Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • MammaShells
    MammaShells Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2012

    Hi! I'm new to this group. I'm six weeks out from a BMX with immediate reconstruction, feeling good but sluggish. Today I'm planning a 4 mile walk and hoping to stick with it all week long, my pants were too tight to wear yesterday! I'm really frustrated with how soft and squishy everything but the new foobs has become. I had dropped 40 lbs in the year prior to surgery, I've gained 6lbs in the past 6 weeks and I'm so nervous about gaining back.

    Happy Monday, wishing all of you a great week!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Pato1, congrats on being selected.

    Badger, I just read the article on soap, will try it, I have to be careful on putting anything on mattress, we just had to return our mattress and they inspected it for every little detail. I will put it over mattress cover.

    Ruth and Patoo,don't laugh,  I eat bananas, do I drink the tonic water with anything. I remember months back you gals talking about this. I really am a scatter brain so mind is everywhere.

    I believe it is all from the friggin Femara. Today, it is so windy here, it will "push me" as I try and walk. Actually, it is quite "windy", things are flying around.


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Did an intense two hour vinyasa yoga workshop on Saturday, followed by a 3 mile walk. My only exercise yesterday was playing ball with the kiddos in between stuffing my face with chocolate.

    Anasura tonight, and Sports attack planned for tomorrow morning!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2012

    Wow, I just did a power skim of the posts, and am in process of kicking self for not getting here!

    NWART, so sorry about your dad.  I lost my big ol' dad right before my bc dx, and I miss him to pieces.  I'm sending you a prayer and a hug.

    Joy, Badger-I know those tears.  I was in Tahoe and they started unexpectedly in the shower.  I was washing the ol' chestal area and felt the scar...it seems so hard, and creepy and I just freaked out.  I don't think I ever really let myself feel it until then...two years later!  I thought I was at "peace" with it...I don't think acceptance and peace are necessarily the same things in our little world.  Anyway, I send you both a prayer and a hug today as well.

    Yes, the Voices came and a) got the shirt check in the mail to Mary, b) got me to the gym, c) pushed the Peeps, choc. eggs, etc. out the door and into my husband's office.  I'm going to be feeling it later on, I can assure you.  Missswim is motivating me back to my Tues/Thurs yoga class-hi to Pat01 and MammaShells!  Healing hugs to SherryC.  

    OK, income taxes are my next project, and those Government Voices scare me, so I'm getting ON IT!



  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    Kim- those government voices are getting to me too. Not much time left!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    Thanks for the well-wishes everyone - feeling much better.  Just some bug that was going around I guess. Sounds like everyone kept busy while I was down for the count.

    And yes, the soap in the bed thing worked for me.  Sounds bizarre and strange and completely weird, but I got so tired of the cramps I got desperate and tried it one night - and it worked like a charm.  I used the Yardley English Lavendar for a nice smell.  

    I've been getting your t-shirt checks in the mail. I'll tally them up tonight to see where we are.  Fun getting mail from all over the world!

    Two solid days of Garden N Sculpt at the cabin this weekend - we were building stone fence borders around the flower gardens, so we were chunking a lot of rocks around.  Our property is on a mountain top with rocks and boulders all over, so it's just a question of going into the woods and digging them out and putting them into place where we want them.  They look so nice!  We've gotten such a good start on gardening thanks to the nice mild winter.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Pat01: I was selected last year for the Casting for Recovery location in NC. LOVED IT! Enjoy the pampering and fishing.

    Welcome MammaShells! Congrates on your weight loss. Sounds like the 6 pounds are from your surgery. Give yourself more time. 

    Mary: you've had a great workout picking up rocks! 

    I've been busy pulling weeds, planting our garden, spreading pine needles in the yard, walking/running in the park,and cleaning house to host Easter Dinner with dh's family. So happy the yard and house looked nice!

    Plan to walk/run at the park tonight with a delightful temperature. Really, really, really hope I don't do much tonight except read my book.

    Happy Belated Easter and Passover to everyone. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    Pat01 I also went to Casting For Recovery last fall and enjoyed it so much.  I hope you have a great time.

    Getting motivated to get back to some exercising.  PS said I could start walking today but I had a gyno appt and was exhausted by the time I got home and just sat and relaxed.  So tomorrow morning will be starting to walk again.  Will have to slow it down so the girls don't giggle and not sure how far I will get.  Had surgery 2 weeks ago and you just never know how much it takes a toll on your body until you try doing something.  Not going to push myself I will just do what is comfortable.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    Only exercise yesterday was lips over teeth.  Got on scale this morning and was not happy, actually was downright depressing so now trying to get back on track as soon as I get the junk out of the house and make good food choices. 

    Went to gym after work and did 15 mins on stat bike and 30 mins upper and lower body on weight machines.  Place was packed so didn't wait for a treadmill.  Will go after work tomorrow and if the gym is crowded again will just go walk/run in a local park.  I'm motivated to get back to at least 1 hour EVERY day!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    Hi All!

    Glad you are on the other side of surgery, Sherry. Welcome to MammaShells! Congratulations on your Casting. When do you go?

    Ate like crazy all weekend, but did get some walking in as SIL is very committed to it (weather was cold and windy, so I would have wimped out without her). Did some toning tonight once everyone was gone and I had put the house back together, back to work tomorrow......sigh!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012
    Another one who went off the rails this weekend with all the easter "treats" but tonight I did a fierce spin class so at least I burned a few of those calories offSurprised 
  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Also got off track with chocolate Easter bunnies and a yummy brunch that went on for hours.  Back to reality -

    Tomorrow we leave for a few days in the mountains of Slovenia.  We are preparing for lots of mountain hiking, and I'm happy that our dog will be with us.  The forecast calls for rain, oh well.

    Today I will again attempt another bike ride.  My DS is trying so hard to have me join him on his rides, and to get me to like it. This time I know to avoid narrow paths and rocks, so will walk the bike when necessary.    I will never be at DS's level - he's crazy fast - but I so appreciate him  showing me his love for biking.   

    patoo  "lips over teeth" couldn't stop laughing!

    Sherryc   Good to have you back - easy does it ~

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies and welcome MammaShells.  Walked 2.5 miles yesterday + vinyasa yoga class.

    patoo, is lips over teeth referring to smiling?  Laughing

    Banba, glad you're back in the saddle again.

    NWArtLady, love your new avatar - it's our lil' friend Dory!

    Have a wonderful day, my sculpted sisters!  ((hugs)) to all

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Doc. has me on Lyrica. My new excuse for avoiding "Voices".

    Have a great day everyone.


  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    30 minute walk yesterday, and 15 minutes ab core video last night.  Tried to do 20 minutes stretching this morning, but too achy so I only did 10.  That's what I get for taking a week off!

    Wonderland and sherry, glad to hear you loved casting for recovery, I'm sure I will too - I salt water fish, but have never used a fly rod.  Looking forward to being with other women like me too, I only have one close friend who has had BC, it will be great to meet a bunch of others face to face for sharing.

    Speaking of my one close friend with BC, she is the one who is organinzing the diva dash group for this fall.  She sent me a link to the training schedule, and all I could say is "Oh my!"  Definitely stuff this 58 year old can't do right now.  But I do have access to a gym, so I will start slowly and see how I progress.  Anyone here ever done a diva dash?  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    30 minutes treadmill last night, and 15 minutes Lebeds this morning. Still feeling a bit under the weather (or maybe it's a touch of spring allergies) so I haven't been motivated to do my usual before work exercise.  I've got a 5K on the 21st and the 10K on the 29th, so I need to get in some final training.  Gentle Yoga starts back up tonight after a one month session break, so I can't wait - I've missed it and I'm just not good about doing stretching/flexibility routines like that on my own - I need the structure of a yoga class to make me do it.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Good evening all. Dh and I spread more pine needles tonight and then I went for a walk/run around the neighborhood. Temperature was so pleasant!

    joy: have fun hiking and biking in the mountains!

    Mary: I'm being tested for allergies after years of doctors suggesting it. I'll get the results in 2 weeks. All they did was draw blood for the test.

    pat01: I've never heard of a diva dash.

    Ronna: hope the Lyrica helps you.

    To everyone who ate too many Easter chocolates: go on and eat them so they're out of your house! Tongue out That's what I had to do. Laughing 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    I ate the Easter Bunnies and am now working on the scalloped potatoes and ham Embarassed

    Did an hour on the treadmill.

    Since the upgrades, I can't get to My Favorite Topics, it just comes up 'under matinence'. Anybody else have that problem or suggestion as what I should do?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    Did Body Step class and half a Body Combat class tonight.  Bought myself some fancy new shoes over the weekend they are the new lightweight ones with ripples on the bottom but I could feel the ridges of the step through the bottom of the shoe so no good for step as I felt unsure in them but they were great for combat.

    Joy have a wonderful time with your family in the mountains.  Banba good to see you back.  Pat01 I've not heard of a diva dash either but I'm sure you'll have fun being with friends .  Ruth I didn't have problems with my favorite topics but I know there has been a thread created because what happened to you has been happening to others.  Mary that bug lingers, a friend of mine had it and she has been down and up and down for a couple of weeks so take it easy and drink lots of fluids to flush your system.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2012

    Ruth, I'm another one with the My Favorite Topics technical issue. I changed my bookmark to link to the My Home page, and the Favorites show up there fine. It's annoying to get used to another link to click at the top of the page, but it's workable. Cheryl, where is the thread regarding that topic? I looked and couldn't find it.

    Lots of great post-holiday exercise going on here, so good to read. My holiday is still going on, with the inherent food restrictions, which is having somewhat of an impact on my running. My energy is fine, but I can't have the appropriate recovery foods after a long or hard effort. My half marathon race is this Sunday, and as of Saturday night I can finally have regular bread, pasta and legumes again. But how will that affect my digestion, come early Sunday morning, especially after a full week of acclimating to the no-bread thing?? Heh, and you all thought running was only about lacing up and putting one foot in front of the other... ;)

    Hugs to all! 

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies:

    One of you referred me here to answer me question at:  http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/69/topic/785607?page=1#post_2957717.

    I am post treatment #4 of 6 and am FINALLY exhausted.  Can you recommend anything to help me get my strength back as I endure the cumulative effects of chemo....and after chemo is done?  Certain foods, exercise, vitamins, etc?  I feel like I'm 90 years old when I'm "only" 53....

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    30 minute walk, 10 minute pilates legs video, 15 minutes classical stretch - switching cable companies and sad to know I will lose all my saved exercise shows :(   but happy for the lower price. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    Sherry - ah yes, I remember the post-surgery "no jiggling" orders - though I like your "no giggling" wording better - the mental image is much better!  Walking was about all I could do - anything else led to the dreaded jiggling. 

    Joan - I was so wiped out by chemo #4 (of 6) it was all I could do to drag myself to work and back each day.  I did try to do a little walking each day if I could, but some days I simply could do little more than crash on the couch in a daze.  If you can walk a bit, that may help, but it may be that you just have to be good to yourself and rest.  However, two weeks after my last chemo treatment, I started a gentle yoga class and started on the elliptical.  Now in the yoga classes I couldn't get into most of the poses and those I could I could only hold for a few seconds, but I was doing it, and it got a little better each week.  As for the elliptical, the time I got on it I lasted only 5 minutes, and the machine kept blipping off because I was going so slowly.  Again, it just took time and work to get that strength back.  A rule of thumb I've heard before is for each month you were in active treatment, allow 1-2 months to get your strength back.  It's slow, but eventually it does come back.  

    Yoga class last night, plus the 2 mile round trip walk to the rec center.  No exercise tonight - I have a hair appointment instead!  Laughing

    As for the shirts, we have almost all the checks in - just waiting on a couple who have PM'd me that the checks are on the way.  Can't wait to see them!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,526
    edited April 2012

    Hi Joan, glad to see you here!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies and welcome Joan.  I had six rounds of taxotere & cytoxan, three weeks apart.  Blood work / labs came back consistently good so didn't have to use neulasta or neupogen.  I attribute that in large part to exercise. 

    I started a walking program to help me recovery from surgery and prepare for chemo.  During the low point of the chemo cycle, I might only go to the end of the block but I tried to do a little every day.  Some days, I had discomfort in my shins but it felt like how people described the pain of neulasta shot, so I told myself the exercise was stimulating the bone marrow to kick it up a notch. 

    The only pills I took during chemo were a thyroid pill and a One A Day women's with iron.  I have been taking those for years.  (BTW my GP says now that I'm in chemo-pause I shouldn't take a multi-vitamin with iron.  Anyone with an opinion on this?) 

    Beef didn't interest me that summer, except after each infusion, I drove thru McD's for a QP w/cheese and ate it in the car on the way home.  Other than that I ate what tasted good. Roast turkey, roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, scrambled eggs with lots of butter, etc.  Yes I ended up fat at 200 lbs but have been working my way down from there.  25 lbs so far, over two years, it can be done!

    I walked 2.5 miles today.  ((hugs)) to all

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Joan: Welcome! You'll know what you can do and not do. Give yourself time. Rest your body and let all your energy go to letting the chemo drug do what it's designed to do. Move when you can, rest when you can. Good Luck!

    Badger: I'm impressed you could take Iron during your treatment! My GI tract got WHACKED during chemo. The iron ran right through me. Alert, TMI: my BMs turned green! From the iron! I searched it on the internet and discovered it was the iron. It happens to babies and freaks parents out when they change their diapers. That was a relief for me to know what was wrong with me!

    I pushed mowed the yard for 1 hour. Getting ready to go to the Outer Banks tomorrow for a wedding this weekend. Hope to get in some good beach walking!  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    Wonderland, maybe my system was used to the iron.  Once upon a time I was anemic so took iron pills (ferrous sulfate).  Graduated to a multi-vit and bought the kind with iron and have taken one every day since college.  Will heed advice and buy an iron-less vit when I need a new bottle.

    Also, to clarify, I should've said the thyroid & vit were were the only daily meds I took during chemo.  I also took compazine for nausea for four days after infusion, and a stool softener before I went for an infusion and another when I came home.  Also drank lots and lots and lots of water, esp the first couple days.  You do not want the chemo drugs to linger in your nether regions if you can help it.  Sorry if TMI but that was a great tip I learned here on BCO.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    badger: Don't stop taking iron b/c of what I wrote. I could probably take Iron now and have no problems. I had DD A/C and Taxol. My poor old GI tract was a mess. Even hospitalized after my last AC because of GI problems. But, I mended, got better, and moved on to Taxol (read here that Taxol Taxes All - so true!). I hurt like a mother on that chemo! After my 2nd tx (I had 4) I told dh I couldn't do it anymore. Onc prescribed Vicodin for me. It helped but I still hurt. 

    The green color really scared me at first. Then I realized I had caused it by taking the Multi Vit with iron! What a relief. And, the color returned to normal. Tongue out 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012
    Thanks, wonderland, it would be per my doc's advice not yours much as I love ya sis!  Smile
  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012
    badger: That makes me feel better! You didn't mention your onc and I thought you were changing your vitamin b/c of my green s#!&! Surprised Wink