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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Woo hoo for Carol enjoy the golf course skiing, sorry about the fall but glad you are okay.  Ruth I think we all know how your stomach was yesterday but whew and not a great way to drop a few poundsSurprised.  Bobbi thanks for your concern, it has been bad here but I'm close to the beach and our flooding comes because flood control channels drains to the ocean and they fill and back up.  I couldn't get out of my office on Monday to get to the gym as the street was completely flooded I felt so bad for the people who had parked on the street, their cars were full of water but we finally have a respite last night I did go and do my Body Combat class and when I came out the rain had stopped so I ran to the mall and Wal Mart - and everyone in HB had the same idea!!  I also had wrist problems last year and I bought a wrist guard at Target and wore it and it really helped, I keep that and a knee guard in my workout bag so I always know where they are when the creaks and cracks happen.  TonLee geeze only 2400 calories, I'll bet I ate 48 million yesterday, why can't I say "oh no thank you" when the plate is offered,  I have to say I felt yukky when I went to the gym last night but after class I felt much better so it's another positive sign that exercise does make you feel better.   Mary won't be too much longer before your restrictions come off, all the gyms will be having special offers soon and January is not really a good time to join as everyone makes that resolution and join but by February the coast is clear again, if you have the Les Mills classes in your area they are the ones I do, I belong to Golds but 24 Hour is starting to do them here now as well.  Safe journey home Mum.  Well must put in some work,  back later.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Did about an hour of toning & 30 cardio with my FIRM DVDs this morning. The company will be here shortly so I imagine I will be off the computer until they leave on Sunday.

    Cheryl, I am glad that you aren't back-floating down the highway!

    Mary, HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!

    Everyone, I'm so blessed to have you all as my 'Bosum Buddies". Much love and best wishes for a wonderful couple days......I will try to only eat one helping of everything.....Ho, Ho, Ho!!! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Nature - glad you're OK after the fall - whew!  And yay for finding the long-lost ski boots!  TonLee - you're putting us all to shame with your great workouts - good for you!  And the Wii Fit and Wii Fit plus have all kinds of great exercises, so have fun!  Bobcat - have a great time with the family.  You're good to host a gathering for family, including ex and wife.  Mum - sorry you have to leave the warm beach and head back into the cold! Cheryl - you've confirmed my thought to wait till Feb. to join a gym - that'll give me a month to check out the local fitness centers and decide which one I want.  I see a lot of them have free one-week memberships and free initial consults, so I think I will take advantage of those to help me decide.  And the video coming out of California is truly horrific - one poor woman on Today this morning was sobbing as she had 6 feet of mud in her house and had pretty much lost everything. Keep safe out there!!

    Ruth - you are so good to keep plugging away with your exercise!  Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.  How did I get to be 55 - that seems so OLD!!!  In my mind I'm still only 30-something. But I'm glad to be here to celebrate it - as the American Cancer Society slogan says, "Happy Birthday is a Victory Song." We leave for the cabin right after work today.  We've wrapped all the presents and will lug them up to the cabin for Christmas morning.  Merry Christmas to all!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Mary, Happy Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow, I know what you mean I'm coming up on 61  but in my head I'm 27 with my 27 year old body (which used to be really cute - if only I know then what I know now!!!)   To all of you logging off I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a joyous 2011, I'll be back later as I HAVE to go to the gym tonight to work off those darned brownies that popped into my mouth at lunch:)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    60 minutes cross trainer and 10 of ab work.

    Lots of cookies today....every since I quit coffee I need a little sugar to get pumping in the morning....

    Merry Christmas everyone!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    Mary, double nickles, have a great birthday!! 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone, sure am missing everyone. Hanging in there dealing with pain in my hip makes exercise hard to deal with. I am on pain pills thinking about doing acupunture. Has anyone done acupunture before? If so what was your experience with it? Went for chemo yesterday. They did not give me chemo cause my wbc was way to low. So I am confined to home. They gave me a nuepogen shot the day of chemo and today so hopefully that will help boost my immune system back up. Looking forward to Christmas. Looking forward to the time with Little Ms Aubrey's first christmas. We celebrate on Christmas Eve. Then my daughter celebrates Christmas day with her dad. We have done it like this for years and really has worked out for us. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas!sm

    Happy Birthday Mary!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth it is so lovely to hear from you. I have had acupuncture a couple of times, it's a strange feeling but I found it quite beneficial. Hope the shots help your wbc count and you are right to stay in, as wonderful as this season is it's also cold and flu season so just hunker down and have a wonderful time with Miss Aubrey.

    TonLee I think I'm a sugar addict, every night when I have my cup of tea I HAVE TO HAVE a cookie or a piece of cake, it's like I can't have one without the other, and I'm not giving up my tea.

    Tonight I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike while I was waiting for my class to start and then did a Hip Hop dance class it was a sub for zumba OMG I loved it and I got a great workout. Take care everyone and Merry Christmas.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Happy Birthday Mary!!  Christmas at the cabin sounds just lovely.  I'm only a year behind you and I don't recognize that face in the mirror at all!  I still except to see the smooth skin I used to have and in my heart I think I'm 25.  When I'm on my bike, I wonder if people know it's a middle-aged woman under all those layers. 

    Carol - so glad you found your ski boots.  Hope you had a great outing on the golf course.

    TonLee and Cheryl - all those brownies and cookies!  Keep on working out..  I'm not a sweet person but put nachos in front of me and it's all over.  I've taken to substituting Wasa crisps for nachos and it seems to satisfy my craving as long as there's hot salsa to scoop.

    Elizabeth - great to hear from you.  Enjoy Aubrey's first Christmas.  I did acupunture for my knees last year and it worked wonderfully.  I still can't run anymore but the pain is gone.  Good luck.

    Heading out for my ride, a little light cleaning, food prep and then the festivities begin Kiss

    Thinking of Mum returning home.  Ronna should be back from AC.  Patoo - enjoy the holidays.  Don't want to forget anyone...  I am so blessed to have you all in my life.  I can picture you all in your homes doing your holiday things and enjoying family and friends.   Merry Christmas everyone!  Love, Bobbi

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Sugared up and 60 minutes on cross trainer, as well as upper body (arms and shoulders) weight training...I finally got my abs to drip sweat!!  The first time since my first that means I was able to work to my before chemo least one

    Something that is kinda gross....when I do upper body (still can't do wound) my port and the lead from it stand out like a weird and gross enlarged vein.....anyone else experience this?  It's nasty looking.

    Merry Christmas!! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas to Everyone, hope all are having a wonderful time.  Been MIA for a few days. Have had a bad rash with rads and been miserable.  Never realized how itching can really get to you.  I had a terrible breakdown with DH yesterday and then with one of my best friends yesterday.  But they stayed for dinner and I felt better by the end of the evening.  The rash is finally better today so I am hoping it will be gone by Monday when I go back to rads.  I have been trying to keep up by workout but since being in rads treatments I am having a harder time running and having to do more walking.  I am still sticking to my 2.7 mile route but the running is harder, otherwise I have not really noticed any bad fatigue.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    Ton lee All the veins on my arms are dark and ugly now.Its just another SE we have to put up with.Yell
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    A very Merry Christmas to all.  If you are like me the daily exercise is of the lips, teeth, tongue - hey, it's exercise right?  Did get out and take a 3 mile walk today.  Weird to walk on a Saturday and the streets were absolutely empty.  Not a person was stiring (probably all stretched out on a couch moaning!).  Wasn't too bad, in the 30's.  Expecting snow tomorrow so we'll see if I can't get back out or, horror of horors, actually go over to the gym.

    Enjoy friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Also want to note that I fully attribute my returning hip/leg pains with the severe drop in exercise.  I'm hoping that will be my incentive to get moving again.

    Night friends.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    60 minutes on crosstrainer yesterday, with 15 minutes arm/shoulder strength training...hope to get a workout in today, but we're off to family for yet ANOTHER holiday meal.....the good news about that is I gained back the 3 pounds I lost during my first chemo...the bad news is, they brought two

    So 5 pounds even working out....but I do fluctuate a bit...go in for TCH on Tuesday, start steroids Monday..I refuse to weigh myself until I'm off the steroids for 5 days.....

    I have a few days where things taste yuky, hoping to break my sugar dependence (from the holidays) during this time so when I start eating again, it won't be sugar!!  Does anyone else have to wean from sugar after Christmas?

    Hope everyone has great day!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Hi, I am back from cold Florida. Saw my father and had a reuinion with old friends.

    Wanting to wish everyone on this site a beautiful Merry Christmas, but a day late.

    Kim, you mentioned Arimidex, - I was on that thread, but now am a Femara member. Could not deal with it. A whole story in itself. I suffer terribly with wrist problems, but this is not the forum to complain about it.

    Welcome Tonlee and Heidi. I am ready to go back to gym, will wait after the storm that is now starting to hit us. However,  I did turn on dance music this morning and finally danced away. It was the start of my incentive to move myself.

    Bobbie, so glad you are enjoying your son at thome. I am anticipating appointment with PS this Thur. for implant situation. I am beginning to think it has affected my balance. Again, another story.

    Ruth, we are now getting the much awaited snow. I would not care, i am in a development where they plow for us, but it it always a problem with the dog.

    Elizabeth, I hope you are feeling better.

    Sherry, I too was MIA and it is hard to catch up.

    I Patoo, I also need my motivation. Cheryl, Carol, OMG I don't want to miss anyone. Oh gee now I sound like I am making an acadamy award speech.

    Most of all, my volunteer position is still on hold because they can't find my references which were forward to them. Harder than getting a job. Ridiculous.

    Still reading Basheba's breast. Did not take the book with me. I took BoardWalk Empire and how AC came to be. Good book. But now back to Basheba.

    I did not mean to forget anyone. Please, if I did, I am sorry.

    Love to all, Hugs, stay safe and warm all those in this ugly weather.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    Hi All!  Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday yesterday, and that the new year is filled with joy, contentment, friendship, and all those good things.  Welcome to newbies.  Belated Happy Birthday, Mary.  Ronna, I hope the paperwork is found so you can get that volunteer slot.

    My DS and I went to a beautiful Christmas Eve service at the Episcopal cathedral in Salt Lake.  The newly-installed bishop was there, so lots of pomp and circumstance.  A h.s. friend of my DS, now a vocal major in college, sang, and it lifted my heart.  This time last year, I was so anxious.  Thanks, all of you, for your inspiration over the past year.

    My DH asked if I wanted him to join the city rec center and work out with me.  I told him I'd rather have an exercise bike here at home, so I could watch the tube and bike without going out.  He's currently in the basement, assembling my new gift.  I know he will prod me to use it.  Way too many calories this past week.

    Not having grandkids, I have to make do with dogs that "help" unwrap gifts to provide amusement, and my son's aunt's gifts, which provoke many laughs.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    Ronna glad you are back safely from Florida and hope that the storm isn't too bad for you, we had more rain last night and when I was driving home it was pretty bad but the storm moved through quickly. Patoo great to see you again, I'm betting there is some "shovel and sculpting" in your future!!!!! TonLee that's a heck of a way to kick your sugar addiction, good luck to you. Retrievermom yesterday morning I could hear paper being ripped in the living room and when I came into the room the dog had "opened" a couple of gift bags. I had given Hannah a chocolate orange, it's an english candy - chocolate shaped like an orange and it was in a box and wrapped in foil and he had managed to get it out of the box and was playing ball with the orange throwing it in the air and running after it, he didn't damage the wrapping at all but there was ripped tissue everywhere, can you guess he likes to "play with toys" he has a toy box and gets out something new every day.

    Well I dragged myself to the gym and did Bodystep class today and the gym was absolutely packed so I guess every one is trying to work off their Christmas cheer. Nite all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Did my 2.7 miles today but I have to say I think the rads is getting in the way of my running.  Seems I am doing more walking than running.  Which I know is OK but I am planning on running a 5K in the spring and don't know if I will be able to.  Guess I can always walk it if I have to.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    45 minutes on cross trainer today...start steroids tomorrow... :(

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hi All! Just peeking in for one minute. I survived the holidays; everyone (including me) behaved themselves so things went off better than I thought they would. Still, it is just plain a lot of work being the hostess!!! I've spent all today putting everything back in order so am TIRED & headed to bed. I did get all my exercise in because my Weight Watcher's SIL wants to add some toning & cardio DVDs to her walking regimen so I was happy to have her do some of my favorites with me each day. Not enough to counter the billions of calories I consumed, but at least something. I have a dentist appointment in the A.M. & then hope to have some time to catch up on everyone later in the day.

    Sherry, just do what you can. Walking will keep you in the ballgame so that you will be able to get back to the running faster when rads are done. 

    Good Luck tomorrow, TonLee.

     Hopefully everyone is OK with all the crazy weather. 'Night All! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Just popping in for a few minutes.  Late tonight - tried to install antivirus on DS laptop and just hosed his and mine so spent a good 6 hours figuring out how to get it all back.  Finally had to call a tech and so, here I am.

    Not a problem though since tomorrow I get to Shovel and Sculpt.  Yippee.  Got at least 18 inches with 3' to 4 foot drifts.  Maybe I can shovel my way to a masseuse (sp?).


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Good Monday Morning!  The snow has moved through and my town was supposed to get 6-10 but only about an inch on the ground and very dry and blowing like mad.  I know the Jersey girls are buried!  Patoo - shovelling and sculpting.  Ronna - you must have a ton as I think your area was hardest hit. 

    Ruth - glad you survived the family.  I had a couple minor clashes with my sis but everyone stayed civilized.  She can no longer hurt my feelings so I just let her comments roll off because I feel we'll never get past this place.  But time is on our side :)

    TonLee - good luck this week.  I know how you feel about the steroids.  Sherry - keep walking, it does keep you in the game and gets the blood flowing.

    Speaking of pets.  SO's daughter gave us a salami from Katz's deli in NY and in the middle of the night my yellow cat Andy had located it in the gift bag and was dragging it around the room and stalking it.  Tissue everywhere too!  Very funny stuff.

    Biked yesterday and going to try today since our snow didn't really materialize and I have to try out my new snow tires.  Then off to work as they are on 2 hour delay - just wish it would close.  Have a great day all.  Hi Cheryl, Retirever and everyoneKiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Ronna - forget to ask how you liked the Boardwalk Empire book?  I am addicted to that show. Buscemi rocks!  Good luck on Thursday - will be anxious to hear what PS has to say.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Well took about 3 hours but it's done.  Why is it my driveway in always on the side that gets the highest drifts!!!   So working from home today although they are making us take a vacation day.  Trying to get my boss to only charge me 1/2 day since I'm working.  If not, there's always another snowstorm in the winter!

    Hope everyone is doing okay.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone!  I had a wonderful birthday and a relaxing Christmas - we even had snow Christmas morning!  Nothing scary - just a dusting that made everything beautiful.  I got a really cute silly b-day present from my dh in honor of my 55th - a "double nickel" necklace. He took two nickels, drilled a hole in each one, painted them pink and put them on a necklace chain. I thought that was really clever and sweet of him to do.    

    We dodged the snow bullet here - just an inch or so yesterday and the fierce winds blew that all away, so no Shovel and Sculpt exercise needed here.  Patoo and Ronna - hang in there!

    Love all the stories about pets getting into Christmas presents. One year someone gave us a huge box of very expensive Italian chocolates, but it was wrapped, so we didn't know what it was when we put it under the tree. We had a cockerpoo and a dachshund-beagle mix at the time who were pros at getting into stuff (they opened and cleaned out the refrigerator one time), so as soon as we left the house, they broke into it.  We got home and of course both dogs were sick from eating the entire box of rich chocolate, and we had to rush them to the vet - always an adventure. They survived just fine, but ever after that when someone gave us a wrapped present, we always asked if it contained food before putting it under the tree!

    As for exercise, we did two 3 mile mountain hikes over the weekend - one on my birthday and one on Christmas.  It was beautiful hiking in the woods in the snow.  Did my 30 minutes Wii this morning - can't wait till New Year's for the restrictions to be over.

    So good to hear from everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited December 2010

    Hey there Everyone!!   Remember ME????   I finally feel that I have a minute to sit down to read what I have been missing, and I think that I have been here all afternoon reading this thread alone!!  I have missed you guys!

    Hope that everyone has made it through Christmas safely!  Mary - Happy belated birthday!  Ruth, Cheryl and Bobcat - you are still performing like the little engines that could!  I envy you!  Nature - no more falling!  Glad you found the boots - enjoy the snow!  Retriever, I too would rather work out in front of the tv in my own home than in a gym!  Mum - glad you made it back to Canada, where to next??  Enjoy your travels!  ((Elizabeth)) still thinking of you!  To all the newbies - welcome - hopefully I will be able to get on more often (I used to frequent this thread daily, but have been a little lazy lately!)  Patoo - glad you got back from the mission safely- you are awesome and had been very missed!  

    I have been able to shovel and sculpt in the past few weeks.  I  met with the surgeon about an ooph - I will have to decide what to do in the next 3 months, or just go in every 3 months to be checked (vaginal US and tumour markers).  I have had my first root canal - was not enjoyful!  And had a mole removed, for which I go in tomorrow to get the stitches removed!  Was called Christmas Eve from the Dr.'s nurse telling me everything was A OK and to enjoy the holidays!

    My whole family have this week off (that's why I had the time to catch up!) and we got a Wii for Christmas. I find that you can be very active using it and do lose track of time (DH bought me the Wii fit Plus that I have now been using for 2 whole days!)

    I have now written a book!  I really DID miss you guys - now I will have to make sure to check in more frequently!!

    Take care!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone, if shoveling snow considered shovel and sculpt??? If so, even though I live in a townhome development, the plowers were a little late so I did some areas myself. I feel great. I just came back from a short walk and could barely stand up due to the winds. Quite a bit of black ice so it is dangerous at night to head out. For the first time in the 20 years I am in this house, my upstairs windows were blocked with snow from the wind. DH last week turned off the pilot light to our fireplace and now can't find the instructions. So so mad at him. Wanted a fire. It does not warm anything however looks nice. A cheap builder's fireplace.(gas fireplace).

    Bobbie, Terrance Winter a writer of Boardwalk did some research into the characters of the show. The book is not about the show but who some of the characters were in real life. FYI, there is no mention of a child for Nucky and no mention of the Commodore's son. (Jimmy). Nor any of the specific girlfriends. Still have to finish the book.

    I tried to do a Wii or something like that the day before Christmas at my husband's son's house with the kids. It was fun but knocked myself out into a real sweat playing table tennis and a sword game.

     Patoo, did you get as much snow as I did. My friends towards the Wayne area did not get as much and friends in Delaware also lucked out.

     Mary, so glad you "dodged the bullet". This blizzard was awful.

    I am hosting a small NY's eve party at my house and keep remembering one year ago what bad condition (mentally and physically I was in. We all have the memories, and that is why this site is quite different.

    If it is decent, I will force myself to get to gym in the morning.

    Love to all, HUGS,

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    60 easy minutes on the cross trainer today...the steroids haven't really kicked in wise....but the fluid retention began immediately....Big TCH #2 tomorrow....I'm off!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    TonLee good luck tomorrow with your TX.Just don't overdo it.Personally I could not handle climbing my stairs durring chemo but go with what your body is telling you.Many others who worked out right through chemo.More power to you girl.Smile

    I am back to my usual gym routine.Yesterday and today the gym was almost empty when I got there.Surprised