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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    Good Luck TonLee I am amazed.  I am having trouble getting through my exercise now that I am doing rads.  I just push myself on what I can do and then stop.  Take care of yourself and listen to your body.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    I started the day on my new exercise bike and thought of you all.  Don't have cable to the tv in the room with my bike yet, but I was able to put in a video.  "Are you watching Toy Story?"  my DH asked.  Well, it was the one I found quickly.  My other exercise today was doing some gift returns.

    My one-year old Lab took a liking to a particular ornament this year, a fabric, slightly padded star I'd had for years.  After putting it higher on the tree, and around the side, she still hunted it down and managed to "kill" it.  I may be able to restore it with the glue gun.  One year my old Golden dug out a particular wrapped gift, about CD-size, repeatedly.  He didn't hurt it, just carried it around in his mouth.  It had come from my mother, and we couldn't imagine why it had such an attraction for him.  We always line up the dogs in front of the tree for some annual photos.  Sometimes we have them hold stockings.

    When my DS is in town, we do the bi-annual trips to dentist and eye doc.  The vacation has been much too short for me.  I imagine he is antsy to get back to campus and girlfriend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hello Everyone, especially Mary Louise, glad to see you back!

    I'm laughing at all the pet Christmas stories. When my cats were little they loved to climb to the top of the tree, knocking it over several times a season; now they are too big & fat for that but will still bat the oraments off the bottom of the tree & then drag them off to their secret lairs.

    We have (to quote the weatherman) "another big winter storm taking aim for us starting Wenesday night"...... I ran around doing errands & will do the same tomorrow so I can just stay home if it does get bad (we have this week off). Did the dentist appointment, some shopping (why is that no matter how good the sales I always like the things that are full price?!) the vet had an opening after lunch so I dragged the 3 cats across town for their shots (meow, MEOW, MEOW.....not very much fun for anyone involved), did an hour on the treadmill, then last, but not least, called my neighbor & summer walking buddy up and she came over and helped me polish off the leftover Christmas wine.

    My port was bulgy and creepy when I exercised (and creepy all the time, actually!). Good luck tomorrow TonLee, one more step closer to being DONE!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010
    How are all the tarts today.Today my Newbody class was so full I had to squeeze my body into the room.Everyone decided to work off their holiday eating.Tongue out
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    (((TonLee))) hope all goes well today.  Lovely to see you Mary Louise we've missed you and yes Ronna you've been "shovel and sculpting"  along with Patoo,seems as if you NJ girls really got whalloped with the snow.  Mum I went to the gym both Sunday and Monday and it was jam packed both days, don't know what they're going to do when all the newbies join, they'll probably go back to time restrictions on machines but that doesn't bother me cause I beeze into the group exercise room, mind you I did do Body Combat last night and the room was jammed, we could have taken each other out with our punching and kicking. 

    Okay another Christmas tale.  Last Thursday night I did a Hip Hop dance class and I thought I was "all that" well on Friday I was meandering around TJ Maxx and this woman came up to me and said "excuse me, do you think this is pretty" - it was a lap blanket, I replied yes it's beautiful and very soft, and she said "yes it's for my friends elderly mother and she's about your age" - well blow me over with a feather and get me a rocking chair, so much for feeling 27 in my head and thinking I could hit the club and dance the night away!!!  Ah well ya gotta laughLaughing 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2010

    hbcheryl that statement should be on the stupidmthings people have3 said thread.SmileI do think we all look older after all we have been through but not in our souls which really matters the most.I wish you a wonderful and healthy newyear Tart sista.


  • meg8000
    meg8000 Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2010
    Well.... I posted back in May that this would be my next stop on the Cancer tour, and I received a nice friendly welcome and all, but somehow, I never did make it so.  I went on to have a few more minor surgeries and get them out of the way and decided that 2011 would be the year of fitness!  I'm sure this forum area will be busy next month anyway.  :-)  I've been gearing up by starting back up with walking.  Got a foot surgery on Thursday, and after that I will be back and will start doing check-ins.  See you all soon!  Smile
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited December 2010

    I know how you feel Cheryl, I always get asked if I have a "senior's card" (65 and older) at stores here and I am 46!!!  Some times I really do feel like I am approaching 80, but in my mind I am not quite 30 yet!!

    Bought a treadmill today!!!  Now all I have to do is get DH to put it together!!  Hopefully I can get on it before year end!!

    I won`t be doing any shovel and sculpt until after the weekend as we are now expecting mild temperatures and rain this week - perfect timing for a treadmill!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited December 2010
    Meg, come back whenever you can, these ladies are always ready to welcome you back with open arms!!  Kiss
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Today after TCH, I went to the outpatient ER and my pastic surgeon sewed up my open wound...hopefully it will heal...

    So today I'm tired and was only able to do 45 minutes on the cross trainer sans arms because of the new stitches.  If felt like a waste of time.

    I'm bloated on the steroids...and so hungry!!  But I've hit my caloric limit I'll just have to be hungry. :)

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited December 2010

    TonLee, do what you can, and don't hurt yourself. I have exercised without arms as long as my legs moved, I felt good.

     Well everyone, the Volunteer people called me today, my orientation is on the 7th and I will be volunteering my time in the "Breast Center" of the hospital ambulatory center where I go.

    Hopefully, my visit with PS on Thursday will give me an answer why I am in misery with my implant and won't interfere with my new "job."

    Have to get back to gym, maybe Zumba class tomorrow night. A little afraid to drive at night on icy streets.

    Good night to everyone.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    I weighed in today and I reached my weightloss goal.  I have lost 18 lbs.  So now it is tone, tone, tone.  I know it will take a long time to get my body back in shape but it did not get out of shape overnight either. DH  says I look great and he is proud of me.  I wish he could get a little more motivated for his own health.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    Way to go, Sherryc!  That's a great weight loss.

    I was on the exercise bike first thing this morning, but didn't make it very far.  I felt tired from the start, I guess because I pushed too hard yesterday.

    Friend came over this evening with his twin boys and his puppy.  We set the puppy down, and he headed right for the water in the Christmas tree stand.  I got a great butt shot photo :)

    I think it's time to open a bottle of wine and put my feet up.  Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Here is what one of my 7th graders said a couple weeks ago when we were talking about our weekends, he was at a wedding was so embarrassed because he had to ride to the reception in a limousine with a 'really drunk old gramma, someone about your age.' (referring to me Surprised!!!)

    Anyway, it was a beautiful, warmish (in the 30s), sunny day with no wind (the calm before the storm, we are suppose to get NAILED this weekend), so I bundled up and went for a great hour long walk out at the golf course. All the little kids were sledding & people were cross country skiing. Very refreshing and fun.

    Hi Meg, we will be waiting for you and want to 'pump you up' Smile.

    TonLee, just moving at all is a GREAT accomplishment. Don't beat yourself up, you are doing awesome.

    Ronna, congratulations on the job & I sure hope you can get the implant stuff figured out. Yuck!!!!

    Sherry, great job of the weight loss! I am still scavanging on the leftovers, so that is not good. If I were smart, I'd just toss in all in the garbage!!!

    Good Night, Ladies! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2010

    There is no fool like an old fool - tonight I did 2 step classes back to back, the zumba instructor didn't show up so our step instructor said she would sub and said oh come on stay, my oh my right now I can barely move, it's 2 aleve and bed for me shortly, silly old fool that I am!!Tongue out

    MaryLouise most of the kids working in the stores think you're a senior when you hit 30 so just say "oh I left my card at home" and hopefully they'll give you the discount - hey there's got to be an upside rightWink.  Ronna congrats on getting the job, it's just what you wanted so it will work out, you deserve it and be careful on those icy roads. Sherry 18lbs is amazing how proud you must be so proud of yourself woohoo for you. TonLee just do what you can and I second what Ruth says - don't beat yourself up (((((HUG))))).  Ruth your exercise sounds like fun and talking of cross country skiing, where the heck is Carol, I hope she didn't take a spill!!  Mum thank you for the kind works and I love you too my Tart sista.  Goodnight all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2010

    Cheryl - you should get your lap blanket out after a double workout.  Very soothing in our old age.  Sherry - kudos on the 18 pounds!  That is wonderful.  Tonlee - please take care.  If your body says it's hungry, it is.  Just feed it gently and drink LOTS of water to flush out those toxins.  Ronna - congrats on the job and good luck tomorrow (((HUG))).  Let us know how it goes.  Hi Mum.  Welcome back Meg.  Mary Louise - good luck with the treadmill.  Where is Mary - are you still at the cabin?  And is Carol lost on the golf course?  Retriever would love to see that photo.  Don't you just love puppies?  When does your DS return?  We are still having major delays here in the east with travel.  My son is still trying to get a flight to FL to visit his other gramma.  Ruth - stay warm - shovel and sculpt coming up for the weekend.  I ravaged my fridge last night and threw out all the little bits and containers of leftovers.  Too tempting.  Kim - are you up at the Lake?  Looks like snow out there too.

    SO picked his mom up at Newark airport last night and returned her to her shore home.  Four foot drifts, single lane on the interstate - NJ is still a mess.  We are spending New Year's down there so I have already taken down the tree and will clean really good today before leaving.  Don't want to come home Sunday night to a pile of needles.  Have been biking everyday and heading out again now.  The wind and snow make for an additional challenge but it's fun to be outside.  Will check in later Kiss

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    New years resolution - EXERCISE !!  I have a lot of company, a lot of BOOZE, crackers, cookies, everything bad looking at me everywhere I go.  I am going to wait until Jan 3rd when everyone leaves !

    I know I have gained weight because my clothes are tight !

    How come you can gain weight so so fast but it takes forever to lose a pound ?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2010

    Any tips for walking in the COLD !  I just can't seem to use the treadmill no matter how hard I try

    Has anyone used those "bungee cord like things" you can put on your shoes/boots so you won't fall?

    That is another thing I am afraid of.  Falling on the ice

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2010

    bobcat:  DS is scheduled to leave here Fri am, going thru Phoenix to Newark.  I'm hoping things will be cleared up on both ends by then.  It's sleeting here this morning.  I used to fly out of O'Hare and hated it in the winter.

    erica:  I can't get outdoors and walk.  I'm really afraid of falling.  The experts say "walk like a penguin" when it's icy.  That's probably what I look like, and it sure makes my quads sore.  I've never tried the bungee thingys, but have a pair of Bass shoes with good soles that make me feel more stable.

    On the bike again this morning.  I'm trying to get used to it so I can build up time and distance. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    60 minutes on cross trainer today...

    But I am getting so discouraged because with the steroids, and chemo...even watching my caloric intake like a hawk, I am getting has to be mostly steroids because my  7 year old asked me about the fat on the back of my neck, and why my upper butt wiggles love the honesty...thankfully it only lasts a few days...well I'm sure it will last longer each time...I've only done 2 of 6 TCHs. 

    I weigh the same, so I must be losing muscle...but I can't lift weights until my wound is so discouraging...all this work for no results...even squats aren't tightening me up like before...

    Whine over.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    I'm here, no skiing accidents :) and now I'm watching rain wash the snow away... durn.  Don't have time to catch up with everyone tonight but I'll try to do so soon.  Meantime -- it does sound like everyone's staying active and having good holidays.  Love the pet stories! :) Glad to see Mary Louise and everyone -- love your newest pic, Patoo!  Oh, and Cheryl, yeah... I'm not only still about 25 in my head, but just as attractive as I was then, too.  HA!!!!!

    TonLee, I hear your frustration, but it reminds me of a conversation I had with my oncologist early on... that during chemo your body is being severely stressed (and damaged, on a cellular level -- chemo doesn't just attack cancer cells, it attacks every cell in your body.  Your body is being pounded so it's not surprising that it doesn't look and feel the same to you.).  It's not the time to focus on weight, counting calories, or related things, as much as staying as healthy as possible by giving your body the fuel (healthy, low-fat foods and lots of water) and rest it needs.  So, as you've heard over and over, do the best you can with exercise, but know there's much more to your care right now than just that.  Listen to your body, give it what it needs, and allow it time to heal from the beating it's taking.  And be gentle with yourself.

    Will try to catch up soon.  Hugs, tarts!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Hi all - I see you are all still busy while I continue to feed my face and exercise little.  I'm gonna beat this - Yep! 

    TonLee - don't beat yourself up.  Think of it this way, what would you look like if you were not exercising?  The steroids and chemo are temporary so do what you can and pat yourself on the back (or like me you can only reach your shoulder!) for what you are accomplishing.  Tell your 7yo that the extra skin on the back of your neck is to hide the eyes behind your head.  (my kids really did believe for many years, that I had eyes behind my head).  Sorry, don't have an answer for the wiggly butt.

    Night all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited December 2010

    I am officially 1/2 through rads.  My yoga instructor took me today (45 minute drive) and afterwards had a private yoga lesson at her new in home yoga studio.  She wan't to try it out.  I don't tire out with yoga like I do with some of my other exercise so it was nice. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2010

    Sherryc, that's exactly how it should be - do what you can.  For each of us, just like BC, it's different.  The idea is to make ourselves do something (and I'm determined to talk myself into it with the help of you all).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    Hello All! Another nice day here with lots of bad weather predicted starting tomorrow (is there any place in the whole country that is nice right now?). The street crews were out scrapping off the streets like crazy, everyone (including DH & DS) was up on their roofs shoveling off snow (I don't do roofs but shoveled the stuff that came down off the sidewalk and driveway), also took another long walk. I did buy some of those bungy things for the bottoms of shoes and find that they work quite well.

    TonLee, I remember that the first few days after chemo I would feel very NOBLE for putting on my tennis shoes and just walking around and around in the house. Concentrate on the fact of what you are doing, not what you can't do now. I just wanted to keep a base of fitness so I wouldn't have to start completely over from scratch (and if I would have had to, that wouldn't have been impossible either). After next time you will be half done.....

    Got the offical mammo/ultra sound 'normal' results, and the DEXA (down a little bit but still in the normal range). WHEW. Still need to do bloodwork, and have the 6 month checkup on Jan. 19th....will be glad when it is over with!!! I still have to report on my interesting gyno appointment of mid-December (just got the 'normal' pap results from that too) but it is too late at night to start. Maybe tomorrow I will be stormed in and have plenty of typing time. 'Night All! Ruth

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    @ Nature..mentally I get everything you say...but seeing it in the mirror every morning, after a lifetime of being fit...I never thought I was so vain.  And I hate that about myself.

    @Patoo without exericse, I would die.  I know it.  As sure as I know I need food and water to live.  Lol, my 7 year old is pretty savy, not sure he'd go for the eyes in the back of the head line....

    @Sherry, I'd love to experience some one on one with a professional trainer like that.  You are very fortunate.

    @Ruth, you're right...after next time I'm half done...unless....ya know, I think living with this hanging over my head the rest of life will be the hardest thing to do.  I imagine someday I will look back at my angst over losing my youth, my health, and shake my head.

    You gals are awesome.  Thank you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited December 2010

    But you WILL get your youthful spirit AND your health really, truly will!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2010
    Just a drive-by for me today - I've been sandbagged by a nasty cold that's been going around work. At least dh and I made it through Christmas being healthy. Tongue out  Happy New Year everyone!
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2010

    OK, trying to catch up:

    First, I have been exercising -- I even got it organized so I have expectations to live up to:  6 days a week, weights for my arms. 3 days a week, Tao bo. 3 days a week, something else aeorbic: walking fast, or aeorbics to music, walking with Leslie, etc. So every day I do weights and something aerobic. Then, in addition, two days a week I'm doing yoga. And I meditate every day (OK, not physical exercise, but part of the plan). So far so good. No weight loss over the holidays but no gain, either.

    Now, to everyone: Elizabeth, good to hear from you... I hope you had a lovely Christams, even confined to home. Ronna, glad you got to see your father & friends -- and didn't get caught in the air travel snafus earlier this week! And congrats on the vol position finally falling into place. Retrievermom & Ronna, I know what a difference a year can make... last year this time was simply awful. How good to see the changes, for the better. Retrievermom, glad you got an exercise bike, & Mary Louise the treadmill! Having something at home at the very least gives you something to fall back on, or use daily. Sherry, just keep doing the best you can on the exercise/energy. It'll pay off. Meg, we'll be looking for you! Cheryl, keep going and inspiring. Ton, we all (I think) find suprises in feeling vain about our looks (I swore after walking around bald for 6 months that I would never be picky about haircuts again... but my hair is back, and picky I am), but truthfully, there's nothing wrong with feeling good about how you look, especially when you work so hard at it. Chemo is rough and hard on bodies, emotions, everything else -- take gentle care. Mary, feel better soon... sweet necklace from your DH!

    I'm sure I've missed someone but I'm thinking of y'all! Oh, we had a 3.8 earthquake here this AM -- yes, in Indiana -- it's not like the west coast but we do get them. Although I'm not a heavy sleeper, it isn't the first time I've slept through one. Snow is just about gone except where it's piled up, sigh!!! It's going to be warm long enough to expose everything gray and brown and then get cold again with no snow. Ratz!

    A day early but have a happy new year, all, in case I don't get back. Y'all are the best! and I'm grateful to be part of such a terrific group.  Hugs!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    I'm banking on it Ruth!