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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Patoo....sounds like you already got a lot of movemen in ...sound slike time for a massage instead!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    Oh Bobcat, the only thing hot about me right now is my flashes!  But thanks.

    Sandee, that African Dance sounds great and I'll bet it's a great workout too.

    Badger -- good for you passing up all those tempting foods.  Yay you.

    I did my weights (30 mins) and 45 mins on the treadmill today.  Tomorrow is a day off, then back to work on Sunday.  5 days a week is my goal.  I am trying to get strong before my exchange surgery in March and before we take our twins to Disney World during President's week in Feb.  The girls are 8 1/2 years old and have never been to Disney before (neither Disney Land nor Disney World).  It's a great big secret.  We aren't going to tell them until the day we leave!  I've never been to  Disney World before either and there is so much to research and plan that I am having a really hard time hiding it from the girls.  But I must be strong to endure a week at WDW!

    Cheers to all of you lovely ladies.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Oh Jen what a lovely surprise for your girls, just like the ads they have going right now, where Mom and Dad surprise the kids. The first time at Disney is amazing they do a fantastic job, I'm a bit jaded as it's so easy for me to go to DL it's half an hour up the road and yes a good pair of walking shoes is in order or running shoes as the will be all over the place. Patoo please be careful, can you just have a nice lazy swim at the gym to ease your poor sore "S&S" muscles?  Tonight I did an hour of weights with lots of squats and lunges. Nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2011
    I still have a nasty cough but I will drink alot of water and take my puffer right before I get on a machine.Lets see how I do? Wish me luck girls.Already missed a whole week I need to exercise.Yell
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    Aw. I found some PM's in my box this morning, y'all are so sweet to think of me! but I sure haven't meant to cause concern so I'm sorry for that. I'm fine (well, I've had a cough all week, but that's not why I haven't posted for how many weeks?). I don't know what my deal is, I just haven't been on the computer much at all. Thank you to those who wrote me.

    I can't begin to catch up with everyone at this point but a few quick notes:

    Hello to all the new people, wow, a bunch! You're at the best thread in the web but I might be biased Wink  Elizabeth, good to see your posts! Sherry, I'm a year out from treatment and as far as fatigue goes, I finally feel fairly normal most days. Just be patient -- your body has a lot to recover from and will heal in its own time. Ronna, how's your volunteer work going? I finally met with the woman with the Women's Cancer Program at your YW and am going to try to help her either with grant research or redesigning the database (which may be over my head). Patoo, be careful with the shoveling, especially your back.

    Mum, I have a bad cough, too, and now congestion is breaking up... my poor nose gets sore from blowing it so much! I haven't done a lick of exercise since I started coughing Sunday night, I've mostly slept when I haven't been at work, but I'm finally feeling better the last couple of days, time to get my rear moving again.  I'm popping in LS today and getting back at it. 

    I need to join a gym, we don't have any of the chains here, just locally-owned, so no sales on fitness plans, and I can't find one that meets all I want so I might join the one that just has a month-by-month plan until I sort out better what I want and will use most.   I think I really need the extra motivation that joining a gym will give me.

    I know everyone is sick of snow so don't hate me when I say I looked outside late yesterday afternoon, saw snow coming down, and smiled Smile

    Well, as you can see I still can babble on forever :)  Some things never change! Undecided

    Mary, Cheryl, Ruth, Bobbi, badger, Patoo, Mary Louise, mum, Elizabeth, Ronna,hugs to you and everyone!  Stay healthy, and keep up the great work!! Y'all are the best!!

    PS  Edited to add:  where's Kim??

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011
    PS:  CA girls and anyone interested in natural events:  ever heard of frazil ice?  My brother sent me a youtube link about it... the frazil ice was interesting but what I loved most were the pictures of Yosemite in winter... beautiful.  Anyone ever been there then?  Or seen the frazil ice?  I want to visit Yellowstone in winter, too...
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Yeahhhh Carol, I left my laptop on last night and when I came down this morning you were here, whew - can you tell we were getting worried about you. I loved the frazil ice video, Yosemite is wondrous makes me want to go in the winter, I've only been in the summer. One of my most favourite memories was in the Grand Tetons in Wyoming at Jenny Lake where there was the lake with low fog, mountains snow capped popping through the fog and blue blue sky with sunshine, mother nature is truly magnificent. I've been really tired of an evening, I'm going over to Huntington dropping the dogs at my place, going to the gym, picking them up coming back to Newport so it's 9pm or so before I have dinner then I have to walk the dogs but I've been sleeping without waking up so that's an upside to this, I'd like to stay over there but one of the dogs I'm minding doesn't get along with cats and I'm not about to put poor Frank through trauma for 3 weeks and besides that I was given gas credit cards to compensate me for all the extra driving. Kim is around, she posted earlier this week. Take care, so glad you checked in we've missed you.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    opps, sorry I missed your post, Kim, I guess I was trying to catch up too fast. 

    Cheryl, at least you're getting good sleep!  I don't mind waking up once or twice a night but sometimes it's multiple times, aggravating.  And you're right, nothing matches the beauty of nature,I find it everywhere (even in IN Smile) but have to admit to a real weakness for any mountain... peace and strength there that I don't find quite the same anywhere else.

    I knocked out 30 minutes of LS and now feel like a nap, still coughing and dripping a lot, guess I have a ways to go but at least I got some exercise in!

    Keep kickin', Tarts!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Packjen- The African dance classes are a great workout ( I never used to sweat during them but I sure do now) and also a great release is just being in your perfect arms or straight back...just bare feet, moving to the drums, orchestrated by a fantasitic movement teacher. I have been going for over a year now and it has not losts its thrill for me.

    Went for a 2 hour walk this afternoon on a trail that is part of the Canadian Trails project. It was along the old railway ties...river to one side and woods to the other. Walked and talked with a galpal and put in over 12,000 steps! (yes, I remembered my pedometer today!)...felt good to be out there. This friend's aunt just went through breast cancer and reconstruction etc. and so I suggested this site to help get her motivated and moving. Maybe we will eventually see her on here:)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
    Hello All! Did a 45 minute 'Hip Hop Cardio' DVD & 30 minutes on the treadmill. I had lunch at McDonalds this noon & the oatmeal/fruit cup they've been advertizing is DELICIOUS! (I am still being good so had one plus a wild berry smoothie for my meal Innocent.) Get well to all the girls with colds! I'm having a working weekend so better pound out some more reports. Hugs to All! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hi all.  No formal exercise today.  Started vacuuming and steam cleaning floors before DS talked me into taking him to see the movie Tron.  Afterwards went grocery shopping.  Planned on continuing housework when we returned but that just never happened.

    Thanks all for the concern abut my shovelling.  We tend to still feel 30 years younger.  I turned 62 a few weeks ago but still think I'm in my 30's.  I am careful though, bending properly,  taking many breaks and listening to my body.  My hip/knee problems attest to the age of the body and not the shovelling. 

    Welcome back Nature.  I took off several weeks Nov/Dec so can really relate to the break.

    Night friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Hi all, got to the track and walked 5 miles / 1.5 hours today.  Music really helps!

    get on your feet (G. Estefan)

    sing sing sing (B. Goodman)

    shout & feel it (Count Basie)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Badger. great recomendations!!! Think I will add them!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2011

    Great to hear from you Carol and sorry you're feeling under the weather.  We're all still here and lots of new friends too.  Ruth - I have a coupon for that McD's oatmeal - glad to hear you liked it.  Jen - DW sounds great and your girls are just the right age.  I'll be anxious to hear how they respond when you tell them.  Those commercials are a riot.  Cheryl you sound so busy with all the dog walking/sitting.  What breeds are the doggies?  Happy Birthday, Patoo!  You don't look 62!!!

    SO talked me into going to 90 minute endurance spin class yesterday.  It was a wild ride and we were both exhausted at the end.  But then I spent the following 8 hours painting my kitchen and then putting it all back together before bed.  I slept great and it was so lovely to wake up to my "new" kitchen.  We were bad last night and had take out Chinese.  I love it but the saltSurprised.  I am off to ride and then more painting of windows and baseboards today.  Have a great day allKiss

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Sandee, enjoy.  I love this 'walking tunes' tape I put together years ago.  It's a cassette so that's why I was so happy to find a Sony Walkman on Amazon that will play cassettes.

    Here are a couple more.  These songs get me going and keep me moving ~

    go away (G. Estefan)

    little bird (A. Lennox)

    bobcat what a day, you deserved Chinese take-out!  Happy painting and {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011

    I especially love the old swing band songs.....but would probably be skipping instead of walking 'cause they are so fun and peppy.

    Bobbi, now I am looking around the house at everything that needs a new coat of, not until summer!!! and a person needs Chinese every once and awhile....all the vegetables have to counter the salt down enough to make it a somewhat healthy choice anyway. Tongue out

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    LOL Ruth, I thought of that yesterday, but resisted the impulse to skip!  Wink Just walked a little faster.  My 'sitting bones' are sore today so I know I shook my tailfeathers (go Roadrunners!)

    The indoor track is open noon-9 today so will get over there again today.  Have a good one!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    I have been cleaning out closets!!  I have to admit that I am a clothes 'hoarder'.  I have clothes that should fit me no matter what weight I get to (or get down to!).  So far with just going through my walk in closet (that I could no longer walk into!) I have gotten 3 garbage bags to donate!  WOW ----- AND I have found some "new" clothes to wear!  Foot in mouth

    50 minutes Wii this morning and 1 hour yesterday.  We did finally get the back deck shovelled off, just in time for the next dumping of snow due here on Tuesday!!  Going back to Arctic temperatures again this week for a couple days too!   I am now dreaming of Spring - really can't wait to see the grass again!!

    Hope everyone is having a great week end!   Now it is back to the closet with me!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Did not do much in the way of exercize today but had a delicious, gluten-free breakfast and long what with an old colleague and friend. hat did my heart as much good as walking...though we did a bit of that too...nowhere near the 10,000 step mark! My hip/buock is aching from yesterday's walk so I suspect my back is out a bit...Ah well..personal trainer sessions Tues and Weds this week ahould raighten me out one way or the other..may even bring my exercize gear or swim suit to Monreal Thurs evening and and make use of the hotel's facilities.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    Went to the beach today and walked. It was so relaxing. I love living in Florida in the winter.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2011
    Did the FIRM 500 Calorie Workout today. Cold and we go again Cry!!!!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2011

    Body Step class this morning and it was packed and the Body Pump class before Step was filled to the brim, funny we didn't have the 1st of Jan surge but it sure is here now.

    One of the girls from our classes group had a baby girl yesterday, the only class she gave up throughout her pregnancy was Step and on Wednesday night she did 2 classes Pump and then Combat, so now we have a gym baby. Oh Ruth I'm sorry the snow has started up again, we've had a little rain today but it was nothing.  Bobbi one is a Bearded Collie, she's very sweet and the other is a Fox Terrier/Chihuahua mix and he is a pistol, walks at like 90 mph so he keeps me on my toes and he loves to snuggle on the couch with me. Have a great week everyone.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone.

    Patoo, happy belated birthday. I also will be 62 the end of Feb.

    Did I mention I finally finished Bathesheba's breast. Good reading. Very inspring.

    Carol, sorry you are feeling under the weather. As for my volunteering, I have my smock ready and soft sole shoes as required, my contact person has been out, just waiting for call to start.They called me last week to let me know that they did not forget about me. I asked volunteering department where is secretary? They said major cut backs - no sec. Yea, I can do that. So I am just waiting.

    Went to Zumba Sat. Will go tonight. Have to get it in before crappy weather comes in.

    Kira, much of my family lives in Florida, begging us to move down there, but other obligations keep us north.

    Mum, feel better with that cough.

     We just had an attic converted to a closet, so that will keep me occupied and moving clothes around and weed out. As long as I am moving around I don't care.

    Yes, the McDonald's new oatmeal does look delicious.

    Have a safe and healthy day.


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    Yesterday I did my weights for 35 mins, eliptical for 1 hour and rowing machine for 15 minutes.  It's too hard to read my book on the rowing machine!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2011

    Power finally came back on Friday afternoon after being out for over 40 hours - one of a few hundred thousand who lost power for an extended period of time. I really hate PEPCO, our utility company. Statistically they rank near the bottom in the entire country for reliability.  Believe it or not, there are still close to a thousand people who haven't had power since Wednesday!

    No exercise on the powerless days, unless shivering and huddling can be considered exercise!  Saturday we went to the Auto Show and walked around for 3+ hours so that was a good workout.  We got to sit in all kinds of cars - the leather seats on the Jag were heavenly, and there was a surprising amount of room in the SmartCar.  And I got to sit in two different BMW X4s - heaven!  Sunday I did 30 minutes of weight training, then 1 hour of step work on the Wii while watching Braveheart.  (It was a bloody violent movie but I thought at least I'm learning some history.  I researched later and found out it's not even historically accurate, so I suffered through all that gore for no reason.)  This morning I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    Badger - I love swing and big band stuff too - the 40's station on my XM is one of my favorites.  Cheryl - that feisty fox terrier/chihuahua sounds like my kind of dog!  Nature - I've seen Yosemite (we went through it on our honeymoon) but Yellowstone is on my bucket list.  Sandee - your hike on the trail sounds beautiful!  Kira - Florida sounds perfect this time of year, especially with pitchers and catchers reporting to Spring Training in 2 weeks! Laughing  Ronnie - glad you liked the book.  As you say it's surprising that it's so hard to find since it's such a good book.

    Happy Monday Everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2011

    40 hours!!!!  Hope you didn't have any further damage to anything from the prolonged power outage!  My husband is just waiting for something like that to happen here so he doesn't feel so guilty because he just had to have a generator this winter!!!

    Due to closet cleaning, I was only able to get 50 - 60 minutes on the Wii each day this weekend.  Will be heading down again later today for another round and perhaps and additional 30 minutes on the treadmill!

    We are supposed to be getting our worst storm so far this winter tomorrow and into Wednesday - my kids are home for the next 2 days anyway for the semester change-over, so I say bring it on!!  Then maybe we can really start looking forward to spring - I so miss the grass!!! Frown

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2011

    Went to gym and did upper body workout.   I love lifting weights.  May go back this afternoon with DH for cardio. 

    Getting prepared for coming winter storm (this week's episode).  Snow, sleet and freezing rain.  Charging up the latern and have food that will not require cooking.  In my former farm life in Virginia, we were without power for 8 days due to ice one winter.  Fortunately, we (ex. and I) had invested in a small portable generator.  It couldn't run a lot at one time, but by taking turns with things I could cook and there were hot showers and running water.  Had fireplace and old Aladdin lamps for light.  But camping out at home on the farm did get old quick.  At least here in PA with DH #2, running water and its conveniences will not be an issue.  Looking forward to Spring.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    We're getting that same system, Mary Louise, starting within the next few hours...  Forecasts differ but I would love anything in the (widely varying) projected 8-16" range over the next 2 1/2 days. Let it snow! (However, you can keep the ice, thanks very much....)

    Ruth and others, I know you're sick to death of snow and I understand that, but now that I don't live in the country and have to worry about getting stuck in a snowdrift, I'm like a kid at the thought of snow.  I still make snow angels, too  Innocent

    Mary, I hate power outages... 40 hours is pretty long.  I got pretty used to short ones (a few hours) when I lived out in the country (18 years) but we had a massive ice storm in '91 and our power was out 17 days -- 18 days for some -- that's how extensive the damage was.  I had heat (wood stove) and could cook (gas stove) but no water (electric pumps in the country).  It was a very long 17 days.  Now I hate outages.  Hope you stayed warm and well. 

    I hope our storm (possible ice and sleet) doesn't cause anything like that here in town... I have water but no heat or cooking if the electric goes out.  There's always peanut butter but it's hard to stay warm without heat, and temps are due to drop a lot Thursday.

    Patoo and Ronna -- would not have put either of you anywhere close to 62!!  You look fabulous (really)!

    I'm still coughing and dripping and sneezing and tired a bit but feeling good enough to exercise, yesterday I walked 40 minutes outdoors (hurrah!!!!!) and saw a bluebird (hurrah!); today I did a couple of miles with LS.  I've had to stop weights for awhile because my left wrist has been flaring up, if it's not better soon (it's been almost a month) I'm going to ask for someone to look at it.  I thought it was A causing the pain (still do, actually) but it's bugging me that it won't go away. I did fall on it in early Jan. so I suppose it's possible I did some damage then, too. Such a creaky old woman. Peter Pan, come take me to Never Never Land! Smile

    OK -- everyone -- stay safe, and keep on pumpin'!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited January 2011

    PS  Aspen, I relate to that "camping out" on the farm getting old!!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    Well, For the first time since starting Femara my knees really hurt. I walked a lot at school today. Tried the wii but hurt the knees to much. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill instead. I'm hoping it's the weather hurting them.