Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    NWArt I am so sorry, it's heartbreaking when we lose our beloved parents.  No gym for me today but I pushed the cart around Target after work and lifting heavy bags of cat and dog food was a workout in itself, I did do Body Combat yesterday and a spin class on monday.

  • Ihopeg
    Ihopeg Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2012

    So sorry for your loss NWartlady. Best wishes and {{{ hugs}}} to you.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2012

    NWArtLady, so sorry for your loss... {{{hugs}}}

    Been busy with procrastinating pre-Passover cleaning and shopping and preparing, so I'm a bit behind the eight ball on other things, it seems. But now that I've got only today and tomorrow left, I'm finally motivated to get started and do the work. I'll try to get to the post office this afternoon to send my check as well, if not tomorrow for sure.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    NWArtLady~ So sorry about your father, I think when you lose your father you lose the one man who thinks you are wonderful all the time!  I know your heartache.  Sending love and big hugs to you and your family.


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Did 45 minutes of Les Mills Sports Attack this morning, then headed off to my 6 month onc appt. Blood work was perfect, the Doc says my tumor markers are lower than the average person who doesn't have cancer (Yippeeeeeee!!!!!), and my exam was really good. I am NED and so happy about it!

    Went to very challenging yoga class tonight. My legs were shaking!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    Congratulations on your appointment, misswim!

    I walked for 50 minutes, 20 minutes of toning and then started cleaning house & making a grocery list as we will have company for Easter.....no school tomorrow so it will be 'shop and sculpt' and 'scrub and sculpt' and we'll see what else.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2012

    In about an hour I am heading out to our annual "Good Friday Passion Walk".  Going to be great weather for it.  We walk for approximately 10 K with 3 stops along the way for prayers.  That will be my excercise for the day! Smile

    THEN I will have to get into my Easter cleaning mode as well.... of the 2 things, the cleaning will be much more "sculpting"! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    NWArt - I'm so sorry about your dad.  Losing a parent is rough.  

    I got hit with a nasty bug so have been down for the count the last two days - my biggest exercise has been rolling over in bed to grab another kleenex or cough drop.  Back at work (in a vague sort of way) today. 

    Ruth - your envelope arrived!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all.

    On Lyrica now for problems with legs, going to vascular dr. next week, just can't figure out what is wrong with legs, constant charlie horse in calf area. Going for an ankle brachial index test the day of my diagnostic mamo. More terrified of the mammo. Thurs. of next week, can't wait. I keep blaming the Femara on all my aches and pains. Good excuse.

     Mary, did you get my check???

     Again, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Going to a restaurant tonight with very good friends (extended family) and tomorrow night a sedar at the temple. No cooking for me!!!

    Love to all and hugs,

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all.  Getting off early so will try and get in some walking this afternoon before Good Friday communion service tonight.  Tomorrow is a free day and weather is supposed to be nice so will do all my "make up" exercising which will include much needed housework.

    Ronna, ouch to the charlie horse.  Every so often (too often) I get them.  I'm still trying to pinpoint the cause as I'm certain it's something I'm ingesting.  Everytime I think I've narrowed it down though it happens again and the 'culprit' is innocent but I'm afraid to re-introduce it because they hurt so badly (to the point of bawling in the middle of the night!)  Had vascular ultrasound to rule out clots.  Hope you find out what is causing yours. 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Happy Easter and Happy Passover, All.   

    Had a long evening walk with DH and dog - not sure if it's a full moon but it was bright enough to walk through the forest with just moonlight.  

    ronqt1  Hope that you rule out DVT in your calf - ouch - sounds like a busy appointment week for you coming up.  

    Mary  Hope you're feeling better soon.   

    Hugs ~  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    Ronna, I too suffer from leg cramps so know how excruciating they are.  Have you tried the bar of soap trick?  http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2005/12/07/soap-under-the/  I read about it in Dr. Peter Gott's column several years ago.  Seems nutty but it works. BTW I use Ivory.

    Mary, hope you get to feeling better.  Check & mailing label are in the mail.

    Between yesterday and today, I've walked 5.65 miles (so far).  I'm about to get out there and enjoy an evening stroll while the sun is still shining.  It's nice to walk at dusk when the sun is setting and the moon is rising.  Supposed to be a full moon tonight.

    Wishing you a good Passover or Easter, whichever you celebrate.  ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    If it is 'just' a charley horse then tonic water and/or bananas can also help.

    Cleaned, shopped & now washing sheets. Company shows up tomorrow. I walked for an hour and did a FIRM toning tape.

    Happy Holiday to All!!!!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Soooo sore from yoga that this was my day off. My son has a friend here and we are going to climb a local mountain, hiking the steep trails. It is about 3 miles up and 3 down, and it is a workout! Looking forward to it!!!

    Ronna, I had terrible charlie horses the first few months on tamoxifen. They were awful!! They worked themselves out- but it took a long time. I hope that it is something that can easily be remedied.

    Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all. Take care, ladies.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    Happy Passover everyone.  Mary sorry you are feeling under the weather, sent my check and the parcel with the envelopes/stamps is on its way as well.  Congratulations on your good doctors visit Misswim.  Badger the moon is amazing out here tonight, really low and just hanging in the sky.  Ronna I was also going to sugggest the bananas or tonic water, I used to suffer with leg cramps when I was a kid and the best thing I found was to put my foot flat on an ice cold surface it really seemed to help.  Last night did spin class and then had to go back to work and worked until midnight so tonight I gave the gym a miss and got my exercise by wheeling a cart around Costco and TJMaxx.  

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Good Morning All.  Preparing for Easter, shopping and cooking.  

    Will get out for some mountain biking later today with DS - haven't cycled in years so this should be interesting.   

    Next week will be five months since my BMX - not a milestone anniversary but for some reason it's affecting me.  I'm weepy and angry, and thinking about upcoming onc appointment this summer in the States.  I haven't cried in months and it's surprising me.    

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    ((Joy)) the emotions are there buried deep, it gets to me sometimes and I'm 2+ years out.

    I remember when I first started doing yoga, it often brought up tears, which surprised me.

    Now I'm deeper into yoga and not surprised anymore.  But it still happens from time to time.  It's like body-grief.  I acknowledge it, and let it go.

    As we talked about before, my emotions are close to the surface these days.  Not anger so much, I'm really trying to mellow out.  But sentimentality, that brimming feeling that wells up and spills tears from your eyes.  A simple song can do it, try listening to Louis Armstrong singing It's a Wonderful World and not crying as you smile.

    Ronna, I just re-read your post about the constant charlie horse in your calf.  Wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you next week and hoping the vascular doc can figure it out.  And good luck with mammo on Thurs.

    Did get out and walk 3.3 miles last night, it was a gorgeous evening.  ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    45 minutes Denise Austin Body Makeover Mix.....now awaiting the company. It is very cold and windy here. I will walk if SIL wants to, but won't push for it!

    Hugs to Joy and Badger. I could not even begin to process the whole experience until over a year after I was done with treatment (hence my not joining these boards until nearly two years out) . The mental/emotional part after you are done with 'active treatment' is really hard. Maybe the 'innocence lost' factor.....if you ponder some, cry some, but really keep active and involved with life (and exercise, of course Smile), I think you do eventually come to some perspective and even peace with it (most of the time, anyway).

    OK, one last cleaning of the bathroom. Have a great day everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2012
    I am comming up on my 4thyear cancerversary.Will celebrate with a run outside in this beautiful spring weather we having here.Tongue out
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    (((Joy))) I think all of us totally "get it" these are your feelings, your emotions you need to acknowledge them and release them, and know from across the ocean many sets of  arms are reaching out to hug you.  This morning just made it to the gym just in time for my Body Combat class, now I'm going to do a bit of cleaning and sculpting and then go outside and sit and read and maybe work in the garden as it's an absolutely glorious sunny day here in SoCal.  Happy Easter everyone.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    Hey Mum just noticed you changed your name....  (no flies on me as the saying goes) congratulations on 4 years

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2012

    Hi all,

    Back in the saddle(both metaphorically as well as physically), an hour on the horse and another 90 minutes on my MTB today. Enjoying the spring in Sweden.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    Have not been on here in such a long time so not even going to try to catch up.  I was getting ready for surgery (BMX and TE placement)  which I had on March 26th and got my last drain out yesterday.  PS said I am doing amazingly well since we were dealing with a radiated breast.  We were able to save my  nipple and it looks really good.  Hope nothing happens for it go south.  PS said I can start walking again on Monday as long as I don't walk fast and make my foobs giggle.  Not sure how long I will have to wait to start yoga again.  I really miss my yoga.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi Sherry, good to see you, thanks for the update.  Congrats on a successful surgery!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    Lots of walking today (shopping, walking neighborhood, walking with DS in park with petting zoo).  Then washed car.   Total about 4.25 miles.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Happy Easter gals. Thank you everyone for all tips on charlie horse in legs.


    Sherry, good healing wishes.

    It is a beautiful day here in Jersey, will attemp to walk the complex.


  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Went for a humbling mountain bike trip this afternoon with DS and DH.  They were patient with me, thankfully.  Did a good job getting up several hills but not fond of rocks - wiped out and banged up my hand, fortunately not on the LE side.  

    I've been recording resting heart rate first thing in the morning.  My goal is to bring the rate down by 5 in the next few months.  Now that this is in writing, I'm accountable! 

    Coming to terms with new emotions - I appreciate the spirit and inspiration of all of you so much.  There is nothing that compares to sharing with others that truly understand the BC experience. 

    Hugs and Happy Easter ~

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies, helped out a friend today and did a stint as brunch hostess in a busy restaurant.  Logged 19,050 steps / 8.4 miles for the day.  Holy smokes!  No wonder my feet hurt.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  ((hugs)) to all my sculpted sisters!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2012

    badger, you did 8.4 miles in a restaurant?!?  Wow, that's impressive!

    I'm back in town and made it to my Dragon Boat team workout Saturday morning. We were in the boat for 2 hours! It was a beautiful day to boot.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    Back from vacation in New Orleans - great seeing my son - lots of good food and walking - and of course a little Bourbon St.!  Need to get back on track with exercise routine this week.

    Came back to an email that I had been chosen for Casting for Recovery weekend.  I orginally read about it last year on the boards, and signed up and got randomly chosen.  It's a weekend for cancer survivors, they teach you how to fly fish.  I'm very excited.

    Also, I joined a team for the Diva Dash in September in Boston.  3 mile obstacle course race.  Definitely outside of my skill level right now, but will give me a good incentive to train this spring and summer.

    Happy Monday everyone!