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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Ladies, for the Tahoo "get together", please give me exact dates. I am not the world's greatest traveler, so may I please have some of the details to make a decision.

    Thank you.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Ronna, E-LAB thread promotes a total healthy lifestyle.  There are now teams and we get points for healthy eating, exercising, drinking water, and weight loss, etc.  It's fun and the even the moderators have posted there to encourage and help us.  Come on over and take a look.  I lurked over there from the beginning (3/2010) and finally took the plunge and it has helped to put me back on track.

    If the board meeting is not pre-empted by the snow we expect, can you use a digital camera or some type of video to record?  Or a tape recorder (do they still have those?) and turn it on when you ask a question?

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Badger - we love the Kia's also.  SO had a van, then a Rondo and now a SOUL.  We do that bebop hamster thing when we first get in.

    Just home from a cold, snowy ride.  Takes a lot out of me.  Quick shower and off to work.

    Good luck Ronna.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Just checking in with a "fly-by" - had an appointment with my PCP as a follow up to my tick bite over Tkg and to get a Lyme test.  I just don't know how I'd deal with a positive Lyme on top of everything else, so keep your fingers crossed for a negative test!  I also have a post-surgical follow up with my ps tomorrow afternoon at Hopkins in Baltimore - and they're calling for about 4" of snow tomorrow!!  I'll take my trusty Subaru, but I'm afraid what is normally just over an hour drive is going to be much longer than that.  Dh is unemployed right now, so I've asked him to go with me tomorrow - something about 2 in the car makes a bad drive much easier. 

    I did 30 minutes elliptical this am, and am heading down to the exercise room after work to do more.  We didn't do that much this weekend - we did take a 2 mile walk in single-digit wind chill temps  Innocentbut those two miles were a round trip walk to new Mexican restaurant we wanted to try out. Surprised  At least we made ourselves do a little exercise before indulging in those chips, salsa, and of course those smooth margaritas! We bought a new TV this weekend, so spent the rest of the weekend figuring out how to attach it to the speaker system, the DVD, the cable box, the Wii, etc.  I think we're almost there, though.  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    ((Mary)) drive carefully tomorrow!  Hope your lyme test comes out negative!

    Did 1 hour Wii (added some yoga today - man is that hard!) and 30 minutes treadmill (12 minutes jogging again!).  I am feeling a definite pull in the same calf I pulled last winter - but did get all 30 minutes done.  I will not be doing the treadmill again tomorrow, so hopefully it won't get any worse!

    Carry on, Tarts!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    30 mins on treadmill. 

    Nats, hope for a negative lyme test.  How long before you get results?

    Hi to everyone.  Hope you are getting lots of movement.  Looks like I'll get more Shovel and Sculpt tomorrow/Weds!  Oh, so looking forward to that.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    good job keeping moving everyone... I walked 2.5 miles / 45 minutes tonight

    Ronna I hope you're eloquent and persuasive tomorrow, Mary I hope your drive is OK and you get good test results, Mary Louise you go girl (p.s. yoga shouldn't hurt) and who knew there were so many Kia fans out there? 

    I'm thinking of joining the E-Lab thread, I'm good about exercise but my diet needs work. Innocent

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    badger, that's the reason for joining E-LAB, because it motivates to make healthier choices. 

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Our school has a 'Wellness Team" for an eight week fitness challenge between whatever groups/businesses want to join (sponsered by the local points listed weekly in the paper). Just started today; you get points for exercise, eating fruits & veggies, eating lower sodium foods, taking online health quizes & watching online health related videos ( a different emphasis every week). Imagine my SUPRISE when I took the online quiz this morning and found out that my downfall is my EATING HABITS Surprised!!  So, maybe that will inspire me in the food area.

    Sculpted and Shoveled the 4 inches of snow that fell today & then walked for an hour on the treadmill.

    Good Luck on your meeting, Ronna. Be calm and cool (which will show the opposition in an even worse light). Mary, if the roads are too bad, delay the appointment! What a winter! By the weekend air from the Artic Circle is suppose to hit us with actual temperatures of thirty below zero!!!!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Did 5 miles today in one hour.  That's the best yet since I had my TE replaced. Going to ask PS tomorrow if I can run for the next two weeks, until my TE's are replaced with implants.

    Mary:  Hope your lyme test turns out negative.

    Ronna:  Good luck with your meeting; as Ruth says, try and be calm and cool.  My heart goes out to the Giffords as well.  

    Badger:  Kia's are cool!

    Ruth:  DH and I used to live in North Central Wisconsin; don't miss the -30 degree stuff!  Stay warm.

    Will check back tomorrow - good night!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Body Combat tonight, it was a fabulous class I really got a good sweat up but my legs are feeling it now. Have to say that today I was walking around and my knee kept clicking - did I mention before how fabulous it is to be getting olderEmbarassed !!

    Got to have my girl home for one more day, bad weather in the mid west so they delayed the drive, I fired up the BBQ tonight and now we're all sitting around like stuffed turkeys.

    Mary good luck tomorrow be careful on the drive, I'm glad your DH is going with you. Julie that is a good pace, don't overdo.  Ronna try to be very calm like he hasn't tee'd you off it will really get under his skin, we're all cheering for you. Congrats on your new car Badger. Patoo & Bobcat be careful in that storm that is bearing down on you. Ruth I'm hopeless at tracking my food intake but I know that's what I should be doing, my goodness I thought we were cold but you sure take the cake, brrrrrrr. Nite all.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    What a cool group of women we are!

    Mary, you are so smart being on top of the Lyme possibility; if I understand it correctly, you can do something about it early on if you do have it-after it's had time to proceed undiagnosed it's a problem, correct?  Spiders, bugs...girl, we have to get you into bug free territory!

    Ronna, Ruth has excellent advice and I hope this morning finds you in a great place.

    I do love Kia's Badger and I especially love their commericals.

    Way to go Julie, and Cheryl warrior princess!  How is your BP doing these days?

    Ruth, you are my hero and so thankful for your "vag" post-I'm heading there quickly, so now I am going to get on it-oh my, does that statement have some sexual overtones or what!?!  Where is Lakewoman when you need her!

    Patoo, you have me interested in ELAB and I'm going to have to check that out.  And Mary Louise (I'm Kim Louise by the way) I would love to try the Wii-I think my husband and I could have fun with that (and no, I'm not referring to the getting on it comments above-WHERE IS MY MIND THIS MORNING?  In the gutter!)

    Bobcat, you inspire me to work out harder, knowing you are in cold weather going for it.  Mum, how have you been, traveling girl?

    Carol, I so enjoy being Facebook friends with you!  It's like I can "see" you and get to know you even better.

    I worked out hard yesterday-45 min on elliptical and then the "bone whisperer" trainer I have had me doing intervals-bike, rowing, squat thrusts with a ball, biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders.  Today I do a 2 mile walk to an ab class and walk 2 miles home.  I'm working hard on the diet front.  Next week med onc visit.  

    My sister had her mammogram yesterday for the first time since my dx and she was a little flustered, but said it went well.  BC not only changes our lives, it changes the lives of those around us.

    XO and sorry to all I missed.  I have a resolution to get on here more often and bore you to tears with my posts ;)


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    My sister is Karen Louise and my aunt was Violet Louise.....a lovely name!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Every single breeze seems to whisper Louise...Birds in the Trees...

    I think that was a song by Maurice Chevlaier...spelling is probably wrong....but I love it!

    Actually my dad came up with that name, and today is the 2nd year anniversary of his death.  I miss him! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    My daughter's name is Kylie Louise (had to have one of my kids have one of my names!).

    Badger - the yoga didn't hurt, I am just very unbalanced to hold the poses (I am a Weeble..... I wooble, but I didn't fall down!).  Hahahahaa  I think that I pulled the same calf muscle while jogging, but today I did the Jane Fonda routine with my Mom again (the harder one) and I haven't had any pain at all since!!  Still need to add some ankle weights and heavier free weights, but want to get my Mom feeling comfortable with the routines before I add weight (she will think she has to also!).

    We are also getting snow again tonight, so will probably be out shoveling tonight!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Kim, hugs. I miss my dad every single day, and it's been 5 years.  I have one of his shirts and a jacket that I wear when I need comfort. I'm not a complete FB fan but I do like the way it puts me in contact with people and helps me get to know them better, so it's been great to see your posts, too!  And as you know, I melt into your Tahoe pix!

    I'm really sorry to everyone else, but I can't begin to reply to each post tonight... too much going on here.... but I'm reading them all and with all of you. We're getting snow, a good 3" so far, I'm hoping for more for x-country skiing, but everyone who's getting hit by this, be careful!

    hugs to all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    LOL, Mary Louise, I'm a Weeble too!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Didn't do anything today but it's started snowing so I'm expecting that I will be out Sculpting tomorrow morning.  That should cover 2 days workout.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Sculpted and shoveled as we also got more snow overnight. Also 30 minutes on treadmill & 30 abs.

    Ronna, here are some tips I've found helpful in dealing with difficult people:

    1. always use 'I feel' statements (instead of 'You are a stupid jerk.")

    2. don't get sidetracked into a verbal exchange with them, just keep repeating your main point over and over no matter what they say.

    3. if you really want to drive them nuts, be very pleasant and EMPATHIZE with them, "I see your point, BUT....." then restate your main point.

    Kim, I hope you did something today that would have made your dad smile (or shake his head). A hug to you.

    Stay safe everyone! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    I did 20 minutes on the elliptical this am and then walked 2 1/2 miles this afternoon.  I ran a little but not enough of it to count.  Just trying not to give it up completely until I finish rads and get my energy back.  My RO went over my exercise today and he is fine with it he just told me not to push the running that I can get back to it when my energy level comes back up.  I finish on Jan 24th, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Almost done, Sherry! Remember the radiation is still doing its thing for two weeks once you are finished, so don't be too bummed if you don't immediately feel perky when you walk out the door after the last one. Keeping moving like you have will really pay off after that.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Hi, Ladies:

    Did another 5 miles today.  PS told me I could start to run again, so I did.  Came home and did squats and some resistance training with 5 lb. weights on each leg.  

    hbcheryl:  Yes, you're right, I'll try not to overdo, thanks for the reminder.  Sound like  body combat is an excellent workout.

    Kim:  Not sure about the BP question?  Is that "blood pressure"?  Sorry if I don't get it . . . I think my blood pressure is basically okay, thanks.

    Ruth and patoo:  Glad you're doing okay in the winter weather! 

    Everyone else - keep up the good work!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    One hour shovel and sculpt.  Work delayed so going for shower and then hit the road.  Enjoy your day ladies.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    We dodged the snow bullet again here in DC/Baltimore - just a few inches overnight, so my trip to Hopkins was uneventful.  My ps has cleared me to get my tats any time I want - hooray!!  I'm doing 3D tats (no surgical nip recon) so now I just have to decide when I want to do them.  I'm waiting on Lyme results - I should know late this week hopefully.

    40 minutes on Wii yesterday morning, 55 minutes on Wii when I got home from my appointment, and 30 minutes elliptical this a.m.  No exercise for me tonight - we're having an "enchanted evening" instead - we have tix for South Pacific at the Kennedy Center in DC tonight- can't wait!  The friend we're going with is named "Louise" - does that count in the Louise Parade?

    I love my yoga too - classes start up again next week - I've really missed it.  And I definitely have Weeble characteristic with some of those poses!!  My "tree" looks like a willow caught in a hurricane. Yell

    Ronna - can't wait to hear about the meeting.  Kim - you're exactly right about Lyme - the trick is aggressive prevention, and if you do get it, aggressive and immediate treatment to minimize complications.  The people who suffer the worst from long-term or even permanent issues are those who were diagnosed late.  Ruth, Patoo and others - Sounds like a lot of you got to do a Shovel and Sculpt workout.  Sherry - hooray for seeing the end of the rads tunnel - take care of yourself for these last few weeks!  Ruth - the Wellness thing at work sounds wonderful.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Did my Body Step class last night, came home and was in bed asleep by 8 o'clock - unintentionally, I got into bed to keep warm and watch BL but I think I saw the opening credits and woke up at 3am.

    Glad you dodged the storm Mary and BP is normal now I take "the pill".  Patoo, Ronna and Bobbi - please be careful the storm looks brutal on tv.  I had a facebook message from my BFF in Australia that her son and family have all been evacuated in the Queensland floods, so very scary as they have 2 little ones.  Have a great day everyone and good luck tonight Ronna.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,524
    edited January 2011
    Hi Community Members, is exploring the idea of developing a "tracking" tool to help you organize and monitor your health behaviors. 
    Our question to you is,  what kinds of things would be most helpful for you to track, if any.
    Some examples could be: weight, food eaten, glasses of water per day, alcohol consumption, cigarettes smoked, daily exercise . . .     
    Would it be helpful to track health obstacles? Mood and energy levels? Health goals? Would you want these trackers to be public, or private? Would it help to be able to post your progress on the discussion boards?
    Are any of you using another sort of health tracker? If so, let us know what it is, and what you like or dislike about it.
    We look forward to hearing your constructive suggestions, and how we could help you. 
    Many thanks, 
    The Team
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Hello all!!!  I have been reading and not posting.  It was shovel and sculpt here this am but nearly as bad as predicted.  I was was working on taxes all morning and then off to work.  Dropped my corporate tax package off tonight at the accountant.  SO and I have a small (2 of us) business but it pays the bills. 

    Just saw that AU floods on the news Cheryl :(  I hope your friend is safe.

    Nils returned to school on Monday night and his Amy got the clinical rotation she requested today.  She will be doing clinical on the floor where I recovered from double mast surgery.  She is excited and I remember those student nurses and how caring they were.  I always prayed they would stay as involved and caring as they were then.  I think nursing is such an amazing calling and I hate when I run into a bitter nurse.  Not often, but it happens.

    Sherry - take care.  Cheryl - I woke up the bucket chair last night at midnight!!  Luckily, it's comfortable and I had 2 cats on my lap/chest.  They were happy to crawl into bed with me though.

    Kim and Carol and others - lost my dad 19 years ago.  Still think of him every day and still have a sweater that was his.  My mom wears his robe.

    Still waiting to hear about Ronna's meeting. I am wishing her the best.

    Mary - how was South Pacific? 

    Ruth - you have more snow than any of us.

    I am watching the memorial for the Tuscon victims - tragic.  That little girl touched so many lives.  I am praying for all the survivors, their families and the victims families.

    Hoping to ride in the crazy cold ice wind tomorrow.  We are going to NYC on Saturday for the long weekend.  Jazz(Tierney Sutton) on Saturday night and then off-Broadway(A Small Fire) on Sunday night.  I can't wait - it's been so long since we've had a vacation.  Love to all Kiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hi Mods.  It is so very motivating to have you come on to let us know we are on the right track. 

    I would love a central place for us to all track these issues as I think that it is extremely helpful to be in one place.  I, for one, also would not mind if it were public as I think that helps to keep me in line if others can see what I'm doing, sort of like what we are doing on the E-LAB thread, which you also have acknowledged. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Bobcat, have a great time in NYC. 

    Drive to work after shovel and sculpt for one hour this morning wasn't bad at all.  They messed up with cleanup so badly 2 weeks ago that I think they were afraid to not get it right this time.  Supposed to freeze over tonight, though so I'm staying put tonight.

    Did a LS tape, 2 mile fast workout this evening.  Now have to go and find something healthy to eat. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hey all, walked 2.5 miles / 45 minutes tonight.  Didn't post yesterday as Tuesday is date night and we spend the evening together with no TV or PC.  Went out for supper and I had a gorgeous salad while DH had pizza, I wasn't even jealous.  I've resolved to lose 20 pounds by June 1, which is 20 weeks away.  Seems reasonable to me.

    To the Mods, I would like the option of keeping my 'health behavior' data private - maybe like our diagnosis info, we could choose to have it hidden or shown. 

    To my fellow yoga Weebles, I'm one too!  Something that helps me when I wobble is to send my weight into the ground, to feel the earth bear the weight and support me.  My yoga teacher has us visualize that as part of our warm-up, along with breathing and relaxing.  It's very powerful to feel that level of elemental support.  And it helps me to not fall down LOL!

    {{hugs}} to all