Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Squeezed in 30 minutes on the treadmill. Very busy day. Now just home and  it is midnight.

    Be insane and commit to the hike, nancy. If things change you can always modify your plans, but if you are feeling fine it would be a shame to sit home.

    Good Night, Ladies!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2012

    Glorious morning here - asked for warm weather and boy do we have it.  Summer temps are here - not much of a spring, but I'll take it!  

    About weeds - yesterday in our street out front I came across a big cloud of white fluff - it was about 3 feet long, and looked like a big dust bunny.  Figured out that it was dandelion seeds that had gathered at this one spot - they were flying in the air, the wind was just right to gather them and put them all in one area.  Some of the sidewalk was lined with it, looked like snow. Have never seen anything like it.   I'll see if I can figure out how to post a picture.   

    Hike and jog with DD and dog this morning.   Will get in some pilates mat, this afternoon.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2012

    Finished the 10K this morning !!  I don't have my official chip time yet, but it looks like I did it in just over 12 minute miles.  I may not be fast, but I never walked once.  Icing the old knees now . . .

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    Mary, congrats on your accomplishment!

    AM yoga and now Weed & Sculpt for me.

  • JayeGA
    JayeGA Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2012

    This is a great topic! I'm back to walking outside, and it's really helping me through the waiting period. I tend to be anxious, and exercise is a good outlet. Right now I walk for about an hour a day, and do some strength training with weights. I do some yoga moves everyday, too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    It's very windy out but beautiful so I'm going to venture out now and see how long I can endure.

    Welcome JayeGA.

    Nats, good for you.  At my speed, your 12 min/mile is fast.  


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    Nats-congrats. That is awesome!

    It is windy here too but I am bundling up and heading out for a walk. My joint seem much better on the days I do some exercise so I am hooked. I am so impressed by you runners. My body is not ready for that!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited April 2012

    Welcome JayeGA!

    45 minutes of toning. We are having a bunch of people over for a Fish Fry as DH wants us to eat up the rest of the fish in the freezer before he starts catching more. You are all invited as long as you can be here by 5:30 and bring a dish to pass Smile.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited April 2012

    Mary: Way to go!

    JayGA: Welcome!

    Ruth: Dang, I can't make it by 5:30. Give us more warning next time! Enjoy your fish!

    Walked/ran at the park earlier today while the temperature was in the low 70s. I had to replant the garden this afternoon b/c we had frost a few weeks ago and totally wiped it out. Good exercise for the arms! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    ruthbru, looks like I can't get there before midnight so have to pass this time.

    Went out and walked for about 2 hours.  Did add an occasional jog but not much.  Stopped for about 5 mins in the park to watch kids playing soccer than stopped again for about 15 mins in Barnes and Noble to browse magazines.  The wind really wasn't bad so might not be able to use that as an excuse anymore.  Going out now to wash the car and then do some reading the rest of the evening.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2012

    Mary- Right on! Congrats!

    Nancy- I am just in awe of you. You are amazing. You go!

    Got basically no exercise all week- my son had streph and I was finishing up my school work for the term....but took a trip to beautiful Mystic, Connecticut and walked about 3.5 miles yesterday, went to a 90 minute Baptiste hot yoga class this morning and then walked on the beach.

    Will be walking like a maniac this week- only two weeks to the Avon Walk!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2012

    My pleasure Mary LouiseWink Welcome JayGA. Congratulations Mary, I don't know anything about running times all I know is YOU DID IT yeahhhhh. Joy the weed snow sounds interesting I'd love to see it. Ruth when you post an invitation to come over, you have to remember your time zone is ahead of mine so unfortunately I can't make it, besides that I've just come in from an afternoon potting plants and I'm a bit grubby. Hope your son is feeling btter misswim. Patoo my lower lip is pouting I'm gonna miss you Cry

    Today I did a Body Step class, a couple of people in the class had done a mud run yesterday boy they were battered and bruised but said they had tons of fun.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2012

    ~Walked all weekend....plus went to kettlebell class and a Yin Yoga class.  It was a great weekend. Back to work tomorrow & trackmeet after school.  No walking tomorrow.  

    This sure is a busy bunch of wonderful ladies...keep up the good work!



  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2012

    misswim- I think Mystic is beautiful too. Did you go to the seaport or the aquarium?

    It was very windy here during my walk but I walked for 40 minutes.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2012

    Hey gals, nice work everyone.  I'm like a broken record, but seriously it is so encouraging and motivating to read what others are up to. 

    NatsFan - congrats on your 10K.  

    ruthbru - sorry I couldn't make it for the fish fry...yum.

    patoo - nice work on the 2-hour walk.  Wheh.

    misswim - good luck on the home stretch for your Avon walk.  I've never done one, but have known a few gals who have and I've heard it is awesome.

    hbcheryl - not exactly sure what a mud run is, but I think you had the right idea to stay inside for the step class.  :-)

    balsie - sounds like you got all sorts of great exercise in this weekend, good job

    Ginger48 - glad you got out for your walk in.  Sometimes I think wind is harder for walking/running than even rain is.  

    I had a nice 3 mile walk with a friend this morning and then a very short workout on weights at the gym.  I absolutely suck at weights, but since I'm feeling motivated right now, I figure I should give it a try.  Plus, I pay for a stupid gym membership that I never use (I refer to it as my fat-tax when I pay the bill each month, haha).    If anyone has tips/tricks for weights, please share.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2012

    hi ladies, after doing yard work, I did make a yummy veggie soup with beef yesterday.  Smelled and tasted so good, nice antidote to the rainy cold afternoon we had.  Weather put the kibosh on my plans to walk after supper so I curled up with a good book instead.

    welcome JayeGA and have a good week, everyone!  ((hugs)) to all

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2012
    Even went to thw gym on sat.Sunday was yardwork day.Today I will use the machines as well.I am up to 5 days of the week now.Since I added the weight machines to the lower body my knees are not aching so much.I can actually run up a flight of stairs now.Tongue outI believe that using the upper body weight machines regularly and not overdoing it has helped keep LE out of my life. Tomorrow though I have an endo biopsy will have to play the waiting game gain.Yell
  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2012

    So Saturday was not as bad as I had been anticipating.  We did a circuit of about 8 stations, 40 seconds per station, with things like lunge walks, jumping jacks and burpees (sp?), hula hoop, balance disk, etc.  In between circuits we did ab work and stretching.  It was actually a lot of fun, and it turned out that there were other women there at my fitness ability (or lack of!).  We are going to meet twice a week, one weekend day, and one day after work.  I couldn't do planks, and my bladder was a little too full for jumping jacks, if you know what I mean Surprised  But I actually enjoyed myself, and felt like one of the group.  Today I start couch 2 5k, we'll see how that goes.  I'm going to take it slow and see how week one goes, then repeat week one until I am comfortable.

    My biggest disappointment this weekend was a wedding invitation I received in the mail.  While I am thrilled to be invited to one of my son's best friends wedding, when I went to put it on the calendar it was for the same weekend as Casting for Recovery.  Major bummer, I was so looking forward to that. But the wedding trumps.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    Darn about the wedding/casting all on the same weekend.

    Mum, let us know how your test turns out

    Took an hour long walk, a lovely evening here after a cold, rainy weekend.

    We had a fun fish fry, and you could have all come because we had so much fish that we sent a baggy full home with all the guests and still have some left for ourselves.

    Yikes, the next couple of weeks are full of end of the year potlucks, retirement parties, teas etc. etc. etc. and I'm a girl who just can't say no (to cake)!

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012
    One hour walk around the neighborhood today.  Laughing
  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    90 minutes Anusara yoga class tonight. LOTS of inversions- L on the wall, handstands, headstands....my shoulders/arms will be on fire in the am.

    Mum- thinking of you!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2012

    Crazy spin class tonight unfortunately I didn't get "my" bike and I got one where the seat tilted it was a bit uncomfortable but seeing as though we spent half the class standing it wasn't too bad.

    Will be thinking of you Mum and I agree I think the exercise does help with the joint issue.  Pat be very careful doing those burpees you can really hurt your back and I'm glad you enjoyed the group it really is fun to work out with like minded people. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2012

    hi ladies, flying by this morning.  Walked yesterday at lunch + yoga class last night.

    To me, burpee is a seed company not an exercise (per se) although gardening surely is work!

    Good luck with endo bx, mum.  ((hugs)) to all

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited May 2012

    Good Morning:  Ruth and Badger (and a few others) have suggested I join your group - they do brag on what a great group of ladies are on here so I thought I'd come and jump into your pool.

    I am good about getting my exercise in....I belong to the most wonderful health club and get there 6-7 mornings a week...depends on what season it is.....golf is just starting so that will knock out a couple of mornings so at best it will be 4-6 days.  If it's not hotter than blazes outside (and for me that can be 85), I do walk the golf course and pull my clubs on a cart.  My exercise routine is weights, cardio and swim.  2 mornings a week, I have a 6am weight lifting class, the other days I use weight resistant machines then always at least 30mins cardio and ALWAYS top it off with a 20-30min swim.

    I don't enjoy Yoga...and I've been trying to like it since the 60's so I bypass those classes, spin class scares me (someone once told me she took a class and then threw up) so I stick with elipticall, treadmill and rowing machines.  I truly admire you runners.

    Sooo.....can I post a beef?  What's up with these extra pounds that my body absolutely refuses to let go of?  While I don't deprive myself, I also do not overeat nor eat poorly.  Pre-chemo it seemed dropping a couple of pounds wasn't terribly hard...post-chemo it is nearly impossible.  Of course it could be age-related......not being able to drop a few pounds but blaming it on chemo seems easier.Frown

    Hopefully, I'm properly introduced....this morning I'm off to golf and I think I may be inspired to try to get a walk in this afternoon - something I really never think about doing but reading some of your posts triggered that thought.Smile

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2012

    No walking for me last night because of working the track meet.  Did squeeze in some core work when I got home.  Tonight is looking like a treadmill workout because of weather.

    Enjoy your day ladies


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012

    Yoga class for me yesterday, first time in some major backbends since revision surgery at the beginning of March. Bow pose and full wheel, and all systems were a go! In wheel, I lifted up to virtually straight arms, though my right armpit still couldn't open up as fully as the left, to completely open up my chest. Guess that's why I'm still in PT....

    Great job for everyone doing their thing here! 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2012

    Stopping by briefly - warm sunny day today - had a fast hike/jog in the woods, led by DS.  It's hard to keep up with him, good motivation though.  Pilates reformer this afternoon with DD.  

    welcome WellWater   

    Hugs ~

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2012

    Well, I didn't start couch to 5k yesterday as planned - it was my boss's first day back at work in 2 1/2 weeks, and we needed to catch up on things.  Did eventually get in a nice 35 minute walk.  Now today it is raining here, so maybe tomorrow I'll start?  Yes, a little bit procrastination thrown in there.  Well, no reason day 1 can't be a Wednesday now, is there?

    Cheryl, thanks to the warnings about the burpees, and my back and hip did hurt after them.  The girl who is running the group said my butt is up too high, and instead I should try just walking out the burpee one leg at a time instead of trying to spring back, since I'm not springing back far enough.

    Badger, when I was a kid in gym class they called burpees squat thrusts - I never hear them called burpees until the other day!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2012

    An hour of Garden N Sculpt last night - we'd let things go for a few weeks, and the weeds had taken over with a vengeance!  30 minutes elliptical this morning. 

    Never heard of squat thrusts called burpees - I'm with badger - burpee is a seed company!

    Cheryl - how dare that person take "your" bike!!!!   Like this session's yoga class for me - I walked in the first night and a newbie had set up her mat in "my" spot - first row, next to the window.  How dare she?????  Yell

    Welcome WW - are you on AIs or tamox?  That would definitely inhibit weight loss.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    Hi WW!