway point. Cranked the treadmill up a couple of times towards the end to get a HIIT effect. Then did weights and stretches.

    I biked to the bike repair shop today as they had a free slot. Everything's working again at no cost except for 2.5 hours biking and lunch. It's a scenic route so happy to do it.