Lets Post our Daily Exercise
I haven't been on this thread lately because I'm still injured and can't jog yet. So nothing to report. I do walk the dogs every morning (one at a time) and do some weight-lifting (only 5 lb weights) and try to do some stretching too.
But it has now been 5 weeks since I injured one of my leg ligaments (strained, sprained?) I thought it was getting better, but the healing is actually getting worse. The pain which was in the back of the knee has also moved to the side of the knee and the other day I had bad shin splints. Today the hip was hurting. Don't know why the pain keeps moving around. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and see the orthopod -just in case something is seriously wrong. Sorry for this whiny post guys!
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Hi favorite girls-
Well, today (my birthday!) I got the best present of all: NED, everything looks good.
"Lump" actually started to get smaller yesterday into today, except, being the crazy woman that I am, kept trying to feel it. So I was going to postpone appt, but DH said no way. Then I really worked myself up. Anyway, got in and was so nervous my blood pressure, which is normally right at 110/75 was at 150/94! When she came in the room, I got teary because I felt so stupid for getting so out of control. I felt this thing so much (I was obsessing on it) that I actually bruised my skin. She was kind and told me that sometimes a trigger will go off in certain people and stuff like this happens. She checked it very thoroughly and all the lymph nodes in my groin, arm pits, breast, etc. and said "Well, it appears it is a very nominally swollen lymph node-not even .5cm or more likely a lipoma because of where it's at. She said to let the self inflicted bruising heal and check it every so often ONCE. But she said its a benign finding. Breast tissue is nice and not dense, getting flabbier and grosser all the time.
She channelled the Voices and said to kept at the exercise, which I must admit is hit or miss and I need to get back into it like I was. Lesson learned. Walking out of those appointments-well, you all know how it feels. I have to do a better job of not going to the horrible place; I know it's normal and all that, but still, that blood pressure reading really taught me a lesson. I took it tonight at drug store and it already had gone down to 130/85, but still.............
So I need to thank all of you. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have people that could understand how something so seemingly little could blow up. Oh, and she is going to help me with atrophy-couple of ideas that she has, I'll read up on them and report back. I told her I wouldn't even consider any estrogen related stuff and she said she understood. She said those tissues in the v area are like paper...need work. Lots of work. Arimidex strikes for good, but leaves some innocent bystanders in its wake. As Ruth says-side effects are more doable than cancer effects. Those are words I live by, believe me.
I'm a lucky girl tonight and I'll take it. My MIL stereo biop. is Weds at 11. She seems to be handling it decently-I need to gear up, take a day and breathe tomorrow because she has a bleeding disorder that makes any surgical procedure tough and I've been through so many of them with her. Of course she is leaning on me because she knows I get it.
OK, I am going to go eat healthy dinner with DH and celebrate another birthday. Wow, maybe this was the best way I could spend the day!
and thanks to all of you
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Nancy - I have had couch to 5K on my iphone for two years and have yet to try it. LOL. One of my friends did it and is now running half marathons. I used to be a runner in college and followed a program similar to couch to 5K to get into running - it really worked. It is a gradual build up of time running. Before you know it, you are running for a long time without stoppping. Good luck. I need to get into it myself . . . ugh.
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Happy Birthday Kim!! Congrats on the Great News!!
Been keeping up with the walking daily, but the eating is still WAY outta control!! MUST get back on track!!
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Kim, Happy Birthday!! Glad you got the 'all clear'!!! My blood pressure would always soar at appointments too, but I got a stress reduction hypnosis CD that teaches how to visualize yourself into calmness in stressful situations. So now I sit with the blood pressure monitor on putting myself mentally on a beach with the waves crashing in, crashing in, crashing in......and crazily enough, that helps keep the numbers down.
Ronqt, congratulations on your good mammo!
dogs& jogs, you better bite the bullet and go in and find out what's wrong with your leg. 5 weeks is long enough with no improvement. Frustrating!
Nancy, along with checking in here for motivation, I have a notebook and put down how much time I want to exercise during each week (how much aerobic and how much toning) and break it down into 15 minute slots and check them off as I do them. I am anal enough that I want to get all the minutes checked off by the end of the week.
I did an hour on the treadmill tonight. Mary Louise, I am still doing 'Easter Eating' too. Food is my downfall !
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Kim-glad you got good news and happy birthday! It is understandable that our minds go to the dark side more easily...just glad you don't need to stay there!
Ronna- congrats on the clear mammo.
Ruth- I find that visualization and yoga breathing really helps me too.
I walked today and will try the bike again tomorrow. I am hoping to extend my distance a bit more each time.0 -
Kim, happy birthday!!! SO happy you got good news (((( hugs)))
Ronna, so good to hear you were out walking.
Welcome Nancy, so nice to have you here! Lot's of ladies on here have worked with the program. I got alot of help from Esther (ornagemat) and I am quite sure that she will be along soon to help!
Went to a beautiful new studio for yoga tonight. located off the instructors home, surrounded by trees and flowers and grass and the sounds of nature. VERY vigorous class, I did this tonight:
It was a KILLER class. And the shavasana was lovely, quiet and full of spring breezes wafting through the window. It was great!
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Happy, Happy Birthday Kim so glad you got nothing but good news from your doc. Welcome Nancyh, just take it easy at the start just decide each day to do something. Greta I agree you need to go see the orthopod sounds like you've done some damage, I hope you're at least wearing a brace you take the kids out for their walk. Ronna congratulations on your good mammo. Misswim the setting for your class sounds beautiful.
Tonight I did an hour in the weigh room - and then drumroll ...... I got to do Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo, of course had a fabulous class with him, I know I'm going to "feel my legs" tomorrow as we had a killer leg workout, loads of lunges and squats.
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Yay Kim!! What a great birthday present!
I did my daily Nordic dog walk with my husband and added a stair climb to the mix. While on chemo I'd walk slowly to those stairs and look at them while sitting on the nearby bench - now I can do them!
Can barely move, however, from the sculpt-n-gardening we did on Sunday. I am so sore!
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Kim Belated Happy Birthday and so great that you got good news from the appointment! Hope your MIL's visit goes well on Wednesday - she's lucky to have you for support.
misswim That yoga pose looks like something from Cirque de Soleil! The new studio sounds sooo relaxing.
Ronna Yay! on the clear mammo
dogsandjogs Hope that the leg injury isn't anything serious - does seem like an orthopod visit is a good idea. Sending ((hugs)) and good thoughts your way
Resting heart rate is down a couple of points, after focusing on more cardio this past week. I'm surprised that I'm seeing results already. There is a street with a steep incline that ends with a long set of steps behind my house, and today I will see if I can walk/run it. It's taking more now to get my heart rate up, what was once challenging is becoming easier. yahoo!
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If I had a crane I could also lift my leg to get into that pose. Way to go, misswim. Great news, Ronna! Joy, keep up the good cardio work! Now we should all get off our butts (according to this study) besides exercising.
Stand up for your health
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hi ladies, just a fly-by this morning. Welcome nancyh and Happy Birthday, Kim!
Yoga last night, nowhere near as vigorous as Misswim's WOW. You are all so inspiring!
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Um, I never had flexibility like I do now pre-BC. Go down two sizes from a DD to a B, lose 30 lbs of chemo weight, and voila- I can put my leg over my shoulder. So, I guess, gee thanks, BC!!!
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orangemat - thanks for the tip on the podcasts for couch to 5k, just what I need.
nancyh - I'm going to start the couch to 5k the end of april, after my trip to ohio. I have not run in over 25 years (except to chase my kids around). A little worried about my old creaky knees but figured starting out slow and increasing gradually will be the way to go, and see how my knees do. Ramping up for diva dash in sept, a 3 mile obstacle course run.
missswim - beautiful picture! congrats on your 1 year anniversary
badger - I'm reading the hunger games now, awesome book!
Bad few days of not exercising for me - did go for a 3 hour hike Sunday with hubby and his friend, scouting for turkeys - the season opens up here April 26.
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Good morning dear friends. (so many to name). I walked around entire complex 1/2 mile yesterday and no complaints. Yipee. Things are going good.
Wishing everyone a great day. You are all in my thoughts.
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Hi All-- looks like I haven't been on this for some time. I got pneumonis a while back and all exercise stopped (except occasional riding) but I am BACK!! My white counts have improved so I will start at the gym tomorrow am. more later but gotta get ready for work...Q
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Got back on my bike this morning and rode 4.25 miles. That is up 1.6 from Monday. Baby steps but better than lying on the couch! Headed to Newport RI this afternoon to see DD at college so we will get to do some walking on the beautiful Cliff Walk. Have a great day everyone!
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Hey all,
Thanks for the warm welcome. Today was week 1, day 1 of the C25K program and it was great! I walked/jogged for a total of 41 minutes.
NWArtLady - hello! Yes, I do know about Team Survivor. I climbed Mt. Adams with them two years ago, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It is a great organization and wonderful group of women.
It is really encouraging to read everyone's posts. Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Hi Nancy, glad you're enjoying C25K! It's such a great and versatile learn-to-run program, I actually feel bad that I didn't use it when I first started running. But my husband did it three times, so I guess he more than made up for me, heh.
Yoga class was good yesterday, nothing hurt, so I thought I'd try another one today. And this time I was more ambitious, spending more time in downward dog, even attempting plank with my knees off the floor... it's not that my arms aren't strong, it's that I'm afraid my chest muscles will hurt. That's almost worse, ya know? Well anyway, I was even able to clasp my hands behind my back while lying on my stomach, which is a huge chest opener, and only had mild shoulder discomfort, so I'd call that a win!
No one came to my beginner running group last night, so I did a peaceful and luxurious 4 miles by myself in the park... just me and the bugs...
Be well, ladies!
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I am going to a retirement party in an hour & then a Jazz Band Concert. So, unless I do something after the concert, this will probably be a 'free day'.
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Saw my coach this evening and he bugged me again as to what race I'm doing next. Sheesh, I haven't even washed my clothes from the half marathon this past Sunday! Well, technically, I have, but still... anyway, so I'm thinking of signing up for the Expand Your Horizons 5k in Bloomfield, NJ at Brookdale Park. patoo and Ronna, I think both of you live relatively close to that area, maybe you'd be interested? It's for runners and walkers alike. This is the website for the race here. The race is on April 28 at 10am.0
I had a nice walk on the Newport cliff walk today. It was beautiful out and the cliff overlooks the ocean. My two DD convinced me to register for the Color Me Rad 5k on memorial day weekend. Basically you get covered in a rainbow of paint ( made from cornstarch) on the course. it looks hysterical...anyone heard of it? Should be interesting...
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Yes! One of my GFs wants to do a color run race and was telling us all about it this weekend. Wild!
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Girls at my gym were talking about a color run the other night they say it's so much fun, they also said the mud runs are loads of fun . Did another Body Combat class tonight, it's new release week so it's all new choreography and I have to admit I'm sore from my Eduardo workout last night.
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Hi Esther, I am trying to make arrangements to see my Father in Florida around that time. Otherwise sounded good.
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Did Zumba in the evening. Left 10 minutes earlier because of my achy knees.
Your debut run is really impressive, Nancy!
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Indulge me, here is a shot of all my "The MORE the Merrier" GFs after our half marathon on Sunday, wearing our CustomInk designed shirts:
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Awesome picture...thanks for sharing it! Looks like a great group.
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Yoga last night, plus I ran the mile back and forth to the class.
Esther - great picture and the shirts look great! As for our Sculpted Sisterhood shirts, I'm still waiting for a couple of people to send me checks. I emailed everyone this weekend either a confirmation that I received your check or a reminder - I've gottena couple of checks this week but am still waiting on a couple. If you haven't sent your check and you still want the shirt your ordered, please send your check ASAP. I was hoping I wouldn't have to place an arbitrary deadline, but it's only fair to those who already have gotten their money to me. So, if I don't get your check by this weekend or (at least hear from you that you've mailed it), I'm going to remove any unpaid shirts from the order, and place the order for the rest of the shirts.Does that sound fair to everyone? (Wow, do I feel like a meanie! )
We're having rain finally today - the weather has been nice, but with having so little rain lately the pollen has gone into overdrive. Hopefully the rain will wash some of the pollen away.
Those color 5Ks sound wild - I'll have to check to see if there are any around my area.
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Looking good, Esther!!!
Get your money in girls. We want our shirts!