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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Did LS 2 mile tape this evening.  Eating was good today (I also have a hard time passing by sweets so taking the eating one day at a time).  It's easier to watch the food intake the closer it is to Wednesday weigh-in!

    Signing off early tonight.  Enjoy your evening my Sculpted Sisters.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Happy New Year!  Happy Birthday to Patoo!!  I am late checking in as we were at the shore for the the new year until last night.  Back to work this am.  I see everyone is still at it - that is good news.  Tonlee - thinking of you and chemo - you will be fine. This is the hardest part of treatment.  Ruth - love the story of your son and his friends on New Years.  I always love having a house/floor full of boys.  Retriever - glad your son made it safely back to the east.  Ronna - I'm all in for a "tarts tour" of NYC.  I love NYC and would meet any and all of your there for a day or  a weekend.  Welcome to all the new gals - we do have fun here. 

    SO and I did the tandem bike both days at the shore but not the intensity I'm used to alone.  He needed to get out and get motivation so we had fun even though we biked to the local pizza parlor yesterday Kiss  Too much food and meat this past weekend so rededicating myself to my improved diet choices and did my regular 20 miles this am.  I haven't gained but I haven't lost.  All in good time.  Have a good night all.  Kim - I checked out the flights to Tahoe - 8-10 hours? Does this sound right? Frown

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone, made it to gym, went this morning, did 15 minutes eliptial, abdominal machines, lower body and went back tonight for Zumba. Thank you everyone for inspiring me to get there. I am going to try a new exercise program with a trainer, TRX. I will get a complimentary session so I will see if I can do it.

     My husband will be on the junk food site, soda site and anything bad site. What a crew that would be.  I sent him to work today with the rest of the holiday cookies and other stuff. All I ate today was oatmeal and eggwhites. Have to get the 1/2 bag of trailmix out of me.

    I am now going to try and get back to Basheba's breast because my PS wants to read it.

    Love to all, thank you for the motivation.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hi all, walking after supper was my exercise today but I did have some excitement this morning.  I work in Madison but commute an hour, carpooling with a friend.  Driving to work, a deer came out of nowhere and crashed into my car.  It all happened so fast, I could not have avoided it.  Her body hit the front left quarterpanel and her head hit the windshield.  I am OK and so is my rider.  My car, not so much.   

    Had trouble getting out of the car due to (eewwww) hide & hair in the door hinge and the dents in the car body.  Windshield looks like it was hit by a cannonball.  While the glass didn't break out of the frame, she hit with enough force to send bits of glass all over my lap,  the dashboard and the steering wheel, etc.   Insurance adjuster was going to take a look at the car today, so I don't know if it's going to be repaired or totaled.  

    I feel lucky no one was hurt, and did not take for granted being able to walk tonight!  {{hugs}}

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Yikes, badger! Very scary! Thank goodness you & your rider are OK!!!!

    I toned with Denise Austin for 45 minutes & did 30 on the treadmill.I was good in the eating department too.....if I go to bed soon maybe I will not look for any late night snacks!

    DH has a rotten cold, is coughing and sneezing all over the place. I have banned him to the spare bedroom, am gargling with salt water, eating oranges & staying as far away from him as I can. I would be a terrible nurse!!!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Glad to hear you and rider are OK!!  Very scary!

    Yesterday I did 40 minutes on my Wii and 30 minutes on treadmill jogged (in 2 minute intervals) for a total of 8 minutes!!!  I was very proud of myself!!  Today I actually don't feel bad (thought I would be a little achy in the knees), so may have to try that out again tonight??

    Snowing here today, so may have to shovel and sculpt when I get home from work!   

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Badger - glad you're OK!  I have a lot of family in Wisconsin (Manitowoc, Milwaukee and Green Bay) and a few of them have had collisions with deer.  Ronnie - glad you're enjoying Bathesheba's Breast.  It gave me such a long term perspective on this whole disease, and gave me the courage to ask a lot of questions of my docs because the (mostly) male medical community has claimed before to have all the answers when in fact they do not.  I'm now in the middle of "The Emperor of All Diseases - a Biography of Cancer" which is also a history of cancer and cancer treatments, but covers many cancers, not just b/c. Ruth - stay healthy - you don't need to share germs with your dh!  Bobcat - at least you biked to the pizza parlor - that counts for something!

    45 minutes on the elliptical last night after work - jiggling and all!!  Cool  This morning I did 10 minutes on the arm bike and a 20 minute Pilates tape.  I love being able to work out again!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Natsfan: Isn't it great being able to get back into the swing of things. I did more yesterday than I should have, but I was so happy by the end of the day. Today a little rest, maybe I will ride my stationery bike in the house or put on a tape. Love your suggestion of books, however, I am glued at this moment to everthing Breast Cancer. When I first came home from hospital after mast,, I had quite a few "Chicken Soup books for BC, Cancer, etc." Read them all. As I mentioned, my PS wants to read the book.

    Ruth, everyone is sick here with some sort of stuffy noses and cold, I had to take medication last week for mine in order for me to to go "orientation" on Friday at the hospital. So excited, yes, and my cold is gone.

    Badger, pretty scary, thank goodness you are ok.

    Have to get away from this computer, oh yes, I did sign up for Susan G. Komen's Race For The Cure, 4th Run. I registered early as an individual, hoping to raise more money this year.

    Have a great day all, Hugs.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011

    DH is better so I am off to the gym this morning.Keep moving Tarts.(((Elizabeth)))(((Badger)))

    So Glad you and your family are okay.I have hit a deer before it is very scarey.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    badger, yikes!  I'm glad you're OK.  Deer just pop out of nowhere.  What a frightening experience. 

    Erica, as mentioned, layers work well for walking in the cold, and for me, the wind-proof one is usually the most important.  There are 5280 feet in a mile so if you know the length of your pace it's easy to figure out how many steps you take in a mile (ex, my pace is about 2', so I have to walk 2640 steps for a mile)...or just get a pedometer and let it do the work for you!

    Patoo, hope your aches are back under control.  Are you having any success getting up early enough to exercise?  I'm not Frown but until I start sleeping better at night I probably won't.  It's a goal, though!

    Cheryl, good for you for getting those dog walks in.  I'm with you on walking outside in winter where it's cold (like here!) although as long as it's about 10 or 15 and NOT windy, I'm good.  But the wind is awful when it kicks up!

    TonLee, my mom (at 86-89) did better with her chemo than I did with mine (we both had Taxol, which she breezed through and which knocked me flat), I agree, age has nothing to do with tolerance for it!  Keep your dr. informed with your problems and hang in there.

    Mary, hurrah for lifted restrictions!!  Those pants will be loose again in no time! :)

    Bobbi, holidays are for fun and relaxation, glad you got both in!  You ride so regularly and hard, I'm sure a little pizza didn't throw you off course!

    Yesterday was kick day, plus weights; today is walk (and I may be able to walk outside, hurrah!) and weights after work.  I see my oncol. tomorrow, routine every-6-months thing, still always makes me nervous to have to see him or my radiation oncol (I see her every 6 months too, so I'll see her in 3).  Not as nervous as a mammogram, just a little edgy.

    I know I'm not addressing everyone but I'm running out of time...  but everyone, stay well!  It's that time of year...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for all the well-wishes.  The insurance adjuster just called, my car is totaled.  So I get to go car shopping this weekend.  Oh joy (NOT).  And it really ticks me off that I just put two new tires on the doggone thing!  And had the compressor replaced last summer... grrrr

    Looks like my exercise tonight will be cleaning out my car... salvage crew is coming to pick it up tomorrow.  DH has Mon & Tues nights off, and we usually have 'date night' on Tuesdays -- some date huh?  But it'll be something we can do together, then go out for supper afterwards. 

    Take care and happy exercise endorphins everyone!  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    badger - glad you and your passenger are okay.  How old was the car?  I know when mine was totalled in 2005 I did not have a car note and wanted it to stay that way for a few more years.  Guy who turned left in front of me had other plans so I went in to savings to pay cash.  But getting a new car is always fun (the transaction is not though!)

    nature - no I haven't adjusted to getting up early yet.  Went to bed early last night but then could not fall asleep.  I'm giving it a few days to try and adjust.  Tonight will either get new front brakes or make it to the gym (if the parts are not in!). 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited January 2011

    Bought the Wii Fit.  Did 30 minutes of Yoga, boxing and running.  Um, didn't even break a sweat...will have to hit the Cross Trainer for an hour or so tonight...

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    PS, Bobbi, my flying time to just about anywhere on the west coast is about 5-6 hours (not counting time spent in airports), so I'd add at least a couple more hours for flying from the east coast.  It means pretty much a full day of travel by the time I drive to the airport ahead of time, time spent between flights, etc.  So yeah, your 8-10 hours may not be that far off.  It's not any easy weekend trip to go to the west coast but I did it every month for 3 years.  Crazy :)

    badger, when my  car was totaled last spring, I cried and cried when I cleaned it out... my dad had picked it out for me before he died and helped me get it, so I was way attached.  I still can't bear to look at pictures of it.  I hope your clean-out time is much more enjoyable! :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Just a quick fly by.  Glad you are aokay Badger, sorry about your car (friend of mine had hers totalled last year and she ripped everything out of it at the yard).

    Re Tahoe, if you are looking at flights, see if there are direct flights into Sacramento, if that is easier I can fly there and rent a car and drive us up - just a thought as we are in the planning stages.

    Back tonight after gym.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Badger - glad you are ok.  Cars can be replaced. You and your rider cannot.

    Woke up this am with a crushing headache and SO reminded me(which I didn't share with all of you) that I had cracked my head into the air conditioning unit frame on New Years morning while trying to free the tandem bike from the snow drift it was stuck in.  I literally slammed into the thing because I couldn't see it from under my cap.  It threw me back about 4 feet into the neighbors fence and I thought I would pass out!!  I cried and cried, shook myself off and pulled out the d***med bike.  SO would not take his eyes off me for the next 24 hours.  I was achey and sore but this am the headache got to me.  Probably equivalent to being a deer and hitting a car.(badger - not making fun.  I really felt like I was hit by a car).

    Glad everyone is working out.  SO is at Zumba tonight - keep asking to him to "bust me a move" but he won't!!   I did my ride this am but heading to jammies and channel surfing shortly.  All with colds - take care.  Fresh air is good for that.   Good night Tarts Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Cheryl, I think Kim said she goes through Sacramento on her way to Tahoe -- in any event, even if I have to rent a car, that's where I plan to fly to.  Looks like an easy 2 or so hour drive to Tahoe from there.

    I'm guessing none of us really need this -- the "10 worst foods of 2010" -- everyone seems pretty savvy about eating out.  But I always glance at these things.  The calorie & fat info didn't surprise me -- I've looked at too many nutrition-information pages for too many dining places -- but the sodium was shocking.   Anyway, in case anyone wants some extra motivation to stay away from poor choices: 

    Got in a good walk in the woods, it was colder out than I thought so I walked faster than usual.  Weights once I got home.   Good energy day.  Yay!

    Ronna, I keep meaning to tell you, you look so much like a friend of mine from childhood -- or what I imagine she looks like now. I always want to call you Susie.  :)

    Later, tarts!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Bobbi, yikes!  Glad your SO has been hovering a bit -- head injuries are scary (and HURT!).  Take good and gentle care of yourself.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Carol - we were posting at the same time.  I just looked at your food list.  YIKES!!!  I don't eat fast food because I know how awful it is for us(except for the extremely rare $1 BK fry - leftover favorite from chemo days).  Lots of friends do though :(  We mostly eat at home.  I am taking care and all should be well once the bruised head is better.  A little shoulder and back residuals but doing better tonight. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    One hour water aerobics class tonight.  Tired so hopefully can fall asleep early tonight.

    Good job my Sculpted Sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Youch, Bobbi, take it easy for a few days! (and use your free time to sneak in a spy on the Zumba class Wink)

    I am not going to look at the 10 worst food because it will only make me depressed. I have been good for two WHOLE days now.....Whoo Hoo!!!!

    I came home to find the family room full of kids again (who are still here) so went in the office/den/treadmill room and did that for 45 minutes & went back to school for the storm delayed Christmas concert. DS starts back at college next week so is getting his 'hanging out with the old gang' time in before they all disperse again.

    Bike/walk/drive carefully all!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Maybe we need to change this to the "accident" thread!!!!! Yikes Bobbi just the description made my head hurt, I'm glad you're okay even if battered and bruised give SO a hug for taking care of you and I love that he loves zumba. On Saturday morning one of the girls who used to teach step at my gym is doing a zumbathon at another gym and I'm going to go as I love her, she was the one who helped me get my range of motion back after my mastectomy, she taught the Body Flow class and spent a lot of time one on one with me so if I can help her out at her new gym then I'm there.

    I'm back home tonight and house full of kids here too, and one of the girls is at the Paul Mitchell School training to be a hairdresser and she has so much passion it was a delight to see. Carol I looked at the 10 worst foods and whew, glad to say none of them took my fancyInnocent.

    Tonight did Body Step class, at one point said I need to oil the hinges in my hips owww and my feet were numb by the end, so much so that I couldn't do the balancing, my legs were so wobbly, ah well just one of those days. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Southern California has finally dried up a bit (we definitely need the rain, though) and I walked 5 miles today. 

    Bobbi, hope you are feeling better.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Julie I know we need the rain but I had to walk dogs in that horrendous downpour yesterday morning, but this morning it was glorious ahhhhh sunshine!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Cheryl:  Yep, I can bet dog-walking was a bit intense - sorry you and your dogs got soaked.  Looks like it will warm up a bit - 67 degrees on Thursday.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    We are up to 24 degrees (above zero) today. Whoopee!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    I think we're going to hit the 20's also today and then drop.  Snow expected Friday-Saturday but not as much as last week.  Woke up early this morning and got out of bed to visit the bathroom and I was so stiff that I could not see trying to exercise, so, of course, climbed back into bed and slept another 30 mins!  Oh well, mind over matter as I know that the exercise will limber me up so still trying to get there for that a.m. workout.  Having brake work on my car after work so not sure if I will get in anything tonight; maybe a slow walk on the treadmill.  Don't like to rev up too much because then I won't be able to fall asleep.  Oh, the excuses I can come up with!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited January 2011

    60 minutes on CT...will do some yoga later hopefully...unfortunately I have to go to the mall and get some grocery shopping done first...I hate rationing my usually boundless energy....

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Well, I weighted myself this morning and my 6 weeks of post-surgical restrictions cost me an increase of 5.3 pounds.  (Christmas and birthday celebrations didn't help either.)  Yuk.  But like Sisyphus, I've started to push that rock back up the hill again. And I love the results of the surgery - the scarring is so much better and the perky shapes rock, so it was worth it to get the recon "touch up".  

    TonLee - The Wii Fit title itself probably isn't going to replace an aerobic workout, but you can increase the workouts by adding hand weights to the strength exercises and purchasing a riser addition to raise the Wii Fit board.  But I love my Wii Fit and use it religiously to monitor my weight and for balance, flexibility, eye-hand coordination, and what I call "body placement awareness" - meaning that I find many of the games really useful for coordination and body control. Plus they're just a lot of fun and get me moving on days when I don't feel like doing much. I still elliptical and do other activities for aerobic workouts.  Wii Fit Plus also has more advanced workouts, and you don't have to spend all that time wading through the "happy chat" between each exercise.  There are other titles for Wii that will leave you exhausted and dripping with sweat - my dh doesn't have access to the fitness equipment like I have, so he really likes the "My Fitness Coach" title. You can program your workout length and area of concentration (weights, cardio, upper body, lower body, core, or flexibility) and the program tracks your progress and adjusts the difficulty accordingly. 

    Patoo - good to see you back at your water aerobics!! You'll get back into the swing of things, I know. Bobcat - so scary about the headache.  Take care of yourself and you know to call the dr. if it doesn't go away as it could be a concussion and you don't want to mess with those. Badger - any luck with purchasing a new car?  My dream car is a BMW Z4 convertible (light blue) but since I didn't win the MegaMillions last night I'm going to just have to stick with my 8 year old Subaru!  CoolRuth - I know it doesn't help you much, but I didn't feel so alone when I saw your Wednesday Weigh-In.  That's the great thing about this place - we all have our ups and downs and can encourage each other. Cheryl - did you watch the Biggest Loser premiere?  I like those two cops - they just seem down to earth. And if I were that big blue guy whose dad only lost 7 pounds and endangered them, I'd be kicking my dad's butt all this week!  What would your choice have been?  With 4 weeks immunity, I'd have taken the unknowns in a heartbeat.  Anyone else watch BL or are Cheryl and I the only addicts?  Tongue out

    I did 15 minutes of step aerobics and 20 minute of weight training last night - I meant to take the top level off the stepper to ease back into it, but I forgot and left it on so I got a good step workout. I didn't want a LE flare after not doing weights for 6 weeks, so I cut back a bit on the reps and amount and will have to work back up to where I was pre-surgery.  I did 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  Have a great Wednesday everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Badger and the rest of you.  I have several Lands End silk "undershirts"  will have to give the bottoms a try.  I wish I could find a nosewarmer.