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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Good morning!

    Late start to this morning, as slept in, and did I ever need it.  Feeling human again.  Was beyond fried yesterday at 4 pm, after 7 days straight of work including a couple of late nights.  But felt much better after walking to the wine bar, even more so when I had some wine.  They were offering their "library wines" which are oldies that are just perfect now, but won't be great forever.  So a tasting, and then I got a couple of glasses of a 2001 Cab/Merlot blend.  Just amazing.

    I may buy a case of six, as still will be fine for Christmas, and a cheap, magnificent present.  ($12 a bottle for us wine club members.)

    I also got to talk to Hugo the Kitten who is growing like a weed.

    Then home, made dinner and an early night.

    This morning awoke to the most spectacular view across the Puget Sound with lots of fresh snow on the Olympic Mountains.  It's snowing in the Cascades right now with the ski resorts ecstatic, but passes are dangerous.  So from drought to snow in one week!

    Haven't decided on where to cycle yet, but can't wait.  Much chillier now too.

    Just remembered that I need to pick up my wine club wine.  Now, I could have it shipped, but better for me financially, and exercise-wise to walk both ways to get it.  That is, it's insane to ship when you can carry home.

    Ruth.....I am laughing about your dragging sister and SIL out the door walking.  You are right about the thank you notes.

    Thinking ahead to dinner, will most likely be "what goes with cabbage" as have one I need to get moving on.  Suddenly, I want winter foods. 

    But first to get out and enjoy the sunshine before the next round of rain...... - Claire

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2012

    Hey All!  Been keeping busy with walking and C25K.  Lately I have to use the treadmill since it always seems to be raining lately!!

    Last week end my DH and I went hiking.  Beautiful with the Fall colors, would have probably been nicer the week before, but, oh well!!  We enjoyed a weekend without the kids or dog!!  Wonderful!!

    Ruth, last year we were in the midst of what you are doing now and it seems like it will never end!  Great that you are still able to get out there to excercise..... and prod a few more to join you!!!  Laughing

    Hope everyone is feeling better!!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Ruth- good for you on the thank you cards! Glad you are having an ok time and that you got a walk in!

    Claire- My DS and DH are anxiously awaiting first snow in the mountains of Vermont- they ski and snowboard and are chomping at the bit!

    Hiked 4 miles very early this morning with my dog in the nature trails near our house, then hour of power at the hot yoga studio.

    My boys are off to Gillette to watch the Patriots play tomorrow......leaving me with a day alone. Will be going to the crazy yoga teacher's Sunday noon 2 hr butt kicking. Yoga on steroids..... but I love it!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Hope everyone is getting better day by day, I have a bit of a scratchy throat but I think it's change of weather we went for high 90's to cloudy and rainy overnight.  Ruth glad is going okay with the sorting out bits probably nice to have your sister with you.  Heidi, Oman sounds fabulous.  My friend who had heart surgery has lost 40lbs in the past 6 weeks wouldn't want to do it the way she has but she's "over the moon" oh and get this, she got her first bill yesterday - 1st stay (she's been in 3 times) $450,000.00 that is no surgeons or doctors fees, no operating room, hospital only for 11 days - emergency room for 10 hours before admitting was $78,000.00 - um who says we don't need some sort of health care reform!!!!

    This morning I made it over to my gym for a Body Combat class, only just got there in time I had forgotten they were closing the freeway that I go on from Newport to Huntington as they are filming "Hangover 3" and had to back track around and I'll admit I did do a bit of speeding on PCH but I made it just as they were starting.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited October 2012

    That's shockingly high, Cheryl!

    Zumba yesterday and disco dancing the night before. I was too pooped to do anything today.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    Gorgeous fall day here, got out for a slow walk this morning to stretch my sore shins.

    Cheryl, that's crazy expensive! WTH! How is the average person supposed to pay that?

    I won't get too political but will say I remember a US federal agency called HEW - Health, Education & Welfare.  All three are now being privatized and I so disagree with these functions of government becoming profit centers for the private sector.

    Lasagna in the oven mmm.  DH just called and he's stuck at work for another hour so I may turn it down to warm and head out for another stroll while the sun's still up.  Take care my sculpted sisters!  ((hugs))

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Noon yoga and a 3 mile horseback trail ride this afternoon. Pooped.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • queenkong
    queenkong Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2012

    I walk for over an hour everyday after I drop my daughter off at school. I hope I can keep that up.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    3.5 mile walk at the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk today. Not very speedy though; it was packed!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    4 mile walk in the park with dh and Mikey this afternoon.  Fall is at peak here and we have a stream valley park that runs a few blocks behind our house with miles of trails. so it was a great day to get out and ramble through the beauty of autumn.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    I got in a 35 mile ride, and then a walk to the grocery store and back for ham hocks and split peas.  I needed to use up the parsnips/carrots in my fridge and it's chilly out.  So it's pea soup for dinner!

    Today's ride was breathtaking with dazzling autumn sunshine, moody clouds, and snow on the Cascade Foothills.  I could see the snow clouds up there, but I was in sunshine.

    On the way back, I stopped to talk to three pigs who were happy rooting in a former veggie patch.  (No, they weren't exactly "little pigs".)

    Somehow, I was lucky enough to get mostly sunshine and miss stuff like downpours and hail!

    I am ready to fall into bed, but soup needs a few more minutes as phone rang just as putting on to boil.  So missed some serious simmer time. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    30 minutes core/weights plus Lebeds this morning.

    Had some very disturbing news.  My last remaining aunt died last week in Wisconsin - not unexpected as she was in poor health, but still very sad when it actually happened.  The disturbing part is that in her last hour or shortly after she died, someone at the hospital stole her wedding ring, her mother's wedding ring, and and some other rings off her fingers.  She had a CT scan an hour before she died, and the rings were clearly visible on the scan.  The funeral home picked her up an hour after she died.  Somewhere in that time the rings disappeared.  What kind of person could take rings off a dying or dead woman's fingers?  My cousin, her daughter, is devastated, as you can imagine.  It took place in a small town called Manitowoc - not the sort of place where you expect something like that to happen.  The local newspaper picked up on the story and ran an article on it, so hopefully that will help break the case.  It makes me so sad to think of the added pain for my cousin.  Her dad and her brother died last year, and now her mom is gone.  This was the last thing in the world she needed right now.  

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    Ginger, I did a making strides for breast cancer walk yesterday too - mine was also packed, probably because it was such a nice day - a sea of pink!  Got up this am and did classical stretch.

    So, no more lymphadema therapy for me :(  Got my first bill Friday, and it is costing $75 a session copay because the practice is associated with a hospital.  Normally it is $25.  And this is the only place my therapist practices.

    Hope to get out for a nice walk at lunch today!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    Me too!  But on Saturday......  Me in the headband and Lago with the sign.  (c:

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    Mary-  How awful for the family.  I am sorry for your loss.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    C25K W5W2 dunaroony

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited October 2012

    Hi girls!  I am so out of touch, but you have to start somewhere, so here I am!

    Ruth, I figured out by going backward a bit that you lost your dad.  I'm so sorry.  I lost mine right before I got my bc dx and it was so hard.  It sounds like you are doing your usual job of staying on top of everything.  You are an amazing woman!

    Badger, I think I read that you had an ovarian cyst...I hope you got that resolved, I'm going to try to go back-this stuff just sucks, but it seems to be part of the journey.

    And Mary, Nats gave all, but now I'm hoping you are a Giants Fan for tonight and hopefully going forward...Laughing  just for a bit, anyway!

    When I last was in touch with you all my DH had just been notified that his job was over at the end of the year-back in early June I think.  Anyway, it's almost here.  He has some options, but still not sure what is next.  It's been crazy times, and the summer flew by.  I so wish I could have made it to Chicago, every time I see Rock of Ages somewhere, I think of you exercise queens!

    I have been...OK...on the exercise front, more lately.  I have had side effects galore on Arimidex, they seem to be building, and I keep fighting them off with the weapons at hand.  

    OK, that's enough from me, now I need to get back into this habit of checking in.  I've missed you guys!



    Edit:  Mary, so sorry about your Aunt-that is an awful situation!  Ruth, I think you are off, or going to be off, Arimidex soon?  Can I get in on the champagne toast or at least some chocolateTongue Out!?!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Kim - good to see you!!!

    Update on my aunt's rings - the funeral home director had sworn up and down that the rings were not on my aunt's hands when he received the body, and he seemed credible at the time.  But after all the publicity, today he suddenly contacts my cousin to say, gee - he made a mistake.  Not only were the rings on her fingers when he received the body, he failed to remove them before cremation and they were destroyed in the cremation process.  He insists there was nothing left of the rings, not even any melted gold. He made no mention of reimbursing her at all for the value of the rings, and did not write off any part of his charge. This whole thing is getting fishier and fishier.  My poor cousin is now even more devastated.  And one of the rings was our grandmother's gold wedding band.  The rest of us were irritated before, but we're really angry now about the whole situation.  And a bunch of angry Irish cousins can be a fearsome force.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    hi Kim, good to see you!

    Mary, I read that story in the newspaper, probably the Wisconsin State Journal.  What a crappy thing for someone to do.  Double bummer it happened to a relative of yours.  Sorry for the loss of your aunt.

    Claire, IDK which I like better - your descriptions of scenery or supper!

    Adey, nice pic!  It was a gorgeous day, Saturday, wasn't it.

    Got out for a 3k walk last night and 2.3 km so far today.  5.3 km = 3.3 mi.  Rained most of the day so I have a touch of cabin fever.  I want to watch DTWS, and maybe the Pres. debate, so if I walk some more tonight, it will be after 9 which is late for me.  So we'll see.  Hey, maybe I can get public radio on my walkman?  Then I can listen & walk!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Mary- so sorry about your aunt and then the theft on top of the loss.

    My mom called to tell me my aunt went alone to Nantucket to close up her house and fell off a ladder and broke her hip. She was not found for 4 days. Just lay there until the police were called when she did not meet her son at the airport. I just can't imagine how frightened and in pain she must have been.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Pat- my LE therapist was affiliated with a hospital and my copays were always $20. I wonder why yours makes that distinction?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Hi Kim! Great to see you. Yes, have some (dark) chocolate on me; I finished Arimidex in September (but have had too many things going on to notice any difference).

    Ginger, is your aunt going to be OK?

    Rotten about the rings. Everyone should do what my Aunt Nellie did when she was in her 90s....she locked up all her good jewelry in a vault at the bank so NOBODY (including the wives of several of the cousins) could get their hands on it when she was gone until after the will was read....and she had every piece designated to go to exactly the person she wanted to have it!

    My company left at 7 am today. I did get my SIL out for a walk Sat. and Sunday. Tonight I walked on the treadmill because I wanted to watch the news and scan a couple magazines at the same time. Geez, I still have a lot of work to do to!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Ruth- yes she will be ok. She had surgery and is at rehab facility now. I am not sure how her emotional state is. Thanks for asking.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Mary what a horrible thing to have happen, tell your cousin to make a police report, we know he has those rings.  If they are pawned and there is a police report pawn shops have to check before the transaction so there is a trail, also gold may have melted but if there was a diamond it would not have, boy stuff like this just makes my blood boil grrrrrrrrrr.

    Kim how wonderful to hear from you and yes, we had a wonderful time in Chicago - shout out to Adey, and Lago you girls look fabSmile  Ginger how terrifying it must have been for her, I hope she get lots of help at the rehab facility, and hope her spirit remains intact.

    A mile of dog walking for me tonight, it's my last night here so back to my gym tomorrow, oh how I have missed my regular workouts.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Reading everyone's notes, but too beat to comment.  I walked two miles each way to a networking event in the rain.

    Grateful for the pea soup I made....manna from Heaven along with a couple of good rolls.

    Realize that I still need to get some notes out from today's AM meeting.  Will do, and then to bed.

    So glad I don't have a meeting tomorrow evening as I thought. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Ginger what an ordeal your aunt went through.

    Walked yesterday and went to hoop class tonight only to find it was canceled.  Disappointed as I was looking forward to learning some new tricks.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    I don't understand insurance and why it would be different.  Makes no sense.  But I checked with both the PT place and the insurance company.  Someone suggested trying to make ask for an exception, if there are no other LE specialists that aren't associated with hospital physical therapies.  But I have decided to go one more time, just to wrap things up with her.

    Got a nice walk in at lunch yesterday, and my gym bag is in the car for after work.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Ginger - how frightening for your aunt.  What a terrible ordeal.  I hope she can get the care she needs.  Ruth - I was going to ask you if you noticed any change now that you're off the Armidex.  I've negotiated 3 different 1-month "vacations" from Femara over my 4+ years, and in each case I noticed large changes for the better 2-3 weeks into it.  Pat - so sorry about the insurance situation for your LET.  Maybe you can get that exception.  Insurance companies seem to be really twitchy about services offered by hospitals - for instance, Hopkins hospital, doctors, the lab, and the outpatient facility are all in-network for me, but the radiology department located in the exact same building as all the rest of those services are not.  Radiology is covered if I'm in-patient, but out-patient radiology tests are not.  Even when I explained that the chest x-ray I wanted to get had been ordered by a Hopkins surgeon for surgery that was being done at Hopkins the next week, coverage was denied.  So I had to go to a different radiology center that wasn't part of Hopkins, then had to arrange to have the images sent back to Hopkins!  Crazy.

    Only Lebeds this morning, but yoga class tonight. I had to miss it last week being sick so I'm looking forward to it.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited October 2012

    Mary   I wish that you get those rings back.  Sure sounds like the funeral director has them, he needs to be caught and have his license revoked.  

    Ginger  Sending good thoughts to your aunt - what an ordeal!  

    Claire  Yum, pea soup - one of my favorites.  

    We are on fall break holiday this week with the kids, so not much exercise other than city hiking and some good beer drinking.  Laughing

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    C25K W5W3 done but a bit altered.  (c: