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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Karen: your trip sounds fascinating. So cool that you meet people you know. I’m sure seeing your old rabbi was exciting for all of you.

    Ruth: have fun with your friends. Glad your plants are back to thriving. You certainly didn’t look like you had gained 5 pounds. I thought you looked fabulous!

    My sisters came for lunch today then we drove an hour for a family birthday party. Came home and I decided to mow. It’s been over 6 weeks since we had to mow bc of the drought. Luckily we have been having rain and more is predicted this week. The heat is not as bad (for now) as it has been. I mowed for an hour until it was too dark to see. Dh and I will finish the yard tomorrow.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Love watching the Olympics. The opening was amazing - Paris went all out!

    Walked this evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    We had a fun overnight with our friends & got home in time to take a walk & go to yoga. I am very much enjoying the Olympics too, and amazed by the talent & dedication of all the participants.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I went to Zumba & HIT yesterday. This morning I went to Dance2fit & am now at the hairdresser getting a much needed cut & color! I will go to Barre later today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Love your picture, Ruth.

    Hot, humid, and high dew points again. I'm staying inside and working on some projects while watching the Olympics. I walked in the house this evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    My Book Club took our annual field trip yesterday, so my exercise was walking through shops in a mall & Barnes & Noble. Very fun! Today I went to mat pilates & a stretching class. It's hot here too, so I have been watering a lot.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Met a friend yesterday for a short walk. It was mainly a time to get together and catch up. Last night dh and I went to a restaurant with his brother and wife. We live 5 minutes from each other but rarely get together bc they stay very busy so it was nice to see them.

    This morning I met with dd for coffee and a trip to the Farmers Market. We had a nice rain and expecting more tonight. Temperature cooled off also so I was able to go for my walk. Felt great!

    Still enjoying the Olympics.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I am enjoying the Olympics too. No formal exercise today but cleaned the house & did lots of outdoor work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I went on a Dog Walk & will go to Yoga. I also gave Bruno a bath, which should definitely count as exercise! 😂

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Yes, giving Bruno a bath definitely counts as exercise!

    Walked this evening. The temperature was upper 80s so I didn't push myself. Felt good, though.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 550

    I have done resistance training. I get such a good feeling when I have finished it😀

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Zumba & HIT

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 862
    edited August 7

    I have been silent for awhile but have been up to date reading occasionally.

    Especially loved the picture of Ruth on the boat with the Blockade Runner in the distant rear view — classic Wrightsville.

    Also, love the annual picture of Wonderland and Ruth, so sweet that you get to see each other in real life.

    Karen and I missed meeting IRL in Nov 2019 when I was in Denver at a conference…frankly a regret that I still remember.

    Karen, so happy you have been able to spend time in Israel, be with your daughter and do volunteer work. Like for you, school starts two weeks from yesterday, Aug 19.

    Yesterday was my 63rd b'day!

    Surprise alert, I spent my b'day with my mother in ICU…ugh…she has been there for a week. I came home last Tuesday 7/30 to find mom had taken a fall. Called the fire dept after I couldn't get her up and she is still in ICU (with a plan to transition to a Skilled Nursing Rehab soon)…not sure I will ever get mom back home, but feel blessed we had her for so long…but who knows…but I believe Assisted Living will be her best outcome as they say she now needs 24/7 available coverage, which is not possible at home.

    Okay, that enough for me right now, best to all, TT

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    TT: Happy Belated Birthday. You have been missed. So sorry that your mother fall. I'm sure it was scary for her and grateful you were there to get the proper assistance she needed. Please know that I hold your mom and you are in my thoughts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Happy Birthday, TT! So sorry to read of your mother's fall. Assisted Living might actually perk her up, with people around & activities to do can really enrich life for some people (my aunt found that to be the case, she came in for rehab after a surgery at the age of 90 & found she was having so much fun that she choose to stay!).

    Yikes, it's almost time for school here too. Summers always fly by! I went to Dance2fit & Yoga today. We are having a cooler week here, so we are enjoying opening up the windows and breathing the fresh air!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women celebrating the Olympics with a walk around the college track. I found some 'gold medals' at the Dollar Store, which is what some of us are holding (or biting like the Olympians do).

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 862

    Love the Wed Walking Women shot, so festive.

    My exercise today was walking…lots at the hospital, at work.

    Went to the orthopedist to xray an sprained ankle that has taken 3 weeks to heal and hasn't. Wanted to make sure at this point that something wasn't broken — nothing is. But will start PT on Friday to stabilize.

    Wish Claire was still on this thread, DH is spending the week in the section of WA state that is a dessert - Richland. I'm sure she would have had some great suggestions for what to do out there.

    We are prepping for the storm. When I came home from the hospital (from mom), I fussed with our outdoor furniture/gas grill/etc. Hope everyone stays safe from Debby. TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Good luck with Debby, TT, Wonderland, and anyone else out there is her path!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    Tomorrow is 4 weeks since we arrived and sadly our trip is coming to an end. We leave very early morning Monday August 12 - so have to be at the airport between, 9 and 10pm to return our rental car. It has been a wonderful trip. Today we are helping cook for soldiers , planting trees in the afternoon and then going out to a late dinner with friends - our daughter will join us so a bonus time with her. Saturday we are having Shabbat lunch with friends who made Aliyah but from Denver. Later on, I will write a post with all the wonderful things we have done while here - volunteering, seeing friends, going to the beach etc.

    Sad to see the trip come to an end. My first day back at work is Monday August 12th, but as we land at 10:45 am I won't be there. When we land at JFK, I'll write my managers and tell them I didn't sleep well and will be out for the day. True as sleeping on the plane is not good sleep. I do have 3 appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday. The kids start on Monday August 19th. I can't get on my district server while in Israel, so I haven't checked emails since I left Denver July 11th I told the person who assigns my team to email me to my private email to my personal email if there was anything I needed to see before school starts and so far no email. I have an Israel sim card so I don't get texts to my US number. I will change sim cards out on the plane to the US so I can check work emails when I land.

    TT - happy birthday - hope you had a great day celebrating you. Wishing your mother a speedy and easy recovery. Thanks for your kind remarks about me.

    Ruth - always love seeing the WWW.

    Claire posts on FB.

    WE've been doing a lot of walking, Many days over 15K and some 20K.

    Sweet dreams - it's late by you but morning for me.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    It sounds like a wonderful trip, Karen. Hope all goes smoothly on your return home. You will be super-busy when you get back!!

    HIT this morning & Dance2fit tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    I went to a really good weights class this morning, and on a happy dog walk this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Yoga & a dog walk.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    It's Sunday morning August 11th here in Israel. Today is our last day :( We've had an amazing trip. After we pack up and check out of the apartment, we will take our daughter home and spend the afternoon helping her pack up her place for her move in 2 weeks. We will go out to dinner before heading to the airport. Our flight is at 1:00am Monday the 12th so we will need to be at the airport at 9:30 to return the rental car.

    It's a long travel - Israel to JFK to Denver. We get in Denver around 10:30 or 11:00 am Denver time (which is 7:30 or 8:00 pm Israel time). By the time we get to the house it will be close to noon. Tomorrow is my first day back for the school year but needless to say, won't be there. Before we take off for Denver, I will write my manager and others that I didn't sleep well and won't be in. Not a lie as who sleeps well on a plane in coach!

    (Israel is 7 hours late than eastern time, 9 mountain time and 10 pacific time)

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Hope you have an uneventful travel day, Karen!

    Dog walk & yoga here on a beautiful day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Zumba this morning & HIT tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    Karen: I've been thinking about you today. Hope your flight was uneventful and you have been resting as much as you can. Can't wait to hear more about your awesome trip.

    Ruth: Bruno looks so full of joy in that picture!

    I've been taking it easy lately. Last Monday I was in afib. Shit. Lasted 24 hours. It's been over 7 months since the last time I was in it. Keeping my fingers crossed that it was a fluke.

    We had a lot of rain during the storm Debby. Luckily no damage. My neighbor's large maple fell right beside my car. Amazingly my car was not hit.

    I decided to walk tonight and all went well. Didn't push it and it felt good to start back again.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Darn, Wonderland, do you need to report it to your doctor?

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,840

    I don't think I need to. BUT if it continues I definitely will!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,498

    Log it so if you end up going in, you will have all the information written down.