Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi tracie23, you are welcome to join us!

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited April 2012
    Thanks I can always use a positive place to chat Laughing
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Welcome tracie!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012


    What? You are cordially invited to join Cheryl, Badger, and Ruth on a 'Sculpt, Sip, Shop, and Sightseeing' tour.

    Where? Chicago

    When? July 19-22

    Why? Because girls just wanna have fun!!!!!

    * Last fall several of us met in Minneapolis. We had such a wonderful time that we want to get together again. We would love if you could join us. Check your schedule. If it will work, let us know ASAP. We have just begun the planning phase. (Cheryl and Ruth have only changed planes in Chicago, but Badger has actually done fun things there, so she is our 'event organizer' for this trip.) We really hope that many of you can join us. The more, the merrier!!!!!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    Nice walk today with a friend~  End of the school year and many track meets...but I manage to get in a walk and some sculpting.

    @Ruth...Chicago sounds fun! We have a family wedding to close to that!

    Enjoy the rest of Sunday night girls


  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2012

    Down to the end of the block and back and around the yard is awesome vball!!  Good going!!!

    I've been out of town at my father's funeral. It was beautiful but the family drama was not. I'm glad to be back home and I look forward to getting back to my regular exercise.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    Bonus day today...my DH actually walked with me to a nearby park and we did 5 sets of steps together (the park has a long set of 188 steps over a steep bluff, overlooking Puget Sound and the mountains, simply stunning).  It was awesome...and I'll be paying for it with sore legs tomorrow.  

    Speaking of tomorrow, I'm planning my next training run tomorrow morning, Monday.  I hope I can find the strength and discipline to do it.  My scheduled run is Tues, but I've got gamma knife scheduled that day and want to get in my run before then in case the side effects are worse than expected.  Hoping to knock my brain met into submision and, with any luck, keep on working on my 5K training plan.  Take care gals and thanks for the support!  

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    By the way, Orangemat, you are so great and totally inspiring me!

    Welcome, tracie23!  I'm new to the thread as well, but these gals are incredible.

    Ruthbru - I adore you.  Keep up the good work, you are awesome and such a rock.  :-)

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Good Morning All.  It's a lovely, cool day here.  We had some rain over the weekend, everything is beautifully green with lots of flowers blooming.  Smile

    Yesterday I dressed up a bit to have lunch with a friend - tried on pants that I haven't worn in almost a year. Didn't know how they would fit, and they were loose, but in a good way!!   wooohooo - a silver lining to BC, I guess?   I'm feeling so much better after getting in more exercise, especially cardio.  And added bonus, clothes fit better!

    This afternoon I'm planning on a "bluff run" with my dog.  patoo - hope you don't mind if I borrow that from you!   

    dogsandjogs  Sending more good thoughts your way - feels good to get out there, doesn't it?  

    NWArtLady   Glad that you're back, and sorry again about your father.  Family drama - ugh.  

    orangemat  I am undecided about the movie 50-50.  It was out when I was in the States for surgery, and thought that it would be too much at the time.  Is it worth seeing?   

    nancyh  Way to go, with all of the steps!  Hope that the procedure goes well for you - keep us posted.   

    welcome tracie23 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    I actually went to the theater to see 50/50 and loved it, what a good movie.

    There were two couples and me in the theater and they must have wondered what was up with that woman with the ultra-short hair, who was laughing at some 'inappropriate' moments (inside jokes that no one but a cancer patient would understand).

    It's worth seeing IMO.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    Good Monday Morning~ I go to the MO today, I get the results of the bone scan I had last week.  Hoping for good news.  

    Welcome Tracie23

    NWArtlady~sorry to hear about your father, but the family drama YUCK! My thoughts are with you. I l lost my dad years ago and I still think of him daily.

    nancych I hope your gamma knife goes well. My friend had that, but she had to take it easy for a while after.  However she showed up at a baseball tourney to cheer on the team.  

    I plan on walking right after school tonight....well as soon as I get out of the dr. office.  I will need a walk by then.  Wink Balsie 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Good morning ladies. No pains in leg/shin/knee area since epidurals. Going to dr. today around noon to get results. They don't give results over the phone, however, I feel pretty good.

    Kim, that is good news for your MIL. Leaving for Fl. tomorrow, hopefully alot of walking will be done and careful eating.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Here is a link for exercises to do post-surgery:


    And a tutorial for how to get a picture posted on the forum:


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    Had fun at the 5K Saturday - and I was even interviewed by the local Hagerstown, MD paper!  My dh took a good picture of me straggling across the finish line - I'll try to post it later.  But here's the article, in which I'm described as having "tousled hair".  I've always wanted to have tousled hair - it always sounds so sexy in books when the heroine is described that way!  Tongue out   http://www.herald-mail.com/news/local/hm-more-than-125-runners-walkers-join-together-during-hospice-of-washington-countys-5k-runwalk-20120421,0,6600467.story

    The time change, plus the training for the 10K next week, has really thrown off my normal workout schedule.  I'm determined to get back to my morning workouts - I've found that if I don't workout in the morning, I'm much less likely to work out after work.  So, I dragged myself out of bed an hour early and did 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    Joy - hooray on the loose fitting pants!  It's so nice to go back to last season's clothes and have them be loose instead of tight! Ruth - Chicago sounds fabulous, but the timing isn't right for me.  But we wanna see pix of the gathering!  Ronna - keeping fingers crossed for good news at the doctor's today.  Nancy - hoping the gamma knife goes well tomorrow and you don't miss a beat.  Tracie - welcome!! 

  • ppeople
    ppeople Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2012

    Hi active ladies, can I jump back in?  I posted a few times weeks ago, before my bmx.  Now I am 5 days post-op and have been walking since day 2.  I am up to 1.5 miles today, 2 is the goal for tomorrow.   Walk and nap is my routine.  I am enjoying reading your posts, you all inspire me; not matter your situation you keep on moving!  I like that.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2012

    nancyh, hasn't the weather around here been amazing the past 2 days?!? Cool  Glad you're getting out in it.  I hope all goes well with the gamma knife tomorrow. Take THAT brain mets!

    Welcome back plymouthpeople! 5 days post-op and you're already doing 1.5 miles? Wow!!

    I am back to my nordic dog walking and I love it. It is sunny here in Seattle (a rare treat) and my pups and I did 1.6 miles to Sunset Hill Park and back.  Here's a photo of the park and my favorite benches:

    Sunset Hill Park

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Did a two hour yoga intensive master class last night- the last thing to check off my list of goals to end the crappiest year on record. Happy to say I made it through and didn't struggle terribly.

    However, I woke up SO sore that all I managed today was 1.5 miles with Leslie Sansone and my thighs were on fire... I had to stop.

    Esther, I liked 50/50. I laughed my butt off in some spots (like you Badger!!!) and my husband looked at me like I was nuts. How do people joke around and laugh in a chemo room? he asked. I replied, Well, its better than crying! And it happens! I thought the scene with pot brownies was hilarious!

    Have to bump up the walking....... 3 and a half weeks until the Avon Walk!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Hi, good results for me at Dr. Hopefully, the epidurals worked and my vascular reports came back excellent. No PAD which I was worried about.

    Natsfan: I read the article. Good for you.

    Balsie, I hope you get good results.

     I have not seen 50/50, however, Seth is my girlfriend's nephew and she just went to his wedding and has been to some of his previews. I know that the movie is based on a true story.

    Well as soon as I get back from Fl. on Sat. and looking forward to my activities at the gym.

    If I get to a computer in Fl. I will check in, if not, wishing everyone a healthy week.


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Mary: Great article! I bet your tousled hair looked cute!

    plymouthpeople: Welcome back! Hope all is going well with your recovery.

    Artlady: Beautiful view! Very inspiring to make you want to walk more.

    misswim: Congratulations on making your goal!

    Ronna: Awesome news! That's cool that you know Seth's aunt.

    No exercise for me tonight. Instead, I developed a UTI thanks to Arimidex. But, in the same breath, thank-you Arimidex for keeping me NED!!!!!!!!!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Ronna glad you had a good appointment. Have fun in Florida!

    Plymouth, glad you are jumping back in.

    Joy, hooray on the loose pants Cool!

    NWArt, great picture.

    Mary, love the 'short tousled locks'; sounds very sexy!

    Nancy, we will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how it goes....and I thought I was the only crazy person who got up early & worked out before surgeries and other medical 'stuff'! Smile 

    Really nice here, walked for an hour.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    Great photo, NWArtLady.  I had to look closely to figure out where you are (overlooking Ballard/Shilshole, right? I'm right up the road from you in Shoreline and my favorite spot is Richmond Beach Saltwater Park).  PM me if you want to connect sometime.  

    misswim, how do you manage a 2 hour yoga class?  You mention it like it is no big deal, but oh my gosh, I am so impressed.  Best of luck to you with Avon walk.

    plymouthpeople - nice work keeping up with your walking post-op.  Wow...don't over-do it, you don't want to end up with a hematoma or anything crazy.  It really is okay to rest after surgery, so don't push too hard.  :-)  I feel like a mother-hen saying that...you sound like you are doing great.

    Natsfan (Mary) - you are so awesome, seriously you run a 5K every month?!  Love the article about your races.  My favorite quote re hospice, “I figure I’ll run until I need them,” she said. “I’m not setting any speed records, but I am beating all the people who never got off the couch this morning.”   Fantastic.

    As for me...confession, I didn't make it out to run/walk this morning before work as planned.  My lame excuse is that it was too cold and I couldn't get out of my warm bed (haha, until I had a hot flash 15 minutes later, but by then I knew it was too late and would make me late for work).  Anyway, it was probably just as well because my calves were S-O-R-E today from my stair climbing yesterday.  

    I had a good meeting with the rad onc today for my impending gamma knife tomorrow.  I forgot to ask how soon before I can exercise, but he sure made it sound like no big deal, certainly a hell of a lot easier than brain surgery.  The only de-humanizing aspect is they attach a frame to your head with bolts and you have to wear it for half a day (makes me think of the cone of shame I have to put on my dog when she is sick)...anyway, I'm ready to roll and will hopefully be back up and on my Couch to 5K in no time.  

    (Sorry long post)...the one thing the rad onc said that I wasn't expecting is he recommends radiating one of the bone mets in my spine.  He said I was at potential risk of a compression fracture (yikes!), which he thought he could prevent especially since I am active.  Will talk to my med onc about this after the brain issue is squared away.  

    Take care gals, thanks for listening to my rambling posts. 

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited April 2012

    I joined a fitness center that has personal trainers last week.  I haven't exercised "formally" in many years. My trainer isn't really personal, as there are 1-4 of use in "Pack"  training.  It's really fun.  The first week I was really sore and warm in lefty, but I went to my oncologist who did an US and said everything was OK and to keep going.  I love it.  We do "pack" 3 times a week for strenght and resistance and cardio 3-4 times a week.  I did elliptical (sp?) for 20 minutes today. I can already see a difference in my arms  I am NOT an exerciser, so I don't know what got into me, but I'm loving it. :)  PS, sorry to jump in!  I haven't read all the posts, as it's time for bed!  :O

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    Hellooo, Ladies!

    Finally met with my trainer this morning (got stuck with Miss Chirpy at the reception desk last week when he had an emergency, and she took over. Horrible long stupid story.)

    He told me that after I left that day, he did some research into my surgery, and put together some exercises to help me heal and get stronger for my exchange in the Fall. Mostly upper body stuff that I can adapt as I need to. Each new exercise he gave me, he showed me exactly on the anatomy chart what muscle it was focusing on. Whatta guy!

    We also talked about weight loss stuff...he said I needed at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted cardio per day.... then I reminded him that I am on a liquid fast, taking in 900 calories a day, and he said "Forget what I just said!" He said that just the exercises, the few machines I will still use, and the treadmill are all I need for now, and to go very easy on myself.

    They did give us all pedometers in the Optifast program, so now I have this nagging little machine glued to me that makes me walk. After dinner, I did 3 laps around the block, about a mile and a half. I aim for 10,000 steps a day. Not quite there yet.

    DH and I used to love to ride our bikes, but I have a pretty significant balance disorder. A few years ago, I took a bad spill off my mountain bike.

    So yesterday, we went to the bike shop and ordered my new wheels - an adult trike - in RASPBERRY! Can't wait til it gets here.

    No Zumba for me - I have not been able to locate a program "Zumba For Sedentary, Recently Bedridden Dummies" so I guess the gym and walking and biking will have to do for now.

    Thanks, everyone, for motivating me!!!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    I had my appt today.....and found out I have had bone loss.  Yikes.,,so I will be put on Zometa. What do you gals think.  What are some other things you do to help your bones?

    Then I went for a long walk with a friend.

    Blessings  balsie 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    Goodness; I have missed a lot in the last 2 days! It sounds like everyone is busy and doing well. I just wanted to say that I loved the movie 50/50. I saw it in the theatre which was pretty empty and laughed out loud at certain parts and got some "looks"". I definitely think it is worth seeing if you have not seen it yet.

    Back to work after spring vacation and my body is dragging. Time for bed!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    balsie - I already have osteopenia, so when I start Anastrozole in the Fall, my MO says she'll also probably put me on Evista or something else....

    Today my trainer said the best thing I could for my bones was weight-bearing exercises like walking.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    Blessings2011~ I walk all the time...so maybe this will even out after awhile. Thats what I am waiting for!

    Enjoy  Balsie 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Nancy- I don't do a two hour yoga class terribly well, apparently, since I can hardly walk today :)

    Honestly, it is my passion and it has been amazing healer for me. So if I have limted time (which I have lately) I go to yoga before I choose any exercise. I think it is similiar to people who really like to run.....

    Good luck with the gamma knife, will be waiting to hear how you are doing. Big hug to you.

    Balsie- I do Zometa twice a year and it is not so bad- a little flu like for a day or so after, but it is worth it.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    Balsie, I have been on zometa monthly for the past 30+ months, just switched to Xgeva.  First dose can be a bit of an ass-kicker, but they get easier over time.  Drink LOTS of water, before during and after, it makes a huge difference.  Good luck!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    For good bones: weight bearing exercise, also weight liftng, lots of calcium with vitamin D (I eat/drink two servings of dairy and eat three calcium chews a day).....all that plus I think you need good ancestors to start out with, sigh.....

    Hi bedo, glad to see you here. If you took time to read all the posts, you would never have time to exercise!!!

    Blessings, if you could put together a DVD called "Zumba For Sedentary, Recently Bedridden Dummies", I bet you'd have a million customers, and you would make your fortune!

    Nancy, 'rambling' is good exercise Smile.....