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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Ready now?

    A10 2

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Yup, I'll grab a swimsuit & a towel and meet you at the airport!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011
    Hang on I'm coming too.........       Great that you got through the 6 month mammo Ruth, woo hooSmile
  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    I'm back from my 3 month-er with the med onc-so in the last 60 days, I had the mammo/ultrasound, the breast surgeon appointment, the rad onc appointment, and today's appointment.  While the radiologist who did my mammo/ultrasound said I might be better off with an MRI, all three docs said they didn't think it was necessary because of where my scarring is.  They all feel the scar will soften in time and the mammos should be easier to read next time.  So if the mammo is not easy, then I'll be off to MRI land.  I'm like Ruth, fine by me whatever it is, just keep checking away.

     Boob swelling is because of exercise, which she doesn't want me to stop, but she showed me a great massage to do to get the swelling out.  It felt great (I wanted to tip her at the end but thought she might not appreciate that ;)  Cholestrol was a bit higher but my HDLs are 99 so no worries there.  Vitamin D still not as good as I would like it -38- but I think once I start getting out in the sun more, and keep up my supplementation, things should be good.

    I told her about our prune discussion; she said she has one patient who swears by a tablespoon of vinegar every day for joint pain.  What ever works!  My hot flashes at night have gotten a bit more agressive lately, wake up just pouring water about once every week...GROSS!  Oh well, something must be working, right?

    I also told her about our Tart group, she loves it and said she wishes more of her patients would/could exercise.  

    And we are going to Cuba now with Mum?  Hold that plane for me-Viva La Revolution! (against BC that is!)


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Love it, just love it.  Cuba - watch out!

    Did 2 mile/30 min LS (Leslie Sansone for our newer members) DVD just now.  Off to Bible study. 

    Later my Sculpted friends.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Did 20 minute elliptical this morning but am missing yoga class tonight.  Can't remember the last time I missed, but boob hurts to bad from rads so I am sitting around the house topless.  RO gave me some lidecaine cream which is helping and I broke down and took a pain pill last night so I could sleep without pain.  I have 3 boost left and can't wait for this to be over.  At this point wish I had had a mx and no rads, this is not been fun.  I took the step to change Med onco today.  Not real thrilled with the one I ended up with.  Have seen him three times and I just don't click with him so after talking to another friend who did not click with him either she is very happy with the one she ended up with so I have called and started the ball rolling on that.  I figure if this is going to be a long term relationship I need someone I feel really good about seeing.  Hope I like this new guy.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Sherry so sorry to hear you're in pain.  You are almost done!  Agree 100% about the need to get along with your onc as you'll see him/her for a long time.  I lucked out as I instantly liked the onc I was referred to and feel good about the care I'm getting.  Glad to hear everyone's check-ups went well and patoo, LOL I thought LS was Latin Salsa. 

    Walked around the capitol at noon today with a co-worker who's doing weight watchers and wanting to move more.  We had fun and agreed to do this every day we can, we chatted and the half-hour just flew by.  We already have another person who wants to join in - see the positive snowball effect of exercise?  We'll walk outside when the weather gets nicer.

    Also got in a walk on the track after work so for today 3 miles / 1 hour.  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Sherry, get a little fan and sit around with it blowing directly on your boob (when you are home, of course!!) and a big fan and sleep with it blowing in the same place. You are almost done. Hang in there!!

    Kim, glad you had a good appointment also. WHEW!!

    I did an old 60 minute FIRM aerobics plus weights tape. Now need to do some homework.

    'Night All! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    thanks ruth.  I am trying to stay positive know I almost done.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Glad to see everyone going strongly . . .

    Completely missed exercising today; got about 3 hours of sleep last night.  Hubby had oral surgery this morning and is recovering nicely.  The good thing is . . . I lost 2 lbs!  And this is after pigging out on our 30th anniversary dinner last week!

    Will get back on track tomorrow.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Great check up news! I too like that I am on a 6 month onc schedule.  I also get a mammo yearly and six months later an MRI.  I like making sure that everything is ok!

    Sherry - almost there!  I remember laying in bed topless everyday, just to let the air get to it!  Within 2 weeks of your last RADS you won't believe how much better it gets!

    Julie - congrats on the loss!  I am able to do very well during the day and then WHAM, about 10 ish I start nibbling on anything and everything!!  Will try to trick myself tonight by drinking more water!  Embarassed

    Anyone see Retriever lately?  


    Patoo, Cheryl, Bobbie, Carol..... how many have I forgotten??  Keep up the great work!!

    Oh and today did the 25 min Jane Fonda and 30 minutes on treadmill.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Julie congrats on the weight loss.  I love those accomplishments.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Bravo to isnot easy exercising when the oxegen seems to be leaving your body faster than it is coming in!!! stress does hat to us ladies!

    Did an hour with the personal trainer..working on core and balance and stamina...When i signed up I said I wanted to make sure I did not gain weight on Tamoxifen, would prefer to lose weight and needed to get my breath back in full form to sing in this womena choir...worked on all that today! Sheesh..then went to a two hour brhama Khumais meditation about putting  apositive spinon things..4 more classes to go. I am enthralled!

    Night all. Will try to cehck in from Toronto tomorrow eve.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone, so good to see everyone doing their exercises and dealing with the snow. brrrrr....I am doing good. Had chemo today and all my blood counts are normal. I am just praying that they will continue to stay normal. Get to see the grandchildren next weekend as long as they stay normal and start attending the gym. I am so looking forward to that. Actually have some hope about that. I have been walking now up to 30 min. a day. Feel good SE's have been mild. So grateful for that. Hope everyones week has been good. Many blessings along the way!

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    edited January 2011

    Today, as soon as I reach my office campus, I took  a walk around the track  twice. That was nice  and  I feel light. But  daily  walking  is not possible  for me, so I do  whenever  I have free time for atleast half an hour Yoga exercise. I am planning  to join dance class, if possible as dancing  is also good exercise for our body and mind.

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Today was leg, ab day.   Upped the Seated Leg Press to 180 X 2 sets of 12 and one set at 185 X 10.   Did mild cardio on treadmill- 2 miles.  Had my yummy protein shake and now headed for housework.

    Ronqtl- Thank you, but I am not a hero.  Just lucky and blessed and according to my onc.  just one of those weird cases- three different primaries over 7 yrs (age 42, 48 and 49) 1st in left, 2nd in rt. 3rd back in left with three different cell types.First two treated with lumpectomy and rads., last one with bil. mastectomies and no recon. Finished my 5 years of Femara in 8/2010.Now enjoying the resolution of the SEs of Femara.

    Keep on gettin' on, ladies.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi guys

    Hi Kim, Hi Ruth, glad your appointments went well. I too had my 6 month and I go back in July. However, next mammo is in April (every 6 months).  My hemoglobin is low and I may have to go for a Vit D test. I have to call Monday. Otherwise, I guess I am fine.

    Made it to Zumba last night. For those ladies who are on Femara but don't go on that site, I heard from Onc today and Novartis that Femara will be going generic sometime late this year.

    I'm with you to Cuba. Can' stand this snow and cold. One thing good, in bedroom which is not so warm, last year I slept with heavy pjs, not this year, I sleep with the lightest nightgown. Prevents me sweating all over the place. Did I just make sense? I enjoy a cold bedroom.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Last night did Body Combat class, came home exhausted so had shower, put on jammies then dinner and bed.  These new releases are working my body to the max I have never sweated to the point where my clothes are wringing wet but that's what is happening, don't even play Mahjong at night any more as I'm so tired, in fact don't even turn on the computer.

    Woohoo Kim, now are you going to demonstrate boob massage on our retreatLaughing    Sherry hon it's almost over and good for you for changing your onc, you have to feel comfortable with your team.  Badger it's great that you found a walking buddy, walking and talking does make the time fly by.  Julie congrats on the weight loss and I hope you had a lovely celebratory dinner and went somewhere special.  Sandee have a great time in Toronto and don't forget to wear your pedometer, isn't Toronto the city where you can get around downtown underground???  Ahhh Aspen no more Femara that's a concept I'm looking forward to, having to remember every day taxes my memory but good, I'm okay through the week but the weekend that's another story.  Ronna I'm with you on the cold bedroom I've been sleeping really well as it's been cold at night.  Ruth hope all is well and you get your computer up and running - is it frozenTongue out

    Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    The tech people have my computer and are doing things that I have no idea what they are talking about to it! It is suppose to be done tomorrow, so I am just sneaking by now at work and maybe if I make him a nice dinner, DH will let me use his for a few minutes later tonight. Keep up the good work everybody!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hi all.  Just did 35 mins on treadmill tonight.  Haven't been highly motivated to exercise this week so haven't been pushing it but at least I'm moving. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hi ladies, walked the capitol at noon and the track after work so 3 miles / 1 hour today.

    Eating sparingly tonight as tomorrow is E-LAB (eating like a bird) weigh-in.  I gained 30 lb after quitting smoking two years ago and BC/surgery/chemo last year.  This is my year to get back in shape!  I have lost 12.5 lb since I started trying.  Finding it very hard to lose weight on tamox tho. 

    Thanks for the help and support!  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hang in the badger.  You've carried that 30 lbs around for 2 years so it thinks you are best buddies and won't go away without a fight.  We can do this.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    LOL!  Yes we can! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    60 minutes on the treadmill. Stay warm and moving, ladies!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Spin class tonight and it was absolutely packed every bike was taken a whole lot of people I've never seen in the gym before and you know me, I'm in there every day.

    Elizabeth have fun with the babies this weekend, I'll bet Aubrey is a little butterball now.  Badger good for you, I gave up smoking 30 years ago, gained 30lbs and it's still with me.Cry

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Just did 30 minutes of the stationary bike.  Have not done any exercise since Monday night yoga because I have been in too much pain with rads.  Pain killers are working and I only have two tx left.  RO gave me the option to take a break but as long as the pain killers work I just want to get finished, so close to the end. It felt good to do somekind of exercise and not be in pain.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Sherryc - HUGS, but you're right, it's almost over and then you can heal.

    Well, started my morning exercise.  Only thing is it was forced since it was Sculpt and Shovel.

    Think I may check the spin class schedule and try and get up my courage to try it.  I just hate the thought of sneaking out.  It's only a small room so you really can't hide. 

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Sherryc-It is almost over.  I'm like you- as long as you can endure with the meds. keep going and get it over with.   I had radiation tx. twice and was lucky and had no problems at all other than the fatigue,  Mark those last days off on the calendar, that's what I did. The visual was great therapy. 

    Patoo--Held exercise class with my shovel this morning as well.  And from the weather forecast, more classes next week are on schedule. 

    But it is Friday and that means lunch date with DH for sushi.  Yummy.

    Keep on keepin' on, ya'll.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Hi girls-

    I have a slight cold so I am staying home today and getting caught up...type and sculpt.

    Ah the medical system.  I got a call yesterday from the oncologist-now, I must say, that is scary when you look down at caller ID and see your onc. number when you don't expect it.  The call was to tell me that my labs weren't really there at the time I was in for my 3 monther, and I had different lab results.  I took a deep breath going "WTH are they going to say now?"  Turns out my Vitamin D was 60-a 22 point increase from June! WOW!  I was so happy, my over-the-counter supplements are working!  And my bad chol. decreased a bit and my HDL stayed the same.  I was very happy.  But talk about weird.  Goes to show you that we always should have our own copy of everything when we go into an appoinment.  Sometimes getting that information can be tough, right TARTS?

    Patoo, spin is awesome...there is usually great music, you can concentrate on getting your heart rate up without being afraid of falling off the bike (One time I actually rode my bike to spin class so I had my helmet with me.  When I walked in the room, a guy came up to me and seriously said "You know you don't need a helmet in this class, right?"  I about died laughing.)  You are getting a great leg workout too.  I really enjoy spin.  DO NOT WORRY about leaving fact, you probably should at the beginning because you will work up to staying longer.  You are a warrior Tart, you can leave with pride!  I do it all the time.

    Sherryc, hang in there, it does feel like it will never end and watching your skin burn is so weird...but man, when you think of the good it is doing to nuking cancer cells...radiation is your friend!  Treat yourself to some nice things, and GREAT job on the bike and Yoga.  You are our buddy, have gone through initiation and we're cheering you across the finish line!

    OK enough cheering.  I have plenty of work to do here, me and my cold, so I'd best be off.



    PS HI Elizabeth, give those grandkids a hug from all of us....mmmm baby/kid smell, I love it. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Hey Patoo if you went back in my posts months ago I was terrified in spin.  The first time I ever did it I thought my heart would come out of my throat and I hated that the room was dark BUT I talked with the instructor and she gave me this advice - if I yell add resistance and you don't feel comfortable then don't add if I say come out of the saddle and you don't feel comfortable then stay seated but do try to come up and if you need to sit back after 30 seconds then sit, now I have to say I'm only doing one spin class a week but I wish I could add more (they offer more in the morning but I'd have to get up early and a big NO to that).

    Oh Kim you don't have to describe the heart pounding, stomach dropping feeling, I think we all know it but great news - what supplement are you taking?  I think I need to change mine when I run out, I paid a pretty penny so I'm taking every last one of them.  Sherry it's great that the pain meds are doing their job, the finish line is in view and we are all here cheering for you.  Noreasters be careful wielding your shovels, remember lovely arms in summer dresses are in your futureWink.  Bobbi did you have fun in New York, and Carol we miss you hope you are doing okay and Nats where are you, doing something fun I hope.  Have a great day everyone.