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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010
    PS  Oh, yes, I AM exercising, too!  I still need to do more but I'm walking with Leslie and trying to practice Tae bo kicks and punches enough so I can attempt the workout without falling down! Smile
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone, I know I have been MIA. Just avoiding the exercise thing at this time. I have been dealing with the pain in my hip it has been about a 7 from a scale from 1 -10. It is now about a 2 since rads. I have gone on the threadmill and sad to say 5 min does it for me. I go and so far it just makes me cry. To think I never thought I would cry about not being able to exercise. I really fell for it. Any way's I do hope everyone is doing well. I have been reading your post and keeping updated. I miss you and love you all. Oh BTW did you know you can copy a pic from fb and then paste it on her. Here is a picture of my granddaughter Aubrey

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    Oh, Elizabeth, she is adorable.  What a cute outfit, too.  I'm sorry you aren't able to exercise as you'd like.  Hope the docs can help you manage the pain.

    My DS will fly in tomorrow night.  Meanwhile, there have been way too many parties with scrumptious food!  I know DS will exercise while he is home, and I will follow suit.  We've had a bit of snow, so I'm training indoors now, but I need an extra kick in the pants to do more.

    I did 2 scrapbooks for friends as gifts, and have spent way too many hours hunched over my craft table.  But the end results are beautiful, and I know they will be appreciated.  Wish I had a good idea for a special gift for my DH this year.  Socks and underwear just don't cut it!

    It's good to keep up with you all.  You are a great bunch.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Susand - have fun skiing!  I've only done it a couple of times and it was too cold for me - I think I'm more of a hot toddy in the lodge kind of gal!  Tongue out Sherry - good news on your granddaughter.  It's not fair that she has any health issues at all, but it sounds like this one is manageable.  Give her a hug from me!  Cheryl - Body Attack sounds wild.  You must have felt like a million to get through it.  We have a cat who is a bully as well - I wonder what makes them like that?  He was a stray, so we have no idea what his first few years were like.  He loves people, but is a bully to other animals. Ruth - we're getting 2" of snow in DC, and the whole area is in a total panic. You probably don't get that way until it gets more like 2 feet!  In our defense, it doesn't pay for our jurisdictions to invest in tons of snow removal equipment, so our roads don't get plowed and treated as quickly as those in more northern climes. Mum - beautiful picture, and enjoy Mexico! Sherry - Good workout.  I can't wait to get back to my yoga class - I love it.  And ellipticalling too. Elizabeth - what a cutie-patootie!!  And 5 minutes is 5 minutes - you're doing what you can.  Retriever - I hear you about the food this time of year.  We had our section potluck holiday party yesterday - there are 18 of us, and just about everyone loves to cook. We had a full ham, a full turkey, several kinds of pasta salad, meatballs, beans, chinese dumplings, mac & cheese, greens, green salad, veggies, 3 pies and a cake!  I was so full after that - I didn't have a single bite for dinner and I was still full when I woke up this morning. It sure was yummy, though! Tongue out

    Still doing Wii Fit 30 minutes in the morning and treadmill 45 minutes at night.  Restrictions come off New Year's Eve (3rd anniversary of dx, coincidentally, so it will be a double celebration) - I can't wait.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth - she is adorable!  Look at that little happy face.  I am glad you are seeing a reduction in the pain with the rads. Hugs to you.

    Mary- we haven't had a lick of snow in PA.  I am jealous and I agree, people really panic around here the first time it snows and we have the equipment in PA!  I am going online tonight to look for the socks.

    Retriever - know you are anxious to have your son home.  Can't wait till next Tuesday when Nils arrives.  I have to stock up though because that boy can eat as I'm sure you and Ruth know.

    Mum - beautiful picture and I know it's an original.  Have fun in Mexico.  I bird watch on my ride every morning and think of you.  Saw a red fox again the other day.

    Cheryl - more Body Attack tonight?  You inspire me completely.  Welcome home to Hannah!

    No exercise for me today.  I worked early so I could join 3 good friends for holiday lunch.  Shared lobster bisque soup, lovely salad with ahi and then shared creme brulee - a pretty tame calorie consumption for me.  I'm down 17 pounds now and want to keep it off.  Missed my ride this morning and will be back at it tomorrow.  It was lovely spending time with friends.  Good evening to everyone - going to decorate my tree tonight Kiss

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Hi guys!

    I've been MIA and have to go back and read what y'all have been up mother and brother were here, we had my DH holiday party etc etc.

    I wanted to say hi first before I got on and got off of here.



    Back later! 

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth-, Aubrey is just beautiful!! I just want to pick her up and snuggle her!  I am so glad your pain has decresed.  I am so proud of you for doing 5 mins on the treadmill. that is difficult to do when you are in treatment.  I think anything is worth it.  Mum,- Mexico!!  How wonderful.  I get warm just thinking about it!  Bobcat, - I am heading out to Mammouth Lakes, California.  I have a lot of family in Ca so its a great place for us all to meet. We will be there from next wed through new years.  We all love to ski...ages 6-80 are going!  Maybe when I return I will see you at Hunter!  Its finally cold enough! Natsfan,- just reading about your potluck holiday party made me hungry!  congrats on your restrictions being lifted soon.  Retrievermom, - Have fun with your son.  I think scrapbooks are the most thoughtful gift. Sherry,- I am so glad that your grandaughter is alright and everything seems treatable.  Your camping sounded fun.  I love camping.  Hello to everyone I missed.  I hope you are all well and enjoy having your children home for the holidays.  As busy as its been I am keeping exercise regular as my "4th meal"  a day (or flossing!)  since I feel like if I excuse myself now I will always come up with an excuse.  Unfortunately it cuts into my computer time....arrrrrh!   Foot in mouth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth your granndaughter is so precious.  And don't worry about only doing 5 minutes.  When I first started my elliptical I could barely do 2 mintes and now I am up to 20 minutes.  DH said I could do it I thought he was crazy.  We are having most of our Christmas this weekend, have been busy getting ready for all my company.  Will have a housefull, but will be fun.

    Also thanks for all the well wishes for my granddaughter tomorrow I'll see if I can post a pic of her

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Beautiful picture, mum! And what a sweet grandaughter, Elizabeth. I want to pinch her little cheeks through the screen. We had about 13 more inches of snow, luckily the snow blower is fixed because the pile by the mailbox is over my head. They don't do a very good job of cleaning streets here either; we had a 2 hour late start & I still had to gun the car to get it out of the driveway & drive in ruts until I got to a main street & then gun it again to get into the school parking lot!!! I did 30 minutes cardio dance party & 30 of abs tonight. I have been eating, eating, eating all week.  Our principal is going to have a social at his house tomorrow after school.....more eating. (Of course, I can't say no or eat moderately when it comes to desserts or appetizers!! SIGH!). I am ALMOST done with the school projects I want to have done before vacation......what I am looking forward to is the week after Christmas when I plan to do a whole lot of NOTHING!!!!! Later ladies! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth it's so good to hear from you, Aubrey is absolutely beautiful. I'm glad you're getting some relief from your pain with the rads and I hope the chemo is easy on you this time. Susan my spin instructor and her husband were at Mammoth last weekend and they had an amazing time. Carol odds are your boots are in the last box you'll openTongue out Mary your pot luck sounds fabulous, made me hungry just reading, I have absolutely no self control at this time of year but at least I'm still going to the gym every day. Ruth I'm looking forward to the week between Christmas and New Year as well, I plan to laze in bed, read and go see lots of movies.

    Bobbi no Attack today but I had a dilemma as I had to choose between spin and hip hop (zumba instructor broke her foot so they brought in a hip hop instructor) - I love to dance but I chose spin uh oh am I getting addicted Surprised BUT I found a bag of Halloween candy in the fridge and I'm sitting here eating mini peanut butter cups - I am a naughty girl........

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    I wanted to post a pictue of my granddaughter but does it have to be on a website somewhere.  I could not figure out how to insert a photo so I uploaded it to FB but then FB is having problems right now.  If I can get to FB how will I make it work?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    Here is my granddaughter Berkley that just went to the heart specialist.  She is full of personality as you can see.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    A personality and a half based on that adorable picture!! Thanks so much for sharing it - I laughed out loud when I saw it - she's just that cute.  

    Off to the cabin this weekend - I'm hoping to tackle some more gentle hiking trails - these activity restrictions are driving me nuts, but I figure hiking easier trails falls within my restriction parameters.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    A star is born!!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Hi all, I too was MIA, but reading Bahsheba's Breast while I was away. Soooo very interesting, starting with the dark ages. Thank you Mary for the recommendation. I did not see any shows while away, but managed to win a big $700.00 on penny machines, and did alot of walking. Not out on boardwalk, too cold, but hotel is huge.

    I leave on Sunday morning for Florida to visit my father who is 84. Will be there until Wed., so again I will be MIA.

    Ruth, while I was away, kept hearing the weather reports. I will be leaving right before a storm which is headed our way so they see. I hope that the weather gets better in Florida too because it was just as cold if not colder than Jersey.

    After catching up on some of the prior rea one of the gals inquired as to feet warmer socks.  I have purchased hand and feet warmers. Actually never used them, but they are in the house. Elizabeth, hope you are feeling better. Aubrey is cuuuuute.

    Sherry - Berkley is adorable.

    I am so confused coming and going I have to sign off now and try to get this place straightened up before I am off again. I am so not the baker but I will try and make a banana bread for my DH who will not be joining me on this trip.

    Please everyone, forgive me if I have forgot anyone, don't want to. Thinking of ALL OF YOU.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I'm with Ronna -- thinking of you all! I hope to catch up soon.  For now:

    Mom died a year ago today, as I was in the middle of rads. It was such a horrible time... but today I feel content and at peace.  I'm remembering her by baking a few of the many kinds of Christmas cookies she used to bake... nice memories.

    I couldn't find the photo of her I really wanted to share but here's one I always liked, mom was 14:

    A true Southern belle, and a real spitfire :)

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    edited August 2013

    Hi! sherry.. I am from India. Your grandaughter is so cute and looking like an angel. I wonder why she has to go to heartspecialist. I too have grandaughter, & grandsons. 

    My daily exercise prgram is very simple-- in the morning I do meditation followed by breathing exercise in the form of Indian Yoga. Then step exrcise besides doing  household works in the morning. I don,t go to gymn. for work out. And in my office campus we have a track, sometimes when I get free by chance, I do walk around the track for about 30 minutes.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Welcome Snehlata!  Your exercise program sounds perfect - a blend of yoga/meditiation and then walking.  We are fun bunch here.

    Sherry - that little spitfire!! What a cutie pie - I could just hug her.

    Carol - your Mom is BEAUTIFUL - what a great photo and I know you must miss her but glad you have peace in your heart.

    Ronna - have great trip and hugs to your Dad. And $700???  Hope you spend every cent on yourself!  I did buy those disposable warmers and so far sticking them into my socks and they are working at these temps.  Still think I have to look into Cabelas for the warming socks that Carol mentioned.  Too much to do!

    Mary - enjoy the cabin.  Winter in the east!

    Ruth - my DS surprised me this afternoon and came home until his last exam on Tuesday.  Of course, he brought his laundry but strangely that makes me feel wanted and I do it lovingly.  He's here now studying and I'm in heaven.

    Rode my bike this am and then abbed(I'm making that word up but don't know how else to describe!)  Went to mass and then spent $400 at Sam's Club on holiday fixings.  SO is making turkey chili, a roast turkey and on and on...FOOD!!!!!  I am off to finally decorate the tree that I've been threatening to decorate for the last four nights.  Tomorrow I wrap all the gifts so must have the tree on for that.  Kim, thanks for checking in.  Retriever - your DS is home now.  Patoo - we miss you.  Everyone - love and wish you all a good weekend and safe travels Kiss

    Susan - will let you know when I'm coming to Hunter.  Have a great trip.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Carol, I can't get over the pic of your Mom. A pic out of a period novel. Beautiful. Only good memories. My thoughts are with you.

    Bobby, so glad that your son is with you. Enjoy. Your holiday spirit sounds terrific, cooking and decorating the tree. Another terrific time.

    Welcome Snehlata. I once tried Yoga, however, I am a jumping bean and can't sit still.

    Ok, now I am officially signing off. Leaving early in am, if I can check in while in Fl. I will, otherwise I will be back Wed night.

    Peace and happiness to all.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Ronna if you peek back, hope you have a great and WARM time in Florida!!!

    Carol, your mom is beautiful; she looks like a star from an old movie (with dancing....Gene Kelly or Fred Astair could be her partner)! Thanks for sharing.

    Welcome, Snehlata. We have lots of fun on this site & love it when people join in Smile.

    Mary, when are you 'unrestricted'?

    Bobbi, my DS is home too (with the laundry which I am also happy to do!). Already a couple friends of his friends have stopped over and tonight he is going bowling with a whole group of old friends. So fun to have kids around, isn't it?!!! Last night I did 40 minutes of toning & 30 minutes on the treadmill before he showed up. Today did two 30 minute FIRM DVDs; lower body sculpt & cardio.

    We go to school through Tuesday & I have company showing up on Thursday. I have done ZERO preparation for company, so YIKES !!! Guess what I will be doing on Wednesday?!!! The good thing about how crazy everything is; I have a mammo & DEXA scheduled on Wednesday & have not had one second to even think about them!!!

    After this coming week is over we will all have to all have a cup of tea (or wine) at the same time and have a group chat! Much love! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Carol what a beautiful picture of your Mom, and it's a lovely way to honor her memory today by baking, your house must smell like your childhood.

    Sherry your grandaughter is soooooo cute, looks like someone has been to New Orleans or to the casino - I recognize those beads. Ronna have fun in Florida with your Dad. Welcome Rajkumari, where abouts in India are you?

    Bobbi what a lovely surprise for you that Nils came home to study, even if it does mean you're "lucky" enough to do a few loads of laundry. Hannah is making her way cross country, her BFF flew to Kansas and they are driving back together and keep posting on facebook that they've been driving forever and they are only in Texas, hopefully they'll be home tomorrow night and Ruth I can hardly wait for all the kids to invade and I'm up for the chat and a nice cup of tea after all the madness.

    Today I did the Body Attack class. At 8am the room was packed and I had to squeeze into a spot. I must say I like this new class I worked up a great sweat even though my knees and hips were creaky. I sure hope they put it on the schedule. I know this next week is going to be crazy for everyone but let's not forget to take care of ourselves, we're worth itInnocent. Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    OK -- I'm going to try to catch up, but apologize because I know I'm going to miss people.

    Granddaughter photos -- sooo cute!!  You're both so lucky to have them in your life to love -- and love you back.

    Elizabeth, glad your pain is better. I hear how discouraged/sad you are about the exercise... it probably doesn't cheer you up to hear this but you're doing the best you can, and you're still doing it! I think that's great.

    Sherry, glad your granddaughter's heart problem is so easily treatable.

    rajkumari, I met you in the garden thread, so nice to see you here!  I, too, like to meditate, although I'm still working on carving out enough time to do all I want to do in that arena.  Welcome to this thread!

    Ronna, safe trip (a little late), and hope you have good weather -- that's such a nice thing about FL in winter (normally, anyway!).

    Mary, hope you enjoyed your mountains and hiking. I'm jealous, as always Smile

    Cheryl, you're another exercise warrior, keep inspiring me!  Hopefully Hannah is home now...

    Ruth, how deep is your snow now?  Enjoy your break! And don't forget to keep us posted about your tests results.  Sending very good wishes!  Group chat with beverage of choice is a great idea :)

    Bobbi, enjoy your son, food, and Christmas preparations!

    I had family here all day today for my niece's graduation from Purdue, it was fun and a good day. My brother was glad to get some of mom's cookies :)

    I really, really feel like I've crossed some sort of line -- from cancer/treatment/grieving to hope and leaving so much behind.... but it scares me a bit.  I've always been the woman who always has faith that things always work out, no matter what -- and I've been through a LOT in my 58 years.  But a few years ago when I was plunged into a really dark time... and just before that dark time, I talked to friends about seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel," which, as the joke would have it,  turned out to be the combined freight train of my cancer dx and mom's decline and death...  so now I'm almost afraid of feeling better. Of feeling hopeful and happy and looking forward again.  Does that make sense?  I've never, never been afraid of feeling hopeful and I hate that now I have this shyness towards it.  Hope and faith have been my constants.  

    Well, just babbling, because I know y'all understand.  I'm still enjoying my attitude, even if part of me is freaked by it! Smile

    Happy Merry!  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Gosh darn.  This is the EXERCISE thread :)  OK, yesterday I did bake-and-sculpt (I was on my feet 8 hours, non-stop, so that has to count for something) and today I didn't do diddly.  Sorry, Tarts!  But it was such a good day I don't care!  My SIL's parents were here and they're the closest I have to parents now, so I was happy to see them -- they are so sweet and warm. And it was just good to see everyone.

    I don't intend to be a slacker but I forgive myself for not doing more today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    If someone asks how I am, I say "Great." (which is true) and then I immediately knock on wood! 'Shy' is a good way to put it. Did a really old, fun Jazzerize tape this afternoon. I have been eating just horribly. BAD ME!!!! We are in another winter storm watch with 6-8 more inches of snow predicted for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! I need to make my menu/grocery list for company but maybe will wait to shop until I see if anyone can actually make it!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Babble on Carol I completely understand how you feel, it's been one heck of a year for you and I'm glad you could relax and have such a nice day with your family. I had a lovely afternoon, went to see The Kings Speech (highly recommend) then out to early dinner, just one of those lovely days with friends but the drive home was harrowing as we hydroplaned up the freeway - it's raining cats and dogs here. Ruth did you put on your Jane Fonda leotard and leg warmers to do jazzerciseCool?? Hopefully the snow will pass you by.

    Did my Bodystep class this morning, my knees were still creaky from yesterday but I love my step class and it was one of those fun mornings. Waiting up for Hannah she should be home in about two hours.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2010
    Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to send a quick note to say Happy Holidays and a HEALTHY New Years to you all.  I wont be able to get back on this thread until after the holidays.  I'm so busy finishing things up at work and we leave for Mammoth later on this week.  I am very excited and a little nervous about how much snow is expected!  I am hopping my family doesnt end up in an airport on Chirstmas Day.Sealed   You are all such wonderful women.  Enjoy your familys!  Naturegrrl, I am glad you have crossed that line...hope and faith, thats the best we can do and this is a beautiful time to have both.  You dont know how you have all helped me to keep track with my exercise!  I dont even have to make it a new years resolution...Thanks!  Susan
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    Hi ladies checking in from Mexico. I have  been walking the beach every morning.It is quite cool here in the mornings. Hope everyone is finished their holiday shopping and can enjoy the week.Keep on moving Tarts.Cool

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    I think I forgot to give the update on my granddaughter.  She has Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.  Which basically means that she has an extra electric node in her heart that makes her heart beat fast.  The heart specialist said that her heart had not been damanged and that it looked really good for her age.  The good news is her condition can be treated with beta blockers.  The bad news is she has to take them the rest of her life.  But I am so thankful that it can be treated without being invasive.

    rajkumaria welcome to the thread. I do yoga two times a week and love it.  Great relaxation, stretching and building muscle tone.  I just started three months ago and love it. 

    I think my rads is starting to get to me and the fatigue is setting in.  Thursday I tried to do my run walk and it turned into a walk.  I could not run for the life of me.  My body finally hit the wall.  I took friday and saturday off of exercise and yesterday did my run/walk.  I am up to running 1 mile and walking 1 1/2 miles. We had most of Christmas list last weekend and I had a house full of company all weekend.  I'm sure getting ready for all that contributed to by fatigue as well.  Will now have a pretty low key Christmas Day with my inlaws and my parents and can relax.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Sherry, taking a day (or two) off is a good thing for your body -- it gives muscles a chance to recover/heal from any micro damage we do when we push ourselves (can't say I quite fall in that category, however! Undecided ).  You are doing fantastic for still going through rads.  Keep up the good work!  You're going to recover so much faster from all the hard work you're doing now.  And I'm glad your granddaughter has a non-invasive way to treat her heart problem.  So young!  Glad she's OK.

    Ruth, stay safe with all that snow!

    Mum, hello back, enjoy Mexico!

    Susan, happy and healthy Merry Happy to you, too! Smile  Enjoy your trip.

    Cheryl, hope Hannah didn't have to deal with too much of that rain and that you're enjoying her company now.

    I'm going to put on boots and walk in the woods today, then do Tao bo kicks and punches.  I'm still awkward but I know I just need to keep practicing.  Still debating joining a gym.

    A three-day work week this week, woo hoo!

    Enjoy the day, everyone...

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Hi All - I can finally say the tree is decorated.  Presents are sorted and I start wrapping this evening.  Hopefully plain brown gift bags and green tissue make it less of a chore.  Nils is still here and leaves tomorrow morning to go back to school for his final.  He just got 2 A+ grades on his other courses this semester!!

    Carol - I know how you are feeling.  Faith and hope and I love Ruth's comment "Great" and then knock on wood.  Had lunch with friends last week and one gal is recovering from shoulder surgery - you would think it was the end of her world.  I do sympathize but she will recover.  I recall all through my treatments and surgeries, I just kept putting on the lipstick and earrings and smiling my way through the day - but that's me Kiss.  Everyone in their own time.  And I have a 4 day work week - whoo hoo!!

    Sherry - a day off is good.  You are doing so well and your recovery will be much easier that you have stayed active.

    Susan - have a great trip!!

    Welcome home to Hannah!!  Hope the rain wasn't too bad.  Cheryl - that story about hydroplaning is just scary.   I hate driving in the rain.  Oh - and Ruth did you put on your Flashdance sweatshirt with the neck cutout and the sleeves cut off along with your leg warmers and leotard??  Brings back so many memories of youth.  When I ride now picture this:  a middle aged woman with snowboard pants, three jackets, neck warmer, Elmer Fudd hat, snowboots, lips smothered in chapstick and vaseline,thick gloves, bike helmet and a Camelbak backpack for water.  Nils almost wet his pants this morning when he saw me all ready to go.  He said, "Mom, I don't think you need to worry about your safety on the trail".

    I am just home from work. Nils still studying - I LOVE having him all to myself.  SO off with his oldest for 2 days of skiing at Hunter.  Rode yesterday and today - 20 miles each day.  Plan on doing that the rest of this week and then take Christmas Day off.  Have a great night all Kiss