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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    I struck gold today because someone had put a whole stack of old exercise tapes in the lounge with a sign "Help Yourself". Since I have one of the few VCRs left in America, a grabbed some and brought them home. I tried out a 1988 Denise Austin tape tonight. Too much stretching, wierd boucy aerobics but a great 15 minute ab/legs section. So I will keep it just for that part. Maybe tomorrow I will try out the young Jane Fonda!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies!

    Not too much exercise today, but got in a lot of walking Monday and yesterday.  Today was only about 1.5 miles plus weights/crunches.  Buried in work.

    Seeing positive results on the scale from the cycling, but rain is (thank goodness) moving in.

    In a swoon from the ratatouille I have a-simmering.  Mmmmmmm.

    Did a home run presentation last night at a board meeting and have a call tomorrow with my new client to discuss a new project. YAY!!!

    I am sorry Joy, but no sympathy for the hijinks on the Amalfi Coast.  Plenty of opportunity to walk hills there. I would personally fit in a treat such as wine or a pastry....or both.

    Sore thumb from slamming in Ladies Room door yesterday.  Not exercise related.

    Back to my dinner.  Ratatouille, Pacific Snapper, potatoes.....thinking fresh beans too.  Plus wine and a peach or 2.  A feast for the Gods. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    90 minutes hot yoga on Tuesday, then again tonight. Then went for a rainy 2.5 mile jog- would not call it a run, but trying to mix up the cardio a bit and get more of it.

    Will do yoga Thursday and also heading off to Boston Friday to the Young Woman's Breast Cancer Symposium put on by Dana Farber. Get to meet profbee (another gal on the boards!!) who I have been quite close with but never met in person :) So excited!!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Claire, congratulations on your meeting.  

    Ruth, who would have thought those 80's VHS tapes would find a new home?  You have to watch young Jane Fonda just for the memories.

    Misswim, enjoy your trip to Boston.

    I'm still not recovered from the taxol, it's been up and down.  I went out for a short walk just to remind my body I'm not dead yet.  Probably 15 minutes.  There were some nice night bird sounds.  Tomorrow, infusion #2.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Thanks Ann. Thinking of you as your brave the next few days, You are really amazing! I was not able to exercise during my treatment  and its awesome to see your effort.

    Ruth, LOL l at Jane Fonda! My mom has those tapes from way back when and on occasion I pull out the tape anf go for it. It's a great workout- minus the offits they are wearing- High cut leotard with leg wamers, anyone? NOT.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ann......I felt better as I went through Taxol.  With the first infusion, you still are recovering from your last AC, so the real double-whammy.  Also, my hemoglobin counts rose to low normal.  So while still dragging, I had a lot more energy.

    I always made sure I exercised early in the day of the infusion, as benadryl really knocks me out.  What a wonderful date rape drug!  Trust me, I would not have cared.

    I need to wake up for my 8 AM webinar.  Should be really interesting, and need to keep current.  Plus exercise, as have an in-person meeting immediately afterwards.  The ins and outs of LinkedIn by someone who really knows what is required for an effective online/networking presence.  This is more work for the nonprofit.

    Then a client phone meeting with a new client.  Second project with them, so I am thrilled.

    Long walk planned for later.  Have to keep those brain cells working which is the other major, major exercise benefit. - Claire

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    C25K W4W2  Done and I tried to do an abs tape in honor of you Ruth..... could only do half!  Back in the late 80s when I would talk to my now husband he would ask what I was doing and I would say visiting Jane!  I remember those tapes, sqeeeeeeze.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited October 2012

    I am remiss in posting and in exercising. Taxol #6 done and struggling.

    I did renew my yoga membership and am hopeful I will  do a light class on the weekend. 

    Day by day, paying attention to my body and reading this thread for inspiration. I'll get back there for sure!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited October 2012

    Whaevah, do not despair. Even 6 months ago, I thought I would never feel strong again. I had walked a lot through chemo, but towards the end and after the rads on top, I was a rag. I finished chemo in December, rads in February and by March I started walking again. By May, I started going to the gym, which was tough at first. Now I am beginning to feel downright normal again and it is such a good feeling. So, hang in there and never surrender.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2012

    Have to thank all you lovely ladies for keeping me at it (especially Cheryl, who has pulled me back a few times already!! Embarassed)

    Had my physical today with my soon to be retiring GP.  What a pleasant surprise in my bloodwork!!  He was very pleased and didn't even comment on my blood pressure, so am sure that it is in the right range again (I was getting into the borderline area with my BP)!!  He said the drop in the cholesterol alone was wonderful, but also all other results were really good!!  SO..... I have to thank you ladies (and those on the weigh in thread) for keeping me at the excercising and proper diet!!  Weight doesn't seem to be changing all that much, but just seeing a difference in my bloodwork is GREAT!! 

    C25K last night (really cold though!) and had to shorten our 5 km walk this morning so I could get in the shower before my Dr. appt!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited October 2012
    thanks Momine KissSmile
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    I got hooked into the Nats game when I got home from school & they won with a homer in the end of the 9th. I think I hear Mary cheering all the way out here. Cool Now I have to squeeze in some exercise before the debate!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    hi ladies, had today off work so got in 5.25 km walk before the cold & rain came.

    Found some beef soup bones at the butcher shop so am simmering stock tonight.

    Must've been inspired by Julie & Julia, I put a bit of marsala wine in the stock pot.

    Going to watch the VP debate in an hour.  Have a good evening all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    90 minutes hot yoga. My thursday stand-by. Heading to Dana Farber for a survivor/patient symposium. Excited to hear about research and especially about the studies that relate to recurrance rates and excercise. Looks to be an intersting day, and meeting some of the ladies on the boards. That's exciting!

    Have a great weekend!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Always very cool to meet up with BCO sisters!

    Went to 1994 and did a fun 30 minute Denise Austin dance video, did 20 minutes of toning, and 30 on the treadmill while watching the debate.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Did some hula hooping out in the front yard.  Finally got the hang of lifting the hoop from waist to hand above the head.  

    Claire, your comment about energy improving over time with Taxol was encouraging.  I hope I get the same effect. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Hi all, I have been keeping up with my daily gym routines but after the gym I have been running to the hospital to hang out with my friend, so it's late when I get in, I eat badly and then go to bed, oh and any one who has lost weight, I've found it, it's right behind meSurprised

    As I mentiond before my friend had open heart surgery 6 weeks ago, well last sunday she called me as she had passed out and fallen, of course she was on her own so I rushed over to find glass and blood and her splayed out, long story short later that evening she had a couple more dizzy spells and ended up back in hospital waiting on her blood work to stabilize and finally she's getting a pacemaker, honestly she was doing terribly was making no progress once in hospital and being put on an external pacemaker she was like her old self.  Take care all, oh and don't laugh thouse hi cut leotards are coming back in fashion, bleahhhh.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited October 2012

    Ann, you are a real trooper on the hula hooping as well as chemoSmile!

    Cheryl, you are a good friend and I have a 47 year old girlfriend who had a pacemaker put in last spring.  She is so fit, works out daily, resting heartbeat of 44 and now, doing better than ever.

    Off to freestyle step and thinking of giving body balance a miss as this new release has mucho planks and downward dogs.  My left arm nerve pain is just starting to settle and physio yesterday move me further along.  

    Whaevah & Momine - giving you wonderful women a wave from way over here!Wink

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited October 2012
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Yea for us!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited October 2012

    Momine  Great article, thanks for sharing.  

    Got in an hour of pilates reformer and 20 minutes of jump board.  

    Looking forward to the Nats game! 

    Hugs and Happy Weekend ~   

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Momine....thanks for the article.  Fascinating, and makes sense.  Should keep me moving.  Also, the prospect of wearing leotards, but not that difficult for someone who needs to slide into Spandex regularly.

    We are finally getting rain here.  Just gearing up for work, but may not do the long ride I had planned this weekend.  I do need to get in 50+ miles, but may do this solo.  That is tomorrow and Sunday.  I also have to work as just got another project due next Wednesday.

    Having a friend over for a delish dinner of dry aged local steak and wild mushrooms.  Should be delish.  Plus, bought some wonderful local wine to go with.  Interesting that the wine from the wine bar is not much more expensive than what I can find other places, and I KNOW it's wonderful.

    Happy weekend everyone.  I think I will enjoy the walk later.  Certainly, the clearer smoke-free air. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    Momine, thanks for the article.  Makes me feel good about my choices.

    Walked at lunchtime today and logged 4 km = 2.49 miles for the day.

    Had an ultrasound yesterday and that cyst on my L ovary has gotten bigger so I have an appt with an OB-GYN in a few weeks.  Crap.  Thank goodness it was seen on the belly CT scan when I had the appendix problem last month.  I have no symptoms and we'd never have known about it otherwise.

    Mary, I will be watching the baseball game on TBS tonight.  Go Nats!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    p.s. I'd like to encourage everyone to consider signing up for the Health of Women study:

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    The Dana Farber Young Women's Cohort put on a fantastic event today in Boston. We were lucky enough to be surrounded by and have our questions answered by a world class panel of Drs. The research and information they shared left me feeling more hopeful then ever about the future. The best part was meeting young survivors, and hearing from women who were my age that are now a decade out and doing fine. It was a great, great day. :)

    Profbee and I spent the day together- she is LOVELY!! We heard alot about the importance of exercise on recurrance prevention and that the latest studies are showing a real correlation in a drop in recurrance risk wkith 2-3 hours of moderate physical activity each week. We should feel great about what we are doing! Here's a photo- we found each other on the Boards but actually have a friend in common, and we frgured that out after we had already bonded here! Very cool, the first hug we had both kind of lost it and did not let go- like soldiers who fought a war and came out on the other side!  

    Yoga at 8 tomorrow. Spent the day in the car and walking about Boston. Sleepy!

    Momine, great article! Thanks!

    Badger- signed up !

    Cheryl- Good for you, you are an awesome friend.

    Ann, again, hero material! I met a woman today who is about at the same point in her taxol as you are. She was a runner but now is just walking whenever up to it. She was chosen to be the Look Good, Feel Better model at this panel- she looked GORGEOUS anyway but the makeover was awesome. The woman who facilitates that program at Dana Farber used to John Kerry's make up artist during his presidential run!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    I am so glad you had a fantastic time, Misswim.  I have no doubt that you got in a ton of walking because Boston is that way.

    I am suffering from too much of a good thing with the dinner I made last night.  I will be fine, but not moving too quickly this AM!!  Steak came out fab.....and everything else was delish.  Hadn't made Potatoes Anna in a while, and wonderful with Yukon Golds.  Made poached pears for dessert.

    Looks like OK riding around noon today, so will hit the Cedar River Trail as easy and uncrowded.  Otherwise a work day.

    I am always amazed at how little exercise it takes to have a major benefit.  I know we are concerned about recurrence, but a benefit in so many other ways too.

    I need to get back to work....will check in to confirm I actually did the ride! No excuses.  If I cycled through chemo when it was wet, dark, and nasty out, certainly no excuses now that I am back on top of my game Smile

    So I will go out and do it.  Still hoping for a nice long ride group ride tomorrow. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    This morning I did 20 minutes of a Combat class and a full hour of Spin.

    Momine thanks for the aticle, nice validation.  Claire we had rain too but much too little to count but booming thunder and lightning oh and I wore a jacket to the gym so I guess fall is here officially.  Crap is right Badger but at least you know about it.  Ann good for you, you've been knocked down but slowly you're getting back up on your feet.  Misswim so glad you had a fab day in Boston and getting to meet up with a BCO friend is the best, I treasure the time I've been able to spend with Badger & Ruth & Chrissyb and I also drive down to San Diego and have lunch with the San Diego ladies every couple of months and it's just like meeting up with old friends, I first went down when Chissy was here from Oz last year and I took her to meet them and I was so warmly welcomed.  Lilac I can't do the planks any more because of my toe/foot so I modify and do them on my knees.

     I am house/dog/ and this time kid sitting, he is 17 and responsible enough to be by himself but it's homecoming dance tonight and his Mom didn't want her house to be the "parents in Europe so let's party" house so it's official I am "the wet blanket"Surprised

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    hi ladies, rainy here today so after I did an hour of yoga this morning, my exercise was reading.  Finished my library book around 4:30 and dashed there for another fix before they closed at 5.

    Mary, sorry for the outcome of last night's game but OMG was that ever great baseball.

    Cheryl, thanks, the cyst was 6 cm (2.4 inches) 30 days ago and now it's bigger.  Yikes!

    I could see it on the ultrasound.  Docs don't seem too worried so I'm not going to fret yet.

    LOL at wet blanket, good to keep your friend's house from being post-prom party central.

    Misswim, great pic, agree it's THE BEST to meet up with BCO sisters IRL.  ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    GRRR, when do you see the gyn, badger?

    I watched the end of the game, Mary CryCryCry.....

    Lovely picture, misswim. Yes, it is like getting together someone that you REALLY know....because you REALLY do!

    Cheryl, good luck with being 'the wet blanket'. That will be a hard assignment for you!

    Claire, I had the most wonderful meal last night and thought of you! Some old friends took me out to a really nice restaurant and we had the Octoberfest Special, which was pork tenderloins with a horseradish/mustard glaze, served on a bed of little tiny dumplings and squash. The dessert was pumpkin creme brulee with caramelized walnuts. All washed down with a delightful Merlot. Be still my beating heart!!! Kiss

    I squeezed in 30 minutes of pilates before my feast last night. Today I walked to and home from a football game (30 minutes total), and then 45 more minutes just because it was so nice. Also did 45 minutes toning with Denise Austin because I am going to be really busy tomorrow and won't have much/any time to exercise.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    mmmm Ruth that sounds yummy!  My appt is 11/2.  I know you'll wait with me, thanks!