Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    Nancy, glad you made it through the gamma knife procedure OK.

    You and Cheryl are persistence epitomized; now I have no excuses for not exercising.

    Esther, congrats on winning the NYC Marathon lottery.

    Today I will get out for a noon walk plus yoga class tonight.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    Back from Ohio (visiting older relatives) - too much sitting in cars and on couches with no occasion to walk anywhere. Got a 20 minute walk in yesterday, and 10 minutes of classical stretch this morning. Beautiful day here, hope to get a longer walk in at lunch today.  Going to start couch25k on Monday.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2012

    Esther congrats!

    Nancy, so happy to see it went well, and yes, thank goodness for technology and what is available these days.  

    Cheryl, glad you went to doc, you exercise stud you.

    Mary, so excited for the shirts!

    Teresa (vballmom) had her UMX yesterday, was cute and sent me a couple of sweet text messages that sounded like she did great and was recuperating.  

    Did hour walk with a friend yesterday and an hour of Pilates...wooo HOOOO that stuff is hard especially for a klutz like me.  I did a 45 min run this morning.  I'm bone focused right now.  I've told you guys about my MIL and her recent scare with the biopsy-well, when I took her for follow up with onc. she complained about hip and neck pain.  The onc. did a check, looked at an xray my mil had taken with some random doctor a month ago (and I didn't know about!) and ordered a bone (not DEXA) scan.  Will be done tomorrow.  Her last DEXA scan in 6/10 revealed -2.1 in hip-she's on Arimidex-and she never followed up with the onc. for bone drugs, or even another scan, she has NOT been taking Vitamin D, calcium or anything at all (her Vitamin D was 9!) and all this was revealed during this visit.  I was stunned.  She had all these supplements in her house and had never opened any of them. I talk to her all the time about how hard on bones Arimidex is, and she had assured me all was well.  In the short term the onc told her to take 800mg of ibuprofen for the pain, which appeared to be great.

    I got pretty strict with her aftewards and in front of my father in law and mother in law, laid  all the supplements out and the ibu, told her when to take them, compared the oncs written instructions with mine.  We talked for a long time about how important all this was.  This was Tuesday.  I called her yesterday to see if she took the ibus and she said "well, I felt like it was too much, so I didn't take them."


    While I started to get upset, I realized I can't control what she does, but it did really reinforce to me how important it is I stay on this bone issue.  I'm already osteopenic and losing a little bit of bone, so I really will stay on it and do what I need to do when I need to do it.  I really care about my mother in law, but these biopsies and tests are really hard to take, especially when I find out she has been so cavalier about what she was supposed to be doing for the past three years.  I'm sure you guys all know how it feels when you are working hard to be healthy and other people in your life are not doing the same, especially if they have had bc.  The worst part of it all is she says things that are inappropriate like, "Well, this will probably happen to you too."  I need the eye rolling icon in my brain at that point.  

    Anyway, that's my motivation for the day and a good lesson to boot.

    Love ya!



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    Kim - arrrggghhh about your MIL.  But as you say, there's only so much you can do for her.  She's a grown woman and entitled to make her own decisions.  You and the doctor have talked to her and you've alerted your FIL to the situation. It sounds like she's aware that she's being foolish and is feeling defensive, hence her passive-aggressive "it'll probably happen to you too" comment.   You've done what you can.  All you can do now is step back. But watch - if heaven forbid she does fall and break a hip or something, you'll be the first one she calls to take care of her!! Undecided

    Esther - seriously exciting news about the NY Marathon!!!!  Wow!!!

    Nancy - I have a co-worker with melanoma who had some brain mets - she also had the gamma knife - two years ago - and is doing great with clean scans.  Truly it's an amazing technology.  

    30 minutes weights/core this morning, plus 15 minutes Lebeds.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Hi, checking in from Florida. Esther, congrats on the NY Marathon. I watch it every year.  I will surely look for you.

    Can't wait to get home. The spine facility called and I did not even know it but I have another appointment on Monday. I still have problems with lower knee, just can't figure it out. Maybe it has something to do with the knee surgery last June. Walked here and there, was not comfortable.

    Can't wait to get the shirt. Thank you Mary.


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Good evening everyone!

    Kim: Your mil's attitude is very frustrating. You have your hands full.

    Esther: congratulations! 

    Ronna: have fun in Fl. Good luck on Monday.

    I had allergy testing done a few weeks ago. Found out today that I'm highly allergic to cats. What the...... I love my 2 cats! One is leaning against me right now. I've lived with at least one cat for the last 29 years. I've been on Arimidex since 9/09 and allergies is a se. Lately I've been developing se: some numbness in my thumbs, sore lower legs and feet, breast pain in my 1 breast, UTI, sinus problems, and now allergies! Well, I'm not getting rid of my cats! Hoping all this turns around when I go off Arim. at the end of the summer.

    Walked/ran at the park tonight. It felt marvelous! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Hi All!

    Esther, since you are on a lucky streak, maybe you should by a money lottery ticket & if you win you can f;y us all out to NY to cheer you on Smile!

    Kim, I hear you on the MIL. I have several dear family members and friends (who are middle aged, not elderly) who, because of very poor lifestyle choices (very overweight, no exercise & too much alcohol) combined with genetics, have dangerously high blood pressure, and have had mini-stroke eposides already, and are handfuls of medication. I have nagged, preached, bought exercise DVDs, Richard Simmons Food Movers.....all to no avail. I finally decided that I have said/done what I could, and that's all I can do, it's up to them... but it is very sad and frustrating. I think many people practice in the, "It can't happen to me" or the "If I ignore it, it will just go away" school of medicine....a place I wouldn't want to be, because if something bad happens to me, I don't want it to be my own damned fault! (Which I am saying to you because, of course, I can't say it to them and, as they say is, 'Preaching to the choir.") End of soap box!

    Wonderland, I could never get rid of my cats either!

    Walked for an hour with a friend & 15 minutes with a small dog (who was visiting with his master who was helping DH aerate the lawn), & 15 minutes of toning with my Richard Simmons VHS tape, which is so old that is is starting to skip.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    Wonderland I couldn't give up my cats either, crazy AI side effects.  Kim how very frustrating for you, you're trying to help someone you love, know you've done your best and just keep working on your health and well being.  Tonight I did 2 classes RPM and Body Combat, thought I'd only do half the Combat class but I managed to stay for the whole hour I was having so much fun.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    ruth   Are we related?  Some of my family members are in ill health because of life long bad health choices.  What really gets me is the continuous complaining of how bad they feel, how many meds they have to take, oh - woe is me - I finally said to one relative "get off your butt and do something about it!"   One relative wants to come and visit us here in Budapest, and I had to say no.  Fifty steps up to my house - he is just not fit enough.  I encouraged him to start walking - no go.   I'm so frustrated.   And yet nobody in the family has had cancer but me ....... ??   Kim -I don't live close to my relatives, so don't have to live it every day.   Sorry that you're having to go through this - how frustrating.

    wonderland  ohh - hope the cats can stay.  I became allergic to a persian cat that I had years ago - and would bathe her once a week.  LOL  She didnt' like it, but it seemed to help.   

    ronqt1  hope the knee behaves, and you figure it out.  BTW - your dog is adorable  

    Had a "run" through the woods yesterday.  It wasn't pretty, but it was okay.  Total circuit was 30 minutes, and ran about half.   Some of the trail is on a steep incline - definitely got the heart rate up continuously and at a good rate.   

    Pilates this afternoon.   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Yes, we must be related, joy, in thought anyway. When I was first diagnosed there was some news story on TV about how diet & exercise can prevent cancer etc. etc. etc. and I swore and threw my shoe at the TV! and at that same time, I would also have to intense urge to ram the cars of obese people who were driving down the street with a Big Mac in one hand, a cigerette in the other (and no doubt a beer between their knees). Yes, I am a terrible person! Surprised

    Up really early because I have so  much to do that I can't sleep. I'm debating between exercising, or just going to school. TGIF!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    30 min walk in the neighborhood, and 20 minutes classical stretch this morning.  Tomorrow is our first group workout for DivaDash.  I'm a little nervous about it because some of these women are hard core exercisers, and they are callining it diva boot camp.  Well, I can only do what I can do and hope I don't hurt myself.  This whole diva dash thing is a lofty goal for me, which is why I am starting couch to 5k on Monday.  Oh well, I guess every team needs a dud LOL.  The important thing is to try no matter what my ability, or so I keep telling myself.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2012

    No one is a dud, pat01! You have legs, you can put one in front of the other, and you can enjoy the process of forward movement as you do it, that's all that matters. Speed and distance don't matter as much as your enjoyment while doing it. Smile

    That said, I was about to post an invitation to everyone here who is signed up for any upcoming races, fun runs, walking events, all of those, to come over and share the date and the event on the BCO 2012 Running Thread. We've just started an informal calendar in the lead post of that thread so that we can keep track of each other's plans and cheer each other on. All races, no matter how big or small, they're all worthy of posting and sharing. Hope to see you there!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2012

    Oh and Nancy... simply amazing! So glad to hear all went well with your surgery... and back to C25K within a week, good for you!

    Ronna, enjoy Florida. Hope the weather is cooperating. It's been so schizophrenic here in the northeast, as you know.

    Kim, so tough to be around people who have the right choices right in front of them, but choose to ignore them and their health. Believe me, I know. At least when it's your children, you might feel you have some semblance of control and influence therel.... well maybe not... but still, that's really hard. All you can do is keep compassion in your heart for those people... and hope they eventually realize that they have to do the right thing for themselves.

    Ruth, I would GLADLY fly you all in to watch me run in the marathon! But that's what the internet is for, with online runner tracking... Wink 

    Hugs to everyone and happy weekend! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Did 30 minutes Pilates DVD early this morning, and after work did a hard 50 minute Jillian circuit training DVD & 15 minutes on the treadmill. I have a busy weekend coming up so needed to 'exercise ahead'. Have a good night all!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies, walked at noontime yesterday & today plus a 90 min yoga class last night.

    TGIF is right!!  ((hugs))

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    WOW - I'm stunned. DH and I just got back from an hour and a half at the gym! I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill, and didn't even notice. (Remember, I've been completely sedentary since last November. I just started walking around the block a few weeks ago.)

    Maybe the reason the treadmill was so easy was I had Pinterest up on my iPad the whole time...Wink)

    I also did some of the machines I used to do.....with much lighter weights, and fewer reps.

    Then some time for stretches, and I was done!

    This is the Outpatient Physical Therapy gym at the Rehab Hospital. Last week I met with my trainer, who had done some research into the kind of surgery (BMX) I had, and recon I am having, and put together a program specifically for me to stretch and strengthen all those muscles before my exchange surgery next fall.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Good evening all.

    badger: I agree with you - TGIF!

    Ruth: I like to "exercise ahead" when I know I have a busy time coming up.

    Blessings: Way to go! Your trainer sounds wonderful.

    Just got in from 2 hours of push mowing our yard. Now that's a workout! I'm hot and sweaty and ready for my shower.

    Have a great night everyone. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    Hi all- walked again for 30 minutes. I set a goal of 30 minutes daily for right now and I am picking up a little more speed. My joints seem a bit happier.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    Wow, stay off for a few days and have pages and pages to catch up on.  I'm in a slump but from lurking have walked/jogged in place a few nights before bed this week.  Reading all the pages makes me feel motivated to get myself in motion.  Exercise really is fun, once I get started. 

    Taking my car in for service tomorrow so will walk/run while I wait.  Then may go to a park after and walk/run some more.  I think what I really need is a schedule that I stick to rather than trying to get exercise in on the fly.

    orangemat, anyone else in your running club get into the NYC Marathon?  I'm heading over to your new running thread because I did register for 2 more 5k's.  I figure doing that will be my incentive to move.  Really would like to get to the point that I can run the full course. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Anyone else ready, willing and able to join Cheryl, Badger, Kim, WellWater and Ruth on a 'Sculpt, Sip, Shop, and Sightseeing' tour of Chicago July 19-22?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    Oh, my gosh....everyone is doing so well!!!

    Yay for all!!!!!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    pat01   There is no such thing as a dud!  Easy does it - everybody has their own pace. 

    ruth  Oh what fun you all will have in Chi-town!  

    Hill hike and slow jog this morning with DH and dog.  Pilates this afternoon.  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2012

    Hey all!!  I have finally caught up!! You guys have been very active!!  Must thank Cheryl for reminding me that I have not been posting!   The "voices" at their best!!!  Just been lurking for a bit.  AND I had gotten myself behind a few pages and really do love to hear everything that everyone is doing, so must read each page!  Then it is hard to keep straight what is going on with everyone!! Embarassed 

    I have been keeping up with my daily 5 km walk with my Mom, but can't seem to get into doing anything else!!!  Might have to "chisel" out a time today to do something!!  We are expecting company for supper tonight, and might also have to "work out" ahead of this!!

    Cheryl - so awful about the toes - please take it gently on them as they are what hold you up!!  Hope you feel better soon!  Thanks again for the PM...... it DID get me back to reading quicker!!  hahahahaha!

    Would love to go to chicago with you guys, but that is the week my husband has off and we have booked for camping (in a house trailer!) in Ellicottville area.  Hope you gals have a GREAT time!!

    Will REALLY try to post something regularly.... But then that means I have to DO something!! 

    Have a great weekend Everyone!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies, got my walk already this morning.  Dropped off my car for an oil change then walked home, then walked back when it was ready.  Now it's time for lunch then grocery shopping.  Never shop while hungry!  Thinking it would be good to make a batch of soup this afternoon.

    Good to see you back Mary Louise! 

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2012

    so much going on I can't keep up.  I'll try to go back later and read everything.  I have been walking my 3 mile trail and doing good with it.  I am going to try some video yoga and see how that goes before I go back to class.  I am not released yet to do full yoga. Worked in the garden this morning and boy was that a work out.  We have had some nice spring rain and as DH says the garden is out of control but in a very good way.  But that means it also needs work.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    It was gloomy this morning but the sun came out this afternoon and called me out for a walk.  How about that, Mother Nature is one of The Voices!  Went 4.9 miles and enjoyed every step of the way.  In the 60's tomorrow so yard work is on my agenda too.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    Can't do Chicago this year but maybe next year I can join in. Can't wait to hear stories though.

    Walked at a local track for 40 minutes today. Tried to jog briefly but my knees hurt too much.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    Hey gals,

    Love reading all the inspiring posts.

    I made it out today for a jog/walk on the Couch to 5K program.  I warmed up with a 10 min walk, then jogged for 2 mins, walked 1 min for a total of 45 mins.  I even got a couple 3 min jogs with 1 min walks for rest, which might not sound like a big deal, but was a major accomplishment for me.  Feeling great, hope I can keep it up.

    Some of my friends are talking about doing a major hike in late summer.  23 - 27 miles of backcountry hiking over 3 - 4 days, with lots of elevation and heavy packs.  It would be insane for me to commit to this, I just got through freaking brain radiosurgery and might be back on chemo depending on my next scan.  Still...it would be so fun.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    nancyh, sounds like a big deal to me!  Got on the treadmill this morning and thought about the C-5K program but that's as far as it got.  I did walk/run but only for a total of 30 mins and most of it was walking.  Don't rule out the hike - you just might surprise yourself.  Take a wait and see attitude.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60's and I would love to get out and walk but hate the cold wind in my face.  We'll see; maybe just the gym instead.

    Night friends.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    Absolutely glorious day here today.  nancy you are amazing..... you have come so far in such a short time.  Sherry I cut my roses down back in January and didn't weed and last weekend I paid for it BIG time I was growing a secret weed garden, my roses are on the side of the house and oh my, by the end of the day I was layng prone on the ground weeding - serves me right I knew it had to be done and I just ignored it.  Today I did Body Combat class and then stuck my head in the spin room to say hi (class was half over but my favourite spin instructor was teaching) darn if there wasn't an empty bike right at the door so she said come on in so I did and did half a spin class as well, then came home and after breakfast I washed windows, I have to say it's not my favourite chore but as I was huffing and puffing I thought to myself that I feel very fortunate that at my age I can still do chores like this, it might not be as easy as it used to be but I'm still able and grateful.