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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    No heat.....trainers have gone strictly to ice.

    Not to defeat our diets; but some of the humor thread girls & I were talking about delicious foods so much that I just started a thread called 'Delicious Foods' under the "Moving Beyond Cancer' section. Bobbi, you should post some of your delicious sounding (and healthy) recipes there!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    delicious and healthy in the same recipe - that I gotta see!  (add easy, like in no-cooking, and I'm hooked!)  the ice does feel good/

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011
    patoo, ouch!!!!!  I hate falling. Be gentle with yourself for a few days and take good care of your knees and wrist.
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    patoo, ice ice baby! not that you will want to since it is cold but it might be nice respite from nightly hot flashes if you are getting those!...lots of black ice around here too as it rained all last night and urned the big snow banks into smaller ones surrounded by black ice!. I know I am tired because in Montreal, crossing the street, my weak ankle just gave way and I was down....time to ge tback in the gym to pump classes and strengthen it.

     More snow acoming least here on th eeast coas of Canada..might make it to Tuesday!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Patoo - hope you get away with just minor aches from the fall - I hate falling because the next day you find out exactly how many muscles got jarred on impact. 

    Hope everyone had a restful week end and are ready to face a new week! 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    ruthbru:  Glad you told us about no heat!  I'll keep that in mind.

    Sandeeonherown:  You take care as well - drat those falls!

    Take care, everyone!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Ow Patoo hope you are okay, I know how you feel as I went down when I was walking dogs last Thursday, I wasn't paying attention and one cut in front of me and the leash wrapped around my legs boom down I went, my knee is still a little sore and I have a couple bruises on my arm. Bobbi hope your Mom had a wonderful birthday, give her a hug from me, I miss my Mum so much. Nature you are a good aunt. Ruth, Ryan is in my prayers.

    I did my Body Pump class on Friday night and today I did Body Step and after class one of my gym boyfriends gave me a beautiful box of candy for Vietnamese New Year, yes I am a greedy old lady and I have two gym boyfriendsSmile.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day here is So Cal and I even got to wash my car this afternoon yeahhhhh.  Have a great week everyone.

  • Diane11
    Diane11 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2011


       I was diagnosed in 1999 then in 2007.I've been through a lot, and working out each day is the best advice.Walking, some jogging, and running is great too. Ive been roller bladeing in Oceanside at the harbor.Also, use a abe lounge and gazel ski bike to tone up. I wear sketchers / tennis shoes there great. I sing at home for fun to relieve stress. I've been taking femara since 2007 with calcium 1500. I try to take flax seed oil, one tablespoon, two banannas, a cup of fat free milk and chocolate syrup in a mixer. This seems to help with any hot flashes. I work at the grocery store part time faceing shelves stocking so I dont feel a lot ove joint pain women complain about take femara at night.


                                                                    Vista Ca.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Mornin' all, got to the track yesterday and did 1 hour 3 miles.  Watched football last night and did not destroy my diet.  Will walk the capitol at noon today with my exercise buddy.  Yoga class starts Weds.  Have a safe and healthy week (ouch patoo & cheryl on those falls!)  {{hugs}} to all

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Good morning everyone:

     Had to check in before my first day of volunteering. Have a great day all, and we too up here are loaded with black ice. I had the dog out already and he was slipping and sliding.

    I am really anticipating this morning, have no idea what to expect as a volunteer, but looking foward to zumba tonight.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Ronna, enjoy -- no matter what you do, you'll be helping others, and that has to feel good. Cheryl, two gym boyfriends -- you go, girl!

    Be safe, everyone, with the falling!!  I've contacted the local bike shop that sells YakTrax to see if I can still get a pair, although I've been researching the more expensive but apparently more durable Kahtoola MicroSpikes brand.  They're probably more suitable for further north, where ice and snow are more consistent than here in IN.  For $20, the YakTrax seem like a good way to start out.

    I think I'm staying in today and marching with Leslie.  It's our last "warm" day (30's) for the week but the slight warm-up has melted and then iced everything again so I don't feel like taking on the slick spots.  Unless I get my YakTrax :)  Still need to get to Snap to see if that's what I want to do for a gym for now.

    Take care, everyone.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Saturday was a day off of exercising for me.  It was 75 degrees here and beautiful!  I had to keep the girls occupied while DH worked at home.  They actually talked me into letting them get in their bathing suits so I could squirt them with the hose.  In February!

    Sunday I did 45 minutes of weights, 25 min of treadmil and 30 min on the bike. 

    DH left for a business trip this morning, so it will be easier for me to eat light for the next 4 days.  I can fix the kids something easy and a salad for myself.

    Keep moving,


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    You California girls are killin' me -- gardening, swimsuits... I still love winter but I have to admit being able to wash my car or garden sounds lovely!

    Our temps today softened up the ice and snow more so I worked on getting some of the lingering ice off the  driveway, before temps plummet again tonight.  I have a pool of water at the bottom of the drive that's going to make a nice ice rink by tomorrow.  Shovel and sculpt is getting to be an old friend!

    Looked at the mostly-dry and clear roads (where I would use them most, on neighborhood walks) and decided against YakTrax for now. 

    March on, Tarts!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Patoo and Cheryl - be careful with those falls - ouch!! 

    Thanks for the reference to the site - it really helps keep me accountable for every bite I eat.  Also I started at a gym last week - I've done a couple of sessions on the aerobic equipment and had a fitness assessment as well - gee, for some reason my upper body strength is really low - I can't imagine why? Undecided I have a meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow at 7am to get some help with designing a program.  Sunday morning I did a 15 minute warmup on a bike then a 60 minute step & sculpt class - I was surprised I didn't completely embarass myself in class and actually could keep up. Later Sunday we went to check out the cabin - with 8 inches of snow/ice on the dirt driveway there was no way we could drive up, so we had to park at the bottom and trudge through the snowpack up the mountain, over the ridge, and down the other side of the mountain to the cabin - about 20 minutes one way. That was some good exercise there too!

    Thirty minutes on the elliptical today, and I'm trying a one hour kick boxing class tonight.  I'm also toying with trying the 7am spin class Thursday.  Anyone do spin?  How is it on the knees?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Forgot to say congrats to Badger on Green Bay's win last night! 

    Now that football season is out of the way, can baseball season be far behind????  Laughing

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    I was one of the 8 who didn't watch the game.  Actually, the number may be up to 10 who didn't watch, since my DH only checked scores.

    Rode my bike yesterday, 30 mins/5 miles, and it was much easier.  I finished Lonesome Dove, so have to find another tape to watch.

    Got a shot today for plantar fasciitis, so I'm hoping to be able to dog train tomorrow.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Ouch - to Patoo and Cheryl on the falls.  Hope you are doing better.  I hate to fall.  Fell up the stairs(not down!!) a couple of weeks ago and boy, was I sore for a couple of days. Cheryl - two gym boyfriends?? Greedy indeed.  I love it.  Happy New Year of the Rabbit.  Retriever - what sort of shot do they give for plantar fasciitis?  Mary - your hike to cabin sounds glorious!  Baseball all over talk radio today after covering the SB for an hour.  We watched the game from bed and giggled at the commercials - well, some of them. Ronna - anxious to hear about your first day.

    We had a lovely dinner with my Mom, Nils and Amy.  Mom felt very special and everyone in the restaurant joined in singing Happy Birthday - very special.  No excerise yesterday but some good visiting.  Nils gave a me heart rate monitor for Christmas and got it all hooked this weekend.  Does anyone use a heart monitor?  Anyway, I used it on the bike this am and my average heart rate for the ride was 145 for 2 hours which is in the "hard" exercise range for my age(54).  My max is 166 and I hit that a couple times on some hills.  I think I will have fun with this although I am feeling a bit beat up tonight :)  Tomorrow meeting a friend at a new RealRyde spinning facility.  It you google RealRyde you will see the new spin bikes that are out there. 

    Mary - lots of us spin or have tried spin.  I think you will like it.  Have a good night all Kiss

  • LG300
    LG300 Member Posts: 512
    edited February 2011

    I haven't been that good about getting back on track with exercising, but I did do a Wii Fit workout today.  I did yoga, step, and some balance exercises.  I felt so much better after working out.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    LG300, you will find that coming here will also motivate you.  When I need that extra push I come here and then off I go to do something.  Good for you on the Wii Fit, yoga, step and balance - Whew, makes me tired just typing it!

    I'm okay, thanks all.  I really think the ice was what helped.  One knee is still a little sore but not painful.  Just did a 1 mile with LS tonight.  I'm going to take it easy and march some before bed just to get some more steps in and turn in early since I'm tired for some reason.

    Night friends.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    LG300:  Good for you - get those endorphins going!

    bobcat:  Wow!  Everyone in the restaurant sang "Happy Birthday"??  Very cool and very special.  The heart monitor thing sounds interesting; think I'll check it out.

    Ronna:  Anxious to hear how the volunteering went. 

    Carol:  Wish I could send you some of our beautiful weather (as well as to the rest of the "winter-weary" posting here!)

    Mary and Jen:  Hoping I can do as much working out as you two.  Think I'll get there.

    badger:  What a game!  Wild and crazy.  Hubby and I were jumping for joy. 

    Walked for the first time in two weeks and went 5 miles.  This keeps my weight in check.  Now to tone those legs - got to join a gym soon. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    1 hour on the treadmill. I only have about 200 calories left so it is going to be a long night! Frown I got to wear my pajamas and robe to school today because we are having 'Snow Week'; everyday has a different theme cumulating with a big all-school party Friday night. Today was 'Pajama/Couch Potato Day'...which was fun although I an overwhelming urge to have naptime after lunch! Ryan's condition remains the sounds like they have to wait and see if the medication is doing what it's suppose to before making any other moves. Very scary.....

    Retriever, do you have inserts for your shoes? I had plantar fasciitis once; inserts and wearing good supported shoes all the time (no going barefoot) eventually cleared it up.

    Happy Birthday to your mom, Bobbi!

    Ronna, hope you had a good first day on the job.

    Badger, I had to call my Packers loving nephew and neighbor after the game to make sure neither of them had expired from all the excitement. A very good game; I thought the action on the field was better than the commericals, and that doesn't happen very often. 'Night All! Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    I got a cortisone shot that did absolutely no good.  I already wear ortho shoes with great support, so the doc attributed the problem to the way I've been walking when there's ice on the sidewalks.  Now that the heel is painful, I'm walking "funny" to stay off the sore area, prolonging the problem.  I'm off to roll my heel on an iced water bottle.

    Bobcat:  2 hours???  Man, I feel good to do my 30 mins.  

    Came home from work in snow flurries.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Cute new puppy picture!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Very old pic.  He would steal my DS's rubber duckie back in the day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    and what an innocent look he has one his face!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    ruthbru:  More prayers for Ryan.  How very difficult it is to wait. 

    patoo:  Glad you are feeling better. 

    retrievermom:  Hope your heel mends soon. 

    Night, all.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Julie75- Thanks. I have called my massage therapist.because the ankle turning thing has caused my back to go out....or hip..can't tell if it is muscle or if I am 'out' but will start with the massage...makes walking (and sitting and standing) it is time to get some help....walked to choir practice tonight....exercized my vocal chords for two hours (does that count as exercize?)...good for the soul either way.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    I did 45 minutes of weights, 95 sit ups and 35 minutes on the eliptical.

    I heard back from my Onc and she says:

    "Hello - radiology doc said given the lymph node is very small, MRI would be best to see if there is anything suspicious about it - other tests are not sensitive enough - could you confirm with plastic surgery that there will be nothing metal after your exchange, then we could do MRI after. "

    So it looks like I won't have any info on my suspicious node until after my exchange surgery next month.  As Tom Petty says, "Wai-ai-aiting is the har-dest part"


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Sandeeonherown:  You are quite welcome.  Wow, an out-of-synch back or hip is nothing to fool around with - glad you are getting help for that. 

    Yes!  Choir practice counts as exercise!

    Feel better soon.

    Jen:  Hang in there.  Sending thoughts of strength.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Thanks ladies for the well-wishes on the football game (yes, very exciting, glad it was a good contest) and also on our freezing cold weather.  It's getting to be spring, I just know it.  We get a beautiful sunrise headed in to Madison each morning, and it stays light now until we're home each evening.  My rider usually sleeps on the way in so I have a nice peaceful drive, then we chat on the way home about our jobs, families, whatever, makes the time go fast.

    Funny how I always drive faster in the p.m. going home than I do in the a.m. Innocent

    Have a good day all!