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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Hi All! Getting rid of clothes that don't make you feel/look good is wonderful therapy. On a different thread someone came up with the phrase "Dump the Frump" and as for makeup, "If you don't glow, it must go." Cool

    Today I dusted off my old Richard Simmons "Broadway Sweat" and danced to "Oklahoma", '76 Trombones", "Ease on Down the Road" etc. (not exactly an enchanted evening in Washington DC......but good enough for a snowy day in North Dakota), and then did 30 minutes of pilates.

    Ronna, I have a 6 month checkup on Wednesday, so we can be nervous together!!!!

    Let's have a GREAT WEEK!!! Hugs! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011
    Did alot of snorkling daily with my son while away.Today I am off for a bone scan then stop by the gym before going home.Onc is concerned about my hips but I refuse to worry.Foot in mouth
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    good luck mum, and best wishes for all having tests and treatments this week. {{hugs}}

    I have today off work so took the Kia-pet to my trusted mechanic for a once-over.  Walked home one mile through 4 inches of new-fallen snow.  Man I just love winter!  It's sooo pretty.  And what a workout for my calves and thighs!  It's still snowing so will get in another slog to fetch my car this afternoon.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Badger, wish I had your motivation to walk in the snow.  I'm always so afraid of falling; just a big wimp.  Not liking the cold doesn't help either.  Oh, Florida I'm coming, I'm coming - one day.  But when I do then my trusty old treadmill will be out of luck because I love to walk outside, even in the rain. 

    But, back to reality, did 45 mins on treadmill today.  Expecting snow tonight but I don't think it's going to be enough to work up a sweat. 

    Night my Sculpted friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Got my car for another mile walk then shoveled snow (shovel & sculpt?) so today 2 miles and 1.5 hours.  Patoo, I understand your concern, it was slippery in spots.  Visualizing my weight sinking into the earth is very helpful when walking on snow.  That and big ol' boots to distribute the weight like snowshoes.

    Just waiting for the snowplow to come through and pile up two feet of snow at the bottom of the driveway...  now that part of winter I could do without!  :-)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Tonight the weatherman announced that today was our 19th day in a row of 'shovelable snow'!! It is really too cold for it even to be safe to walk outside at the moment.....nevermind the slipperiness issues Frown. I did my FIRM 500 Calorie Workout tonight and made a good comfort food kind of hotdish. Now, I am trying not to nibble on the leftovers!!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Ruth, I watched the weather tonight and it's dangerously cold in ND & headed our way. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Want to walk outside? You can get robberized shoe thingies to go on your boots...they have little sikes on them that claw into the ice so you don't fall. They are absolutely wonderful for those who want to work outside but are feeling nervous.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone, just came back from Zumba. However, could only do 1/2 class tonight so I sat out. Perhaps 3 x a week is a bit too much with my implant that I can't stand.

    Ruth, good luck to you on  Wed.  Say safe and warm with the weather you are dealing with.

    Patoo: You and I have similar weather, getting ready for freezing rain and sleet tonight.

    Sherry and Bader: Wish I could do yoga, however, I cannot sit still. Wish I could

    Badger: I enjoy walking in the snow too, however, we have to be careful of what's underneath. Please be careful.

     MaryLouise: Wish we could get WII in this house. The both of us a technically challenged.

     As to my situation with meeting up here, all is quiet. I had the paper call me yesterday, due to he said/she said situation I do not want anything printed. They asked if my confrontation was on tape, I said no, therefore, there are 3 sides to the truth. No new meeting date has been set yet. Very strange. So, I am putting all that aggregavation on the back burner for now. Thank you again for all of your concerns.

    Oh Patoo, I posted on Elap, but I screwed up already. Went to a football dinner yesterday, and had a delicious panini eggplant sandwich and tons of cookies. (ohhh, I am so ashamed to have even admitted that).

    Love to all, you are a great caring group. Hugs,

    Good night and huigs,

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Did 20 minutes of ellipital this morning and did an hour of yoga tonight.  Took a friend to Yoga, was her first time and she really liked it and is going to start going on a regular basis

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Just a fly by tonight!

    25 minutes with Jane this morning.  35 Minutes Wii and 30 minutes on treadmill.  heading to bed now!

    G'night sculpted ones. 

  • LG300
    LG300 Member Posts: 512
    edited January 2011

    Hi all.  I'm just starting to exercise again for the first time since my exchange surgery in November and thought it would be good to join this thread.  Other than walking (I tried to do a fair amount of walking during the summer), I haven't really worked out since before my dx.  I had multiple surgeries, multiple infections, lots of pain when I had my TEs, and have been so fatigued for months.  I finally went on the bike in the gym in my building a couple times last week, but could only last 10-15 minutes.  Today I did half an hour of yoga, which felt really good.

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    No going to the gym today.  Two inches of snow and now ice- everything is a glaze and slick, slick, slick.  Will work out at home today.    Did 4 miles/1 hr. on treadmill yesterday and have the seated leg press at 180 lbs now.  Slow and steady on the arms and I am finally seeing definition.  Now to find that six-pack- I know it is there somewhere, somewhere???  Isn't it?     Cardio and eating clean will help me find it.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011

    Freezng rain moving in here this afternoon so I am heading out this morning to my newbody class.

    Found out from my bone scan that my hip pain is Bursitis.Relieved that it is not you know what.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Hi all-

    It seems everyone is really working to get out and excerise.  This is a good thing!

    EBAnn, so wonderful to see that you checked in.  You are a sunshine in my day!

    Ruth, you and I must be on same time frame, except I am in the every three months category.  I go see onc. on Weds.  Of course I saw surgeon in December, radiation onc. in December, had mammo and now it's off to med onc to see results of Vit D and cholestrol and find out why my lumpectomy breast keeps swelling up.  I probably know why, but I'd sure like to get it to stop doing that!

    Mum, so happy to hear you have bursitis! (Ha, not really happy but you know what I mean.)  Hi to LG300 and Sandee!  Mary Louise you are in the Wii groove...makes me want to buy one of those babies!

    I had a great week of exercise last week-weights, jumping jacks, jump rope, speed bag (fun!) normal core work, walked and walked and walked, spin class, hike yesterday....about 11 hours total.  Of course I'm up 4 pounds!  I can tell I have edema big time in my left breast and in my right knee that was scoped about 1 1/2 years ago.  I'm still fighting the afternoon doldrums I get from Arimidex.   

    Carol and Ruth, you two are such good friends to your loved ones that are suffering.  When I walk I always think about all our friends the world over and what it takes to fight this nastiness.  But we indeed need to keep fighting.  

    This week is a crazy one-seems like I feel I need to get every single thing done on my to do list TODAY...but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

    Have a good, healthy week Tart Ones!



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Not much sleep on Sunday night so after dinner headed straight to bed and slept for 8-1/2 hours with only one bathroom trip and today I feel rested and relaxed.  Did my Body Combat class last night and if nothing else I'm going to have a very well toned behind from all the lunges and squats.  Mum who would have ever thought we'd be saying oh so glad it's Bursitis but we all understand, our "real life"  friends and family just don't understand that with  every twinge or twang our heads immediately go to "the dark place", last week the wonderful Eduardo was talking to us after class and he said that our brain is the most powerful part of our body, it can be our best friend or our worst enemy and he's right.  All you snow bunnies be careful but come summer there will be lots of lovely toned arms and shoulders from "shovel and sculpt".  Rita I've been saying for years that under all my belly fat is a lovely well toned six pack, I know it's there cause I can feel it when doing ab workTongue out.  Have a great day everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Oh, I know what  I'm doing wrong. I thought you were suppose to DRINK the six pack Tongue out!!!!!!

    Hi and welcome to new people!

    Hooray for Bursitis (which I don't even know what it is; but.....yes, we all know glad we are when it's some 'norma'l creepy body thing!).

    Kim, good luck at your appointment, hope they can do something about the boob and knee. I am planning for a short, 'Yah, you're fine; come back in 6 months' sort of appointment (but I will being taking a sleeping pill AND listening to my stress reduction CD both at the same time tonight...after exercising, of course).

    My computer is in the shop so I will have to try to get ahold of my DHs later tonight for a couple minutes. Later, Ruth 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Oh, you don't drink it?  Embarassed  Now you tell me.  LOL

    Ronna, the great thing about falling down is we get to get right back up and your friends already have a helping hand.  What you did yesterday, or this morning, is old history - already forgotten.

    Welcome LG300 and any other newbies I may have missed.  A little, a lot, whatever you do is good.

    And on that note (had to make an excuse for myself), only did LS for 15 mins tonight.  Just tired and my hip/knee has been bothering me for a few days.   Still haven't been able to transition to morning exercise.  I just like my sleep too much.

    Night my Sculpted friends.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Walked/ran my usual 5 miles per hour, will do some resistance training tonight. 

    mumayan:  Glad to hear you have only Bursitis!

    Kim:  I second Ruth - good luck with your appointment.

    Ronna:  Glad you have a break from the aggression; you need time to decompress.

    Badger, Ruth and Other Cold-Weather Friends:  Take care in the bad weather.

    Everyone Else:  Keep up the good work!


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone, went out this morning and ice skated. Both dog and myself  turned into professional skaters. Just came back from drug store to pick up my Femara and Novartis coupon is not accepted. I know this is not the forum to discuss that, so I now have to jump to Femara site and ask sisters questions there.

    Mum, I agree glad you have bursitis and it is not hip pain.

    I will be back tomorrow.

    Love to all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Did my 20 minutes on elliptical this morning, but had to take care of some paperwork for my MIL and had a new script from my RO because I now have blisters, and my pharmacy does not carry it and cannot get it so had to find another pharmacy to get it from.  At least my pharmacist was very accomidaing and helpful.  So with all that ran of out time to walk/run this evening before it got dark. I am so tired of rads just 4 more boost and then I am finished.  Hope my poor nipple survives this adventure.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Feeling tired this week and not sleeping soundly but met with my personal trainer today for an hour and have another hour tomorrow pm. Asked her to go a bit easy on me today, so she dropped back the weight a bit. Can already see the difference a month of this into a skirt that has been in my closet for ages that I did not get rid of when I purged clothes (because I really like it)...Feels good....Eating homemade soup for lunch and / or salad and dark purple fruits (cherries, black berries, blueberries)...trying to drink enough water to accompany the exercise. ...Will be in Toronto for the weekend so will walk (and I have to remember to pacl my pedometer).

    oh..and will be going to 1/5 meditation classes tomorrow evening after the gym so...istting still for 2 hours...not looking forward to that as I tend to get weepy. (Maybe I too need to drink the 6-pack!) glad to hear the hip is 'bursitis'...

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Body Step class tonight and I have to say I did work up quite a sweat, I had to do quite a few of the low options as my knees were giving me a bit of trouble but I made it through.  Patoo I know what you mean about mornings, I keep getting invited to morning spin and yep I'd love to go but geeze I'd have to get out of bed, it really wasn't that many years ago I was a morning girl but those days are over.  Everyone is doing so well I'm proud to be a part of this group.  Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    1 hour on the treadmill & went to a basketball game (walking up & down bleachers must count for something!?

    Good Night Dear Friends. Ruth

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Did the "shovel and sculpt" yesterday.  Now getting ready to go to the gym for weights and cardio.  Hope to make it tomorrow too because it appears it will be "shovel and sculpt" on Friday morning again. Yea!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Sandeeonherown - don't "pack" the pedometer, wear it!  As soon as I get dressed in the morning I clip it on, everyday, even if I don't expect to do much walking.  It's a good habit and I find that just walking around the office everyday counts as about 2500 steps. 

    Aspen, expecting 3-6 inches here also on Friday - can't wait!  (not)

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Patoo, that sounds about like what we are to expect.   There is a heat wave here today- actually a little above freezing and the snow/ice that we had yesterday is now slop.  But I think I do see the sun-a little once in a while.

     Just in from a great upper body workout and downed my protein shake.  Going back to gym with DH this afternoon for cardio (yuck- I hate cardio).  So.... drinking a six-pack does not help get a six-pack---- that's just not fair. Actually my drink of choice (when I do drink and that is not often) is called a... wait for it..... Stout Woody (get your minds out of the gutter).  It is half Woodchuck Cider and half Guinness (low on carbs) and is yummy and not too bad for you.  It looks cool in the glass too- the Cider and the Guinness do not mix so it is light on the bottom and dark on the top.Weird looking but tasty.

    Keep it going ladies, doing even a little something is better than doing nothing at all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Good morning all

    The pedometer is on my dresser. If only I can remember to attach it to me.

    Zumba tonight. I am a little proud of myself. During the Good Wife last night, I actually picked up my free weights - 3lbs each and did a few exercises. No pain this a.m.

    Patoo - wow, we are getting more snow,

    Aspen. I just saw that you are a 3 times survivor. You are my hero!!!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Back from the appointment, all was well and I'm good to go for another 6 months. I had 'graduated' back to yearly mammograms; but we decided, due the the  'fibrocystic changes' (ie old lady boobs), that I'll go back to the 6 month mammo schedule, which is fine by me as if something were to be wrong I'd rather catch it sooner than later.

    Actually is sunny today but more snow and wind in the forecast. Mum, when do we all go to Cuba???!!!!!