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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    I have no doubts those slight weight gains a few of you have will slide right off -- you all work too hard for it to be otherwise!

    I had a scare at the dr's with my glucose level but it turned out to be fine, it was slightly high because it was a non-fasting level (and therefore was actually low for non-fasting, but the papers they hand you don't tell you that).  So, no diabetes worries!  All else was fine.

    I now envision little cartoon bubbles above me when I'm kicking and punching -- POW!  KABLOOIE!! -- stuff like that.  It makes me laugh when I work out but I'm easily amused :)  So I kicked and punched today, weights, and about 15 min. of yoga.

    Have fun with your exercise!  Hugs, tarts!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Natsfan..I agree it is nice for core training...and I didn't know I carried most of my weight on my heels..(from being military at one time and wearing boots I think)...but I'm going to work to change that and maybe it will help my knee....runner's knee....


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    ((Bobbie)) hope you are feeling better!! 

    Carol - Cartoon bubbles??  hahahaha  -  whatever helps you stay on track!

    Patoo!!  Glad to hear you were back in the water!!  I, too, am quite good with excuses!!

    Hope everyone is having a great beginning to 2011!!

    I bought my mom (77) the new Jane Fonda workout - I am always worried about her falling on our walks, so since we have had snow, we haven't been walking!  Also, Richard and The FIRM workouts are really too much for her!  We both did one of the routines this morning (about 25 minutes).  I will obviously have to add some ankle weights and heavier free weights, but I think that this may actually help her with balance and toning!!  I believe this program is recommended for 60+.  We will continue to do these routines daily until we can get back to our hour long walks (hopefully soon)!

    After work, I "played" with the Wii fit for about 40 minutes, and am still intending to do 30 minutes on the treadmill, but just feel sooooooooo exhausted today.  I haven't been sleeping well lately (hot flashes etc....) so went to bed early last night (10:30) only to be woken up at 11:30 to drive my daughter into work last night in some very unfavourable weather!  It was snowing sooooo hard!  Finally got back into bed around 1, only to find that I couldn't get back to sleep!  The things we mothers do for our children!!! 

    Will report in again later...... maybe! Embarassed


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Okay, no formal exercise tonight so I will use today as my 1 day/week that I let myself have.  Did do about 1/2-hour walking in the supermarket so that counts for something but since it's not formal I won't count it. 

    Night Scupltresses.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    One hour of FIRM toning. Mary Louise, good for your mom!! I saw Jane Fonda being interviewed the other night, she is in her 70s and still looks great! She is 'shacking up' (her words) with somebody & certainly blows age stereotypes out of the water.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Oh Ruth, my Mom would actually do the FIRM workouts with me!!  We would always end of laughing too much because the moves changed to quickly for her.  Jane Fonda's newest one is actually just PERFECT for my Mom - to at least get to Spring anyways!  She does use her treadmill daily, but this is a great way to add some light weights and toning also.

    Feeling a little achy - did not treadmill tonight.  I did get the flu shot - let's hope it works as the flu is going around here!


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Five miles of power-walking again, today.  Also, threw in a few squats and lower-body resistance training with weights. 

    Hope everyone is doing well, today.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Body Combat class for me tonight, oh my we punched and kicked and then did squats till my legs turned into jelly, now why is it again that I love that classUndecided??????

    Nats of course I watched BL and I would have taken the alternate trainers for the 4 weeks in a shot, I like the young blue girl I think her name is Courtney but I think Roulon and green girl both have that real competitor gene and I like Dan and Don.  MaryLouise I heard the other day that even if you get the flu shot it takes 2 weeks to get into your system so hope you are okay.  Nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011
    I have been peeking in at thoses body combat classes and am chicken to join.I stick to the newbody and body vive classes.I am a wuss don't want to pull a muscle or hurt myself. Whatever ! As long as we are moving regularly. Right ladies?Tongue out
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Nats - glad you are happy with the revisions to the girls.  Those 5 lbs will come off in no time.  I am still lingering at the 18 lbs but I'm hoping to get that moving again now that the holidays are over.  Patoo - I sure hope they don't make a mistake in our forecast this time!!  I will still ride but it's the driving to work etc that is just such a mess.  SO took a quick day trip to Uof DE today to beat the weather.  Nils in Scottsdale with his GF and her family until Sunday be he too returns to college next week.  The holidays have really flown by.  I love January though with no shopping, decorating, planning....  Ruth and Cheryl - I too love have all the kids stopping by and hanging out.  Tonlee, I've had runner's knee many times - no fun.  Sometimes new shoes will help.  Julie - my tip, squats in the shower!! 

    I did ride yesterday and just heading out now.  It's a little colder this am but I think my gear works well.  I like the silk tops and bottoms underneath too.  And those old woolrich socks with hand warmers in the toes are doing the trick.  Have a great day all - there is cleaning in my future - ugh!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Ladies hi to everyone; Going through a terrible situation here. I hope the moderators don't pull this but this is a real life situation in the townhome condominium community where I live. If ever of you ever watched Seinfield and the situation of the father and the car condo life is very funny except for this deplorable situation which I am now facing.

    Please note I am a board trustee, and ex smoker. Now that I entered the world of bc, my life has dramatically changed, want no smokers near me. Our pool is a private community where no state rules mandate. I entertained a no smoking policy ban at the pool (187 families) and it was voted on by the board. Now the Pres wants to rescind the rule because he does not want to offend the smokers, he can't stand me personally and thus the following. I have forwarded the below to the local town papers, council people, senators, management company and our board attorney. I Of course, I questioned why and his response after a verbal dispute, "who cares that you had breast cancer, hold your nose.

    I have already submitted my letters to Susan G. Kome as well.

    Two words make me cry immediately. Breast Cancer. So don't f    k with me on the subject:

    Here is my letter: I hope the Moderaors are reading this.  

    I am a current board member of the  CR Board of Trustees and a first year breast cancer survivor.

    On Monday January 3, 2011 a special meeting took place to discuss the new meeting dates and another issue was brought up unexpectedly by >>>>>>>>, the President.  This second issue was to overturn the new "no smoking provision" which was going to take effect this summer at the pool. Mr. D       does not want to offend any of the smokers.   Mr. D    President of the  __________ Condominium Association stated he was going to check the rules for a rescind of the newly adopted no smoking policy at the pool.   Mr. D      and I got into a verbal argument as to why he wanted to change the new resolution. I said to them I had breast cancer (lost a breast) and I don't want smoking at the pool. Let the people smoke outside. Two other members  were in the room when he shouted to me, "I don't care that you had breast cancer , just hold your nose when you come into the pool" because he assumes that the smokers will be up front.

    I am not looking for sympathy on this matter at all.  Due to .his remark to me "Who cares" that you had breast cancer and "hold your nose" during the meeting the other day is a complete disgrace..  Since  Mr. D  is on a personal vengence towards me ie, as he was with ____, I asked my husband Richard to please call  the (Vice President) His concern was "why after all these years" do you want to stop smoking at the pool". Why now? I was a little taken back by this question.Well, I answered to the vVP , as a newbie, I would like things to change for the better. .He said it would "offend" those who smoked at the pool if we attempted change the rule.   I asked.what he would do if these words were said to his wife and/or daughter: His response. "You guys just don't get along". I asked again. He said I would never speak to that person again.

    After all these years, we put speed bumps in to control the speeding, there have been the signs for the dogs which will be a continuing source of irritation for some and the fight will never go away. The tv and press are vigilantly on a no smoking campaign, there has been litigation due to smoking against the biggest cigarette makers and millions have been won in these contested lawsuits, always in the plaintiff's favor of having gotten cancer. (compare it to the asbestos litigation) and our President wants smoking at the pool (in an area as soon as you walk in).

    Restaurants, office buildings, public parks and the like have all turned to a "non smoking policy". Yet, our president, who cannot stand critique and/or me and or anyone who has a different opinion, says, I don't care that you had breast cancer and hold your nose want his neighbors, friends, guests, children and me to be subject to the smell of the smoke which I am now going to attempt to stop. Why should I be worried how if I offend those who smoke. They can smoke in the privacy of their homes or take it to an area where it affects no one.   I am an advocate for public safety. And would like a smoke free environment at the pool where our children play, and anyone is subjected to second hand smoke.

    I would like to read this at the next meeting. I am a survivor, went through hell and back and  proud of it.. I often asked why me, now I know why me. I am going to fight for a smoke free clean environment which I want to go, have my friends and children, and grandchildren enjoy the "water and smoke free environment." State rule or not, this is a must. The fact that our president said "who cares" and hold your nose, will be no secret.. Shame on Mr. D       I think it is time for him to resign as a board member as everything is always retribution and constantly worried "Whose Controlling" this community.  

    Ladies I am not a trouble maker. Sorry for the rant, and chanting, and boring article, however, currently ongoing where I live. Since Komen knows, I wanted to know that some people don't care.


    I was so upset after condensing the original 3 page  letter to this,  I went to a double "Zumba" class night.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hey Ronna, that was a really insensitive thing for him to say, no wonder you're upset.  Not to mention that smoking is horrible for you (another ex-smoker here) and you shouldn't have to run the gauntlet of smokers to use the pool.  There's enough evidence about secondhand smoke that you have the facts on your side.  I would add at the end of your letter, that you'd like an apology in addition to his resignation.

    Patoo, my car was a 1999 Chevy Cavalier with 178,000 miles on it.  Like yours it was paid for and I sure wanted to squeeze a few more years out of it.  I'll get 1,500 from insurance but will have to come up with the rest.  I'm looking for something with a stick shift that's great on gas since I commute 150 miles a day.  Got a couple of options, one a Chevy and one a Pontiac, that I will test drive on Saturday.

    I am actually home sick today.  Don't know if it was a fast-moving bug or something I ate.  Blech.  But I feel better now.  Question: How can you tell if you have a fever or hot flashes?

    {{hugs}} to all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    150 miles/day - Wow!  How long have you been doing that?  I'll not complain about my short 45 min drive anymore.  Fever or hot flash - don't think a flash hangs around long enough to get a reading on a thermometer?  (at least mine never did).

    Did 60 min water aerobics class after work and ran in the water for another 15 mins. 

    Ronna, sorry you have to go through that.  Unbelievable someone can be so insensitive.  He obviously has other issues because no one can be that uncaring.  There should be some kind of grievance that you can bring before the Board and/or homeowners.  Check your By-Laws to see what it takes to have him removed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Ronna, he is an a** hole!! And, not to mention you, there are hundreds of other people being affected!!! Why would anyone who didn't smoke ever even want to go to the pool if people were smoking there?! If I lived there, I would certainly be willing to sign a petition or complain or whatever it took to get rid of the smoking. Do you think most of the people who have access to the pool feel the same way? There is power in numbers.

    I did my hard 60 minute 500 Calorie FIRM workout tonight......the one where I plead with the girl to quit! It's the end of the first semester here so I am super busy.

    'Night All! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    ((Ronna)) - Where I live, you may not smoke in any building (unless in a residence).  You are not to smoke in your car with any children under the age of 16 also!  I can't imagine going to an indoor pool and having to deal with smoke!!  I am sure there must be others that will come forward on this issue. 

    I did the 25 minute Jane Fonda routine again with my mother this morning- I actually could feel a couple of the areas from yesterday, although very low key still!  45 minutes on the Wii after work and jogged/walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight (jogged 9 minutes tonight!).  Unfortunately, I also got into some chocolate tonight!  Embarassed  And NOT the dark kind either!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    bobcat:  Thanks for the tip about the squats. 

    Ronna:  Rediculous.  Agree with badger that enough evidence exists that second-hand smoke causes cancer.  Is your condo complex in a city that outlaws smoking?  You may be able to leverage that law, if it exists.  I agree with one of the posters above - get signatures from members of your condo complex to keep the smokers away from the pool.  And that idiot deserves to be thrown under the bus (there's another thread about the dumbest things people said to you under

    badger:  Sorry you're not feeling well.  Agree with patoo that hot flashes don't register on a thermometer (mine didn't).  And, I understand about getting more than 178,000 out of a car.  Hope your Pontiac and Chevy test drives work out for your 150 mile commute!  (Darn deer!  They are like big rats!!!)

    Question for all doing resistance training:  Is there any way to build up calf muscles without using the body-building machines one finds at a gym?  Any tips would be appreciated.  


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Ronna I certainly understand your anger, there is no smoking in office buildings, restaurants or on the beach here, I can't believe his arrogance and if a regulation had already been passed what or who gives him the authority to rescind it. Mum I miss Body Vive so much, they took it away from my gym and I used to just watch combat and never ever figured I could do it but I was shown the modifications like just march instead of doing scissors (now I can do scissors) and I never have been, never will be a runner so when they are all running with their knees up high I am running 2 inches off the ground and when they are jump kicking I step kick and let me just say if you had the eye candy we have teaching the class you'd be in the roomSurprised ..... I may be old but I can appreciate a fine young work of art when I see oneWink  Bobbi be careful riding in the slush/snow I am so in awe of your ability. Julie stand on a step, toes on heels off and rise up on your toes then down so your heels fall below the step then back up your calf muscles will be activated. Tonight I did the spin class my legs were on fire I don't know what's up with me this week I guess I'm feeling my age, mind you I'm still doing it just having a moan and complainFrown. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    hbcheryl:  Thanks for the calf-muscle exercise tip, will begin doing it immediately!  


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011
    You're welcomeKiss
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011

    Ronna here in Ont there are no smoking rules everywhere.Its getting hard to find a spot where it is okay to smoke.Is the pool outside or in?Either way it is a place where people go to exercise so should be smokefree.Managment there needs to open their eyes to what is already a strong trend everywhere.Even noticed NS signs in Europe on our last trip.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Ronna - agree with Julie that this guy's comments definitely qualifies for the "Dumbest Things People Have Said to You" thread!  Wow.  You almost feel sorry for him being that oblivious to what's important in life.  Badger - what a commute!!  It sounds like some people here who commute in to the DC area from the far suburbs or even West Virginia. Hope you come up with a good car soon. Cheryl - sometimes moaning and complaining while we exercise is the best part!  Wink  Agreed about the green girl on BL having that competitive spirit - she reminds me of another green girl form a couple of seasons ago - Tara.  Mary Louise - it sounds like you're having fun doing the Fonda tape with your mom, and it's great that you're encouraging her to get up and get going.    

    Last night I did 15 minutes high step aerobics for the second time this week (calves are BARKING today) plus 25 minutes elliptical. This morning I did 10 minutes on the arm bike and 20 minute Pilates tape.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi all, on my way to orientation for volunteering, (Breast Center) even though it is snowing. I am going!!!

    Will get back to each thoughtful response when I get back. BTW, it is an outdoor pool.

    So excited about volunteering, hopefully will take my mind off this matter. One thing, there has to be a majority of the board to vote a member off. He has two yesmen with him. All I can do is try.

    Thanks to all of you. Be back later.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Ronna, that guy sucks.  Obviously he's a jerk -- I'm guessing he knew his argument was weak at best and came up with that comment to lash out and hurt you.  Best of luck with getting rid of him!!!!  No smoking is a no-brainer any more, although I'm not happy to say Indiana is behind the times on that one, but we're slowly catching up.  At least your anger/frustration/etc gave you some fuel for exercise!  Enjoy your volunteer orientation!

    Just flying by to post my long cold walk today (determined to be outside at least a couple of times a week).  I'm in the middle of going through boxes that were in storage 4 years -- my 3 boxes of winter clothes is now one box; the rest is going to the resale shop and Goodwill.  Nothing like being without almost everything you own for 4 years to help you realize how little you need stuff!  But I have two rooms with stuff strewn all over and I need to get it put in the proper piles, back to work.

    Keep up the great work, everyone, and stay well.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Fly By-

    Ronna, just flew through your letter, but what a jerk that guy is!

    I did too much skiing yesterday and am paying the Arimidex price.  One thing I have discovered is this drug has a sneaky way of increasing muscle soreness from regular exercise.

    I have to go read more, but wanted to a) find out about the New York happenings and b) tell you that you can fly into Reno, San Fran, San Jose or Sacramento...but did we pick a time ;)?

    OK back later



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Kim, no...  I think Ruth said the first weekend was bad for her (correct me if I'm not remembering right, Ruth!) and I'd like to leave the first two weekends free for a potential family weekend, and I think Cheryl said any weekend was OK by her.... so either of the last two weekends work for everyone?

    (Why is it that when I'm straightening up something it always gets to be a bigger mess before it finally starts getting better?  Living room, dining room, and most of my bedroom look like a bomb went off!) :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Only time I can't is the second weekend (nephew graduates June 11), otherwise I am as free as a bird!

    Ate all day; started with a teacher's breakfast & then a student's mom (who is a cook) brought not one, but two cakes, to school to celebrate her daughter's birthday (and it would have been impolite not to sample them both.....twice......).

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Ronna- I am incensed at that man's gall!!  Consider that you live so close to the metropolitan area that doesn't allow smoking anywhere I can't help but think you are right and that he has a personal vendetta against you.  How insensitive.  Is he a smoker??  Even if he isn't, how could you support smoking at a community pool where there are children present?  Elderly? Cancer survivors?  And his comment - I think I would have punched him in the head.

    Kim - great to hear from you.  I agree about the added soreness with Arimidex.  I did my ride this morning in two inches of snow on the bike trail.  Geared way down, took me way longer than normal and tonight feel like I was hit by a but.  Wrists, knees, shoulders, back, arms - you name it, it's sore.  SO has convinced me to go to spin with him in the AM.  Speaking of that man - he came home from Zumba and a Sam's Club run last night with a DWTS Latin Cardio DVD.  He's serious!!  Said a couple of the gals and the instructor high-fived him after class last night.  I am so happy for him Smile

    Carol - don't you love living with less.  We really embraced that concept this year(especially since BC) and it just feels right.   Badger - 150 miles in the Wisconsin winter.  Be careful.  I agree with Patoo - I won't complain about my commute 50 mile round trip each day.  I drive the back roads and it's lovely all year long.  Ruth - CAKES!!!  Of course you couldn't be rude.  You workout like a fiend so I'm sure you'll work it off tonight. 

    Just found out more snow for us tomorrow - where did this come from??  Shovel and sculpt for me.  Have a great night all.  We are going to grandaughter's 3rd birthday party tomorrow and I'm working on tax prep all weekend - lovely.  Have a good night allKiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Now I have the E-LAB thread to increase my motivation.  Was goinna slack off today but I'm on my way downstairs to get a little walk in.  Later.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Geez I feel like a slacker compared to you guys!  Got a walk in at noon today, just walked around the Capitol (the state Capitol building).  I work downtown Madison and it's a good enough job that I've been commuting for 3.5 years.  We can't move because DH owns a small business so we're tied down.  If it's bad weather and dangerous to drive, I can work from home, and I have a great supervisor.  She has a life and thinks it's OK if her staff do too.

    It's going to get bitterly cold tonight, wind chills 15 below in the morning - yikes!  I've been without wheels all week so haven't gone to the indoor track to walk, will have to remedy that tomorrow.  Saw an ad for a Zumba class and it sounds like such fun, I'm going to give it a try!  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    30 mins on treadmill.  I'm a happy camper.  Night all.