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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2011

    We've got the big storm bearing down on us, too.  Been snowing all day today, then we get a break, then it really hits Tues into Weds.  Could get a foot OR TWO of snow by the time it's over.  I brought work home so I can stay off the roads.

    Got to the track yesterday but walked slowly.  My muscles were sore so I didn't want to push.  Felt better once I got going and a good night's rest is always therapeutic.  Walked at lunch today.  (note to self: 1.5 hours Sun & Mon) The next couple days are question marks???

    Take care all, stay safe, stay warm!  {{hugs}}

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    So far not much snow and a little sleet... but they're still saying 10" here by the time it's all over Wed. My nephew brought his car up to park in the driveway (they were asking kids to get their cars off a lot of the campus streets) so it was a bonus to get to see him.  He's adorable :) 

    Kira, keep moving as much as you can in any way you can... it all helps.  I'd be glad to come walk on the beach with you if it would help motivate you  :)

    Stay safe, everyone -- this is shaping up to be a nasty storm for many areas.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Hi all.  Did absolutely nothing yesterday except eat a lot of bad stuff.  Came home from work today and got on the treadmill so pedometer is showing a little over 3 miles today.  Also ate like a bird today as well.  Hip and knee still giving aches so may have to go back on the glucosamine but will try and up my exercise first.

    Night friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Oh yeah, the storm.  May have nature force the exercise whether I like it or not!  Can't wait for spring!!!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited February 2011

    natureGrrl, Your funny, but really i would love you to join me. I'm hoping it's just the change in the weather doing it. I know we're not getting snow, but I guess there is something going on with the local weather.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Shoveled this morning, shoveled this evening (I think DH has inside information from the weather bureau, because he seems to be on a trip somewhere every time it snows!!!) and walked on the treadmill for an hour. We may be on the edge of the stormy weather, which would be fine with me!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Did my 20 minutes of elliptical this morning.  My elliptical is having problems and slips in and out of easy to hard mode so I am getting a better workout than before.  Yoga was cancelled tonight so I guess it will be my walk/run tomorrow.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Oh man, I'm glad I live in California and don't have to shovel my way out the door!

    Did my 30 minutes of weights, 30 minutes on the rowing machine and 10 minutes on the stairmaster.

    OK, here's something weird that I am wondering if any of you ladies has had.  I don't get sore after my workouts.  Maybe a little sore in the evening, but by the next day there is no real soreness.  Now I just really started exercising about 2 weeks ago and I am doing about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of exercise 5 times per week -- for 11 months before that I was a total slug.  I have had breast pain every day since I had my double mx w/tissue expanders placed.  That's been 11 months of daily breast pain for which I take pain meds late in the day.  I only take the pain meds for TE pain and my tolerance has gone up so much that the pain meds only last for about 2-3 hours.  So I take them when the breast pain comes in the late afternoon.   But I would expect some soreness in the mornings in my legs, butt, stomach, etc. from all of my workouts.  Maybe my body has just gotten used to a certain amount of pain and I don't feel it?  It's really weird and I don't have an explanation.  Don't get me wrong, I don't WANT to hurt.  I just don't understand this.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Well, not being sore would be a good SE (for a change!).

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    I've been catching up after being off for awhile.  I haven't stopped exercising, tho.  Knowing my DH went out of his way to get my exercise bike for Christmas keeps me motivated to use it.  I'm watching Lonesome Dove a few miles at a time.  Getting in regular dog training, but having to drive lots of miles to do it.

    My mom had a suspicious mammogram, but decided against a biopsy, thinking it would mean surgery.  She's been keeping me in the dark for weeks, and doesn't want anyone else in the family to know.  I realize that at age 86 she has a different perspective, but tried (once again) to impress upon her the need to let me know about things in order to assist her decision-making.

    I had my onc appt and another mammo this month, which went fine, but a neck MRI related to my arm pain revealed several herniated discs and degenerative joint disease in my spine.  I'm still wondering if the arm troubles are more a lingering se from chemo, tho.

    It's good to hear what everyone is doing.  None of my DC/no VA relatives have said they were without power--but maybe it's because they're without power!  We're thawing some in preparation for the next storm.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Great to hear from you Retriever!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Body combat tonight and Eduardo came down on the floor and made me "fight" him- it was fun having a moving target and then after class one of the Moms started selling girl scout cookies - good work undone!! Nats one of the songs in our latest combat release is a Braveheart battle song and yes it's really aggressive.

    Kira, Nature is right just keep moving it really does help and I keep both knee and wrist guards in my gym bag cause with Femara you never know what's going to flare and like Patoo I need to add glucosamine back into my pill regime.

    Jen I am the exact opposite, at the moment I'm "feeling" everything, this new combat release has a lot of "butt" work and I sure know it, it's working deep into the muscle and when I do Spin the next day my quads are on fire and after Pump my pecs know it. Are you doing muscle work or just cardio, cause you shouldn't feel too much if it's just cardio.

    Ruth when your DH comes home make him vacuum or shampoo the carpets to make up for you doing the shovelingSurprised.

    All of you snow bunnies, please be careful this storm sure seems like it is going to be a whopper, in fact Hannah posted on facebook that she's fallen over 3 times today on the ice, that's what happens when a Cali girl moves to KansasLaughing

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Happy February, everyone!

    Tell Hannah to get some of those YakTrax, Cheryl.  They don't look cool (unless you're an outdoors nut, I guess) but they supposedly help a lot. 

    Kira, I'm on my way before the next storm system hits later this morning! :)

    Jen, that is odd, but I guess I'd just go with it.  Keep up all the good work.

    retriever, good to see you, and glad you're still exercising!  My mom was 86 when dx with ovarian cancer... she fought tooth and nail against it for over 3 years and had over 2 pretty good years and got to see her oldest grandson get married, which she would have missed had she not fought... But it's such a personal choice... I understand not fighting, at some point... but I also believe in gathering information and knowing what I'm dealing with before making that choice. She may be frightened and doesn't want to know because that will make it real (if it's cancer).  Or, depending on how her overall health is, she just may feel it isn't worth the fight.  I hope your mom keeps you informed.  Warm hug to you and her.

    Ruth, I agree with Cheryl, hand that man a mop or something :)

    Our entire community is closed down -- even Purdue closed, which happens once ever 10-15 years only -- although so far only a bit of snow and ice.  12" expected in the next 36 hours.  Blizzard warnings in many of the area counties.  I'm going to go to work (why?  I don't know) for a little bit.  It'll be pretty funny if after all the hoopla we don't get diddly, but that seems unlikely. 

    Anyway, I plan to use LS today and maybe yoga. Did some shovel-&-sculpt last night.  Hope we get snow (not ice!) so I can get out and walk in it...

    As always -- be safe and keep up the good work!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Hi Retriever - knew you were out there somewhere!  It's snowing, sleeting, freezing rain here this AM.  I am not going to try and ride.  Instead getting ready for work and will head out about noon when the weather is suppose to ease up a bit until we get slammed again late this afternoon.  Patoo - I'm with you and Spring... Everyone on here except FL and CA are getting some of this storm.  I did ride hard yesterday and still have more painting to do so will count that as exercise today. And shovelling!!  Carol - I have extreme left wrist pain all the time.  It used to be my right wrist but now switched sides.  It's the arimidex in my case.  I've had MRI etc. and nothing there.  It's also in my knees.  Cheryl - picturing you and EduardoWink.  Ruth - I agree with everyone, give DH a mop!!  Hugs to all the moms.  Mine turns 80 this weekend and still tries to shield us from important information - drives us all nuts. 

    Let's hop on planes and surprise Kira on the beach.  Have a great day allKiss

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Good morning everyone:

    Never made it to zumba last night. Had other things to take care of. I will put my zumba tapes on after DH leaves or even go for walk around my complex.

    I walked the dog this morning, it did not seem bad at all, however the media is predicting the worst for later. My feeling now is: It is February, how much longer will this last. So looking forward to the spring. We are almost there.

    Jen, I believe I mentioned, when I had TE, I did not exercise except walk. Good for you that you do. Two months after my Exchange I was able to go back to gym.

    Carol, Hope you get rid of that cold. My only s/e lingering from A are my wrist problems. Much much better. I am now on Femara and I am realizing now that change in weather causes my wrists to flare up. I had gone to physical therapy to help with the wrists and it did.

    Hugs to all, stay safe and warm.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Carol, I just wanted to add with wrist problems: I find it difficult to use blow dry my hair and work with the wrists, so I even consider that exercise. I take a chair in front of my bedroom closets with mirrors and dry my hair instead of trying to do it in the bathroom. It takes alot out of me, but it beats paying someone to do it.

    Again, everyone, have a great day.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    bobbi and Ronna, thanks for input on the wrist. I didn't realize you were both having such significant pain.  My complete empathy and sympathy.  I'm afraid it is just Arimidex, it's the exact same pain I had when I first got SE's from A, but all my other SE's have been gone awhile... so I was none to happy when this flared up again.  I probably will have it looked at at some point and I'll ask about PT (I love my physical therapist so it would be a good excuse to see her again).  I'm just so sick of wearing the brace and tired of having to be careful what I do with that hand/wrist but I need to quit complaining.  It's nothing compared to what I could be going through.   Thanks for listening to me whine :)

    I used to hate winter and snow but when I moved to Cleveland a few years ago I fell in love with the snow and cold... it was so beautiful there. (Yes, Cleveland! and Lake Erie!  and all the evergreen trees and hills... it was just gorgeous). Well, for all of you sick of it, remember, February is a short month so it'll be over soon, and then it's March, and once it's March the birds are returning and things begin to bud out and before you know it, spring will be here!

    I'm going to be laughing a lot if we don't get the predicted weather, it's so quiet right now it's hard to believe it's coming... but 40+ mph winds are predicted along with all the snow, 10' drifts, all that good stuff.  I just want to get out on my skis...  I hope no one gets hit by ice too hard.  Kira, here we come!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    retrievermom I have the same issues with my parents.  My dad had lung cancer 3 years ago and had surgery to remove it and did not require any treatment.  He started having pain and my  parents did not tell me about it until after his 2nd CT scan and they have found 2 spots that are cancerous.  Going through all the testing phase now and then he will do radiation.  They did not tell me bacause I was in the middle of my radiation and they did not want to bother me.  We had a long talk or rather I did most of the talking at lunch yesterday about them not doing that any more.  That it is up to me to decide if I can't handle it and if not I will pass it on to one of my brothers for them to handle.  Of course them not telling me also meant they did not tell anyone else either.  I am starting to feel like I am the parent.  Hopefully your mom will start to let you help her navigate through some decision making, as we know there are options.

    On a exercise note I did 20 minutes this am on my elliptical.  My elliptical is on my back porch and it will be really cold in the next two mornings so I think I will skip it.  Will have to make up for it in the evening on my stationary bike inside.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    We do become the parents to our parents -- and hopefully they are graceful about accepting help.  My dad was, my mom wasn't.  I understand the wanting to protect "the kids," and the desire to maintain independence, but my mother often endangered her life (and others, when she drove, because she refused to stop) and caused the family a lot of worry as a result. After I moved in with her it helped my brothers not worry but it increased my own because I was living with her dementia and stubbornness.   I hope I remember those times as I age myself (although I don't have any children to cause stress to).  I hope I can accept changes and limitations gracefully, while still embracing my capabilities and strengths.  It can't be easy.

    (Can you tell I'm on the computer a lot this morning?  I am getting work done but I keep watching the weather maps.  I'm not worried about the weather, I'm just a weather nut... but I am getting tired of anticipating the storm... we've been hearing about it for 3 days now).

    Sherry, stay warm.  Everyone, again, stay safe.

    (Bet now that I'm babbling so much again y'all wish I'd disappear again!) Wink

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Stay warm and safe everyone - we had a bit of icing from the first storm this morning - it made sidewalks a bit slippery, but that's about it.  They say that tonight we're going to get ice and sleet out of the big storm that's going to slam so many of you.  I'm hoping it holds off at least till after yoga class tonight - I really need it and don't want it cancelled again.

    30 minutes on the elliptical this morning. 

    Retriever and Sherry - we're going through the same thing with my in-laws.  They're in their 80's and do not readily share medical info.  They live alone in their house, so it's worrisome.  My dh's sisters get the brunt of it as they are all out in Southern California while we're 3,000 miles away in Maryland. Also, I think that generation tends to rely more on daughters rather than sons for help in their senior years.  Not fair, but seems to be pretty much the way. Sherry -so your elliptical is forcing you to do interval workouts whether you want to or not!   Jen - I wish I had the not-sore problem - my calves are still barking from that hour of step work I did on the Wii Sunday. Sorry you're having such problems with TEs - I was very lucky - I had very little discomfort with my TEs, even after fills I was back to weight training the next day.   Ruth - re: dh being out of town during snow storms - just keep track of the inches you shovel and put them on his "snow account."  Next snow, you can relax without guilt as he shovels away to work off those inches he owes you!  Tongue out

    C'mon Spring!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    I did 40 minutes of shovel and sculpt and got half the driveway done... it's not long, but there was a thick coat of ice on top of the snow and it was slow going.  I finally gave up when I couldn't break through the ice any more.

    We started with icy pellets around 1 PM and have had some snow since, but mostly icy pellets.  And that fierce east wind.  At least with icy pellets the power lines aren't getting coated like they do with icy rain/sleet. 

    I'm curled up at home and hoping the power stays on.  Candles, flashlights, warm clothes, a cooler with some emergency food (so I don't have to open the fridge), a stack of books, all at the ready, and I'm charging my cell phone.  Prepare for the worst, hope for the best! 

    Looking at the weather map, we're only about 1/5th of the way through the system.  East coasters, brace yourselves.  So far it's not the worst I've ever seen but it's more than enough. The few snowflakes we've gotten have been gorgeous.

    Hope everyone is warm and safe!  If I shut up for more than 12 hours, you know my power is probably out! 

    I'm about to join the Think-Springers! 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Hi all.  So far, so good weatherwise.  Just had freezing rain today but the roads were dry on the trip home from work.  Not sure what to expect later tonight and tomorrow morning.  Told my boss I will just wing it and may or may not show up tomorrow.  I'm thinking that it will go further to the east (NY) and not impact us as much.  I can hope anyway.  Wouldn't mind a day off - then I can get my taxes done!

    Trying to motivate myself to get off the couch and do LS or the treadmill.  We'll see.

    Stay warm and safe everybody.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    I've seen blizzards, and I've seen ice storms, and this is a cross between the two. About 6" of pellet-ice stuff on the ground.  Weird.  Supposed to be snow later tonight and into tomorrow, ending in about 24 hours from now.  I know I'll be home tomorrow.

    Sorry I'm so chatty, I'm posting everywhere and emailing all my friends, I just love extreme weather :)

    Go march with Leslie, Patoo!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    The air temperature is supposed to be 41 degrees below zero tonight!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011
    Thanks - I needed that!  Cool  Maybe if I put on sunglasses it will warm up!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Ruth all I can say is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Everyone stay warm, lots of marching with Leslie.  I'll be back after the gym to report in and Carol - it's grrrrreat having you back.  Once you all get sick of Florida come out here, I'll be in the fancy house for 2 more weeks, as long as we put it back as we found it shhhhh they'll never knowSurprised and I was panicking I though I killed their turtle but phew it poked it's head out this morning!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Cheryl, I'm on my way!!  (glad the turtle is OK -- I don't think of them as "warm" pets but maybe even they miss their owners).  Ruth, stay warm!

    South of here is getting some of the worst ice in their area's history... I'm glad I'm a bit further north!

    But I also love this man's way of dealing with the weather.  Fishers is just north of Indianapolis; they've had ice all day...  only a Minnesotan...

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    I'm fighting a cold and would love to be stuck at home tomorrow, but my twins would probably drive me bonkers.

    I did my weights for 30 minutes and 35 minutes of eliptical.  Also walked up the hills to the local stable and fed apple cores to some of the horsies (about 1/2 mile, but good and steep).

    Stay warm ladies. Gather your pets and your hubbies and cuddle up.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Jen, how old are your twins?

    I did 35 minutes on the treadmill & 25 of abs. I wonder how far I could get if I tried to skate to California or Florida? I may just go to bed and read a book. 'Night all, stay safe. Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    ruthbru I cannot even imagine 41 degrees below zero.  I am whining because it will be 18 degrees here in south texas which is way too cold for us.  I can't seem to stay warm