Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012

    Funny that this is a topic that has come up as last night one of the trainers at my gym told me I was doing too much cardio and I need to take an extra day off, so I'm going to heed her advice.  Ronna with chair zumba you'll be sitting and sculptingSealed  Did an RPM class this evening, I love to spin and it's nice and easy on my knees but great for the heart.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2012

    I'm back to work and school, so I haven't been able to check in with y'all!  I did my dragon boating on Tuesday night - love it!!  The time is being changed, though, so I'm not sure I'll be able to continue it on Tuesdays. :-(  But I'll still be able to do it on Saturdays! :-)

    Truebff, you lost over 50 lbs?!? That's wonderful!!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    Have taken too many days off lately, I'm tired in helping to prepare for the school's International Festival this weekend.  It will be a good thing when it's finally over!   

    I did get in an hour of pilates yesterday, and felt strong after a few days off.  Looks like rain today - not sure if I'll get in a dog walk today.  

    hbcheryl  Just curious - what is too much cardio?  I'm wondering if I get enough ......  

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    truebff, I'm turrning 50 on May 3. And like you, I'm embracing this milestone because of what I've gone through to get here. Congrats on your fabulous weight loss!

    Too much cardio might be an issue if there's no strength and flexibility work to balance it out. Also, more than 5 days a week of intense activity tends to lose its effectiveness. Cheryl, what's your typical exercise week look like?

    Hoping to get out to run my assigned 4 miles plus 6x 30-second strides early this morning, then have enough time to shower and get to the gentle yoga class later this morning. I'm not a wash-and-wear-hair type of girl, unfortunately. Many times, doing my hair after my run takes longer than the running itself did!

    Happy Friday all! 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited March 2012

    Truebff, that is an awesome loss! Orangemat, have fun planning your celebration.  

    Last night, did 7 km of free jogging with the the Wii Fit for 20 minutes. It's much easier to jog in place than on the treadmill. Went back on the treadmill at the gym today, did just 2 weight machines.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2012

    Truebff - congrats on your weight loss.  I'm only 5' 3" and weigh 164, but I've lost 6 pounds since the middle of February.  I'll be 59 in October, and I think the last time I weighed 120 was in high school!  You are doing awesome!

    Been trying to exercise consistently, fell off the exercise wagon a couple of weeks ago, trying to get back on track.  Yesterday 30 minute walk in the neighborhood, and this morning I did about 10 minutes of an aerobic show.  Skipped my strength video and situps last night - again!, second day in a row, and for no good reason other than I didn't feel like it.  At least Ruth I skipped the recliner and potato chips!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Thanks all. I so appreciate all you ladies here. I'm actually in the 120s sort of heading for the 120 mark. But it's in my *zone.*

    I found I was so discouraged in the beginning, last year when I started exercising again. I had exercised all my life, but then stopped for about three years. I was just tired. But I reassessed and thought: how did I get so out of shape? Well, it happens to the best of us sometimes and sometimes life gets ahead of us. It was two months after starting to exercise that I found my lump. I don't know if I would have found it if I hadn't started exercising again.

    Still after a first initial month of bootcamping it, when I first began exercising again, I couldn't keep that pace. (It was killer!! And even though it was an effective beginning for me, it was embarrassing. I felt so stupid-looking, locking everyone out of the house while at age 58 and out of shape, I tried to keep up with an 80 pound twenty year old on a grueling DVD!!)  But even thougt I did have results from that month, it wasn't a lifestyle. It was more like a kick in the right direction to get me started.

    On the down side, the bootcamp thing left me injured and it can just be so damn discouraging when you are at a certain age and out of shape and twenty-something year olds are trying to lead us. We CAN get there, but I think with a whole lot more respect, fun, and grace! Like here where I sure love the way women support each other with so much of all that! Yea for us!

    Since my bootcamp, I still have exercised consistently but more reasonably 4-5 days a week (excepting 6 weeks after surgery where I did not exercise at all) but, most of all, I have also adjusted and adjusted and adjusted to listen to my body. If I overdo it, I can injure myself, or burn out, or stress my body so that I actually put on a few pounds, (not sure why that-but when my body stresses out from doing too much it holds on tighter), OR I eat more, etc.

    Anyway, in my own case, I found I had to slow down and go on this journey as a journey and as a lifestyle and as a gift of life and love to myself.  So, even when it seems too slow and the urge comes up to do more and more often and even over-do, not to.  I find it's important to take the time off for the body to rest and repair and time for LIFE. And it works. For me anyway. I wanted to share that in case it makes sense to anybody else too. A little in the right direction can do wonders over time. And, it's important to love yourself in any shape you come in, past, present, or future. We are all beautiful.

    PS I had chips last night too!!!   Smile   And wine!    I came home from my dream group last night and my husband had brought home these surprises - to be enjoyed!!! And we did!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited March 2012

    1 mile walk with Linda Sansone.

    Truebbf......congrats on the loss and I will be 60 this year also....I love your post of 2 hours ago. it is very encouraging for those of us on this weight loss journey..thank you for your input!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Dear Truebff,whatan amazing weight loss story!! I turn 60 in January hope to have a similar story in the future!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    As everyone else has said, kudos to you truebff for making such a great life-change and sticking to it. Not that 58 is really that old, but it just goes to show that it's really never too late to change one's life around for the better, on all levels.

    My run this morning was a success; the gentle yoga class, however, was not. Frown I'm just not ready for certain movements, like lifting my arms up over my head and back down again, synchronized with my breathing. Unbelievable. I didn't even bother trying to spend any time in hands-and-knees position (instead of downward dog), and even child's pose wasn't comfortable (because of the arms extended part). I ended up spending most of the time in class either sitting upright with my shins folded under me or lying on my back on the floor. Huh, I can do that by myself at home (which I do). Oh well, just have to continue to be patient...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Great job, truebff!

    Give yourself time, Esther, it will come.

    I was at a workshop all day, am going to a benefit supper in about ten minutes, and then to a Comedy Review...... so, I will do 'makeup exercise' tomorrow. Smile

    Have a great night, All!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Ruth, your comment about "makeup exercise" reminds me of this anecdote from when my children were very little. DD was a toddler and enrolled in a local gym class, all that climbing and jumping stuff they all love. DS was in nursery school at that same time. DD had been sick so she missed one of her gym classes, so I was taking her to a Saturday class instead. I told DS that she was going to a makeup class, and he was dumbfounded: "She's going to a class for makeup??"


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited March 2012

    truebff: awesome post and awesome outlook on physical activity and life.

    I finishing the yard by push mowing it for an hour. Now I'm hot and sweaty! Temperature is in the 70's. Not looking forward to mowing when it's in the 90's. 

    Have a great night everyone! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Passed up the chips and Leslie last night.  Came home from work tonight and walked 2 miles roeund-trip to a store.  Probably won't do anything else tonight but will get to the gym tomorrow and Sunday afternoon for, as ruthbru calls it, 'makeup exercise'. 

    Night friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    hi ladies, walked after work and logged 5.1 miles for the day (10,833 steps).

    Esther, sorry about yoga class.  I was surprised at the things that either hurt, or I just couldn't do after BMX.  For example, I remember not being able to reach the Total cereal on the top shelf at the grocery store, and having to ask a teenage kid to help me.  Hated that!  The first time I was able to do it myself was a major milestone.  So yes be patient and it will come.

    truebff, congrats on 50 lb weight loss!  I'm down 25 with 10 to go.  Love your post about being reasonable and consistent.  I'm mellow about exercise, eat well, and have a couple drinks a week, and I'm losing slowly but steadily.  And happy!

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.  ((hugs)) to all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    badger, that's so important - just do the best we can, probably take some off slowly, reach a plateau, take some more off, put a couple back on, take more off and around and around it goes.  It's really not so much about losing but maintaining our health.  Just by doing some exercise several times a week is what is important.  At all different sizes we are still all in better health.  Way to go my friends.

  • Roan
    Roan Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2012

    I walked 2.25 miles today in 40:44 on the treadmill. I am sore from yesterday's TE fill. I had lost about 7 pounds during the weeks of my tests, biopsies, surgery, waiting on results and then recovering from my BMX. I have now regained 3 of those pounds back. My appetite is back! I can't wait until I can run again!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    I just finished reading an interview with Michael J. Fox, who gives his kids this great advice, "When you go out the door in the morning, choose happiness."

    Remember the deadline to order a shirt is tomorrow!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2012

    30 minutes weights/core and 15 minute Lebeds yesterday morning  and a 2 mile run after work.  Today is going to be a Outdoor Chores N Sculpt Day.

    Absolutely slow and steady is the way to go with fitness and weight loss.  In the 5 or so years before dx, I lost 55 pounds and only had 10 to go.  I'd gone from Size 18/20 to Size 10 and felt fabulous.  Chemo put 22 of those pounds back on (and back to a tight Size 12), and with the AIs it's taken me over 3 years to lose 18 of those 22 pounds.  But at least I'm back at Size 10 now.  It's going to be a real celebration when I lose those final 4 pounds and I'm back to pre-dx weight.  I know it will happen, and I know that eventually I will lose those last 10 pounds.  It may take till I'm off AIs next year, but we'll see.  That's the beauty of slow and steady.  By just making small changes over time, I've found it much easier to stick to those healthy choices.  My dh and I look back at the way we used to eat and not exercise 10 years ago, and we're shocked.  But we made the changes in such a small slow way that we really didn't notice how those small changes were adding up over the years to make a large lifestyle change.  If we'd tried to change all at once 10 years ago, we'd have never stuck to it. 

    I think we've talked on this thread before about how Size 14 was the WORST size in my opinion cuz it seemed like that's the transition point between the Women's sizes and the regular sizes.  Unfortunately most of the larger stuff was Size 16 or more, and most of the regular stuff was Size 12 or less.  I had such a tough time finding clothes when I was Size 14.  Made me really focus on getting out that size and down to 12s.   Cool

    Shirt Ordering Link:  Sculpted Sisters shirt order link: http://www.customink.com/signup/r1qgnso Deadline is tomorrow!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Wow, NatsFan, you have been on an amazing weight loss journey and you inspire us all. I have been up and down for years. I actually lost the most weight while doing Chemo. I am not sure why,. because my exercise was nill. But my son's wedding in May; and you all have inspired me to start, continue and never give up. I am also on another exercise thread, which is wonderful too!!!! I am almost to a 12, hooray!!!!! Hey, my 60th year is coming up in January, so I have to perservere. We did a 15 mile bike ride yesterday and the gym this morning, now if I can just get the eating thing to cooperate, he,he,!!!!! I have discover the Acai dark chocolate covered blueberries at Costco. They are addicting and so delicious, Ruth, but they are dark chocolate, he,he,he!!!!Wink
  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    NatsFan, You are awesome  and inspiring!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Finished my first 5K in 18 months today! Considering I really don't run, my time was pretty good. My hubby, bro-in-law and mom-in-law ran 7:25 miles, and my miles were about 8:50 per mile..... alot faster than prior to diagnosis. I ran with my 11 year old son and 8 year old niece who kept right up. Tonight, doing my fave pre-cancer activity! Going out dancing! I am so excited, like a little kid. I am sure I will burn calories! Hope so, because the after race lunch of salad, bread, pasat, and one glass of good red wine negated most of the run effects!


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Wow misswim, that was an awesome pace, congrats! And your family members, super speedy! And no worries on the post-race lunch, since during a race you burn more calories than normal from the excitement factor. Enjoy the dancing tonight and congrats again!

    Coach designated today as a rest day, and actually frowns on walking as a crosstraining activity, so I was rather stymied as to what to do today. Yoga class is out (learned that lesson for sure yesterday) and since it's nasty and rainy out, I didn't feel confident taking my bicycle out. I'm not much of a cyclist to begin with. So off to the basement I went, to ride my stationary bike for a boring hour.... and once I hit the button to start it, I remembered that the electronic panel didn't work! No wonder I had stopped using it! So it's a true rest day after all...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2012
    Misswim - blazing pace!!!  I still count it as a victory when I get below 12 minute miles!!!  Tongue out
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    hi sculptresses, I got out this afternoon and walked 5 miles (10,600 steps).

    Mary, thanks for the free stride clinic advice.  I shortened my pace and it's better on feet & knees.  Can definitely feel glutes pushing and psoas pulling.  Very organic.

    You guys seem fast to me, I'm lucky to walk a 15-minute mile (4 mph).

    Going out to a show tonight, so I need a nap.  Take care, ladies, ((hugs)) to all.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited March 2012

    Well done everyone!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2012

    Hey misswim, I did a 5k as well today! It was a fundraiser for Team Survivor Northwest. I walked with my dog and Nordic poles and had a great time with my fellow walkers!

    I would love to hear some of the changes you made NatsFan. I have struggled with my weight all my life and am always looking for some concrete ideas and suggestions. I understand slow and steady, but have a hard time even getting the numbers on my scale to go in right direction.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited April 2012

    Good job to all the walkers, runners and dancers!

    It was beautiful here today. I walked for an hour & and did my 30 minute FIRM pilates DVD. This evening I went to a Medieval Mass and banquet at a local Episcopalian church. Very interesting (to me, a history nut....DH was a good sport and accompanied me).

    NWArt, did you ever out www.loseit.com? I like it because you not only track your calories, but you can 'earn' some back through exericse.

  • Roan
    Roan Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2012

    Misswim--you are fast!  I walked 2.6 miles in 45 minutes today.  I took my 5 children to a 5K and 1 mile fun run today.  I really wished I was running too!  But I know that slowly I will get back to there.  I  plan to run the Disney Marathon next January 13.  That's my goal!  And my best friend is going to run it with me!

    I have used the Lose It app, and it really does work!  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012
    Congratulations Misswim and NWArt on your race/walk today and have fun dancing the night away Misswim.  Truebff you are truly an inspiration.  Ester & Joy I do cardio 6 days a week (classes or spin) and 2 or 3 days weight training but I have decided to give up Step for the next few weeks because of my knees.  The classes I take are one hour in length and they are designed to take you up to peak and then at the end you come down on the floor and do ab work and finally stretch.  I think the thing with exercise is that we have to find out what we like, be it walking, running, biking, marching or baton twirling just find something - I was 58 when I found classes and 200lbs and I felt intimidated when I walked in that room for the first time but I found a place for myself in the back corner and I liked the class so much I kept going back and I've lost 30lbs but it's the way I feel on the inside that keeps me going back, now if I could only find out which tooth is my "sweet tooth" I'd have it removedTongue out sweets are truly my downfall, can't have a cup of tea without a cookie and love my cup of tea.......  Finally got around to ordering my shirt today, couldn't find my tape measure to measure my favourite shirtFoot in mouth