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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Bobbi, your son will carry so many wonderful memories with him about you,and learns from your example.  You rock!

    12 years ago, I was caregiver for an aquaintance turned dear loved friend who had pancreatic cancer... her experience and my experience with her taught me so much. One painful memory:  I had my total hysterectomy not that long after her dx, and she came to visit me all the time and always had a smile for me, and I kept thinking, "I'm in a surgery and recovering -- and she knows she doesn't have that option."  It was hard. It helped prepare me for my time with my mom and with my own cancer.  Every life experience is a lesson.

    Everyone, hugs and love...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2013

    Naturegrrl-I was so touched by a thinking of you card I received the other day.  It was from an old co-worker that is fighteing right now with a recurrance of ovarian cancer.  She has had such a rough road from what I understand yet she took the time to send me a card.  I just cried when I got it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Bobbi, was he not worried about safely because you would be too bundled up to be hurt if you fell, or that you looked too scary to worry about being accosted? Undecided

    Looks like California is not being so careful driving with all that rain! It snowed like crazy all day but didn't blow. It was OK driving in town, but out on the highway would be another story.I HOPE we have school tomorrow because it is the last day before vacation and kind of a fun, pre-holiday day.

    I did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 of toning with Richard. I could have gotten out the leotards & scrunchy socks & fit right in with the Jazzerise ladies on the tape last night.

    I think going through something like this makes you realize how very, very much a phone call, a card, an e-mail, bringing over some food (especially getting food!) means to a person. And what your friends did for you, are what you will do for someone else in the future.

    I STILL have no made my grocery list. I must be in serious denial about the upcoming entertaining; frozen pizza for Christmas Eve anyone?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Ruth just swimming by to wish you well for your appointments today.  Be warned mid west/east coasters, if what we have weatherwise is on its way to you, go to the store, stock up and hunker down, I'll be outside building my ark....  Hopefully will be going to gym tonight, back later.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Appointments are was the 'eat sugar continually from 8:30am until 3:10pm' day......the children have just sweep out of the building on their sugar highs & I am not far behind. Do NOT send us your weather!!!!! We will need an ark on giant skis!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    We had about 4" of snow last night, freezing rain today, messy roads, but a lot of the bad road stuff melted this afternoon so they're clear again for the next snow coming Friday, just in time for all the Christmas travelers.

    There's a nice 6" of snow on the ground still.  It's driving me nuts to finally have my skis here but not be able to find my boots!  (I'll probably fall down and break something when I ski, it's been so long) :)

    Leslie and I marched today and I did some mild yoga and weights.

    Pizza on Christmas eve sounds OK to me :)  Good luck tomorrow, Ruth! 

    At 1:00 tomorrow, my 4 1/2 day break begins... I have a huge stack of movies, books, & music to keep me company.

    Pizza, sugar... I think I'm getting hungry.  Time for dinner.  Stay safe, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010
    Did 30 minutes toning with Denise Austin & 30 on the treadmill while watching the news. California girls; be safe, it looks like you are in a serious weather situation. I'm off to a basketball game because 2 of my little girls are performing with a dance group at half time & asked if I'd come. Still no menu or grocery list. I have a prescription for how not to worry about upcoming medical appointments: get yourself so busy that you don't know if you are coming or going Tongue out.
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Ruth all day I've worked under the premise that it was wednesday only when I said I was going to Bodystep did I realize it was actually tuesday dahhhhhh.  I'm sure all the parents are thanking you for the sugar highs - don't they need energy to shovel snow?

    Like I said Carol, look at the boxes, pick which one you would open last and voila!! you will find your boots, but please don't fall over.

    I'm now going to get changed and either do the backstroke or float to the gym, and they say the worst storm hasn't hit yet, it's supposedly coming tonight. 

    Back later....

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Ruth invited me over from another thread.  (Thanks Ruth!)

    Exercise has always been part of my life.  I hope to continue through treatment, and have for the most part since Dec 7th when I started chemo.

    Before Chemo I was doing 60 minutes every day on the cross trainer (top 3 settings), and 3 days a week weight training for 90 minutes on top of that. 

    The first week on treatment, I maintained my cardio as normal.  The second week, I spent 5 days in the hospital but did 30-60  minute workouts three of those days on the stairs (interval, running up, walking down).  Now I notice that if I do a full 60 minute cardio, the next day is very low performance.  I wonder if I could start at 30 intense minutes a day....? 

    I've read to cut your current work out in half, and then regain stamina in increments...but I hate to get off the cross trainer after 30 minutes when I feel like I can do more....anyone have experience modifying an intense workout while on chemo?

    MX in Sept, wound still hasn't healed; haven't lifted since then and I can really tell a difference.  My weight fluctuates within a 10 pound range from treatment to treatment (gain at treatment, drop back to normal by next one)...

    I met with a nutritionist and discovered I need 60-80 gms of protein a day to keep my body from eating my muscle to heal....(which I was nowhere near getting) and 30-35 calories per kg to maintain my current about 1600-1800 calories a day.

    So far, so good.  (But shesh, its only the 3rd week of treatment, just took my 3rd Herceptin today). 

    So I am posting here for accountability, because I know there will be days I don't feel like exercising...but will try to push through.  Though some days I have to budget my I baked and ate sugar all day after, this was def. my off day. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Ruth - you got it right - no danger of falling or getting accosted!  I look like the michelin man in all black.  Gotta love those sugar highs - those were the days.  Good luck with the appointments tomorrow and the grocery shopping Yell Cheryl - I too am completely confused about the days.  All day kept thinking it was Wednesday and I would never get anything done on time and I probably still won't.  Doing SO's and Nils gifts tonight before they get home from finals and skiing.  Sherry -   I am sending you a virtual card.  So glad you are with us here.  Carol - look for those boots.  The XC skiing moves will come back and you will love being out in the snow.

    Did my ride this am before Nils left. Work, groceries and now more wrapping.  Good night one and all Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Cheryl, the problem with my boots in part is that I think some of the boxes that were supposed to go in the living room (clothes and books) ended up in the middle of furniture in the garage (which was only supposed to have kitchen and garden boxes).  I can't get to them without major moving stuff around.  But I'm desparate enough to tackle it this weekend!  We so rarely have enough snow for cross-country skiing in this part of the state, I want to take advantage. The Purdue golf courses are just 1/2 block away, perfect for skiing, and so peaceful and quiet... yep, gotta find those boots! Stay safe with all that rain.

    TonLee, welcome!  I'm the last person to advise about exercise, but I'm thinking, if you feel like pushing/continuing on after 30 minutes, go for it!  Just listen to your body and if it says stop, listen.  I'm glad you're seeing a nutritionist -- that was one thing I really wanted during treatment that I didn't have.

    Bobbi, enjoy your time with Nils.

    Time to find a book and say goodnight...

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010
    You ladies are sooooooooo awesome! You continue to work so hard.   I've been extremely busy with family and church so haven't been doing much of anything except eating all the Christmas goodies that come daily into the office.  That and parties and I'm headed for 'blimp of the year' award by the end of next week.  I've not given up but I'm also not going to beat myself up either.  I'll be back!  I'll be back! I'll be back! I'll be back! I'll be back! I'll be back! I'll be back! I'll be back!  (but for now, I'm going to follow NatureGirl with a book and go to bed)  Will try and come on earlier tomorrow and spend some quality time with you all.
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Patoo - so great to hear from you.  Yes!! you'll be back and we'll be here for you.

    Tonlee - welcome.  This is the hardest part of your treatment.  Reading your DX I know how you are feeling. You will heal - mind, body and spirit - just keep moving and don't stop doing what you love.  Just listen to your body...we have all had different experiences with exercise through diagnosis, surgery and treatment but it's made us a supportive community and you will find your way.  We are here to cheer you on Kiss

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010
    Thanks for the welcome...I am enjoying this thread.  Laughing
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Patoo, just stopping in to say, Yes!  Don't beat yourself up!  I know I (and probably a lot of us) tend to be too hard on ourselves for not being perfect.  It's all OK -- I know I could always do better -- but I have to let myself be human. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Well, I just have just very humanly finished off a box of thin mints given to me by a student as a present today, and patoo, we will have to share the 'blimp' trophy 'cause I'm right there with you Cry.

    Welcome, welcome, TonLee, this is a great thread. I would say that if you feel like doing more exercise, go for it (if you don't feel like exercising, do a little bit anyway). I think  there are studies that say chemo actually is more effective if you keep a regular exercise schedule; and I KNOW really helps you bounce back better and quicker once you are done.

    OK, I am seriously going to drag down my cookbooks & try to plan a menu. Wish me luck!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Managed to get to Bodystep class and sweated off some of the holiday candy/cookies I've been stuffing my face with lately, and then home to bake a German Apple cake for the office Christmas lunch tomorrow (for our Book lovers thread girls I used a "Hannah Swensen" recipe).

    Welcome TonLee I agree, you are a regular exercise girl and you probably know your body really well so you know when to push yourself and when to pull back and posting really does help keep you motivated, listen to your body and do what you can and DO NOT beat yourself up if you have a few off days.

    Hey Patoo lovely to hear from you and you'll get back into it, there's a new year coming so as they say "new year - new you" and you are our "shovel and sculpt" girl and I believe there is some of that on the way to you.

    Bobbi, Nils sounds like such a nice boy that I'm sure that he wasn't laughing at your riding attire he probably had something caught in his throatInnocent. Hannah has received 4 of her grades so far all As, she's studying to be a Physical Therapist and I can hardly wait for the massage course, I have very generously offered to be her "guinea pig"Wink. Ruth I hope you got your menu sorted out either that or you've memorized the number to Pizza HutTongue out, will be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow. Carol I think we are doing the same thing over our break - books, movies and days in jammies yeah!!! Good night all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Add me to that blimp club - up 2.2 pounds just since last week. Too many Christmas goodies plus the exercise restrictions.  And my b-day is this Friday, but my work celebrated it yesterday with even more goodies (they did it early cuz lots of people are taking off early for the holidays). So that was even more goodies - and as the guest of honor I had to sample everything to be polite, right??  Tongue out

    The exercise restrictions come off 12/31 and the goodie-fest should be pretty much over then as well.  Sooooooooooooooo, I plan to do the best I can for the rest of the year, then do that "new year new you" thing Cheryl was talking about. 

    Sounds like everyone is doing well, keeping up with exercise the best they can, and enjoying the goodies.  Cheryl - it sounds wild out there - do be careful - some of the footage on TV has been downright scary.  

    Nature - I'm also thinking of joining a health club.  I actually already have access to equipment here at work (we have an exercise room with a couple of ellipticals, a couple of treadmills, and free and machine weights).  I'd want it for the classes (Cheryl has inspired me) and the access to a personal trainer - I need a kick in the butt and some professional guidance.  I'm thinking that I won't join till February to miss the "resolutioneers" who always flood places like that after the first of the year.  I also seem to remember that these places offer deals in January, so I can do my research on which one I want to join and grab a deal when I can.  What did you decide?  

    Edited to add:  Oh yeah, this is an exercise thread.  I've been pretty dutiful about doing my 30 minutes no-arms Wii workout before work (I had Yoga with Special Cat Assistant this morning -hard to hold something like the tree pose with the cat snaking around your legs! Surprised) and either 45 minute elliptical or 2+ mile walk after work.  We also did a 2 mile relatively easy hike last weekend, and I plan on trying a bit more of a challenging hike over Christmas - maybe trying for 3 miles.  Can't wait to get back to a regular workout schedule!!!  

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited December 2010

    You are amazing, TonLee! If you can do an hour of intense exercise, great for you! These meds are toxic to our hearts, so anything to strengthen that muscle will be good. I rarely missed a day of exercise through chemo and radiation, but I was just walking in the woods or dancing at home.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    I love dancing at home Heidi...especially with my youngest son.  He's 7 and still enjoys dancing around the house with his mom...:)

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Hi Tarts-

    Hi Heidihill and Hi TonLee!

    I'm with Patoo; so freaking crazy busy with Christmas hubbub it's silly.  I miss you guys, and I know come new years resolution time we will all be chatting away about our amazing exercise and eating discipline!

     I'm having a bit of a challenge with Armidex and energy.  I hope this goes away fast.  I have to say I've been full of cheats...not enough good quality food, not enough water, not quite enough correct exercise and stress.  Gee, is it the Armidex or just me?  Seriously though, the joint issues and aches have kicked in big time.  I'm going to experiment a bit, but I don't like this.  And at 6 at night I am so tired I can barely see straight.  Whazzup wit DAT?!?!?!

    OK I am running out the door but I will get in again.  I'm catching with all of you and thinking of all of you, and quickly, Carol, your mom was  gorgeous and I know how you feel-my dad died right before I got my dx-he would have been 76 yesterday.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited August 2013

    Just dropping by before I go see my dad. Did the DEXA (won't know the results until next week) and the mammo. I am fine, but almost dropped dead of fright when the technician was concerned about a spot in my 'good boob' & after smashing it this way & that, had me go right over & get an ultrasound. The radiologist came in during it & took over himself...he pronounced what he saw as 'fibrosistic changes'. I want them to be totally thorough like that, but OMG is that scary!!!!!!!!!! (I can not even make enough exclamation points......which you all know.........)

    I did get the menus made, the groceries bought & will exercise & organize when I get home again. Later, My Fellow 'Too Busy' Ones! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Woo hoo, I'm off until Monday!!  I'm in my jammies and ready to relax!

    Kim, how long have you been on Arimidex?  I'm guessing not long -- I had SE's at about 1 month and they kind of peaked around 3 months and stayed (off and on) for awhile, then subsided.  So if you haven't been taking it long that may well be what's causing your fatigue and aches.  The good news is for most women they do go away, and I can say that at about 10 months out I have no SE's except some lingering neuropathy (it was going away after chemo but came back -- but is fading again).  And there are things to do to help alleviate the SE's, like vit. D3 for the aches.  I started fish oil, too.  And some women have less trouble if they take it in the morning or early afternoon instead of at night. There's a good thread on dealing with the SE's in the hormonal forum.

    Mary, I haven't quite decided on a club, although I do think I'm going to join one.... probably later this winter.   Just seems like a good way to stay motivated and you're right, I like the idea of working with a trainer.   Glad you enjoyed the cabin and got out for a hike -- is it snowy there?

    Cheryl, don't float away, and stay safe... that storm looks so scary.  Hope you aren't in an area where mudslides threaten your house.

    TonLee and Heidi,  I'm putting on my oldies station and dancing in the kitchen while I fix dinner :)

    Ruth, sorry for the scare, I can feel it with you... I would be physically trembling to have to go through that, my heart would be in my throat... I'm really glad it's all ok!  Good for you for getting your menus done.  Give your dad a hug.

    I was hauling stuff in to work today and tripped and fell on the concrete, I'm fine but all I could think was how stupid I was (and I was shrieking like a little girl as I fell, so silly & embarrassing!).  Just some bruises and aches but I decided to just walk with Leslie this afternoon.

    Have a good evening, everyone... 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    65 minutes on the cross trainer today.

    I don't care what the Onc says about Herceptin not "really" being chemo.  I took a single dose treatment yesterday and wow, I had to do increments on the CT because it wore me out....I can def tell a difference for about 2 days after a Herceptin only treatment.

    Can't wait for Christmas to be over.  All these cookies....shesh, 2400 calories today and I only burned about 2000.  Gotta cut down tomorrow to make up for that...or I'll be really unhappy when I go back on the "roids" next

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Of course Hercetion is 'really chemo'; what a dork!

    Kim, it takes awhile for the body to adjust to the 'no estrogen' thing. I felt creaky & hot & sort of 'crawling out of my skin' for a couple months anyway. The other part of that is; during 'active treatment' you are going full tilt in the fighting mode and really can't let down your guard and all of the sudden it's the rest of your life.....and then a person takes a breathe and finds how tired out they are physically and mentally. So give it some time....and the holidays are hard anyway!

    I did 45 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minute cardio dance party & 15 abs; none of it because I wanted too, but as you know, I have been eating BAD & don't know how much exercise I'll get in once company shows up tomorrow. 'Night ladies! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Wow Ruth - I am sorry about that scare..  We all know what that feels like and it just sends your heart racing.  But in you fashion, you still got those groceries in, made your menus and execised!  Hugs to your Dad.

    Kim - I know what you mean about the tired feeling.  By 7 each evening, I am toast and can only blame it on the Arimidex.  While going through chemo and for about a year after I was worse but this lingering tiredness I can only put on A.  I take all kinds of supplements for joint health but still have awful pain in my wrists that I can't seem to alleviate.

    Carol!!  Falling?  Be careful, woman.  I'm glad you are ok.

    Mary - one more week for you and back to full speed.  You have done great sticking with the lower body.  Shower squats!

    Well, one more day of work for me and then 3 days off.  We had SO's grandaughter last night for a couple of hours and gave her Christmas packages.  So cute.  Nils still sleeping and finally enjoying the semester being over. Just love having him home.  We'll do food tonight as I host a small gathering after mass tomorrow for my ex and his wife and assorted offspring. 

    Exercise - I am off to do my 20 miles and then ab before work.  It's blowing about 20-30 MPH but no snow yet.  Maybe on Sunday.  Have a great day all Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Oh - Cheryl....the floods are all over the news this AM.  Are you in a safe place?  The mud looks just so awful for those people.  Please take care!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010


    I am so glad it was cystic and not worse. 

    Cardio dance that on Wii?  We're getting our youngest a Wii for Christmas and I've heard the fitness stuff if good....hope so...I'd love to add another 30 minutes of something different since I can't get to the gym to lift weights until my wound heals completely.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    Last day here  so I will be walking the beach with gusto this morning.Going home to cold weather but no snow in our area. Keep moving ladies we have all those holiday calories to burn off.Embarassed
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Guess what I found!!!  Wooo hooooooo!!!  Yes, my ski boots!!!! Bring it on!  PhotobucketI'm headed to the golf course later today to check it out.  Hopefully others will have been out and cut a trail for me :)

    Meanwhile, I did a walk with Leslie and chopped the air with Billy. 

    Bobbi, enjoy Nils!  You have such a great relationship with him.   And 20 miles biking in the cold and wind.... you go!

    TonLee, Herceptin works biologically, not chemically -- it's a difference in the way it works in your body -- and that's why it's not considered chemo. But it's still a drug and still can have SE's. I didn't have any that I could attribute to Herceptin but some women do. Plus, Ruth is right, it seems for many of us you get past a certain point after the whirlwind of treatment/surgery and suddenly can hit a wall.  You're doing great -- keep up the good work and keep listening to your body.

    Hi, mum, safe trip home!

    Keep on keepin' on, everyone!