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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    Mommy - good luck with packing up and your move

    Ruth - what, retired and riding a motorcycle across the country

    Didn't sleep well last night. Hope to get a walk in before we head to the airport. BBL

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Safe travels, Karen.

    Congratulations on selling your house, Mommy. Now the work begins! What is the moving timeline? Do you have to look for houses now, or do you have that already in place?

    I will take a dog walk this morning before it gets too hot and go to Dance2fit (and maybe yoga) tonight. At some point this week, I need to do some house cleaning.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696

    The movers come on the 22nd to load everything. We close the next day and then it’s a three day trek for us to get out to Wisconsin. House won’t be ready until next Spring but we are going to rent a place until it is. Already have an appointment to look at a rental when we get out there

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    My mom grew up in western Wisconsin (near Eau Claire), and I have lots of relatives still there. A beautiful state!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696

    I’m from Superior originally, still have lots of family up that way and family in southern Wisconsin

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    My mom went to college in Superior! She boarded with an older couple who became like an uncle & aunt to us. When I was growing up, we stopped and saw them every summer when we visited our Wisconsin relatives.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696

    Awesome Ruth!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Have a great time, Karen!

    M0mmy: Congratulations on the sale of your house. I know you are very happy!

    Ruth: I bet the motorcycle man loved seeing all you ladies - and to talk with someone in German!

    Hot is the word here. I did a little yard work yesterday and my shirt was soaking. Today I met a friend for a short walk. She could only go in the afternoon which was not a good idea.

    We are in a drought. Because of that the yard has not been mowed in 4 weeks. It hasn't needed it. Next week we will be out of town and will probably have to mow when we get back as some rain is predicted. Looking at getting someone to mow it at least through August. I can't push mow it in this heat.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    We are getting a small three day taste of your heat & humidity, Wonderland. And it is three days too many for me! We walked early today & I went to a mat pilates class.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696

    I am! Started doing some packing today and would have gotten more done but hubby and I had a lunch and dinner date with friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I did a 5K walk this morning. The entrance fee went to a group that is raising money to build an inclusive playground in one of the local parks. It a very, hot & humid day! I am staying in .my air conditioned house for the rest of the day!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    We arrived Friday afternoon and our daughter met us at the airport as she was spending Shabbat with us. She had picked up prepared food and had all her stuff. The rental car was packed!!! Today we will just chill and do some food shopping. Tuesday and Thursday we have two volunteer events. Thursday is going south and ending the day on a military base make a BBQ for soldiers. Next Sunday we are doing another BBQ. Tuesday is going to a microgreens farm and helping. Today and tomorrow, we will try to get some more volunteer events to participant in again. Some are only planned a week in advance.

    Hot here, but not as hot as Denver who broke a record at 102!!

    Stay safe everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Glad you have arrived safely, Karen, and are enjoying some time with your daughter!

    To beat the heat, we got up early for our dog walk. I am very glad we did because there was a friendly Husky wandering around the park all by himself. He & Bruno started to play and I took his picture and posted it on two community Facebook pages (one for general questions & comments, and one specifically for lost pets). About 5 minutes later, I got a message and 10 minutes later the owner (who had been driving all over looking for it) picked him up. So we were definitely at the right place at the right time!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Karen: how wonderful for you and your family to be volunteering. Have a great time!

    M0mmy: how nice to a meal with friends.

    Ruth: your humidity is preparing you for your trip. I’m sure the husky’s owner is grateful that you posted the pictures.

    I’m at the beach with my family for the week. Tonight we witnessed a turtle nest hatching! It’s the first turtle nest in NC to hatch this year. There were 130 little turtles. If I lived on the coast I would be a turtle volunteer.

    Here is the “turtle boil.” The turtles all crawl out at the same time.

    This is the crawl to the sea.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    How neat, wonderland!

    I will go to Zumba this morning & HIT tonight. In between I need to pack up because tomorrow I head out to NC to visit my sister & family. My trip will also include a couple days at the beach, which is good as it sounds dreadfully hot out there!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696

    Packed most of my kitchen appliances I was not using and a good portion of the living room. Sitting down for a bit under hubby’s orders and might do a little more packing after dinner.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840
    edited July 18

    M0mmy: glad you dh is looking out for you Ruth: is it windy where you are?

    It’s vey windy at the beach and has been most of the day. Came out this evening and was a little chilly so put on this cool looking sweatshirt that ds made.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Yes, it is very windy. We got to our hotel about 4:00 & took a long walk on the beach after we settled in. The sand was whipping against our legs on the way back!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Got my exercise last night and today walking on the beach. Too windy to actually get in the water due to rip tides. But it's not raining so we are happy!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    I can't believe we've been in Israel for one week. The time has gone by so fast. We were busy volunteering every, day though each day was only a few hours, except yesterday was an excursion. Two of the events were BBQs with the soldiers and another cooking for the soldiers. Not allowed on the bases so its off base. We've also seen some friends and of course Shabbat with our daughter. Next week we have 2 days planned to volunteer and we will go to the beach in Tel Aviv at least one day. Most of these volunteer events only get posted one week in advance. Only 3 weeks left. I hope the time doesn't go by so quickly.

    My CPAP is leaking so I can't use it. It started leaking the day after we arrived. We can't figure out where it is leaking, so it's packed up. I have an appointment with my pcp the day after I get home. They supposed to send me something for the mask to help with the seal. DH and I thought it was the hose. If this doesn't solve the problem, I'll call the company (al ready talked to them here twice) and make an appointment to figure it out. Actually, I really hope there is something else I can use to help with my sleep apnea.

    At sea level, I've been able to walk faster than I do at home - back to my normal pace prior to chemo last year. Let's see what happens when I get home.

    Ruth and Wonder - great pictures

    Have a great week-end.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Karen, it sounds like you are having a fun and rewarding trip! Hope you can sleep okay even without the CPAP.

    We dodged rain yesterday, but we're able to spend most of the day on the beach. We took a sunset cruise on a catamaran which was fantastic!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840
    edited July 20

    Karen: Your trip so far sounds wonderful except for the cpap leak. Hope it can be repaired.

    Ruth: Can’t wait to hear about your cruise. Great picture!

    Plan to walk later today.

    We are home from the beach. My brother designs and makes kites so dd and I took a selfie with his cool fish kite.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    We are back from the ocean too. I did a yoga on the beach class before we left, which was wonderful. But as we spent the next 4 hours in a car & have been visiting with my sister's family since we got to her house, I surely didn't get my steps in! It rained all evening, which is a happy thing as it's so dry here. N

    Love the kite, Wonderland!

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 550

    I am getting into the rhythm of regular resistance training. I had forgotten how good it feels, especially the shower afterwards. Only baby weights yet, but that will change.😎

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Good for you, mallee!

    A very short walk this morning and the rest of the day was visiting with relatives. I fly home Tuesday. It's been very fun, but I will be glad to get back into my regular exercise routine.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    No exercise, but Wonderland lives only an hour away from my sister's & she came over for a fun afternoon. Hopefully I will be traveling tomorrow!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Had a fabulous time with Ruth and her family today! I really wish we all lived near each other. Oh the fun we would have!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I got home safe & sound. I walked with the Wednesday Women & spent the rest of the day weeding, deadheading flowers, watering etc. I just bought enough groceries to make dinner!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    We've been in Israel for two weeks and the time is going by so quickly. This week we helped with a BBQ for soldiers on Sunday, packed vegetables and worked on a Microgreens farm (very interesting). Spent time shopping and we went to the beach in Tel Aviv Thankfully no jellyfish so far this summer. A couple years ago, the jellyfish were horrible. Our daughter is here for Shabbat and on Sunday we are helping her pack as she is moving to a different apartment month. We have just over two weeks left and the time will go by way too quickly.

    When I get home it's back to work for the 24-25 sy.

    Today while shopping with my daughter we ran into someone from Denver who is a few years younger than her working at a camp and earlier my husband and I ran into our former Rabbi and his wife who moved back to NJ. We also run into people we know or meet people who have Denver connections.

    The weather is hot, but at least Jerusalem cools off at night. Tel Aviv is naturally very humid as it is on the Mediterranean.

    We are doing a lot of walking - and I walk through the pain in my foot. It doesn't always hurt but when it does, it hurts! I decided that I'm going to do the foot surgery sometime after I get back. Just have to figure out the timing as I want to take 3 weeks off work. Podiatrist says only need a couple days, but I have the time so why not give myself plenty of time to heal, Seems like everything takes longer these days.

    Sorry for not addressing anyone but I hope everyone is doing well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Glad you are having a good trip, Karen. Summer is really flying by!

    Yesterday I went to HIT, Dance2fit & Yoga (trying to catch up & lose 5 vacation pounds) & did more yardwork. I got up early this morning to do some more & water. Thankfully, now everything is back looking like it's supposed to. I will go to mat pilates and a stretching class. We have some old friends we meet up with every summer & that's on the agenda for this weekend. I wish we'd picked a later date because I would really like to be home!