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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Sherry:  Thanks.  I'm going to do my best to keep it off!

    Just a brief post today - keep going everyone!  


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hi ladies, walked the capitol at noon and today we did some stair climbing - what a workout.  Had a very healthy lunch, a wrap with hummus (chickpea spread), fresh spinach, avocado & tomato.

    Gonna slack off tonight and not hit the track, it's been a long week and it's freaking cold outside. 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Shovelled this morning and just did a 2-mile LS DVD.  Will try and see if I can make the spin class tomorrow but it's the first Saturday in a long time I get to sleep in and not sure I want to give that up.  We'll see.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    1 hour Wii Fit Plus and 30 minutes on treadmill.  Tomorrow, I am planning on doing some toning..... haven't done that in a while and know the voices I will be hearing afterward will be from my muscles!! 

    Have a great week end Everyone!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    hbcheryl...I did inedeed wear my pedometer instead of putting it in my bag...wore boots through security (at their say so) and set of buzzers...ended up with the choice of going through their little radiowave thing or getting a full pat down...I said ; bring it on...i am not having anything else radiate me in any way shape or for for awhile...and the nI walked up the stairs instead of taking the escalator...worked all day assessing today so did not quite get my 10,000 steps in and ate too much in the way of carbs but had shrimp and spinach and loads of water today so trying to balance things out!

    Ladies, keep up the good work Apparently all this sweating means our metabolisms are in better shape so embrace the sweat, bring an extra towel to mop up and enjoy the fact that we can exercise and are doing something towards embracing better health!

    Night all.

    hbcherly...and can get frmo one part of Toronto to the other within the subway system here....which is nifty on -17 (celsius)days like today!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Just FYI that I am loving being able to post from my iPhone

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    HI all - I have been awol all week.  We had a great long weekend in NYC and returned to a dizzying amount of work.  Did a lot of walking in the city but I missed my ride!

    Hello to all the new tarts!!  This is a fun bunch.  Congrats to all who had good appointments - lots of good news out there.  And almost finishing rads - hang in there.  Elizabeth - hugs to you.  I have to get my blood work done soon.  I've been putting it off while in this weight loss/diet change routine in hopes of improving cholesterol etc...  Finally have SO making healthier choices too as he is the chief cook and bottle washer in this house.  I bought him a new ceramic top stove and they are delivering this morning - I'm so excited.

    Spinning - Patoo - give it a try.  It's what got me going all during treatment and surgeries and you go at your own pace.  I think you will like it. 

    Shovel and sculpt in the east this week but managed to get a ride in Wed/Thurs/Fri.  Friday was in 3 inches of powder on the trail and what a workout!!  I'm heading out again as soon as the stove is delivered.  Had a great time reading all the posts from this week.  Hello Ruth, Cheryl, Patoo, Ronna, Mary Louise, badger, Sherry, Carol, Mary, Julie, Kim....I know I forgot some but hugs and love to this great group Kiss  Will check in later after my ride.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Sandee - I could take a little pat down!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    I've been MIA for the last 2 weeks. Finally the 24 hour vigal is over and the funural as well. Did 30 minutes on the wii today. It felt so good to work off some tension.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Hey Everyone!  40 minutes Wii Fit Plus this morning followed by 20 minutes of floor excercises - yes I know that I will feel those stomach crunches tomorrow, but want to start toning and no pain = no gain (or loss in this case)!!  Getting pretty regular excercise finally and I have to thank all of you wonderful ladies!! 

    Must get in the shower now as I will now go out to practice "retail therapy"!!  Even though it is really only groceries, but hey I must live a sheltered life!!

    Take Care Tarts!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
    Good Morning Everyone, last night I went to one of those 'Home America' shows where they make you drink wine, eat cheesecake & then force you to to buy a bunch of stuff for your house that you don't really need. I only went because the lady putting it on is a former teacher who had to quit due to health problems (O.K.......I also like wine and cheesecake). After I came home I did school work until the VOICES forced me to do downstairs & do 45 minutes toning with Denise Austin & 15 on the treadmill. Innocent (the halo represents my great angelicness Wink). I thought about walking outside today but it is eleven BELOW so did a good old FIRM tape called ' Maximum Cardio plus Abs' instead. Have tons of stuff to do today so better get at them. Have a Great Day Tartly Ones!!! Ruth
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone - I've been very unmotivated for the last week or so, so I've been too embarassed to check in and confess.  Embarassed  There's a lot of reasons and no reasons for it - bottom line is I just haven't gotten off my butt to exercise.  So I need all of you to increase the voices to get me back into the swing of things!  And I still plan on hitting local health clubs in February to evaluate which one will work for me - I already signed up for a groupon one-month cheapie deal at Fitness First.  Also near me are a Gold's Gym and a brand new LA Fitness Signature club is getting ready to open, so I will have some options.  Hopefully shaking things up will get me out of the doldrums.

    Good news - my Lyme test came back negative, thank goodness.  And while I they were taking blood anyway, my PCP said why not do the complete blood panel in anticipation of my physical in March and save them sticking me later - I took her up on that offer in a heartbeat! My cholesterol is still considered borderline high (228), but it hasn't gotten worse in the last year, so given what Femara does to lipids, I'm taking that as a victory.  And my good cholesterol is actually up a few points, and my triglycerides and bad cholesterol are down a few points, so my moves away from butter and cheese towards olive oil and other "good fat" choices have done a little something.  

    This winter seems LONG this year, and I miss my outside walks. Unfortunately people around here are not always good about shoveling sidewalks, which can make walking outside dicey.  And thanks to Femara I now have osteopenia, so I'm a bit more careful about the risk of falling.  I think I just need a good baseball game to perk me up. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training on the 13th, so that's giving me hope that winter might end someday.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!  Laughing

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    The new stove is fabulous!  Ordered a new tea kettle and roasting pan from amazon right away.  Ruth - my browsing history a little different than yours Wink

    Had a great ride and now off to the beach...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011


    Mary, consider today to be the first day of your spring training!!

    edited to add that you will want to be in shape so you run up and down the stairs at the ballpark AND enjoy a guilt-free ice cold, foamy BEER!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Isn't it amazing what you can buy on amazon?  I needed to replace my Walkman that plays casette tapes and found one there.

    The track was closed today for a meet so I wandered around Walmart this afternoon.  :-)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Amazon and eBay - anything you want you can find. 

    Nats, I'm with you, unmotivated and I think it's because I also miss walking outside.  I have a gym membership at LA Fitness and I really like it there because they have something for everyone, and, of course, my favorite is the pool.  I do miss the hot tub and sauna that I enjoyed pre-BC. 

    Slept in this morning and althoug I did get up early enough to get to the spin class I opted out and relaxed instead.  So the only exercise was 35 mins on the treadmill this afternoon.  Next spin class is Monday evening so we'll see. 

    Night Sculptresses.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Mary - Congrats on the lyme test!  Don't worry about not excercising.  I too had a few weeks (possibly 4-6??) where I avoided this thread and did nothing.  I have finally gotten back to regular excercise, but I still really do miss my morning walks!!! Spring can not come soon enough!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies, I'd love to join your group!  Since my DMX last March I have been a slug.  I gained weight with chemo, gained weight during rads and am on an anti-depressant that is also used as an appetite stimulant (now tell me that's not depressing!).  I was given a free one-month at my local gym LAST February and finally went and signed up on Wednesday.

    Wednesday I did 30 min on the treadmill; 10 min on the stairmaster; 10 min on the rowing machine

    Thurs I did 50 min on the treadmill; 3 min on the stairmaster -- hate it; 15 minutes on the rowing machine

    Yesterday I did a Yoga-Tone class in the morning(yoga on steroids plus using small hand weights)  and then went back in the evening and did 15 minutes on the eliptical while waiting for one of my kids to be done with her play date.

    Today I took the day off, but I feel like if I don't go every day I won't go at all.  So I plan to go to another yoga class in the morning.

    I have exchange surgery at the beginning of March and hope to drop some of this weight and gain strength before then.  I stepped on the scale at the gym and it said 202!  I have never been in the 2s before.  I used to belong to the same gym years ago and I remember that same scale was defective then too ;)

    So I am happy to be here with you lovely ladies.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hi Jen - welcome!  I had bmx last Feb and chemo Mar-Jun (no rads) on tamox six months now, since July.  Like you, I hit a number on the scale I'd never seen before and it freaked me out and I said *yikes* I gotta do something.  I actually said something way more vulgar but will leave it at yikes.  Been trying to walk every day, and eat less but better food.  This is a very motivating and caring bunch of women and glad to have you here.  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
    Glad to have you aboard, Jen. We will PUMP YOU UP! Laughing
  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    Glad to have you join Jen. I did the wii for 30 minutes, and road the bike for 20. I didn' gain any weight while taking care of dad which I am very surprised at since I seemed to be eating junk all the time.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    kira, so sorry for your loss!  Here's a prayer for your dad and some extra {{hugs}} for you.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Welcome Jen,  this is a great thread to keep you motivated!!  So far I have to REEEEEAAAALY like a routine to keep at it!! I loved walking for an hour every morning - then my scheduled (and the weather) changed and I am no longer walking.......sooooo, took some time off feelin like a slug and then got a Wii for Christmas and have been doing Wii Fit Plus almost everyday since.  I also got a treadmill just after Christmas which I have been adding to my daily (almost) schedule.  I am hoping to be able to get to spring with this routine and then back to some walking!!

    60 minutes with the Wii this morning and then DH came down and tried so of the games also!!   Will be trying out some shovel and sculpt later as I want to get my deck cleared off again - just don't know if I will be able to move it!  Very cold here after a couple of days of thaw and rain!

    Onward my fellow Tarts! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Kira I am so sorry for your loss. Jen welcome and you're doing amazing for just starting out. Mary such good news about the Lyme test, I'm sure the weather has a lot to do with how you feel, pity you can't come visit the family out here as today it's hot and windy, no wonder everyone gets sick one minute we're freezing next it's get out the sunglasses and t-shirts!!! Sandee woohoo on the pat down I often wonder if the TSA employees working those machines are getting radiated and to what extent. Bobbi so glad you had fun in NY. Mary Louise you're right it's the routine I love as well, even on those nights I don't feel like going to the gym I always feel so much better once I start working out. Badger I quite often troll on ebay I just can't believe everything you can find there. Ahh Ruth, cheesecake mmmmmm.

    Yesterday I did Body Combat and half way through the class they came in asked Alyx if she could teach Body Jam as the Zumba instructor couldn't make it so I came home, had breakfast and went back and did Body Jam it was so much fun and today I did my Step class. Yesterday our group saw 3 movies Black Swan, dang it was dark and there were places where it was ewww and yuk but it was really good, then Secretariat which was excellent and then Meet the Fockers which was just okay and this afternoon I'm going back to mind dogs again, they are travelling for 3 weeks this time so lots of walking in my future. A friend of mine got a 4 month old Irish Setter puppy last Thursday, I don't envy her the puppy training but ohhh he is sooooo cute. Have a fabulous rest of the weekend my tartlett sisters, I'm off to pack my bags.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Dear all,

    Well, wore the pedometer as promised and did not manage to get all my steps in....-23 with the windchill factor in thank you..walked as far as the streetcar and back but did eat dessert and drink red wine so I will pay for it this week to be sure .

    Bobcat, the patdown was remarkably unsatisfying but it was good to know I had the choice! The fellow manning the machine said it was not radiation but radiowaves...I told him I didn't care..anything with the prefix 'Radi' was NOT going to be a part of my routine. So my advice to all, take your boots off if they go up to your nees even if they say it is is not...and then they do another scan. Coming through the Toronto airport today was a breeze in comparison.

    Back to the gym on Tuesday and Friday and maybe a pump class in between for good measure!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Hi, O.K, I think my computer is back to normal. The tech. people did their magic & DS was home this weekend & reloaded everything, so I believe I am set for now (I am pretty pathetic if computers don't work as they should!).

    Kira, so sorry about your dad.

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 minute toning DVD today. It does get discouraging when the weather is crummy and you are trapped inside!!

    Badger, I imagine you are pretty happy about the results of the football game!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Kira so sorry for your loss

    Jen welcome to the group

    I have not done well the last week as I have been in so much pain with raw areola/nipple from rads.  I did yoga last MOnday night and then things go just too painful.  Finally spent several days on pain meds.  Did my stationary bicycle on Friday.  Finally yesterday my raw skin area finally started scabbing over and I was able to back off on the pain meds.  Skin was even better today and yahhhh no pain meds today.  Finished my last whole breast rads a week ago Friday and actaully wore my bra for a couple of hours at Church tonight.  First time since the 2nd week of rads.  Tomorrow is my last day and hopefully my fatigue will get better as that has really been a challange with my exercising.  This week should be a better week for keeping up with my exercise schedule.  Oh we went out of town this weekend and stayed at a RV park and this morning DH and puppy dog went for a long walk with me since I was no longer in pain.  I keep hoping he will get into better exercise habits with me.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    I did an hour yoga class and then an hour belly dance class this morning and I will be PAYING for it tomorrow.

    Sherryc -- take it easy on yourself.  Rads can really take it out of you.  Let yourself nap when you need it.  I had great success with Emu Oil for my skin during the whole rads process.  I even rubbed the leftover into my scalp each day and my hair came in really thick and curly!

    DH has been sick with a cold the past few days and is such a BABY when he is sick.  OY.  Oh well, he took really good care of me after my DMX and all through chemo so I guess it's the least I can do to pamper him and go sleep in the other room to get away from his snoring.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
    Sherry, one more day!!! Remember it will take about two weeks to get all the effects out of your body.......then VIRTUAL PARTY!!!! Smile
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Kira - I'm so sorry about your dad. Losing a parent is such a rough thing to go through. 

    Badger - congrats on the Packers.  I dragged out the big plastic beer mug I picked up one time at a game at Lambeau (I have relatives who gave me tix one time when I was visiting) and plan on taking it into my morning meeting with my boss who is a rabid Steelers fan (she has Steelers stuff all over her office). It's going to be a fun 2 weeks trash talking! Laughing

    Sherry - sounds like you're having a tough time with those rads.  Take it easy, do what you can, but take care of yourself first!

    Jen - welcome!

    Cheryl - your friends got an Irish Setter puppy?!!?  Wow, are they brave. A friend used to show them - she had top-notch winning dogs, and even she said how they were basically all looks with very little brain or common sense.   Of course, she had show conformation dogs, not the "real" hunting dogs (forget what those kinds of competition shows are called) so maybe there's more sense in the ones that actually work.   

    Patoo & Mary Louise - glad to hear I'm not the only one with the exercise blahs, and good to hear that it's possible to work your way out of it.  Ruth - I really like what you said about starting my own personal spring training - I actually did 15 minute elliptical and 15 minutes on the Wii this morning.  Hopefully that's the start of me getting back on the horse. Yoga was supposed to start last Tuesday night but the class was cancelled because of an ice storm.  The good news is that we've also started a lunch time yoga class at work that I signed up for, so I'll get yoga for an hour Tuesday night and 45 minutes on Wednesday at lunch - I find yoga really helps with the Femara joint aches and makes it easier for me to do other exercises without hurting.

    Keep warm everyone - it was 10 degrees out when I left the house this morning.  I know you northern gals are used to temps like that, but for us here in Maryland, that's unbearably COLD!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!