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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • kestrelgurl
    kestrelgurl Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2012
    Yesterday was a rest day, although I did clean the chicken coop. Smile Today was an easy 50 min run around the 'hood. Tomorrow's goal is to sleep past 5:00am.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012
    FIRM Cardio Dance Party
  • TriChick
    TriChick Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2012

    Cheryl, I am praying for Fluffy's safe that I am a "cat-lady", so says my husband, I would be in a panic if our kitten was lost.  Keep searching for her!

    Gail, good to see you on here regularly!  If you did not make your 'sleep in' goal, I have you covered!  I slept until nearly 6:30 this AM, woke up with a "mew!" from you know who!

    Hiked Mt. Woodson yesterday - up & down and & around Lake Poway = 9 miles.  And ran on PCH today for 9 miles!  My longest run since I started chemo on April 1 - not too speedy but I am not keeping track of time so who cares!  (The only reason I know the mileage is cause I have run on PCH nearly every weekend for 5 years now !) 

    Heading in Tuesday AM for #6/8 (#2/4 Taxol) chemo.  Going to try no Neulasta this time around and see if I can get my counts up without it.  I am keeping a positive attitude that not only can I do that but that there will be far less bone and muscle pain this time around! 

  • kestrelgurl
    kestrelgurl Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2012

    Mt Woodson yesterday and a 9-mile run today? Dang, who's the over-achiever now? Laughing 'Course, if I slept in till 6:30, it would be too hot to run here......and now that we are babysitting the grand-kitty, we get a wake-up meow at 4:00am. Not that I am complaining. Will be thinking of you on Tuesday.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2012

    Walked 60 minutes both yesterday and this morning.  Feeling ambitious and will probably walk again tonight when it cools down some.  

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    Trichick- seriously, girl, you are my hero. I couldn't run from my couch to the bathroom during chemo. Kudos to you.

    Ronna- how are you doing? Feeling any better? Thinking of you...

    Cheryl, I am so sorry about fluffy.

    Went to the beach with friends today, took a 3 mile walk around the lake. It was so nice to have a "normal" summer day, since last summer was such a nightmare of surgery and treatments.

    Yoga class tonight. Getting very excited for teacher training!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012

    Went to the gym and did a Body Step class this morning and then had a nice walk on the beach this afternoon.

    Trichick you are amazing, I can't believe you run on PCH.  Heidi walking and hanging out with kids to me that sounds like a perfect day.  Misswim when do you start your training?  (((Ronna))) hope you are feeling better today.

    Thanks everyone still no Fluffy, it's just she was the "sweet" one of the bunch that we have - we have a crazy/angry/loving bi-polar 18 year old lady, a very handsome but dumb as a bucket of rocks ginger tom and one who really lives around the corner but moved in here 9 months ago and no matter how many times I took him home he was back here by the time I walked home, they know where I live and they never came for him he's a manx and very playful and never met a box or a bag he didn't enjoy.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited June 2012

    Didn't do my dragon boating yesterday - woke up, but just didn't feel good.  Today was better so we did a short Nordic dog walk and then went to the nursery to get tomatoes, broccoli, beans, basil and pumpkin plants!  Prepared the garden bed and planted the veggies.  Going to be yummy here soon!!

    Very sore from the gardening, but it's a good sore!

    So sorry about Fluffy hbcheryl.  Thinking good thoughts for your sweet girl!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    hi all, woke to thunderstorms so no a.m. walk but we need the rain so I'll walk the Capitol at noon.

    Have a good week ahead my scuplted friends!  ((hugs))

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2012

    Did a vigorous hour-long hike Saturday morning...pretty much wiped me out for the rest of the day, though. To top things off, when I removed my t-shirt after hiking, I pulled a muscle in my back. Between the pulled muscle on the left and the frozen shoulder on the right, I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, and took 1/2 of a muscle relaxant, which helped enormously but knocked me out for Sunday, too.

    I did find some info in a pernicious anemia forum that confirmed that exercise can make fatigue WORSE if your B12 is low. I have shot #2 coming up on Tuesday.

    Did only 20 minutes of yoga this morning...hoping to do a short walk this afternoon, after my work day is done.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2012

    Cheryl - I'm so sorry about Fluffy - but as others have said cats are very resourceful so you never know.

    Carol57 is one of the pros on the LE section who works tirelessly to educate others about LE - you can take what she says about LE and LE precautions as pure gold.

    Did a lot of chainsawing and wood splitting this weekend up at the cabin, getting rid of the last of a tree that fell last year.  We have a small cabin with a small woodstove, which means that we have to cut very small lengths of firewood to use in it - no more than 14 inches!  So there's a lot of chainsawing and splitting involved to get a tree down to wood stove sized pieces.  We have two chainsaws - the big gas one that my dh uses, and the "delicate lady-like" electric chainsaw I use - it's not as powerful, but much lighter and perfectly adequate to cut smaller logs.  I used my LE sleeve and gauntlet.  I'm a tribute to what Carol says about starting slowly and building up your strength, and eventually you can reach some level of upper body strength.  After years of slowly building up strength, I was able to chainsaw for half a day and I don't seem to have triggered an LE flare.  So score one for the good guys!

    Also did a last minute 5K on Saturday - the Nick Adenhart Memorial 5K in Williamsport, MD.  Nick was from Williamsport, and was a pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels before he was tragically killed by a drunk driver a few years ago.  This 5K benefits youth baseball in Williamsport, so it was for a good cause.  It was HOT and humid, but I finished - red-faced and bedraggled, but triumphant all the same.  

    And I'm feeling the cancer sucks blues too - a dear friend called - her daughter was just dx with IBC, Stage IV.  She's only 54.  I talked to her on the phone - as you can imagine her head is reeling.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited June 2012

    (((Natsfan)))), sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. Congrats on the 5K though!  Way to go!

    cfdr, hope the shots get your energy up soon!

    Joy, I'm also trying to figure out where it's best to do the 5k near me as it's tough to find flat, even areas here. I may have to bike to the lake and go run around there.

    Week 8, day 2 done. Day 3 is a 30-minute run. I will try that outside sometime this week.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2012

    Rainy here this morning - feeling better today so got in an hour of pilates reformer and added 20 minutes of jump board for cardio.  

    I'm anxious to get out for Week 3 of C25K - need to figure out a good route to continue to run.  With the hills around here, climbing at a slower pace is enough to get the heart rate very elevated.  

    cheryl   I love your description of the personality of your cats.  We had a cat several years ago that I unfortunately became terribly allergic to.  I was so attached to her though, and kept her until we moved to Jamaica (no foreign pets allowed!) and had to give her away.   I've been a dog person ever since.   We do have outside cats here - they nest for warmth in the winter in our courtyard and we leave food for them.   

    heidihill  Impressed with Week 8!  Yay!   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Chainsaw Mary.....I'm staying on your good side! Wink  Seriously though, I am so sorry about your friend's daughter. I have two local friends who are in their mid-50s and very ill, it is hard to know what to say or do that will be at all helpful. Hopefully she can get on a good treatment plan and start dancing with NED.

    I am getting ready to fly out to NC on Wednesday. I am a TERRIBLE packer, so spent the day trying on clothes, throwing them on the bed, trying them on again, squeezing lotions, shampoo etc. into three ounce bottles etc. etc. In between all this I did quite a bit of exercise (since I know my 'official' exercising will be minimal while gone). I did the 45 minute Denise Austin DVD, 30 minutes FIRM Rock Solid Buns, and 30 minutes on the treadmill (it is cold and windy here!). Then I went and got a spray tan so that I can look brown on the beach.

    Tomorrow is the big election (DH is running for city council). We will host an after-election party; win, lose or draw. At the moment, DH is thinking that anyone who runs from public office must be crazy!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012
    Hahaha Chainsaw Mary I love it, hey Nats you should add it as an aka and I'm sorry about your friends daughter I know you'll be a great comfort for her.  Ruth do you mean "runs from" or "runs for" hmmmmm and wish your DH good luck tomorrow and have fun in NC with your sis.  Joy my goddaughter had a wonderful time in Prague she took loads of photos it's a beautiful city.  cfdr good luck with your shot tomorrow hope you are feeling better.  Tonight did a great spin class and it was funny my 2 girlfriends and I all turned up wearing pink shirts so we lined up next to each other on bikes and called ourselves the "pretty in pinks" Laughing
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    hi ladies, LOL you guys crack me up!  I got out for a walk this morning but it's so nice out that I walked 40 minutes instead of 30.  The air is cool, town is quiet, and there's a riot of birds.  I am liking this a lot and will work to make it a habit.  Have a good day everyone!

  • kestrelgurl
    kestrelgurl Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2012

    Rode the city bike to TRX class last night and got a flat about a mile from the studio. Called DH and asked him to pick me up after class and rode that flat the rest of the way. Thank goodness it wasn't far.

    TRX was killer as usual........of course now I am worried about triggering LE with too much upper body work. Sheesh!

    This morning was an easy 45 min run followed by an hour of yard work and chicken coop cleaning.

    Tomorrow? Trail running with a friend. I don't do trails much so a bit nervous, but looking forward to it. Smile

    Safe training everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2012

    I'm having a great fantasy about the next time someone irritates me - I'll just say, "Y'know, they call me Chainsaw Mary . . . "  I bet that gets their attention!  Cool

    I'll admit, I was terrified of the chainsaw for a long time.  But once I got over that, I have to admit, it's a lot of fun cutting up large tree limbs into small woodstove-size pieces - rather empowering if I say so myself. 

    20 minutes Pilates tape plus 15 minutes Lebeds this morning.  Yoga tonight!!

    Ruth - wishing your dh luck today - living in DC I agree with him that anyone who runs for public office is crazy!  And then they get elected to Congress and they all come here and spread their craziness!!!  Yell

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Hi, got up did a 30 minute FIRM abs workout, went and picked up all the tree branches blown off by the wind yesterday (they were small enough to cut up with a clipper, so I won't have to borrow the chainsaw, Mary Wink), then walked 30 minutes and came home and did 45 minutes Firm Body Sculpt. I must say that I am sick of toning and will be happy to be a beach bum for a few days.

    Now, I need to pack because tomorrow I take off for a week in NC. My sister, niece, and two of their friends will pick me up at the airport and we will go directly to the ocean for a few days of 'Girls At the Beach' activities (walking on the beach, reading, napping under the umbrella, splashing in the water, eating seafood....). I will check in later tonight with the election results and then I am offline for a week.

    Wonderland, cfdr, and I are meeting for dinner on Monday night!That will be very fun!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2012

    Can't wait to meet up with Ruth and cfdr next week! Hope you have a good flight, Ruth.

    I survived the Girl Scout trip to DC. Nothing bad happened to us. If it had, I would have called in Chainsaw Mary. Smile

    There were 250,000 Girl Scouts on the Mall this Saturday. We had 54 on our bus. It was crazy but fun. So many people! I did alot of walking, to say the least. Plus some awesome sight seeing.  

    Cheryl: so sorry about Fluffy. I really hope she comes back home. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    DH won. Cool

    Have a great week, ladies!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012
    Wonderland glad you survived the weekend, to be honest I think a bus with 54 girls sounds perfect, I love being around kids it keeps you young at heart.  Ruth we need to get you a pillbox hat now that you are the wife of a politicianSurprised, tell DH congratulations and enjoy your vacation.  Did my Body Step class tonight and then negated the exercise by going out and having Vietnamese food ..... at least it was vegetarian, that's gotta account for something!!!!
  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited June 2012

    Yesterday I did my exercise class in the morning and zumba in the evening.

    Congrats, Ruth and have fun being a politico wife and beach bum!

    Wonderland, congrats on surviving the scout weekend. You deserve a badge!

    CHeryl, wish I could negate with Vietnamese food, too.

    Have to run to the dentist now. Glad you don't work there, CHainsaw Mary.

    Probably will have a rest day today unless I do Zumba on the Wii.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2012

    Wonderland - so glad you enjoyed your trip to DC - sounds like you had a fun time with 54 girls!  Next time we'll have to plan a meet up when you have a bit more time.  I've lived in DC my whole life and I still love playing tourist and visiting all the museums and monuments.  I'm sorry the Washington Monument is still closed from last year's earthquake so you didn't have a chance to go up in that.  It's always been my favorite, ever since I was a little girl.  Ruth - agree that now you need a pillbox hat - LOL!  Congrats to your DH and enjoy lolling on the beach. 

    Tweaked my knee during yoga last night, so I just did a 2 mile walk this morning instead of a run.  I saw 5 bunnies on the walk - an all time record.  So cute!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    I'm a Girl Scout!  (c:

    Congrats Ruth's hubby and Ruth!

    Did a two family bike ride Sun/Mon.  Rode straight west for a few towns, got a hotel, swam, played board games, then rode home the next day.  About 18 miles each way.  Fun.

    You all are really an inspiration.  I want to work up to daily.  I mean I will!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2012

    Cheryl, I hope Fluffy returns. I am such an animal lover, I get upset when I hear stories when they disappear.

    Misswim. thank you for your concerns, its the usual problems with my lousy implant, went to PS, I have abnormal scarring issues, he doesn't want to do anything now, so I am off to the pain management dr. PS guy asked if I wanted to go to pt, I said enough with the pt. At my wits end, but most of all I am sad for Ms. Roberts and praying for her.

     We have construction people coming tonight at 5:00, have to be here, and zumba starts at 5:30, will defintely attempt to do something active.

    Thinking of everyone.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    C25K week 5, workout 2, check.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2012

    Managed to fit in C25K Week 3, Day 1.  The past few days it has been rainy and this is the first run that I've done this week.  My furry friend hadn't been out for her usual walks because of the rain - she looked at me with pleading eyes as I was getting my shoes on, so I relented and brought her with me for the run.  And she was a trooper - stayed with me the whole time.  At one point I looked down at her, I was running slowly and she was walking fast.   LOL   

    Mary  I love the Washington Monument too - I wonder if and when it will be open again?   

    Congrats ruth, to your DH.  I bet you would look great in a pillbox hat!   

    Two more days of school.  Kids are finishing up exams, school parties this weekend.  It's been a great year for them, so glad.   

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2012

    Ok, I said I would get out. One dr. telling me one thing, the other dr. telling me another. So I walked the complex, then ran (slowly), even my neighbor a personal trainer who knows my history asked why was I running. Anyway, felt great and that is all that counts.

    Pain Management on Monday. Let's see what he says. Quoting from Seinfeld "yadiyadiyadi". (last night's repeat episode for the 100th time.


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    75 mins hot yoga tonight. Working on scorpion pose for weeks, and tonight I finally did it without the assistance of the wall. Woohoo! I was thrilled. It looks like this-  Ruth- Congrats, politicians wife! Ronna, hope the pain management doctor can help you out and you feel better very soon. Wonderland, sounds like a great weekend :).

    Have a great night all!