Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone back from Fl. Enjoyed some beautiful weather and some walking.

    Well went to dr. yesterday, basically I am finished there,except for a 6 month follow up.  I have spinal-stenosis and severe arthritis in back and knees.  I am 63 so what else is new. Can live with it. Dr. suggested PT, I have had enough of PT so I said no.

    Esther, with problems of your arms, it is 8 months  since my last revision, be patient. You are a trooper, better days are coming with flexibility. I am going on Thursday to PS. Maybe more revisision work coming up. Who knows, still watiing to be tatooed.

    Mary, congrats on the 10K. I am not a runner, so I hope I am congratulating you on a good run.

    Since I have not been to gym in a while I believe I am creative enough to do something in the house till I get my behind back there. I told my husband I want Personal Training. Chair Zumba is a new thing and I might be interested in that. I don't believe it has come to my gym yet. I look back, I am 63 had 10 years of personal training, so I think I can also manage by myself on the machines. Still thinking with Voices. Looking forward to receiving the shirts. The SGK Race is Sunday, I rec'd my hat and shirts, should be an interesting day with controversy. Just hoping for good weather.

    Hugs to all, good to be back in NJ.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited May 2012
    I am free of the bank Laughing This is my first week home. Instead of the boring Monday morning bank meeting that I have been attending for the last 3 1/2 years, that is mainly about sales, I went to another instructors 7:45 a.m zumba class. It was awesome . I am about to head out to teach my Tues morning zumba class soon. I just wanted to check in. I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders, leaving the bank.
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2012

    Congrats, Zumbagirl!!  Always great to get rid of any unwanted stress!

    I just can not believe that I was back a page again... so much for trying to post "daily"!!

    ((Mum)) good luck and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Welcome, Wellwater!  I do believe that technically, golf is excercise.  The Vitamin D will do your body good also!  I know that I struggle with losing weight.  I try to keep track with www.loseit.com and when I am faithfully logging everything in and stay within my range, I actually DO lose.  Not sure if you are on any meds that could also be culprit!  Laughing

    ((Ronna)) hope you can find the right excercise for you! 

    Got out again today for my 5 K walk.  Yesterday did get a bit of walking in, but in shorter spurts! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2012

    Nothing yesterday but got out after work tonight to the park to walk/run for about an hour.  One arch and the other instep and shin starting bothering me.  Don't think I'm up to 400 mile shoe life but maybe.

    Hi to all.  Tired.  Going to lurk a little then turn in with my Kindle.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited May 2012

    Mum: good luck. Please let us posted.

    WellWater: Welcome! I understand your beef about weight. I've gained a few pounds since Easter and they're still with me. I won't stop until they're gone. Tongue out

    Zumba: you sound so happy. What a great feeling!

    Our nice spring weather left yesterday. Tonight I went to the park at 7pm to fast walk/run - it was 86 degrees. I didn't run as much b/c I need to get acclimated to the heat and humidity. But, I still felt good and strong after doing it! 

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited May 2012

    wellwater...How great to see you on here....it's been a long time since we've crossed paths. What are you up to? Doing yoga twice a week and did water aerobics in Arizona..have to find a class here.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    45 minutes on the treadmill (while watching Dancing With the Stars) & 15 minutes abs. Went to a potluck after school, so no way did my calorie expenditure match my calorie intake Surprised!!

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited May 2012

    Did my daily Nordic dog walk this morning - yay!  We have added a 3rd dog to our family, so now we walk with a Shepard mix, a Beagle mix and a Jack Russell Terrier!!

    I hear you ruthbru, I went to book club and totally overdid the calorie intake, negating my exercise... good thing book club is once a month! ;-)  I'm making a quinoa salad for the potluck at work tomorrow, so that'll be better.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for the welcomes.

    Artsee:  Hi, nice to "see' you again!  How are you? 

    No, not taking AI's (did for a year but couldn't handle it)...no Tamox.  I think my brain has made up it's mind that I should carry those extra pounds and it's a battle of wills.

    I have a question:  why does it seem that we always lose weight on vacation?  I don't exercise any more than I do here, probably eat a little richer food than at home but yet I always seem to drop a couple lbs and put them back on after we get home.  I hear this from other gals also.  Comment?

    This morning I'm off to the healh club....weight machines, cardio and swim and hopefully a walk after dinner!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2012

    Yoga class last night, plus I jogged the mile back and forth to the class.  No exercise this a.m. - had to get bloodwork in advance of my physical and I was fasting.  It took 3 sticks to get the blood - with my LE they can only use the left arm, and the veins there are in horrible shape.  Yell

    NW - a Jack Russell?  How old?  They're like Mikey, my min pin - nothing but pure energy!!  You must get a lot of smiles as you walk with the three of them.  

    Cheryl - I was hoping Kim would win on BL - I do not like that brother and sister duo.  Oh well.  The at home winner looked fabulous!!

    Mum - thinking of you.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2012

    Well, I just got back from day 1 week 1 of couch to 5k. OMG.  I think I will be on week 1 for quite a few weeks.  My knees hurt while running, not a good sign, wonder what they will feel like tomorrow.  Well, I did it.  Hopefully I can keep it up.  Tonight is the Diva Dash group workout, strength core and intervals! 

    someone just walked into my office and asked me why my face was so red! it's been about 45 minutes since I came back too.  But I feel fine and recovered.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2012

    Have been walking my 3 miles and decided Monday to go back yoga class even though I still have lifting restrictions and he said no upper body working like planks.  I called my instructor and explained and she encouraged me to come and just do what I could.  So I went and so glad I did.  I walked yesterday and am going to another yoga class tonight.  I am taking the upper body easy and doing the core and leg work.  I go back to PS on the 18th and hopefully will get a full release on yoga.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2012

    Quick drop by.... 50 minute walk this am.  Need to get moving more again (I know I can!!).  Heading out tonight for a Relay for Life Captains' meeting, so will not get any more in tonight.  Great to see everyone keeping up their routines! Makes me feel a little more movtivated!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2012

    Pat01 - for knee issues - I went to a stride clinic and they said to shorten my stride when I run.  Take short rapid little strides - your feet should hit the ground lightly as if they're not allowed to touch the ground at all, and your cadence should be at about 180 steps per minute.  That's really helped my knees.  I also have found that icing them for about 20 minutes after a run makes a big difference.  If I don't ice them I'm aware of them for a day or so after a long run.  But if I ice them, they're not sore or twinge-y all later.  Most quality running stores offer free shoe fittings and inexpensive stride clinics.  It may be worth the extra $$$ the shoes will cost to have your feet and stride evaluated by pros, and they can recommend shoes that are right for you. 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012

    Decisions, decisions... do I:

    a) go to the Basic Level 6pm yoga class that at the farther studio from home?

    b) go to the Intermediate Level 6:15pm yoga class that's closer?

    c) go to the Injury Prevention meeting that my running club is having tonight at 7:30pm, very close to home?

    d) stay home and call it a night? I already ran 5 miles and went to PT today...

    Oh, if I'm going to yoga at either place, I'd have to leave in the next 5 minutes.... 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Congrats, Zumba!!!

    Esther- let us know what you chose!

    3.5 mile walk yesterday morning- had to drive to Boston last night to at my Dana Farber follow up at 9 today. Excellent appt- my onc is just a rockstar.

    She told me she felt my physical recovery has been amazing and was so happy that I am exercising so much. She asked how I stay motivated and I hope you all don't mind, but I told her about the voices!! She thought it was awesome that we support each other this way and asked if she could tell other patients about this. The more the merrier, right?

    Going to a 9 hour Baron Baptiste yoga immersion Sat- can't wait.

    Hugs to all!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2012

    hi all and welcome WellWater!  Losing weight on vacation = less access to snacks?

    pat01, thanks for explaining that burpees are squat thrusts, always hated doing those!

    misswim, yes indeed, the more the merrier ~ have fun immersing yourself in yoga Sat.

    I am envious of you ladies in the more urban areas who have access to lots of yoga classes and options.  One of my classes meets at the Senior Center (I'm over 50 so I get a discount lol) and the other meets in the community room of a local church.  It's all good though!

    zumbagirl, congrats on freeing up your future. Cool  (future's so bright, gotta wear shades)

    Rain this morning and hot humid afternoon but a span of beautiful weather in between, of which I took full advantage.  Just finished up a huge project at work so I treated myself to a nice long walk over the noon hour.  Logged 6 miles between yesterday and today.

    Have a good night my sculpted sisters!  ((hugs))

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012
    I ended up going to the earlier, closer, harder yoga class. The focus of the class was longer holds, and the theme was "stay on your own mat", i.e. do what is right for YOUR body. Could I have picked a better class? Of course the first pose was a 2-minute headstand...Surprised
  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Esther, I love handstands now, but they were the bane of my existence when I first started yoga. When I started doing them off the wall, I was terrified I was going to tumble and kick my neighbor in the face, so I really have to work on staying on my mat, in my head, and literally! Sounds like a perfect class! Are you feeling like your range of motion is better since your last surgery? How is your level of discomfort?

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2012

    I have continued with my walking and it feels pretty good. I am up to 40 minutes a day around 3mph. Hoping to work up to an hour.

    Did a sleep study on Monday night and found out I have sleep apnea. I have to go back for additional testing. I am hopeful this will help my fatigue issues but am very discouraged to find another medical issue that has to be dealt with. 

  • Lagata1276
    Lagata1276 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2012

    One week post Lumpectomy and SNB, walked around the block with my DH. It took me 12 minutes. I cried when I got home.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012

    misswim, do you mean headstands or handstands? I stayed at the wall for the headstand, which I can get unto without kicking (one leg up, then the other just floats), but balancing is still an issue because my right shoulder is unstable and my core is rather weak right now. Handstands, on the other hand, I just will not kick up into. I had the teacher do the ankle assist for me and I got up just fine. No balancing off the wall on that one, and I only held the pose for about 10 seconds. It was my first handstand since this last surgery, and my arms are still not that strong yet. Chest muscles are weak too. It'll all get there, though.

    Lagata, hugs to you! I remember my first walk around the block after my UMX. It was a huge accomplishment. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited May 2012

    Lagata: Welcome and Congratulations! Cry all you need to.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    Welcome Lagata. Hang in there, it will get better.

    Yes, the more the merrier. I was on a panel a couple weeks ago sponsored by a women's group & having to do with cancer awareness etc. and I sang all your praises (as well as extolling the virtues of exercise) Smile.

    Walked for 45 minutes (before it started to thunder, lightning and hail!) & 15 minutes of upper body toning.

    Hugs to all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Esther, I meant headstands. I did the ankle assisted handstand the other night, but I struggle with the pose. It pulls alot on my underarm area and I end up SO sore the next day. Congratulations on holding that pose.....be it for 1 sec or 10, it is a tough one!

    Lagata-big hugs to you..... and take it one day at a time- walking around the block was all I did between my mx and chemo- and did even less during chemo! Whatever you can do to keep moving counts!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2012

    Lagata, welcome.  It will get better.  Little steps count just as much as marathons.

    Not much time but did 30 mins fast walk/running on treadmill before Bible Study tonight.  Need to get some upper body and weight training in so will try and get to gym tomorrow for an hour or so before choir. 

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • JayeGA
    JayeGA Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2012

    Goodnight, Patoo. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm getting a lot of motivation from this thread. I have a lot of pounds to lose and am getting some good ideas. I already walk, and have done it for years. Now I need to add strength training.

    Has anyone tried jumping on a mini-trampoline? Louise Hay says its good for the lymphatic system. I would love to hear feedback. Thanks!   Jaye 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2012

    Well girls guess I have to join you on the couch to 5K roster, tonight I got talked into doing a mud run in June, I'm signed up and paid up so now I guess I have to start to train ..... what have I doneEmbarassed

    Mary I really wanted Kim to win as well, I'm glad this season is over I disliked so many of the contestants, hated all the bullying that went on. Pat I doubt I've ever been able to spring back on a burpee and one of the young girls from my gym hurt her back last night doing them, while everyone else is doing them I just do squats. NWArt Jack Russell's are balls of energy enjoy your new baby. Ginger at least you may have the answer to your fatigue, I've always wanted to know, how can you sleep with all the electrodes attached to you? Jaye I have heard that about the mini trampolines as well and anything that gets you moving has to be good for you. Welcome Lagata, it will get better in the meantime we're all here to support you (((HUG))).

    Last night did two classes Body Step and Body Combat, my feet were on fire after 2 hours of jumping around and tonight an hour of insanely crazy Spin.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2012

    Lagata - Good for you for getting out there!!!  I remember my first walk the day after my bmx - I was in my ratty old robe and slippers, drains sticking out everywhere, hair an unwashed mess - I managed to shuffle down the sidewalk to the next house, then shuffle back.  It wasn't much, but it was something!  I kept looking around, worried that someone had called the police to report some vagrant woman was wandering the neighborhood!  Surprised  Believe me, it does get better.  Just do a little at a time, but be good to yourself. I found that with most of my surgeries, the first week was the roughest, then there was a little improvement, then at about the 3 week mark there's a big improvement.  Patoo is exactly right - little steps count just as much as marathons.  And this is a great group of women here.  

    Cheryl - you sound just like me when I signed up for the 10K - I kept thinking what in the world have I done?   It was a lot of training and hard work, but now that it's done, I'm so glad I did it.  You'll have a blast, I'm sure!

    Nats Walk last night (2 mile round trip from the parking lot to the ballpark and back).  We even jogged the mile back to the car to try to warm up - the forecasters promised temps 20 degrees warmer than what the actual temps were, and we (and a lot of other fans) were woefully underdressed for the weather.  Brrrrrrrrrrrr!  But it was a walk-off win, so life is good.  Lovin' my Nats this year! 

    Was lazy and slept in this morning after our late night . . . 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2012

    Natsfan I don't run but I do walk alot and finally went to one of the good running stores and had my shoes fitted and boy what a difference it makes.  My arches were really starting to hurt and the new shoes stopped it.  Yes a little more expensive but so worth the price.

    Esther yes what did you choose?

    Badger I also live in a rural community.  We have an instructor that comes here every other MOnday and then at least once  a week I have to drive to the next city 30 miles away for yoga class.  So I have invested in videos and now try to take advantage of some of the live streeming on the internet but my instructor is so good with tweeking our posses the internet and video they would come out of that box and do that for me.Frown

    Edited to say:  I flipped the page and saw that Esther choose the one close to home sounds like a good choice.  but headstands I just cannot do that but maybe one day you just never know.

    Lagata welcome to the crowd.  I had a lump on a Thursday and was back into yoga on Wed but was very careful what I did.  I had just started yoga a month before my lump so I was fairly new to it.  After my BMX they had a requirement that I had to make so many loops around the surgical floor before I was discharged.  I had DH walking with me and my IV poll none stop because I wanted to go home. Then when I got home I think I crashed for a week and did nothing until my drains where out then it was easier.