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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Oh - down 2 more pounds!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi everyone, Well Volunteer Coordinator just called. I start Monday at the Breast Center 9:30 - 12:30, also on Wed.

     Patoo: The article about the kids hitting the brick wall at the school was front page news in NJ Star Ledger. How sad.

    Carol, loved your Polyanna Story and I think I heard birds too. Hope the job situation works out for you.

    Still very icy here, but nice.

    Have to get away from ths computer and start moving.

    Hugs to all,

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    bobcat woohoo!!!!!!!!!! love those moments

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Jen:  I understand completely about worrying if every little thing is cancerous for the rest of our lives.  It's hard NOT to think that way at times!  What I try to do (not the word "try" here!) is keep my mind occupied and exercise.  But, it's not easy.  I hope they don't find anything at the CAT scan.  I know you'll keep us posted.

    bobcat:  Good for you!  Lost 2 pounds. 

    Carol:  That is a nice Pollyana moment.  Glad you feel more like your old self.  Hope the Cleveland job comes through.

    Ruth:  Sending more prayers for your little guy.

    Glad those of you who have exercise equipment indoors are using it!  Stay safe and warm, those of you back East.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Bobcat...Montreal..I got here to the hotel at 1:3o Montreal time...2:#0 Halifax time but I slept like the dead and woke up refreshed...meeting my nephew for a drink and a  bit of food then back to bed. Have to hit the gym on Sunday and get back to classes. I feel like I have gained weight htese past couple of weeks...feeling like everything is tight...including bras and everything...granted, I am putting my pants in the dryer these days but I need more exercize. So...A walk tomorrow, gym on Sunday and if the sidewalks are plowed when I reutrn to Halifax, I think I may walk to work (30 minutes)...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Another fly by (we are getting ready for conferences so I am even more swamped than usual). Did an hour on the treadmill. My little guy is in 'critical but stable' condition. One of his lungs collapsed & the other was involved so he is in a medically induced coma & breathing with a ventilator. From the Caringbridge site they set up things sounded better tonight than they had been. So continued good thoughts & prayers are appreciated!

    On the Wednesday Weigh In thread Mary Louise told us about the most awesome free website a great tool to keep track of calories, it graph weight loss, where those calories are coming from (carbs, fat, protein etc), and also logs your exercise (and gives you more calories to eat if you have exercised more!!). Check it out if you are wanting to lose a few (or many) pounds or want to maintain but eat healthier etc.

    Back to my piles. Take Care Everyone.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Thanks for the caring words ladies.  Turns out the Onc ordered an MRI.  Come to find out I can't have an MRI due to the metal in my tissue expanders.  Kind of makes me wonder why SHE didn't think of that.  So now I sent her an email asking if I should wait for the MRI until after my exchange surgery in March or have some other kind of test.  OY.

    I did feel better after working out today.  40 minutes of weights and 25 min on the eliptical.

    I lost 3 pounds since yesterday!  At least 2 pounds in sweat and tears.

    The good news is we just went to Costco and bought a big screen TV.  So the Superbowl should be looking good.


  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277
    edited February 2011

    I forgot to post yesterday - 2.0 miles on the treadmill with incline.

    Same deal today.  :)

     Three days in a row!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    I forgot to post yesterday too :-)  Walked inside the capitol at lunch. Busy day there: classrooms of schoolchildren taking tours and a couple getting married!  We go past the press room, it was quiet yesterday.  I don't think the legislature was in session and the Gov's in TX for the SB.  Have a good day everyone!  {{hugs}}

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Has anyone used these for walking on packed snow and ice? 


    How'd you like them?  Are they worth the twenty bucks?  TIA for any info.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Badger, I haven't used them but a local bike shop sells them and some people swear by them.  Amazon has reviews that are mostly highly favorable (less than 8% gave them only one or two stars, over 70% gave them 5 stars, FWIW).   I'd say they'd be more than worth the $20 but again, I can't speak from personal opinion, just impressed with everything I hear about them.  Let us know if you try them.

    Prayers for the little guy still going out, Ruth.

    Sorry I read posts in a hurry and am replying the same, but I remember someone asked me how far Cleveland is from where I am now, it's about 330 miles or 6-7 hours drive. I love Lake Erie, too. Not the ocean but if you can't have the ocean, a great lake is definitely good!  Ronna, hope you enjoy Monday, and Bobbi, woo hoo on the 2#!

    I found a good place to walk yesterday, I wasn't sinking down in the icy stuff but just walking on top of a crust, but it was weird because in spots when I'd step down it sounded hollow underneath and I half expected the world to give way under me :)  It was a good walk and good to be outside.

    Today, it's snowing!!!  Woo hoo!  Big fat pretty flakes.  Love it.  

    I'm probably going to do a neighborhood walk to enjoy the snow, and then come in and kick with Billy for awhile :)

    Enjoy the day, everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Jen & Bobbie - Congrats on the weight loss!! 

    Ruth - still sending up prayers for the little guy.  Tomorrow will be the completion on 1 week on the site.  I always thought I knew what I was putting in my mouth, but by having to record it really made me see where I was going wrong - don't get me wrong, I am still having some "forbidden" morsels of tastiness (chocolate!), and have still managed to lose 5 pounds this past week!!   Hallelujah!!   The site really keeps me motivated (I do have "friends" on the site (right now my sister & family) - like facebook - that really makes me want to be able to post the weight loss!)  Hopefully I can keep it up now!!

    Today did 45 minutes on Wii fit Plus.  Have to get going now as we are attending a memorial service this afternoon for a friend's sister. 

    Keep at it everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Morning all.  Just signed up  for  Another way to track (can use weekly totals for E-LAB thread as well).  It's also making me go down and do treadmill for a few.  Dropping DS off at mall later so that will give me more walking for today so maybe I'll make 10,000 steps.

    Later friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    2 miles; 40 mins. on treadmill

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Jen - can't believe your onc missed the metal in the expanders.  I hope they can order you another test.  Enjoy that big tv - we did that last year and now I love it.  Ruth - hugs and prayers.  Keep us posted on your little guy.  Mary Louise - I will check out loseit - sounds like a winner. Badger - I have a pair of yaktrax and have never tried them!  Maybe I will now.  Go Packers, by the way!  Ronna - good luck on Monday.  Very exciting for you.

    Had our grandaughter(3 yrs) overnight.  What fun watching the Ninja Turtle movie.  Did a double spin class at the Y with SO.  It's raining - at least not snowing for once.  We are heading to the shore to see my Mom.  She turns 80 on Monday so Nils and Amy are meeting us there and we will take her to dinner.  Have a great weekend all.  Will be back tomorrow to watch the game at home Kiss

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Took my zumba class today and actually jumped and raised my arms and even shaked my boobs. Dr. wants me to exercise well today I went all out. I chatted with a dog walker at the gum and she was talking about the yak tracks. They showed them on tv the other morning.

    Ruth, continued prayers for that young boy.

    Here in Jersey, it has not stopped raining all day. An ugly day.

    Bobby, happy 80th to your mother.and have a good time with little granddaughter. I am going to check out too.


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Ronna -- I can't wait til I can shake my boobs.  Only my butt shakes now, boobs are hard as a rock (T/Es).  Less than a month to go!


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Walked a couple of miles today and hten flew home from Montreal...walking in the airport counts too (forgot the pedometer this time!)...also went over on my bad ankle an dhave ben dealing with ankle plain all day but plan on going to pump class tomorrow pm and then maybe a sauna...very mild outside...

    ps. those things work very well on packed snow

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Long, busy day.....only time for a 30 minute pilates DVD. Ryan (my little guy) is the same as yesterday, which I think is probably good. 'Talk' to you tomorrow! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Finally warming up here, it's 30, so a good day for another walk outside.  As soon as I have my coffee I'm going out!

    We got about 5" of snow yesterday, lovely fluffy stuff (and easier to shovel than ice!).  I'm going to check out the golf course and see if this is OK for xcountry skiing -- I'd love to get out there again.

    Ronna, funny about shaking your boobs, enjoy! :)  Bobbi, happy birthday & a hug to your mother!

    I'm not a football fan so I'm one of probably about 8 people in the country who won't be watching the game Smile but all of those who do, have fun!  Go, team! :)

    Have a great day, Tarts!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011
    Great day so far!  40 minutes Wii fit plus, 30 minutes shovel & sculpt and have totally wiped out the calories eaten so far for the day!! hahaha   Planning on a cocktail or two today and planning a lazy rest of the day (not a football fan either, but love to watch the commercials and half time show) Laughing
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    It snowed overnight so got in 30 minutes shovel & sculpt, in a little while I'll head to the activity center for a nice long walk.  They were closed yesterday for a tourney so I have to make up some time.  It's turned sunny but I don't trust the sidewalks just yet.  Thanks for the recs on yaktrax.

    We will watch the football game.  I wish it didn't start so late - 7 pm - we'll see if I make it to the end.  I'm going to snack on raw veggies and whole grain Goldfish (55 is a serving, that's a whole school of fish!) and try not to totally blow my diet. 

    Have a good day and {{hugs}} to all.  Ruth, prayers for your little guy Ryan!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    I went out to walk but decided first to try to chip my nephew's car out of the ice to surprise him when he comes get it (he didn't want to park on campus during the "snowcalypse" of the last week).  Two hours later I finally had it free!  So chip, shovel and sculpt was it for me today.  But I liked being able to help him.  I felt so crappy for so long; it feels good to feel good enough to do things for others again.

    Badger, after slipping around on the driveway this morning, I decided to call the bike shop tomorrow to get some yaktrax.   If they have any left!

    Enjoy the superbowl or whatever you do today!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hi, Ladies:

    Ronna:  Cool that you are volunteering!  Please let us know how that works out.  I'm thinking of doing the same thing.

    Ruth:  More prayers for your little guy.  Boy, he's been through a lot!  I'll be thinking of him.

    Jen:  Sending thoughts of strength to help you through all this.  Glad you lost 3 pounds! 

    Sandeeonherown:  Glad you had a nice time with your nephew and that you were able to walk a couple of miles. 

    bobcat:  Glad you had quality time with your granddaughter.  Happy 80th to your mom!

    Everyone:  Keep up the exercise.  I will start my power walking tomorrow.  Right now, I'm trying really hard NOT to indulge in some M&M munching . . . .gotta keep those pounds off!

    Go Packers!

    Best to all,


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    badger, good call not to trust the sidewalks.  Weather is really nice out today so decided to take a walk.  Most of the sidewalks that were shovelled were okay but wasn't thinking and stepped onto a part that is always shaded - black ice and down I went.  Hit both knees and left wrist but not really too bad.  Wrist is okay but I'm sure tomorrow the knees are gonna give me the 'what for!'  But at least I did get in about an hours walk. 

    Relaxing the rest of the day;.  Not a football person but may have it on to see these commercials that everyone always talks of and maybe read a book.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Meant to say, HI, everyone. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    All us poor snow bound people will sure be happy for green grass and dry sidewalks. Ouch patoo, better ice the wrist & knees. Did the 45 minute 'Hip Hop Cardio' before church & 45 minutes  FIRM 'Get Chizled' after. Now to do some school work & watch a little Super Bowl action. The loseit program is good because, not only does exercise count, but it also shows me that 30 minutes of pilates will not make up for a Dairy Queen Mocha Chip Blizzard Surprised!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    LOL on the DQ but at least the exercise does count for something.  I have to remember to put everything down that I eat as loseit only counts what you enter so each part of a meal has to be entered.  That means if I 'steal' a couple of FF from DS lunch plate I have to figure out how to calculate it.

    Ruthbru, thanks, I think that's a good idea to ice.  Going to do that now (after a pop a couple advil).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Ice and elevate (good excuse to sit down and relax).

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    patoo:  Ouch!  I'm so sorry that happened to you!  Hope you didn't sprain anything! 

    I think ice is a good way to start, then heat (like a heating pad) on stiff and sore muscles?

    At any rate, take care.
