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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited August 2013

    Another 'fly by' posting;this morning I scuplted & shoveled the 8 new inches of snow from the driveway & also did several FIRM DVDs to make up for not exercising yesterday. Then went to the nursing home where the college vocal jazz group put on a wonderful concert for the residents, THEN more Christmas shopping & THEN out to a benefit supper/program (for the Shriner's Children's Hospitals).

    Hi Erica, lots of gals do classes at a gym. I LOVE the FIRM workouts for the toning all year round & do some of their cardio in the winter when I can't get outside (it is suppose to be seventeen BELOW here tonight!), even if you usually don't like DVDs, you might like them. You can check them out at

    Carol, if you get inspired and end up making hundreds of cookies, you can always send some to me Wink!!!

    I promise to carve out a little 'visiting' time tomorrow.

    (edited to add that even when I just stop by, I apparently can't be at all short-winded!)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Hi all!  Welcome Erica.  I agree with the others - you can't beat walking outside if you don't like the gym or tapes at home.  Also you burn more calories when it's cold because your body is doing double duty - exercising and also trying to stay warm.

    Mary - Washington sounds beautiful at Christmas.  I can just picture the beautiful trees and the yule log.  What a nice tradition for you to have.

    Carol - send some cookies my way too.  I used to make all different kinds but don't anymore because it's just SO and myself and we really don't need to be eating cookies.  Nils doesn't eat sweets either so I concentrate on other comfort foods for the holidays.  We love hot crab dip, brie with garlic and almonds, hot glugg.

    Ruth - you are the first with Shovel and Sculpt this year.  We are getting rain today - lots of it!!  At least it's 55 degrees and there is a break expected in about 1/2 hour so I will put on my rain gear and head out for my ride.

    Ronna - enjoy AC.  Maybe you'll see a good show or two.  AC is really trying to improve it's image and they are booking lots of concerts this winter.

    Patoo - so great to have you back.  I remember how much you loved the pool last winter - I'm sure you'll find your way back.

    We went to mass last night and our priest who is from Kenya just released his second CD of spiritual music.  He is such a holy and giving man - I just love his ministry. Bought the CD and had him autograph it for me.  Heading out for my ride now and then to Penn to see Amy and Nils before she returns to IN for Christmas.  Then....on to the shore.  SO's mother is going to CA for Christmas so we are bringing her cat home for a couple of weeks.  I'm also taking my own Mom to the Dr on Tuesday morning - she's doing fine but just needs another set of ears at appointments.  I'll fly by before we leave this afternoon.  Stay warm and dry eveyone!!  Kiss

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Ruth, Bobbi, Carol, Mary and all of you living in the mid west and east, please forgive me for what I am about to write.

    I opened the door this morning to this huge yellow ball in the sky and gasp..... heat, the forecasters were a day late but they got it right and I am sitting here in a summer dress.

    Yesterday I did Body Combat and then actually sat and did my overseas Christmas cards and got them in the mail and I got out the decorations so I've at least made some sort of start and Carol I'll take cookies as well. Ruth you sound super busy and glad the weather is not holding you back from all the fun. Bobbi you are such a trooper riding in the rain, enjoy your day with Nils and Amy and have a great time at the shore and hope the ride home with your Moms cat goes smoothly, is the cat a "talker"? Ronna have loads of fun on your mini vacation. Patoo you did love your aqua classes and you'll get back into it and welcome Erica, there are a million choices to make when it comes to exercise, me I'm a class girl, get in dance around to loud music for an hour - sweat and get out I went to the gym for many years dawdling on the treadmill and climbing the stairs before I ventured into the classes and I love love love them but I do them to my ability.  Went to my Body Step class this morning and I'm now going out to do some gardening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    I asked P.T. if swimming would be good for me and she yelled "NO", you are too weak (was swimming an hour last summer, usually 3-5 times a week)

     I am just doing some very gentle stretching

    Bundle up??  Roads around me are not well cared for .  I am afraid of ice and no one finding me laying on the road  Tongue out.   See I have a lot of excuses !!

    I need to get back to wearing my step counter

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Well, your PT is stupid!!! If you are weak, you need to do what you like to do to build up your strength....just swim in the shallow end of the pool...what's going to happen? if you get tired just put your feet down on the bottom! (There is my rant for the evening).

    I got up early & did the FIRM. I am just swamped between all the "Christmas" and school projects I want to get done before vacation. YIKES!!! and DOUBLE YIKES!!!

    Cheryl, about the bone stuff; I do an annual DEXA (coming up in a couple weeks) just to stay on top of things, and we have to remember that some bone loss happens naturally because we are having the privilege of getting older. I wouldn't want take a bone loss drug unless I had too, they can have serious SE of their own (like the jaw problems). So I think you are on the right track.

    I still want to tell you about my Gyno appt. but am too tired to type straight tonight. I will try to get on earlier tomorrow when I am (possibly) more coherent! 'Night All! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    spent the weekend camping (not very rustic I have an RV).  Stayed at a great park and had a wonderful run yesterday.  Last night we did the riverwalk where they are all kinds of lighted Christmas decorations.  It is a mile long stretch.  It felt really good to do the walk and not think twice about it.  Last year I was tired at the end of it. Took the day off today to rest.  Will be cold in the morning when I do my elliptical.  It is on my back porch.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Sherry, camping sounds wonderful.  Was your river walk in San Antonio?  I was there years ago -- lovely area.

    Erica, I agree with Ruth -- not exercising will not help you get stronger!!  There may be other reasons for you to not swim (if you're too soon out of surgery, for example) but not being "strong enough" makes no sense to me.  If you aren't strong enough to swim an hour -- swim whatever time you can, even if it's only 10 minutes. 

    Cheryl, your weather sounds lovely, really, but I like winter, too -- we didn't get much snow this weekend, our temps have dropped again, but I still like it Smile  (I am jealous of your gardening, however!).  Enjoy your sun and warmth!  (I love winter but I wouldn't mind a week at a warm beach around Feb....)

    I didn't get cookies done, but I did make a pumpkin pie, hit my arm on the way out of the oven with it (burn, ouch!) and about 1/4 of it went all over the oven, what a mess, I'm so coordinated Undecided It still tastes good but it looks pretty wonky!

    Ruth, you're so busy, you wear me out just reading it!

    I skipped yesterday's exercise but today I'm going to practice my tao bo kicks and punches and walk with Leslie.

    Long day ahead at work... later, all!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Naturegrrl no it was a little historical town names Bastrop, TX (outside of Austin).  The Colorado river runs through there and they have really made a nice river walk.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010
    Just back from a ride into Island Beach State Park with strong west wind off the bay.  Had snow showers and now off to work!  Will check in later Kiss
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Oh and Cheryl - a sundress!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    bobbi, you're a regular exercise warrior!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    We had a wonderful time in DC!  The Ford's production of A Christmas Carol was enchanting - I loved it.  And it had, bar none, the scariest Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come I've ever seen, stage or screen!  It was perfect.  And the National Christmas tree was beautiful.  And something about standing there looking at the tree with the White House in the background, or looking over and seeing the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial - just wow.  And we walked all over the place, so we even got in some exercise!

    Erica - welcome! As you see, the ladies here have lots of good ideas of how to exercise in winter.  I love my Wii Fit Plus, and my dh has lost weight with a training video for Wii called My Fitness Coach.  The Wii thread has some other good recommendations as well.  Ronnie - great that you had a good follow up with ps and you are cleared to work out.  Have fun in Atlantic City!  Patoo - you'll get back into the swing of things now that you're back to a routine.  Your trip was wonderful, but I'm sure that preparing for it, going on it, then re-entry to our world all disrupted your routine. And you did love your aqua classes last year!  Nature - agreed on the Vietnam Memorial's impact.  I've noticed that as people approach it they're chatting normally, but as they descend into it, their voices get hushed and solemn - it is a powerful memorial. Ruth - first shovel and sculpt of the year!!!  And how about the Metrodome collapsing?  I bet the Twins are glad they moved out of there.  Gee, baseball season seems a long way away, doesn't it?  Bobbi - I agree with Cheryl's question - is your mom's cat a talker?  Our cat hates the trip up and back to the cabin, and used to yowl the whole way, and routinely throw up, poop, and pee in the crate.  We tried all different kinds of carriers, but he hated all of them.  We finally ended up buckling him into a kitty harness, and like we do with the dog, attaching the harness to the seatbelt with a caribiner.  Now they both ride in the back seat, and like two kids, they get into spats when one dares to put a paw over on the other one's side.  It's actually pretty funny to watch - I think they do it on purpose to annoy each other, just like children.  And your warm sunshine sounds wonderful!!!   Not sure if I'd trade it for your earthquakes, though.  Surprised  Sherry - your riverwalk sounds wonderful!

    I did my 30 minute Wii this morning. Lunch is over - gotta get back to work.  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Off to my Mom's for overnight and dinner then her appointment in the am. Will be good to see her - she'll be 80 in Feb.  Mary - love your description of DC - just lovely.  My two cats travel with us every weekend so they are used to travelling.  I just have to cover Andy's carrier with a blanket - too funny.  Cousin Lily doesn't travel often so she does a bit of chatter in the car but no sickness.  She's a real love and likes to visit our house - but oh the hair!!

    I am now looking for heated socks - anybody have suggestions?  Hikers? Hunters?  Will check in tomorrow when I get back from moms.  Night allKiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Bobbi, try There are probably cheaper places if you google it, but Cabala's caters to hard-core hunters and should have them if all else fails :)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    PS  Enjoy the time with your mom.  Smiling at the cat in the covered carrier :)

    Oh, and Mary, have you ever talked to your vet about the cat travel issues?  Tranquilizers don't usually work but when I had to travel 2200 miles with my cat, who hates cars, I talked with the vet and she suggested an OTC allergy med -- I don't remember which one (argh!  durn chemo brain!) so you'd have to ask your vet.  She said they think it's usually an inner ear/balance thing that sets cats off in the car and the allegy med did help, at least for Sassy. Don't know if that would help with your problem or not. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Stayed late at school working, did 30 pilates, went to a choir/orchestra concert, 30 minutes treadmill, then talked for a long time to DS; he is having girlfriend problems.....I don't know if she is the right one for him, but of course one can not say that aloud. Ah, the trauma of being young!!! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    Natfan- what do you like to do on the Wii ? 

    You are making me want to go to DC.  It is so beautiful to walk around that area.  I think the Korean war memorial is breath-taking.  Especially at night and when it is raining. I see those faces every time someone says D.C.  I do like baseball and would like to see that new stadium

    My sis lives in San Antonio, for about 4 years now.  I have never been there to visit.  She is coming here for Christmas, (it's 4 degrees with a terrible wind)  That was certainly poor planning on my part

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    I took Sunday off of exercising. Did my elliptical yesterday morning 19 minutes and then Son and family came last minute to spend the night so did not get to do yoga.  The visit was a last minute visit because my 4yr old granddaughter is having rapid heart beats and her pediatrician got her in with a cadiac ped for today.  So they drove 4 1/2 hours so they would only be an hour away from the doctor this morning. Really hoping this will be easily treatable.  DIL has done some research and the treatment varies  So praying for the best outcome. OH and did 20 minutes this am on elliptical, will see about running this afternoon.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    OK, you cold climate people inspired me with your talk of walking in cold temps - last night when I got home from work it was 25 degrees with a nasty wind taking it to a 14 degree wind chill.  But I thought of what you said so dh and I headed out for our 2+ mile walk.  Our cheeks were nice and rosy when we were finished, but it felt wonderful!  Thanks for the inspiration. 

    Ruth - about your ds and his romantic troubles - I remember those days - yikes!  I'm glad I'm the age I am sometimes. Carol - I did talk to the vet one time and he couldn't offer much - I do have a new vet now I can ask, but so far putting the cat in the harness instead of the carrier seems to have resolved the issue.  Erica - I too love the Korean War Memorial - those figures make a lasting impression.  Right now I'm on post-surgery restrictions so I can't do much on the Wii, but just before surgery we bought a Wii Fit Plus, and so many of the games look like fun, so I can't wait to get off restrictions and try them out.  DH was a pretty good bowler in his youth, so he loves the Wii Sports bowling game.  And I've been hinting for Dance Dance Revolution - we'll see on Christmas morning if I was too subtle or not!  Wink Bobbi - congrats on the Phllies winning the Cliff Lee sweepstakes!  My first thought on hearing the news was ha, ha Yankees - you didn't get him.  Then my second thought was oh no - he's back with the Phillies and we're going to have to play him all season.  That's a pretty scary rotation you have going there! 

    Sherry - hope your granddaughter's heartbeat issue is easily diagnosed and treated.  Poor  little thing - it's not fair for little kids to have to go through health issues.  My thoughts are with her and your family.

    Did my 30 minute arm-free Wii workout this morning, and I have to give a demo of new equipment we're using for work at 6 tonight, so I think I'll head to the exercise room at work to hit the treadmill to take up the time before I have to give the demo.  I shouldn't be too much of a mess afterwards - I have to walk so slowly to avoid jiggling that I really don't raise much of a sweat - also we're a casual workplace, so I can wear jeans and a sweatshirt to do the demo, and no one will care if my hair is messy.  

    Keep warm everyone in cold country.  It's cold and nasty out there!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for all of the tips.  Never have visited the Wii website.  Funny, I spent a fortune getting that for my son when they first came out.  Kept bidding on E-bay.  I then bought my own when they came down in price.  I am really amazed at how many adults love the Wii.

    My GF is getting new furniture, she joked with me over the phone, she was re-decorating so the living room matched the Wii

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Hi Everyone!  I am glad you are all doing great.  I wish I was able to check in more often. I love the holidays but Tis the Season to be busy!  Welcome Erica.  I am pretty new here myself.  I have been squeezing my exercise in everyday but its been challanging time management.  We finally got our snow here in the east!  I had my 3 month oncology appointment today and the children home from school!  Thank goodness for friends.  I will probably only check in a couple times before the kids school break.  I must get ready for our ski trip in CA!!!!  I am so excited for it!  I wish I was going to DC also.  I havent been there since I was a child but after reading Marys post, it sounds so inspiring. Also, we bought our children a Wii for Christmas but I think I might get some good workout use from it after reading your posts!  Hope you are all wonderful. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010
    ARGH!!!! Was at school until 6pm trying to catch up a little, did an hour on the treadmill & have been helping a daughter of a family friend with her college English paper ever since; she is a freshman and really struggling....(I helped her after I bawled her out for not doing basically any research and also waiting until the last possible minute to get started on it!!!!) Now it is way past my bedtime. At some point I will actually have time to do a 'chatty' post....keep plugging away everyone! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Tonight my gym previewed a new class called "Body Attack" OMG it's a 60 minute high impact aerobics class and I DID IT, yeah.Embarassed I did have to take some of the lower options but for the most part I did good. It was funny at one point I looked out to some regulars who were riding the stationary bikes, put my hands on the glass and mouthed "help me please help me" and they just laughed, afterwards they said my face was the same color as my shirt - hot pink and there was so much heat generated in the room that all the windows steamed up woohoo!!!!!

    Bobbi hope you had a wonderful visit with your Mom and all went well with her Drs appointment.

    Mary DC is on my bucket list and now I think I have to buy warm gear and do it at Christmas your description paints such a beautiful picture and I'll cross my fingers that Santa brings you Dance Dance Revolution.

    Erica I laughed at your GFs remark because I've often wondered how many living/family rooms have been rearranged because of Wii's and Xboxes.

    Sherry I hope that everything went well with your granddaughter today, so scary when they are so young.

    Carol I did enjoy my time gardening, the poor flowers don't know whats what as my gardenia bush has massive buds on it and the roses are still budding and it's almost time to prune, go figure and we're about to get 4 days of rain.

    Ruth, I feel your pain, hopefully you got through to her. You have been like the Energizer Bunny lately so make sure you take care of yourself hopefully you can recharge when school lets out and I'm looking forward to your "chatty post".  Hope everyone is all safe and warm, Goodnight all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Update on my granddaughter she has Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome which is congenital and it means she has an extra electric node in her heart.  The good thing is her heart is not damaged and looks good for her age and this can be treated with taking beta blockers. Thanks all for your prayers.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Hi All

    Sherry - good news on your grandaughter.  Lots of hugs and prayers her way and yours.  I hate when little ones have health problems.

    Ruth- you are a good friend helping that freshman friend.  Hopefully she learns a lesson and becomes a successful student.  Also, feeling your pain with DS and girlfriend.   I take everything so personally and painfully with my son.  He gave me a birthday card and wrote that I was one of the true loves of his life.  Cried like a baby but we do share so much and he's never afraid to come to me with anything.

    Cheryl - you are hoot!!  Love the new class and your screaming through the glass - too funny.  And I love gardenias.  Remind me of Billie Holiday.

    Susan - have a great time skiing.  Where are you going?  Will you be there for Christmas?

    Mary - how about that Cliff Lee and the Phils?  It's all over the papers and NY fans are mad as h#@*

    Visit with Mom was great.  She loves, loves, loves to talk.  The DR appointment went smoothly and at 80 he told she'll probably live another 20 years for the shape she is in.  She likes hearing that.  Brought SO's mothers cat home last night - she just quietly wimpered in the car and then joined my 2 cats for the 6-flight climb to our door.  She's now settled in to our routine.  Funny how the cousin cats get along.  I didn't exercise yesterday but did my 20 miles this am and it was cold and windy.  Stopped for my tree on the way home tonight and SO will put it in the stand before bed so it has time to settle and soak up some water.  Sad news - my brother informed me this morning that he is ending his 22 year marriage.  They are both 49 with 3 kids.  I am just so saddened by the news.  Good night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    So glad about your grandaugher, Sherry! and your mom, Bobbi. Are you close to your brother's kids? They might need some extra TLC right now.

    I did 45 minutes of toning & 15 minute on the treadmill before going out for my Book Club night. We are getting buried in snow ( a very pretty, big flakes, coming straight down snow.....but still not much fun to drive in). I am tired & going to get to bed. DS will be home for the holidays....tomorrow if the weather co-operates, so I know the nights will be later with a college person in the house. 'Night All! Ruth 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Sherry so glad there was good news about your granddaughter.

    Bobbi your Mom sounds like a hoot, I'll bet I could give her a run for the money in the chitty chat department. How lucky you are that the kittys get along so well, our poor Frank has spent his entire life being hissed at by his "sister", he came when he was 6 weeks old and he's 5 now and she is still hoping he's not staying, he is twice the size of her but he is afraid of his own shadow, it's quite pathetic but I loveeee him.

    Ruth you take care with all that snow, you sound very tired so I hope you are able to relax a little over the holidays. Hannah will be home Sunday night, her BFF is flying to Kansas on Friday and they will drive back and plan to be home Sunday night I'm very excited . Did my Body Combat class tonight with the wonderful Eduardo Laughing,  Goodnight all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    Been bad this week very little time at the gym.I only had this week to shop etc just too busy.Tomorrow we are off to Mexico.Will make up my exercise time there on the beach.Will keep in touchCool

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Had a great yoga workout last night.  Worked the core really hard.  did my 20 minutes of ellipitcal this morning. Went to bed early last night so I feel so much better today.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Just a fly-by to say hello!  Everyone sounds like they're really looking forward to the return of kids for the holidays!  and everyone sounds like they've been crazy busy and working out lots.  Cheryl, still laughing at you mouthing for help through thd glass Laughing

    Kim, are you around?  Elizabeth, thinking of you, too!  And Mary Louise has been gone awhile...

    We've gotten more snow, finally, enough to cross-country ski, but I still can't find my ski boots, ARGH!  (that reminds me, Bobbi, did you find heated socks?).

    Stay safe in the cold and snow, everyone, and those in milder climes, enjoy!