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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    badger good visual on the balancing.

    Just got back from my yoga class.  Great work out and now relaxed.  I always sleep so good on yoga nights.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Hi, Ladies:  Walked my usual 5 miles today. 

    Badger:  Love your weight-loss goal.  Can't stand the looks of my thighs - one might think power-walking and running daily would DO something about that, but now I see I need to resistance-train as well.  Oh, well - I'll get there.

    Sherry:  Yoga sounds relaxing.  Glad you sleep better after that.  Congratulations on finishing your rads!

    Ruth, patoo and others:  Weather looks nasty.  Take care!

    bobcat:  Watched the Tuscon memorial as well - so sad, and am praying for those affected as well.

    Cheryl:  Hope your AU friend and family are okay.

    Should be interesting hearing about Rona's meeting.



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Hey all - just got back in from a choral workshop..

    I thought that I would not get any formal excercise tonight and ending up doing the 3 s's too (shovel, sculpt, shower).  We couldn't get the blower started, so had to use the scoop (very NOT nice!).  Finally got the blower working when I was almost done scooping - at least I saved the end of the laneway for last so could just blow it!  GREAT arm workout with scoop and dragging the blower back as it was quite windy!

    Moderators - I would love to have a tool to help keep me on track.  I think being able to keep some things private (if we so choose) would allow more of us to feel comfortable and yet still have the support needed to stay on track!

    Till tomorrow Tarts! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Bobcat - have a great Vacation!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 of weights, abs, pushups etc. all while watching the memorial. So, so sad.

    Ronna, how was the meeting?

    Enchanted evenings in Washington or New York sound fantastic. The news just said that 49 states have snow at the moment (even Hawaii....Florida is the only 'snow free' zone).

    Moderators....sure, I always find it helpful when I have to be accountable, so some sort of point system for various components of good health might be fun (such as 1 point for every 15 minutes of light exercise, 2 points for vigorous exercise, so many points for eating at least 5 servings of fruits & veggies a day, points for wearing a seat belt, not smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke, points for 30 minutes of mediation/prayer/taking care of one's spiritual needs etc. etc. could all be worked into it.....just random thoughts on my part).

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    hi all ~ walked 2 miles / 30 minutes tonight ~ loving the indoor track

    it's where we walk Relay for Life so every night I do a Survivors lap

    and since you guys motivate me, I walk it for you, too.  {{hugs}}

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Badger!  Laughing  I think the problem I have with the Yoga on Wii is looking at the screen and seeing how wobbly I really am!! 

    45 minutes Wii - mainly aerobic and 30 Minutes Treadmill.  I am actually starting to enjoy the jogging part (not during, but after I'm done I feel GREAT!)  Now I must focus a little better on the food intake!

    Anyone heard from Ronna??

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    40 minutes FIRM and 20 on the treadmill. I am chewing gum so that I won't eat anymore food today. I am really trying to be good; avoid the junk, eat the fruits & veggies, drink the water, etc. etc......SIGH!!!

    Ronna, TonLee and Elizabeth, please check in!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    30 minutes elliptical last night and 40 minutes Wii this morning.\

    South Pacific was wonderful - this production was so much more nuanced than the movie.  And the production was top notch all the way - the sets, lighting, choreography, and of course the actors.  Of course now I have a couple of earworms, including "Some Enchanted Evening", "There Ain't Nothing Like A Dame" and of course, "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair" - the last of which I was singing this morning, and dh looked a little stunned!  Wink

    The Tuscon memorial service was beautiful, and the funeral yesterday for that little girl was heartbreaking.  I can't do anything on a larger scale, but I can do my part in my own little corner of the world to embrace civility - so I'm making a conscious effort to hold doors open for others, smile at people, compliment others when I can, be kind to cashiers and waiters, etc. It's my way to do what I can to honor that little girl, the Congresswoman, and all the other victims of this tragedy. 

    Badger - thanks for the lap!  On Wisconsin!

    [edited because I can't spell]

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    I've been working out but so tired at night didn't even turn on computer ughhhh.   Wednesday night did Body Combat class and last night I drove to Pasadena which is 60 miles from my office to do Body Jam (dance) class as my gym doesn't offer it.  It was a new release and it was a lot of fun, but my oh my 120 mile round trip drive to exercise, I must be out of my mind!!!!

    MaryLouise I'm also a wobbly, especially on my left leg, on my right I'm much better go figure.  Badger that is so sweet of you to think of us on your walk, I honestly think that having a group helps with the motivation.  Ruth has all your snow melted?  Mary I agree about just taking the time to say thank you or hold a door.  The person I feel so sorry for in all this tragedy is the lady who took Christina to the rally can you imagine the grief she is enduring.  (((Elizabeth))) how is your treatment going, I know you probably can't exercise but you're part of our group and we think of you.  My friend from Tennessee is in town on business and she's complaining about eating on the road, we are going to dinner tonight but we have chosen a seafood restaurant , I'll try not to eat the bread!!!!!  Oh by the way Mary, thanks for the tunes now rolling around in my head...... I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair!!!!!!  Take care everyone.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Just a quick, quick post, mostly to ask for something:  prayers, thoughts, energy, whatever you do, towards my SIL with stage IV ovarian cancer.  She had a total hip replacement (plus part of her femur) in early Dec. because of the presence of a tumor on her hip bone and the imminent loss of the ability to walk if she hadn't had that done.  She's healing well and getting along (although with much more difficulty than someone her age normally would; I'm sure the cancer is compromising her strength, etc.) but this week has had some unhappy test results from her oncologist about her cancer advancement.  She stopped treatment last summer to pursue clinical trials but hadn't found any, then got the news about being confined to a wheelchair without a hip replacement, so the fact that her cancer has advanced in the interim isn't really suprising news, but difficult nonetheless.  So please, if you think of it, send good thoughts her way. 

    I'm plugging away but busy and haven't been posting or even reading much -- sigh! Finding a few new gym options so I'm pursuing those. Miss y'all!! 

    Ronna, how did your condo meeting go, and have you starting volunteering yet?  I finally made contact with the woman at the YW here who needs help writing grants for their cancer program so I should be vol-ing with that soon.  Yeah!

    LOVE those old musicals... mom played them all the time when I was growing up!

    Hugs, everyone, and keep up the good work.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Carol, sending up prayers in earnes for your SIL.  It's a tough time for her and she's blessed to have you plugging for her so you alwo will be in prayer for your strength as well.

    Did 35 mins on treadmill yesterday and getting off in a few to do a LS tape.  Need to keep motivated.

    Night Sculptresses.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Carol, sending prayers for you, your SIL & family.   {{hugs}} to all

    ~ 3 miles / 1 hour walking ~

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Thoughts & prayers for my Stage IV friend too. The chemo hasn't been able to get things under control; today she started a clinical trial with a new drug. We had coffee yesterday and she is in remarkably good, fighting spirits.

    Cheryl, you win the prize for the 'Go To Any Lengths to Exercise' award. Holy Cow! and we won't get rid of the snow until are adding more....they couldn't even get the rural kids back home today because it was snowing so hard & the roads were so bad. We can discuss mountain ranges by just looking out the windows at all the snow piled sky high. I sculpted and shoveled,  then did a FIRM DVD when I got home. Now SHOULD attack some school work.

    Now, I am humming "Some Enchanted Evening"; those old musicals really had some great, unforgetable tunes. I might have to get out my old Richard Simmons 'Broadway Sweat' VHS and do it just for the music! 'Night All! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Did my usual 5 miles today, along with some resistance training.

    Ruth and Carol:  Many, many prayers for your Stage IV friends.  Those women never cease to impress me - as do the rest of you . . .

    hbcheryl:  I understand about the 120 mile drive to do something you want . . . no, you're not nuts!

    Ruth:  I'm impressed.  I need to do 30 minutes with weights as well - "some enchanted evening" Smile

    Ronna:  How did the meeting go?

    Badger:  Thanks for thinking of us when doing the lap.  I run the "Relay for Life" every July out here in L.A., and I'll be sure to think of all of you when doing so this year.

    Mary Louise:  You still get points for your exercise!


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Prayers to our Stage IV sisters.  How brave.  Badger - thanks for the lap and the good thoughts.

    Mary - I'm with you on helping out in my own little corner of the world.  I think I have always felt that way and I'm always upset when I see someone being rude to others. 

    Cheryl - 120 MILES!!!  You win that prize and I hope you loved the class. 

    Ruth - gum is a great way to keep away from the snacks.  SO and I always drink a big glass of water upon waking and then before each meal.  It really helps with that full feeling.

    Carol - the musical sounds wonderful.  Hugs to you SIL.

    Ronna - I hope you had good results on Wednesday meeting.

    Patoo - it's so cold here!!  And more snow to come on Tuedsay.

    I have continued with my daily rides.  BIG hugs to the Parks Dept guys who plow the rail trail after each storm so the dog walkers, runners, bikers etc can keep using it.  I always thank them when I see them.  Saw about 10 robins yesterday - I think they forgot to leave.  Also, sunning on the rocks in the river were about 1000 geese.  I love watching all the wildlife along the river. 

    Heading out for my ride now and then we leave for our big weekend in NYC.  Have a great day allKiss

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Fun site!!! I likely won't post daily (have just discovered you can only post 5 messages within 24 hours? Anyone know why that is?)..Anyhow, the day I was to start radiation, I signed up for a personal trainer at the gym I had been going to for 5 years...clearly just going to pump wasn't working and the idea of potentially gaining another 10 pounds (about what I have gained in my 40's due to full time work, a 2.5 year Masters which was all research and writing and , well, just general sloth I think). I have been meeting with my trainer now for over a month...2x per weel and wow. What a difference..the days I do not meet her I got for long walks and every Friday I take an hour and a half African dance class. I have a pedometer and when I remember to wear it, I make sure I hit the 10.000 heart steps (though I think you need more for weight loss). Right now I am focused on losing inches not pounds and fitting into things so I feel good about my body ...feeling a little sexy wouldn't hurt either but I am not there yet. Can't cycle on th eicy roads but have one in my hall way waiting for spring in Nova Scotia!

    Has anyone heard of P90X? Three people at work are following it and I cannot tell you the difference in their bodies..phenomenal actually...might do it myself on the off days.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Sandee... you can only make 5 posts per 24 hour period until you hit 50 posts.  Then there are no limits.  You DO have unlimited Private Messages is you wanted to ask any member a specific question. 

    Here is a thread that Patoo started that helps out with many abbreviations!

    hopefully the link works.

    This is a great thread to keep you motivated in doing your excercising!  Some forms are everyday occurences (shoveling snow) that can be used for an excuse for excercising (used it many times myself!)  Never heard of P90X, but will probably look it up now.

    Prayers go out to the Stage IV friends and families.  yesterday was interupted during my WII but managed 35 minutes, and then we ended up playing WII Resort so go a bit more  movements in!

    Finished 50 minutes WII this morning and tonight my daughter is having a bowling party for her birthday, and I will actually be bowling with them!  So will be counting that as my formal excercise today!

    Hope all are Well and Warm!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Alert, alert - there is this big yellow ball in the sky, I think it's called the sun, it is glorious here and I shall enjoy it for the day and send it on north and east to my palsSmile.

    Went to Body Combat class this morning, new release and lots and lots of squats and lunges ohhhh, my knees.

    Hello Sandee, welcome. My goddaughter who is 18 and goes to college on a soccer scholarship has told me that they are using P90X to get the kids in shape for the season starting next week. The P90X company is very reputable so I'm sure there are all levels shown on the videos, she says its one day arms, next day cardio, next day yoga, next day legs and an eating plan goes with it. Ruth what happens to the kids if they can't get them home, do they bunk in town with friends or do they stay at school?

    Good to hear from you Carol I was starting to get worried about you and I am adding your SIL and Ruths friend to my prayers. Have been cooking all day making vegetable lasagne from scratch my day to host friends group, we're going to eat and watch a movie. Take care all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Prayers going up for those friends and family with Stage IV, what a battle they have.  Lost my SIL last January to bone cancer.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Activity center is closed this weekend and Monday for the holiday so I walked outside today.  Did my 2.5 mile route and it felt so good I did it AGAIN!  That was the survivor lap today.  Thanks for the motivation to get off my duff and leave my warm house and get outside.  Someone had a wood fire going and that smelled great, and I had missed the little hill toward the end of the route that always challenges me.  ~ 5 miles / 1.5 hours

    {{hugs}} and prayers for all

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2011

    Hi Everyone, Hanging in there each day. Still having issure with my wbc. Went to do chemo on Wednesday and it was 1.6. They did chemo anyways. Monday I go for lab work to see if I need to get a shot before Wednesday for my 3 round of chemo this month. So have not made it to the gym cause my Dr. said to many germs to be going to the gym. Weather has been wonderful here so have been starting walking at least. Not as long as I would like but better than nothing. So I have been walking 20 min. hoping to increase it by 10 min and will continue to do so. No side effects this week thank God for that. I had just had Abraxane not all 3 this round. So great to read how everyone is doing. I do miss all of you and love to read your post. Thinking of you often and my prayers are with you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Elizabeth, SOOOOO glad to hear from you!!! Please check in often as we miss you when you don't!!!

    Welcome Sandee!

    Cheryl, when school starts in the fall the rural parents have to list a 'storm home' where their kids can go if they are stuck in home (friend,, we don't keep them overnight at school...that would be 'above and beyond the call of duty!')

    30 minute Cardio Dance Party, 15 on the treadmill & 15 abs.

    Badger, I have the Packers game on TV right now......

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone:

    Carol, please let me extend my prayers and thoughts for your sister in law and Stage IV sisters.

    To all: thank you for your encouragement. I have stayed off site for a couple of days because I had to put this ugliness out of my head. Meeting was cancelled due to anticipation of inclement weather. Instead, I hosted a party on the spur of the moment that evening and a couple of good laughs with good friends eased the situation. A new meeting date has not been set, but an attorney friend of mine said be the victim, not the agressor, which road I have taken.  Very quiet here which is good.

    Patoo, after I leave here, I will go to ELAB site.

    Went to Zumba yesterday, had a good time, has anyone heard of ZigTech sneakers by Reebock? Very interesting. Zumba instructor had them on. Went to Modell's to purchase them. Even a salesperson at Dick's said Modell's was the place to go because Modell's seems to be the only store carrying them.

    I go to onc on Thursday, so now I am trying to be stress free. Tomorrow I go pick up my volunteer smock to work in the breast center.

    Hugs, Stay warm, Love you all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    I am on FB. My name is Ronna Paul-Gruskin. I would love to meet some of you guys on FB.

    You will hear me going on and on about Zumba and BC - and how to fight it. Looking forward if anyone want to "Friend" me.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    I am on FB. Would love to meet FB friends, I had my full name posted before, but I deleted it.

    Would love to get to know you that way. Do we PM info??

    Thank you.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    did an hour of yoga this morning after DH went to work

    I put a yoga mat on the floor and think I would wobble on a Wii balance board :-)

    walked 5 miles / 1.5 hours this afternoon

    hope you are all having a relaxing Sunday!  {{hugs}}

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Elizabeth soooo good to hear from you and even though you want to go to the gym doctor is right about germs and you need to take care of you and being out in the lovely desert sunshine I'm sure is good for your soul. Ronna I'm sorry your meeting was cancelled but glad you had a nice time with your friends, sounds like you got some good advice.

    Went to Body Step class this morning - lasted about 15 minutes, it was sooooo packed we were all on top of each other. I got there at my usual time and when I walked in I was "who are you people" it was a new release so I guess everyone wanted to try it.  I ended up in the front by the stage but when it was time to go round the step there was no room and I blocked the girls to the left and the right of me so I left and did 45 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the stair climber, now I'm off to prune my roses even though they still are producing flowers, it's time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hi all.  Computer was down while I went to different internet service.

    Saturday did nothing but eat!  Breakfast with friends then dinner with son and no, not good stuff although I didn't overeat.  But in-between I spent hours trying to get back online so no exercise.  Today, not much better.  Eating was pretty good but no exercise.  Maybe will pop a LS DVD in now.  This thread always makes me get up.  Later.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Thank you all for the lovely welcome...what a friendly bunch you are.FMAKJ thanks for the infor. re. posting. what an interesting rule! Keeps me coming back each night so there must be something to it!

    I put my pedometer on and made sure I walked my 10.000 steps today. Went to a Healt Fair and got a number of a school that trains students in acupressure for only $25. a session! Got right on that. Have choir tomorrow so no exercise except towalk to and from practice but I have personaly training sessions tuesday and Wednesday ...doing the weigh in and remeasuring!

    Have decided to give away clothes to the Salvation Army as they get too big..out of my closet and into someone else's..also anything that is symetrical/ all ont colour with nothing to break the view (ie. long sleeved tshirts) and makes the size difference obvious. Feels good to purge my closet and start fresh!

    ebann...good luck with the next chemo session. Remember to breathe.