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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi all,

    Welcome Jen. Good for your on your workouts, I was kept out of the gym from mast until 2 months after Exchange. Good going.

    May not go to Zumba tonight, really too cold, but Ruth 11 below, really cold by you.

    Still trying to finish Bathseba's breast. I took book with me to onc's office last week, and he saw John Hopkins written on side of book. He too expressed interest. Not much more to go, and then when i go to PS 2-3, he wants to read it. So now my drs have joined my "reading club" because of this book.

    I used to spin, may try it again. Still working with my 3 lbs free weights in the house.

    Hello to everyone on the site. rather quiet here for a change.

    I think us folk in Jersey might have a shovel and sculpt again tomorrow night.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Ronna - I meant to ask you if you'd ever finished the book. Interesting on so many of your docs are intrigued by it, but I lent it to my cousin who is a nurse and she liked it so much she sent it to her daughter who is an OB/GYN, so there are two medical people I know who were interested. 

    I finally finished The Emperor of All Maladies - A Biography of Cancer.  This book covers much of the same territory, but includes all cancers, not just b/c.  It was interesting comparing the approach taken by each book - the Emperor book was written by an oncologist and not a cancer patient, so there is more emphasis on the research side of cancer, the heroic doctors, and the blind alleys and breakthroughs of cancer research. He doesn't cover nearly as much as Bathsheba's Breast did about the history of patient empowerment that took place in the latter part of the 20th century.  For instance, there's no mention of Shirley Temple Black at all in the Emperor book, but as you know her heroic struggles against both breast cancer and the medical establishment are covered in detail in Bathsheba's Breast.  I found Emperor to be a much slower read - I could only take it for an hour or so at a time, but I kept plugging at it because I really learned a lot about cancer and cancer research, especially genetic research.  

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    I did a one hour Pilates and then a one hour yoga class this morning.  Then I took a short dip in the hot tub.  Ahhh.

    When I got to the gym this morning the classroom was at 52 degrees -- dang cold.  But then I think of you ladies shoveling snow and dealing with wind chill and I realize what a weather wimp I am.



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    1 hour of Wii fit plus again this morning.  DD #3 has been sick this weekend and stayed home from school today, so got a lot of "stuff"  caught up! 

    Hoping to get on the treadmill tonight!

    Extremely cold here!!!  -21 degrees celsius this morning (5.8 degrees fahrenheit!!)  Decided to let the back deck stay snow covered until it "warms up" a bit!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    I really admire all of you.  I struggle to put in more than 30 mins at anything except the pool and you all go from one routine to another for extended (to me) workouts.  I just can't seem to get there.  Didn't do anything at all yesterday, well aside from my "dancing" during praise and worship at church but then came home and had a lazy day.  Tonight after work did a 30 min LS DVD (2 mile power walk) and now I'm back on the couch.  My knee started acting up yesterday so decided against trying the spin class at the gym tonight.  Just popped a couple of advil because the knee is really hurting - not sure why.  I do remember it flaring up a few months ago and then it just went away by itself so hopefully that will happen again.

    Welcome Jen.  You are off to a great start.  Already doing way more than me.  Just one question - how long did you stay in the hot tub.  I had heard that hot tubs and saunas ware off limits when tymph nodes have been removed.  I used to love going into the hot tub after the pool and then the sauna but no longer do that.  I miss it so much.

    Ronna - bite your tongue.  I refuse to believe we will get enough to have to sculpt and it's soooooooooo cold.

    HUGS to everyone else.  You are all my heroines.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Patoo - about the hot tub - I have early stage LE after removal of 15 nodes.  I told my LE therapist that I really didn't want to give up the hot tub, so she gave me some ground rules, including knocking the temp down from 104 to 102 and stay no longer than 15 minutes.  My LE has been stable for almost 2 years, and I've used a hot tub regularly during those 2 years.  I can't say I've obeyed the guidelines every time, but I can say that I obey them almost all of the time.  Now you and I need to inspire each other to get moving!!  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    I agree with Patto - bite your tongue, Ronna - no more SNOW.  It has been a record breaking year so far and I am just being selfish.  I don't mind the cold, I just don't want the snow on my trail - lol!!  I did my 20 miles this am in the 5 degrees - luckily I have found the right combination of clothing and warming items and the camelbak for water from DS is perfect.  When I get home I have to lock the bike up quickly and get inside to the shower or I will FREEZE from the sweat.

    Welcome Jen.  Thanks Nats for the book recom.  I am anxiously awaiting baseball season as are you and Ruth.  The talk here in Phillies territory is all about Cliff Lee.

    Getting new windows tomorrow and then the painting project begins.  Bought new curtains yesterday and staging all the work for an overhaul of this place along with the new stove.   Wooo Hooo.  SO recovering from a pulled tooth and dental surgery - he's a baby for sure.  Have a good night allKiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    Hi All, it warmed up enough for the snow to turn to black ice, so there have been tons of accidents....Friday we are expecting 'significant snow and blowing' and then back into the deep freeze. Everyone will be crazy by spring except our lucky California girls, so you all will have to come and visit us in our padded cells!!!!

    Did 30 minutes on the treadmill, then went to a talent show at the high school (which was suprisingly good with no 'how close to going over the line of school appropriate can we get' acts. Then came home and did 30 minutes of toning. What makes me to get the exercise in is I have a time rule for myself (basically an hour a day), it doesn't have to be anything hard or intense, but it has to be SOMETHING to put in that amount of time; which means I have to do more if I skip a day....which makes that less appealing!

    I don't really do hot tubs anymore, but they weren't something that I loved so it is not a big deal to me. Now, a hot bath; that is a different story!!

    Good night, ladies! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Did 20 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  Seems like overnight my nipple/areola scabbed over and quit hurting.  Thank you Jesus! went for my last rads tx today and the techs could not believe how much better my skin was.  My girlfriends took me to lunch, rads, shopping then desert and wine so I did not make it home in time for yoga.  At weigh in today I have lost 21lbs.  DH says he does not want me to loose anymore.  I actually have not been trying to loose anymore the last three just came off.  I think my body is working in overdrive trying to heal itself and that is why I keep loosing weight.  That is why my girlfriends took me for desert and wine.  They said I had to fatten up or they had to loose weight.  I tried to tell them they need to exercise and get healthy. I'll keep trying to motivate them

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    CONGRATULATIONS SHERRY! You definitely deserved the wine and desert night!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    hey all, good job to get moving and keep moving in the midst of winter!  We had pizza on Sunday for the football game, totally NOT on my diet but what the heck, gotta live a little, right?  Not sure what we'll be be doing yet for the Superbowl in a couple of weeks but hopefully, I'll have dropped a couple more pounds by then and will be able to splurge without guilt.  Walked yesterday at noon then after work for a total of 3 miles / 1.25 hours.  Will walk at noon again today then date night tonight so see y'all tomorrow.  {{hugs}}

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    Congrats Sherry on the finishing RADS and the weight loss.  Remember to still give your body a few more weeks to recover!!

    I try to give myself a goal of 1 hour for excercising too!!  I try to do 30 minutes when I get home from work (but this ususally will end up being 40 - 60 minutes as I really enjoy the Wii Fit Plus program).  Then I also allot between 7 - 8 p.m. every night to get in another 30 minutes (usually on the treadmill).  My goal now is to get my DH up and doing something for 20 minutes each night also (wish me luck on THAT one!)

    Last night finished off with 30 minutes on treadmill (with cross walk arms) and did some floor excercises for some toning!  Not sure what will be accomplished today as Tuesdays are usually my night off (choir practice).  Will still try to get the Wii in after work today!

    Have a great day Everyone! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    OK, for the first day of my personal Spring Training (thanks for the idea Ruth) I dragged my sorry butt out of bed yesterday morning and did 15 minutes elliptical and 15 minutes on the Wii.  This morning I managed to last 30 minutes on the elliptical - I love Morning Joe on MSNBC so I put that on while elllipticalling and that really helped keep me going. I love that show because it's one of the few political shows where people from across the political spectrum actually talk with each other respectfully about the issues, rather than shouting at each other and calling each other inflammatory names.    

    Yoga starts tonight, and I walk to the rec center and back, so that will be an hour of yoga and a two mile walk.  We're going to be in the 40's today for the first time in ages, so I won't freeze anything off on the walk. Though if I froze my butt off that would be a good thing, no? Laughing  

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Be gentle with yor body (bra-wise) in the next two weeks Sherry...your skin will be tender...Warners' used to make a great sports' bra that fit well...I still hav e'em and they kept me comfortable while my body adjusted. I also bought a tank/bra called 'cupid' at Walmart and it was surprisingly supportive but did not hurt my skin in any way.

    I am back at the gym tomorrow with my personal trainer...did not have any oomph to go and work out on my own today so I will pay for it tomorrow....then exercizing my brain and sould at a meditation class right afterwards...2nd of 5.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Not really motivated today (HA, big surprise!) but think I can talk myself into doing the treadmill during State of the Union message tonight.  Yeah, sounds like a plan.

    You ladies are doing so well.  I used to be just like you and hope to be like you when I grow up again.  Wink

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone!

    Sherry congrats! Always nice to know when we are done.

    Kira sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Those who live in the snow this is when I appreciate living in AZ. lol

    Been doing my 30 min walking. Feels good to move. Saw the oncologist. She said that my tumor markers are elevated but that can be the cause of many things. She is going to be doing a pet scan the first week in March to see if the chemo is working. She gave me permission to take a multi-vitamin and I can have a light massage. So I am scheduled for a light massage tomorrow. I hope I am okay with it cause I love deep massages. But a massage in general will be nice. My Dr told me not to add any antioxidants to my diet for it interfers with chemo. So I can have a regular diet just do not add antioxidant supplements. I have been reading about it and it says there is really no proof one way or the other which I found interesting. But I will listen to my Dr. I am doing chia seeds with my diet and come to find out it is high in antioxidants it contains more than blueberries. I just started them about 3 weeks ago. My friend Tracy introduced them to me and I read how good they are in calcium, zinc, copper, high in fiber, protein and omega 3's. It did not say anything about antioxidants. So I researched it and sure enough they do. So I will be stopping them. They are so addicting. Nice to read the posts and see how everyone is doing. I will check in later.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    ebann good luck with finishing your chemo, hope it will make progress for you.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2011

    Oh Sherry I wish I was done. I still have chemo till the end of July. Just doing a pet scan to make sure it is working or figuring out what plan B will be. Thank you though that would be so awesome. God is amazing so anything is possible.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    I was told the same thing with vitamins C, E etc were on th e shelf for a month....I waited until the radiation 'burn' was also gone before I started my vitamins again...better safe than sorry...did not want to make the radiation less effective so I imagine it is the same with the chemo....your body is fighting the bad bits by zapping and destroying and antioxidants undo all that by being good and boosting things will be done soon  and celebrating with us. let us know how we can help, hmm? enjoy the massage!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    So glad to hear from you Elizabeth. Enjoy the nice weather for us poor northern girls!!!

    Did 30 minutes 'Cardio Dance Party' & a 30 minutes sculpting DVD. Patoo, if you treadmill during the whole State of the Union, then you will probably get a good workout; once any president starts to speak to a captive audience he (and eventually it will be she) generally tends to go on for awhile Wink!!!!! I'm watching and typing.

    'Night All! Ruth

    edited to add Carol where are you????

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    I had exchange surgery yesterday and won't get back to serious exercise for a week or two - hope everyone is doing well (sorry, I haven't kept up with all of the posts above).  


  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Oh boy, more shovel and sculpt time.  And not the fluffy snow this time, this stuff is wet and heavy.    But at least it is not so cold here now.   Single digit temperatures really are no fun.

    Take care everyone.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Actually marched in place in front of the TV last night for an hour watching State of the Union message so that was neat to get that exercise in.

    Aspen, you have plenty of company.  Snowing like crazy here.  Wasn't too bad getting in to work but driving home may be tricky (45 min drive).  Then get to shovel and sculpt this evening and probably again tomorrow morning - what fun!  ebann, move over I think it's time for a sleepover (only for 8 weeks until threat of lots of snow is gone).

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Patoo - you got in a good workout - that SOTU address was over an hour!  I was having fun watching all the "dates" - which Dems & Repubs were sitting together.  Snow starting here too - they're talking 6-10 inches, which is a big storm for us.  Elizabeth - the massage sounds wonderful - treat yourself! 

    I got out and went to yoga last night, and walked there and back, so I got my 1 hour yoga and 2 miles walk.  Did 30 minutes on the elliptical this a.m.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    ((Elizabeth)) - great to "hear" from ya!!  Wishing you all the best that Plan A is working!!

    Patoo & Nats - great to see you posting!! Great activities!  I find that if I post everyday, I have to be able to post something!!!  Keeps me doing something daily!! 

    Today so far, 40 minutes Wii Plus.   I am supposed to have a date with the treadmill tonight - hopefully by posting this I will actually get on it!

    Julie - congrats on the exchange surgery!

    Try to stay warm ladies!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Bobby and Patoo, sorry about snow. It's been on and off here all day. Sometimes just wet and not sticking, let's hope it stays this way.

    Mary, I love Morning Joe too. Up to the Epilogue of the book. In the book, I really admire all the gals before me who had to go through what we had to and who opened their mouths.  I wish there way a way for an advocate to be appointed to every new bc patient to go over all options. A non-interested person)I keep going back and forth as to whether I did the right move with the mast and reconstruction. Everyone around me was completely crazed when I was first diagnosed and no one was thinking clearly and I was the crazed of them all.  I know I cannot look back however I am suffering terrible with my implant and when I just went on my computer earlier, what pops up, is that the FDA is questioning whether the implants cause cancer.

    Skipped Monday's zumba class due to laziness and now due to weather, I am not going to gym either. So maybe I will take my shovel and do some light sculpting.

    Julie, wishing you good healing wishes on your exchange.

    Hello to all and hugs,

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Nats, I also got a kick out of the "dates".  So funny but why didn't someone think of that years ago?  So much better than watching it the way it was in the past.  Hopefully it will stay that way in the future.

    So, they let us off work early and came home to shovel and sculpt.  Had about 3 inches of wet snow so the workout was more strenuous.  I really don't mind that much because I take my time and know it's exercise.  Remind me that I said that when I wake tomorrow morning to another 4-8 inches!

    MaryLouise, I also find that it motivates me when I come on here and post because I feel guilty if I can't say I did something (is typing on the puter for hours counted - hey, it's movement!)  Okay, that's a stretch.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    Patoo -- as for the hot tub, no one ever told me not to and I don't stay in for long (15 min) so I'm gonna do it!

    Elizabeth -- I know how much chemo sucks, so I am sorry to hear you have to do it until July!  It seems a long time to make you wait until March for the pet scan, doesn't it?  Don't doctors know it's all you will be thinking about until then? 

    Julie75 -- Congrats on your exchange!  I am scheduled for mine on 3/4 and I can't wait.  Will you be posting pics on TimTam's site?

    SherryC-- finished with rads?  relieved?  Yay for that.  I found Emu Oil to be really helpful during my whole rads process.  I barely got sunburned and there are no lasting marks.  I hope you heal quickly.

    So I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and then had my one and only personal training session that comes with the gym membership.  That was about an hour of resistence (weight) training.  That was yesterday.  

    Today I was a slug.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Jen, you and I both had 5 nodes removed.  I've wanted to even walk into the hot tub and back out.  My understanding is because of having any nodes removed, although the risk is increased for those who have had many more removed, we are always going to be at risk for developing lymphedema.  Some people never get it even if they don't take precautions, but others get it and they really don't always know why.  Hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, even hot baths, can be a trigger.  So just be careful.  Mosy over to the lymphedema thread if you haven't already, just to be aware. 

    Night all my sculpted friends.  Sounds like something is coming down again outside so going to read a little and turn in early.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    I also watched the SOTU address last night but did so from the couch with a small glass of dry red wine.  Also caught Paul Ryan from WI and, politics aside, I thought he did a decent job.  He seems like such a nice young man.  You know, it's weird to be governed by people young enough to be your children.  :-)

    Walked inside the capitol at lunch and my friend brought her pedometer.  We walked 2.3 miles!  In a half-hour, that's a fast clip, and twice the distance I had estimated.  It was over 4,500 steps.  I gotta get me one of those things!  Add the track tonight for 5 miles / 1.25 hr.

    Hope everyone has a good night tonight and a good day tomorrow.  {{hugs}} to all