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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    TT, I had to get a new computer too. What a pain! I think you will love an SUV. We bought a subcompact SUV after we got Bruno....the Brunomobile, we leave the back seat down & it's his car. 😆 We liked it so much that when we replaced the second car, we bought another one just like it (different color) for us & our human companions.

    It was 90 here yesterday, which is much too hot for us northern girls, back in the 70s today. I'm off to HIT & will do Dance2fit tonight. I need to do yardwork this afternoon. Happy Summer!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    It’s gonna be a warm one today and warm and muggy here tomorrow. So I am just puttering around doing little things.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875
    edited June 14

    Ruth: Dr. Carlsen sounds like she was an amazing woman. She would be excited to see her new campus.

    TT: You have been busy! Enjoy your new computer, new car, and Happy Anniversary!

    M0mmy: Our hottest day of the year so far will be tomorrow.

    Mowed for 1 hour and 45 minutes today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    We had the grandpuppies over this afternoon while DS's air conditioner ws being fixed. Animal House!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    If I do anything today, it will be early. Gonna be a hot one again. Our hottest days so far come next week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Went to Mat Pilates and took a dog walk.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Yoga & a long dog walk. It was a beautiful day here!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Last night dh and I went to an outside event with live music and dancing at a local winery. Dh doesn't like to dance but he will dance a slow song with me. I was able to enjoy other songs with my sil and bil. It was a hot night but lots of fun.

    This morning dd and I met for coffee then went to the Farmers Market. Our garden has been producing yellow squash, zucchini and cucumbers so I only bought green beans, cabbage, potatoes and onions for our Father's Day lunch tomorrow. Going to make potato salad, Cole slaw, and green beans. Will be grilling hotdogs and hamburgers. Will also fix a squash dish and slice cucumbers.

    Walked this evening. I finished at 8:15 and there was still plenty of sunlight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend! I went to Zumba this morning & will do HIT tonight… the house in-between.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    It's brutally hot here in Denver - 96F! Thankfully we don't have the humidity like back east. At least tomorrow it will only be in the high 70s.

    I walked early this morning with a gf and since then I've been in the house all day. I've been cleaning out my son's old bedroom and the closet. Still lots more to go through in the closet. We had World Book Yearbook encyclopedia from 1962 to 1973 that I'm finally taking to Goodwill. We've been in this house for over 30 years and they've been on a shelf in my son's closet since we've moved in. Hopefully someone can put them to good use. Next is to give away all his college text books and throw out notebooks from high school and college. Threw out the broken computer desk that had been sitting in his room. He left at least a dozen empty shoe boxes on the closet shelves!! Gotta love that kid! Well, he's not a kid, but he's my kid. Lots' more to do, but that will be for another day.

    20K steps from walking and all the steps in the house.

    DH and I just went for a walk and we melted. Will wait till the sun goes down to walk this evening.

    Hope everyone is out of harms way with the heat and rain.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    We might have severe thunderstorms tonight, so I am trying to decide if I should drag all my pots and hanging baskets back in the garage again.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Karen: Yikes about the heat! So far we have only had one day at 90 degrees but that all changes at the end of this week. I bet it felt good cleaning out your son's room. If your house is like mine, there's always areas that need cleaning out and decluttering.

    Ruth: We need rain but not thunderstorms.

    I met my sisters for lunch today. Then worked at the clothing closet. We are always in need of tee shirts and shorts for the men. Came home and walked late this evening.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    We had the first day 90 degree day of the heat wave yesterday. Won’t break until Monday next week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    It's 48 degrees at 2:00 pm, so we are definitely not in the heat wave. We had winds, thunder, lightning, lots of rain, but thankfully no hail last night. I went to Dance2fit and hauled all the pots and hanging baskets out of the garage & back to their spots. I plan on Barre tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Good grief, Ruth! 48 degrees in the afternoon in June! GIad you took in your plants last night so they didn't get damaged.

    It was almost 90 today. The 90s start on Friday and stick around.

    Today I finally redeemed my Christmas gift certificate for a facial. It was fabulous and don't know why I waited until now to go. Think I start going every few months or so.

    Walked in the late afternoon. It was hot but luckily there was a nice breeze.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    A lady who taught here 40 years ago & her husband are in town on an RV Road Trip. She walked with us this morning, afterwhich one of the ladies hosted a brunch in her yard. Very fun!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Ruth: I bet your teacher friend was impressed with your walking group.

    The 90s are here to stay for several days. I prefer to walk in the evenings mainly bc I'm not a morning person lol. But this morning I got up and walked while the temperature was still in the 70s. Currently one of my cats and I are sitting on the deck in the shade with a light breeze. The deck will be in hot sunshine by early afternoon so I'm taking advantage of it now.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Still nice here. I went to HIT & Dance2fit last night, and a mat pilates class this morning. I just got done making a macaroni salad & dessert for DH's family reunion, which is tomorrow (100 miles away, so we can go down & come back in a day.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Walked this morning when it was only 69degrees - by the time I was done it was already hot - 7:45-8:45. Now it's 95 degrees and brutally hot. I finished working in my son's old room in the basement and I sent my daughters pictures. The comment from one was "woaaaah" Yup. He hasn't lived here for several years, but just neglected it. It was easy to ignore as we never went in there. Threw out the broken computer desk and threw out his high school and college notebooks and took text books to Goodwill. Sense of accomplishment 😀

    Now I have to tidy up the crawl space - just re-stacking the containers that my daughter and I went through in April. Need to figure out what next to tackle. I have so much "stuff" that I don't use, some was my mother's and grandmother's and even though I don't use and it's sitting in cabinets/drawers etc, it's hard to part with. I need to get over the sentimental part, take pictures and then give it away. Other stuff I bought and sitting in boxes not used - thought I would use and have never opened the boxes - mostly kitchen stuff.

    We were in Goodwill the other day and they had bone china for practically nothing. I have my grandmother's - it's English bone china. I can't imagine taking it to Goodwill.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday and staying cool.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Karen: Some things are easy to let go and others are so difficult. And no one wants china! Or crystal. I have a few crystal bowls from my grandmother and a couple of crystal pitchers that were wedding presents. I don't use any of them but I'm keeping them. But I would sell them if I found someone willing to give a decent price.

    Ruth: Did you have a good time at the family reunion?

    This weekend our local food network and Ag Ext. offered farm tours on a variety of farms in our county for a few hours each day. Yesterday dh and went to 4 farms. One was a lavender farm (that's the picture). Another was a small angora rabbit and angora goat farm. The owners make fiber and yarn from the fur. I thought that was unique bc another farm I chose NOT to go to raises rabbits for consumption. Couldn't handle seeing those precious rabbits. Then we went to 2 beef cattle farms: Angus beef and Wagyu beef.

    Today dd and I visited 2 farms. One was a flower farm (so pretty!) and another did a little of everything. They even process chickens right there in the backyard under a tree. Luckily there wasn't a demonstration.

    Walked this evening. 91 degrees with a real feel of 95. Dew point of 70. I was safe and didn't push it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited June 24

    Yes, we had a nice time at the reunion. Visited a lot, played some games, and ate way too much! We went through pouring rain coming & going. I was glad DH was driving. Today is the first day that I turned my air conditioner on this summer. (You can be jealous of me now & I will be jealous of you when it's 30 below here in the winter). I walked for awhile. I SHOULD be doing some cleaning & sorting, but don't have the enthusiasm for it. I, too, have lots of 'treasures' that nobody else will want. Boo Hoo!

    Cute hat, Wonderland!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Our blueberries are starting to ripen so picked for 30 minutes today.

    Too hot to walk.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Zumba this morning, HIT tonight. Both in the air conditioned comfort of the fitness center.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Nice long walk at 7:30 this morning before it got too hot - I think it was already 70F - now at 10:30 it's 87F. Pulled a few weeds in the front yard, but had to stop as the sun was beating down on me. Will finish early tomorrow morning before walking.

    Yesterday we got to 98F and it's expected to get that hot today again. Believe it or not, 98F was not a record.

    Yesterday I tidied up my closet shelf - have lots of hats to give away - many were from my chemo days and others were from my late girlfriend who passed away in 1993 - I kept them in case she had granddaughters but she has 2 grandsons. I wanted to give them to American Cancer Society or other cancer organization, but I couldn't find anyone who takes hats, so I will donate them to where I donate clothing, furniture and housewares. Also got rid of multiple RFTC pink t-shirts and other t-shirts as I have several new ones from all different places. I don't wear t-shirts much so how many can a gal have! My two favorite are one my DD#2 got me that says F*** Cancer and the other is a MM long sleeve t-shirt with a hummingbird on it.

    Need to go see what I can do in the house besides play on the computer or color. I think I'll go in the crawl space and re-organize how the storage boxes are stacked. Not interested in going through other things to donate today. Will keep the momentos for a time when I want to take the time to decide, keep or keep for now or give away. Too much brain power for today.

    I have everything reading for DD#1 and DG who arrive tomorrow evening.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Enjoy your 'baby time', Karen…..although she's not really a baby anymore, is she?!

    I went to a Step class this morning, then a hair appointment & am now watering the flowers, picking weeds etc.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Thanks Ruth. GD is 13+ months. Just over 24 hours till I get to love on them,

    It hit 100F degrees in Denver today. And it didn't even break the record of 105F. The last time Denver hit 100F was August 2022.

    Worked in the house again today - in the furnace room. Funny story (well not so funny) - Last week, I was positive I took fish out of the freezer for dinner. I always take it out the night before and put it in the fridge then take it out of the fridge in the morning. The next day, I couldn't find the fish anywhere. In my furnace room, I have my extra fridge, small freezer and an old, old stove that came with the house. It is not connected so I use it to put foil pans etc on it. It really needed tidying up. Low and behold, what did I find, the missing fish - it was on the stove. Thank goodness, I decided to tidy it up or who knows how long the fish would have stayed there. I took it our of the freezer Wednesday day!! The furnace room was smelling and Craig was convinced it was the big drain, but now not sure. But problem solved - fish went immediately in the trash - I couldn't even look at it. It is trash day and trash wasn't picked up yet so it didn't sit in the trash in the heat.

    Didn't make it into the crawl space. If I don't get to it in the morning, it will have to wait. I also want to tidy the spare bedroom closet floor.

    We are waiting till the sun starts going down to walk.

    24 hours or so till my DD and GD should be at the house. I can't wait.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Lucky you found that fish before too much time passed! One time our basement freezer, which was full of fish (caught by DH) quit working, I didn't realize it had died until the most horrible smells started coming from downstairs. We had to throw out the whole freezer (it was a small one) because it was impossible to get the stench out. Horrible!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women. (5 more came late, there is a lot of road construction in our town, and you have to zig zag around to get anywhere!).

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    can’t do any exercise for at least 3 weeks due to minor surgery. Oh well, who really needs a beach body as long as I heal well!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Hope you heal well & quickly, mOmmyof3!

    A dog walk this morning. DH & I are taking off in awhile for an overnight get-a-way. Expect a 'hiking at a state park' picture tomorrow!