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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Ruth praying for the little guy and please keep us posted how he is doing

  • Felicia3
    Felicia3 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    Still kicking it with karate, lifting and a bit of treadmill running :-)

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Ruth --My girls are 8 1/2 -- a great age, but visions of teenagers to come sometimes scare the cr*p out of me. I hope your student is doing better, poor thing.

    I kept my girls home yesterday because one had a fever during the night and I was sick with a cold and I just couldn't get it together to get the other one up and fed and lunch made and driven to school.  Bad mommy.  Oh well.  They are back in school today and I am going back to the gym.

    I have my first f/u with my Onc today.  I wonder what she will do.  If nothing other than talk to me, then it is a waste of my time.  


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Well school was cancelled but I had to shovel so I did an hour ...about 6car-lengths long...exercised enough to be soaking wet at the end of it!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Wow Sanddonherown - 6 car lengths!!!  I thought my 2 were a lot.

    Welcome Jen - you are not a bad mom - you had quality-under-the-weather-time with your 2 angels. 

    Nature, I usually don't like February because it is always the coldest month of the winter but I feel like you do, at least today, that February does seem brighter.  Maybe it's because I know winter is almost over.  Leaving work last evening the sky was so pretty and although my car kept getting beat up by chunks of ice falling from the trees (made me duck even though I was in the car!), it was really nice.

    Really didn't do much exercise this week and have E-LAB weigh in tomorrow so going to try and do LS or treadmill immediately when I get home and hopefully eat lightly.

    Later my sculpted friends.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    This cold weather we are having in south texas is putting a damper on my exercise.  They are shutting down work at 4 because of ice and wintery mix and it is suppose to snow tonight.  We do not have the equipment here to deal with this.  So work is cancelled tomorrow.  I think our town will be like a ghost town.  Yoga is cancelled tonight because of weather as well.  My elliptical is outside on my back porch and I can't make myself go there in this cold of weather. Hopefully by the the weekend I can manage some kind of exercise.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    I too kinda like the big winter storms and have noticed the different quality of light in the past week or so.  BUT..... this year our winter started earlier than usual and I am really looking forward to spring!!

    40 minutes of Wii Plus today and will try and get to the treadmill again tonight!

    Keep safe and warm!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Patoo....yep...good exercize though so no worries...just glad school was cancelled and I wasn't doing the shovelling at 6am as I thought I would when I discovered the plow had not come I have to figure out if the guy who typically parks in front of my car is going to block me in tonight (if my flight is not cancelled altogether) or tomorrow am (if the cancellation causes me to go to my regular job)....Ah are right though jmakj/patoo....bright skies!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hello all, beautiful day here in North Jersey, just freezing cold.

    I went to my PS this morning and to my surprise everything is really ok. He says I am doing fine and to keep exercising. I know this might not be the forum for this, however, I had my exchange last March and suddenly after months of complaining, I am beginning to feel that this implant is actually fitting comfortable. Can't explain it. Maybe it is due to the exercise.

    Yesterday I walked around my complex twice totalling about 1 mile. Even though it was slushy it was manageable. I was stir crazy and had to get out.

    Ruth, prayers for your little friend.

    Kim welcome back.

    Have a good night all!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Sandee - where are you going??  Patoo - I was ducking in my car yesterday too - so much falling from the skies and then on the ride to work this AM, so many branches and trees down.  Sherry - are you near the SuperBowl festivites?  I hear they are being impacted by the weather also.  Carol - I'm with you...I love the winter, snow and cold.  Just not the ice Yell  And I did notice the longer daylight today.  I always get a little melancholy at the end of a season until I see the start of what's to come.  I guess that's why I love PA.

    Stopped for a mani/pedi on the way home from work tonight.  I know, I know, no one sees my feet this time of year but it felt so good to be pampered.  Now enjoying a favorite dinner for one that I will share.  I buy a bag of Mann's Rainbow Salad - a combo of shredded broccoli, cabbage and carrots.  I drizzle with balsamic, a tablespoon of mayo(love my mayo), a sprinkle of raisins, an entire jalapeno pepper diced small and a hand full of grape tomatoes.  YUUUMMM!!  Very filling and satisfying.  Variations can include feta, black olives, pine nuts.... whatever are your favorites.  Biked this morning - the trail was ice covered so had to stick with lightly travelled roads but glad to be back at it after two days off for painting and ice.  Have a good night all - stay safeKiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Ronna - we were posting at the same time.  I am so GLAD that you are starting to accept the implant and feeling more comfortable.  I am aware of my implants all the time - even when I sleep.  I don't mind too much how they look but the feel is just the strangest.  Take care and yes, it was a beautiful day here in PA/NJ.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi Bobcat, we must have been posting at the same time. Yes, I am aware of the implants constantly but someting is making them more comfortable so I am not complaining.PS also has me in a bra 24/7. That also has helped. I sleep in a leisure bra.

     Patoo, due to our maintenance covering the snow removal, I dread when the bills from them will come in. We are probably way over budget and will either have to get assessed and/or take it from our reserves. Not sure. As you know I am also a board member but on the outs with everyone so I have no clue what is going on. Even with the snow removal, now we are dealing with more salt than they should have left and the roads are still ice. My entrance way is full of towels for our boots and dog. So I guess marching back and forth to the laundry room is also exercise. As long as we are moving, that's all that counts.

    Again, have a good night everyone.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited February 2011

    Boy you all are having nasty weather. I hope things improve quickly. For us the weather was just cloudy and humid. I have the air on for the allergies.

     Got in my wii and some treadmell, not as much as I wanted, but when the principal wants to talk to you you go. Got home frustrated and late. I've been gone 6 months, and he wants things fixed like yesterday. How he can even ask me to help another teacher learn to teach is beyond me. She has taught longer than I.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    It's great to have more daylight.  The depth of winter for me is when I'm driving in the dark, both to and from work, blech.  

    Walked at noon and was going to say forget the track tonight, but once I came here I knew I'd have to go and put in some laps.  Evening hours are 7-10 (perfect) so thanks again ladies for leading by example.  :-) 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Well according to my stuff at the Y, I lifted the same amount of pounds

    last month as 1.3 African elephants

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    SherryC, south TX and you close early and closed tomorrow - weird!  We have a hard time getting companies to close here during major storms.   Kira, look on the positive side and take is as a compliment to your abilities.  Bobcat, my manager also gets pedis in the winter.  I asked how she left, because usually in warm weather you just slip into a pair of flip-flops but she doesn't get polish.  She picks on me in summer because I wear sandals but no longer get pedis because of picking up fungus in both toenails and fingernails in the past.  Cry

    Ronna, I forgot about the add'l assessments.  Last year we were assessed $150./unit because of excess snow plowing, so this year it will probably be even more - yikes!

    Came home and got on the treadmill but was only able to make 30 mins.  Only had some homemade chicken veggie soup so hopefully tomorrow's weigh-in will be okay.  If not, I'm not responsible for what may happen tomorrow evening!  If it's not too bad Saturday I may try and go out for a walk.

    Night all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011
    right patoo, we Texans don't know what to do with ice and snow....Innocent
  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    SoCalLisa, I love your way of calculating how much you have lifted!  Never would have thought of that.

    I did about 45 min of weights and then about 30 min on the treadmill.

    Then I went to my first f/u with my Onc.  She found a lymph node in my neck that is suspicious.  She will be scheduling a CAT scan to check it out.  So ladies, is this the way we have to live the rest of our lives?  Waiting for the other shoe to drop?  I think I am more upset about the fact that every time some little thing is wrong from now on I will have to wonder if it is cancer. Suck, suck, SUCK.


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited February 2011

    I got up does that count :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    A quick & very late check in. Did 40 minutes of toning, 25 on the treadmill & went to a wrestling match (my little 7th grade advisee who wrestles varsity pinned his opponent!). My other guy made the flight OK but still was not 'stable' as of this morning according to his mom. Haven't heard anything since then & don't want to bug her as they have a lot of their plate. Speaking of plates.....I need to go to bed so I don't eat anymore food. 'Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Ruth, prayers for your little guy I hope he stabilizes and everything goes well for him.

    Oh Jen isn't it the "crap" unfortunately yes this is your new "normal" but good that your onc jumped on it immediately.

    SoCalLisa lol I'll bet in the last month I've eaten as much as 1.3 African elephantsSurprised

    Last night I went to my Combat class but it had been cancelled and they subbed Body Attack, owwweeee we did 65 push ups in that class and today my arms are on fire then tonight in my Spin class one of the young girls who did all the low options with me in Attack came over to my bike and told me that she burned 550 calories in the class last night mind you my 60 year old metabolism is a bit different than her 28 year old one!!!. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I just scanned last night (and am scanning again).  Jen, I think that they are just EXTRA cautious from now on......which you want them to be, but yes, it does suck!!!!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Ruth, that's how I handle cravings at night - pack it in and go to bed.  Works like a charm (most times).  And since my BR is upstairs where I don't take food and I'm too lazy to walk down to the kitchen, it works well.  Now if I can just train my cat to bring me food...

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Jen, it sucks big time and it's really hard not to go into panic mode.  Take deep breaths!  I'll be sending good thoughts your way -- keep us posted.

    Kymn, looks like you were recently dx; believe me, there were plenty of days when all I could do was get up, it definitely counts!

    Bobbie, your salad sounds great and like a healthier version of a broccoli-raisin salad my mom used to make -- yummo but full of cream cheese and mayo.  I'll give yours a try!

    Ronna, glad you got good news!

    SoCalLisa, I love the elephant analogy... and Cheryl, LOL at your response! Laughing  Sherry, stay safe in the ice.  Kira, hope you could exercise out some of the work frustrations.  Patoo, train your cat... I snorted (really) (and snorting is sooo attractive) :) when I read that! 

    I have a small lead on a possible job in Cleveland -- would put me back in a part of the country I love and near my closest friend -- it's only a hint of a nibble right now but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I really really need a job, and soon.

    Has anyone heard of Snap Fitness?  They just opened here -- looks like a minimal-type gym (equipment, only staffed part of the time, no classes) but it's cheap and month-by-month, may be just what I need to get started.  Have to get over there, maybe today, to check it out.

    I had a true Pollyanna moment yesterday so bear with me -- woke up thinking of a dear close friend of mine who  died of pancreatic cancer when she was 50... I was 46 at the time and was her primary caregiver and I swore that every year I got past 50 I would be really grateful for.   Well, I've made it to 59 -- that's 9 years Lee never had -- and my early monring thoughts revolved around how I'm grateful for every second of every year, even though some it is has been really rough.  I don't know if it's the sunshine or the bird song or just another step in my healing, but I feel my old self emerging full force, and it's a good feeling.

    My hike yesterday was a chore, it was wonderful to be outside (even at 10 degrees, it wasn't windy so it was lovely) but the snow/ice was really hard to walk through, kind of like walking on loose dry sand on the beach... a good workout, just not as free-moving as I had pictured!  Today I may try another place to see if the paved paths there have been cleared.

    Warm hugs, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Nature - your Pollyanna story brings tears to my eyes; very touching.  I wish more people, and I'm not speaking of my BCo friends, knew how much every day is a gift. 

    Keeping in prayer that the job comes through for you.  How far is Cleveland from you now?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    I have been up since 3am watching movies on TCM and trolling the internet I woke up with throbbing gums, so don't know if it's a toothache or sinus grrrrrrrr.

    Carol - is today your birthday??? Fingers and toes crossed for the job lead and like Patoo said we get it but others just wish away time.

    Last Saturday it was my time to host my "friends" group and I had asked permission for them to come over here, well we had a lovely afternoon playing games but I got a phone call when my HB next door neighbor got home that the fire dept/paramedics were next door and our neighbor collapsed and died of a heart attack, he was 65, no sign, no warning, then on Sunday after the gym one of the girls was talking about her husband who was complaining about his legs and I told her about Steve and said if a man says something he must be in pain so go to the doctor - turns out he had a stroke and but because of intervention will make a full recovery - you just never know.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Yes, you never know.  Car slammed into the side of a brick school building here in NJ sometime Weds night; wasn't found until employee got to work yesterday morning and saw the car standing on it's nose  Three kids, 20, 20,21 discovered inside and had died.  It can hit at any age.  I give thanks each morning when I wake.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    But back to more uplifting news.  Even though didn't do as much exercise as I needed this week, still was down on ELAB thread - Yippee!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Jen I hope everything is Ok.  I am still living in panic mode as well.  Will be glad when I quit living like this.

    Kym-Getting up does count.  sometime that is the hardes.

    Did 25 minutes of stationary bike inside.  Too cold out side 25 degrees

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Jen and Sherry - sending hugs and prayers. And I agree, Kym - getting up does count.  Patoo - I saw that story on the news about the three young people - what a gruesome scene. 

    Cheryl - so sad about your neighbor and good advice to the lady at the gym.  I have had blood clots in my legs so whenever someone complains to me about leg pain that is not from an injury I always relay my story.  I spent nine days in the hospital 5 years ago getting my blood thin and dissolving clots that had gone to my lungs - very scary stuff and only steps aways from a stroke.  A young woman in the office where I work complained of leg pain and shortness of breath this past October and after much urging by my she went to the Dr.  Landed in the hospital for 5 days with the same diagnosis.  Leg pain is a symptom that doesn't get a lot of press.  I hope your gums feel better.  And, I love TCM!!

    Carol - love your Pollyanna moment and good luck with the job.  There is a Snap Fitness opening here.  I read they are pretty bare bones but good value if you don't want classes and ours is open 24/7.

    Patoo - I do get polish on my toes and hurry home in flip flops!

    Just back from my ride.  Having a lunch of quinoa, diced tomatoes and chopped clams - another one of my quick creations.  Have a great day all - off to work Kiss