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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2012

    So I'm new to this group and new to this entire place in general.  I haven't gone back too far to read all the post since I don't have a whole lot of time to do that right now, but I what I have read I think it's horrible that anyone would steal rings off of a dead person and Mary I think you should definitely seek legal help or get the police involved in some way. 

    I was wondering about the thread.  Are most of you done with chemotherapy or have you had chemotherapy?  You see I am currently going through chemo and I am trying to maintain some type of exercise routine while I'm doing chemo at the same time.  I'm wondering since I know that chemo is also accumulative (tomorrow will be my third dose) will I be able to contiue doing this or will the chemo eventually keep me from doing what I love?  Does anyone know?  Or is it the same additive that everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to the chemo?  Chemo took my hair and it takes one week away from me where I physically cannot do anything more than take a slow walk around my neighborhood.  Before chemo I was doing things like kickboxing with a bag, BodyPump, Zumba, Spinning classes etc.  I just got a port placed in my arm so all I'm able to do when I feel like it is the spinning class.  I'm hoping to be able to pick bodypump up again at some point and maybe something else.  So I'm just wondering has anyone here tried to exercise while going through chemo and were you able to do it the entire time?  Because I don't want to get back in shape I really just want to stay in shape.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Sonson - Welcome!  We have women at every stage of treatment here.  Some are newly diagnosed, some just had surgery, some are still in active treatment like chemo and rads, and some of us are years out of active treatment.  We all do what we can and support each other, so you'll definitely find a home here no matter where you are in the treatment cycle. 

    In answer to your question I can only speak for myself, but for me the effects of chemo were cumulative.  I was able to exercise pretty normally after the first couple of cycles, but as each cycle continued, I grew more and more fatigued.  By my last treatments all I could manage was a slow walk a couple of times a week - dragging myself to work and back every day took up pretty much the rest of the energy I had.  But I started back on the elliptical 2 weeks after my last chemo and started a gentle yoga class the same week.  At first I could could barely manage 5 minutes on the elliptical, and could only do a couple of the poses in yoga.  But I kept at it and my strength grew and today, 4.5 years after my last chemo, I do pretty much anything I set my mind to doing, including yoga, Pilates, weight/core exercises, hiking, and running.  I even ran my first 10K this spring!  So even if you get so fatigued that you're unable to do much exercise during chemo, your energy and abililty to exercise does come back. 

    Everyone is different - there are women here who sailed through chemo and could exercise throughout.  Others have been flattened by the first treatment, and have just had to wait out their treatment before they could begin exercising again.  That said, any exercise you can do will help you get through chemo. Do what you can, but listen to your body.  If it comes down to it, even a walk down to the corner and back is better than nothing if you can manage it. 

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Welcome, sonson.  There are a couple women here in active chemo and others who barely slowed down their exercise when they were in chemo.  I have gained fitness during chemo, but then I was not exercising regularly before starting.  I started with walking, adjusting the distance and speed based on my energy.  I could also use hand weights, and dance to music in the house.  I would not have been able to go to classes consistently since there were many days I was too loopy to drive due to the infusions and the anti-nausea meds.  Now that I am on Taxol instead of AC my energy has improved.  I am walking at least 1.5 miles a day and able to do one hour classes.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Ginger- pardon my French but Holy Shit! I am horrified and so very sorry you have to deal with that on top of such a loss. Sending hugs.

    Sonson, welcome! We have girls at all stages of the game here and they provide wonderful support and encouragement . We are so happy to have you. Do what you can when you can, and rest when you need to. I returned to bodypump after roughly 3 months out of chemo. You will get there. How many treatments are you having?

    Went to a favorite studio about 40 mins from my house for a master baptiste hot yoga class last night. 60 students! So invigorating! Something about the sea of OM's just invigorated me! Off to my local hot yoga tonight!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Mary, the only change I've noticed post-Arimidex is I've gotten several pimples!!!!!! Maybe when things settle down and I have time to think about stuff like that, I will notice more. Or maybe my bloodwork will be different when I go in for my annual??

    Welcome sonson, do what you can for now. I think it helps you get through treatment better (mentally at least), and I know it will help you bounce back better and faster once you are done.

    25 minutes on the treadmill & 35 FIRM Hard Core Fusion.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Hi Sonson,

    I dialed it down, but did cycle throughout chemo.  I was really dragging towards the end of AC (I did SIX dose dense) but gained energy throughout Taxol.  There were some days where I barely made it through my weights/crunches and one mile walk, but I always managed.

    I think I ended up much better at the other end because of this.  I also found that exercising made me feel tons better.

    Anyway, it will be over sooner than you think.

    I think that exercise is also a main reason why I have relatively few side effects from Arimidex.  Right now, I am dragging from workload, but not complaining.  My consulting business is flourishing and I am feeling it.  So nice to be at this point though.  (And yes, I got in two miles of walking plus weights/crunches routine. No problem AT ALL sleeping.) - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Two classes for me tonight, Body Step and Combat but my knees hurt, my feet hurt so I'm going to take a couple of Aleve and go to bedFrown

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Three mile walk tonight.  It's the first time I've done the whole loop around the neighborhood since starting treatment.  I don't think I'll make it a regular thing-- I just wanted to see if I could do it.  Lots of cute Halloween decorations out.  Taxol #4 tomorrow.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    Got a nice walk in at lunch yesterday, but never made it to the gym after work.  Suffering from lack of self control and motivation, both in exercise and diet.  Ugh.  Did get up and do classical stretch this morning after I got on the scale!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Ruth - pimples, huh?  Go figure.  Ann - great accomplishment to walk 3 miles!  Good luck on your tx today.  Cheryl - Aleve is the greatest thing since sliced bread as far as I'm concerned.  Hope you got a good night's sleep.  Pat - doing the stretch is better than nothing - good for you!

    Yoga last night, plus I ran the two mile round trip to the rec center to get in a bit of extra exercise.  I have a routine follow up appt with my bs today, so decided to treat myself and take the whole day off.  It takes me about an hour and a half to get to Hopkins, so these appointments shoot at least half a day.  Instead of rushing back to work after the appointment, I took the whole day and have a hair appointment this afternoon.  I am WAAAAY overdue for highlights and a cut - my grey chemo curls definitely need taming - I look a bit like a fuzzy grey brillo pad right now.  Since I had the day off, I pulled on my Sculpted Sisterhood shirt and went out for a nice 3 mile run!  Thanks everyone for the inspiration.  Good to feel good again!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Congrats Ann.  I see no reason NOT to make the entire loop a regular thing, especially since I think you are coming up in energy (as I did during Taxol).  You will end treatment much stronger if you push yourself a bit at this point.  I bet too that your iron levels are up with this blood work.

    NatsFan.  Good call on taking the whole day off.  You will feel marvelous with a cut and color.  I do the color job myself, as have no interest in knowing what % grey I really am.   I would tack on a facial just to do the whole job.  And then perhaps a bit of retail therapy to go with - sculpted, great hair, great makeup.

    I am trying to get going as have a project to get out prior to the Opera tonight.  Plus work for my client meeting tomorrow.

    Need to look for some new fleece cycling tights on eBay.  I really do wear out cycling clothes.  The expensive ones fit better, are warmer, and really important, have better padding.  (Who wants saddle sores?)

    Talk to all of you lovely ladies later. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    hi ladies and welcome sonson.  I started a walking program to help me recover from BMX and get through chemo.  Kept track and have walked nearly 3,000 miles since then! 

    Even a slow walk around the block is good.  Some days it's a major victory! 

    Weirdly warm here today - 75 - so didn't walk at noon but got out after work. 

    Expecting a front to move through tomorrow and drop temps into the 40's by Friday.

    Ruth, when they do the weather forecast on the evening news, they show ND so I keep up with your weather.  And see what you're sending my way! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    We actually had a thunderstorm yesterday. It was kind of neat because it hasn't rained since July. I'm sure the trees appreciated the drink before winter.

    Did FIRM DVDs Cardio Dance Party and Time Crunch Toning.

    Crap, another good friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A bad, bad situation. Because of a family history of ovarian cancer, she had a preventative hysterectomy 10 years ago. This fall she found a lump on her neck. Local doctors couldn't  figure it out so sent her to Mayo, where they say it is from an ovarian cancer cell that must have been lurking around for the last 10 years.  She starts chemo Monday. It is 'treatable but not curable'. I think I will go live under a rock! Frown

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    OMG Ruth that is awful!  And scary.  This has been such a crummy year with the big C taking so many people we love.  Cry

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    I am also worried because she is not asking any questions....she doesn't know what drugs they are giving her, the time line, how many weeks apart, how long before they will do more testing, what they'll be looking for.....nothing. And she doesn't seem interested in finding out. I know she is in shock and denial, but as a 'knowledge is power' person that makes me very, very nervous!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    That is so true!  I wanted to know everything.  TG for BCO.

    Maybe there's a site for ovarian ca like this one for breast ca?

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Short walk tonight, prob. a mile, and a bit of hooping earlier.  

    Claire thanks for the push.  Thought of your words tonight when I wanted to just skip the walk.

    Ruth that's just awful for your friend.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    I will have to do some research.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Ruth that is truly horrid, damn cancer is a sneaky sob!!!!!  Ann I know exactly how you felt as that's how I was yesterday I honestly don't know how I stayed in my classes last night but tonight it was a diffrent story, I did a fabulous spin class it was hard but it was envigorating.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Great going Ann.  My motto was that I might as well be dragging and exercised as opposed to just dragging. sorry about your friend.  Even worse is that she already had cancer when she had the hysterectomy.  I know way too late now, but sounds like they didn't check that well back then.

    I just got back from the Opera.  Really needed the walk each way after being glued to my computer each way.  However, major progress on the work front, so finally in better shape.  I have more things going, but think down to one client now.

    Even better news than being in good shape work-wise is that I took my umbrella tonight.  Was pouring when I got out, so dry on top, even if feet are wet.

    I think some soup before turning in.  I KNEW I would be using that vat I made on Sunday.  Stay dry everyone. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited October 2012

    Adey, you and Lago look strong and radiant!  I've learned quite a bit from Largo on other threads regarding pratical aspect of reconstruction and informs on ACS.

    Mary, condolences to you and family.  Those one directional mistakes - where there is no retrieving what was lost are unfortunate and hard to accept.  At least the truth came out.

    Ginger, sad story of your aunt not being found until four days.

    Ruth, sad news that your friend is facing a fight with cancer, something none of us wanted.

    Cheryl, spin does not upset your foot(?) - great!  The big thing at my gym is Vibe Cycle.  As a old gym rat, who knows all moves by name - I love ancient step.

    Ann, I enjoy tracking your hula hooping and like to know what a new move would entail?

    Sonson - Welcome - good to have you checking in!  I did not have chemo so I'm not one to answer your question yet you sound well fit and desiring to be as active a possible. I share that with you.

    I've been going to the gym doing step and body balance.  This is the last day of term for my son's school and then off until November 5th.  We as a family are taking off in a couple of days for a trip to Florence and city I've always wanted to visit.  We have rented a one bedroom apartment for a week in an old section,near the university that has wifi - that will be helpful to keep in touch with husbands work and our 13 year old to be entertained.  We have made no family holiday movement since diagnosis surgery.  For us, especially me, this is a welcome break.

    I've taken a break from the boards because with Pinktober and all, I was getting a bit too negative reactive as this is my frist one as a woman who is in active treatment for shitty cancer.  A whole new vision of it all has opened up for me and been a bit overwhelming.

    For everyone - have a great day! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Ruth - I'm so sorry about your friend.  Here she thought she was doing everything she could to keep from getting the ovarian cancer, and she still got it.  As for her not asking questions, I have a Stage IV melanoma friend, and she too asks no questions.  She did do the research enough to get herself into the hand of the best doctors she could up at Hopkins, but once she did that, she stopped asking questions and just goes along with whatever they recommend.  I'm like you - I need to know everything that's going on, but everyone is different, and that's what works for her.  Lilac - the trip to Florence sounds wonderful, and congratulations on the milestone of taking a vacation - it marks the start of you being able to get your life back. 

    I had good news yesterday - my breast surgical oncologist discharged me!!  She said everything looked great.  January will mark 5 years since my BMX, and she said that with 5 years so close, I didn't need to make any more follow up appointments with her.  I started crying a little when she said that - it meant so much to hear.  I told her, "Please don't take this wrong, but I hope I never have to see you again.  OK - if I ever run into you at a ballpark I'll buy you a beer and we'll have a great time.  I just don't want to ever see you here."  She laughed and gave me a big hug and agreed. 

    From there I drove down to my hair place for my long-overdue appointment.  Of course you can't get away from Pinktober - they were doing a thing where you could get a free pink extension put in your hair during October.  I normally shy away from all the Pinktober junk, but I felt so good about what the surgeon said that I decided to get one of the extensions.  What the heck - I've earned the right to wear it.  It's kind of silly but I have to admit it's cute - just a bit of pink in my hair for a few weeks.  What can I say - I had a weak moment.  Tongue Out

    30 minutes weights/core this morning, plus the Lebeds. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    natsfan, I think it's great you got the pink extension, especially to celebrate your great news!

    Not much exercise for me - a short walk at lunch yesterday, bad food/drink decisions, and tried to do classical stretch this morning but my back was tweaking like it would go out, so I stopped.  Hoping for a longer walk today.

  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2012

    All of you sound like you're able to do something which is very encouraging.  The day before chemo when they make you start taking the steroids is the best day for me to exercise.  I'm not tired from the chemo yet and all hyped up from the steroid.  I usually go to an hour spin class that night.  I still have a hard time falling asleep at night, but I'm nice and tired anyway.  I just finished my third treatment and I sure hope that even when I'm finished with my sixth and last treatment that I will be able to do at least my BodyPump class and my spin classes.  If I slow down a great deal I still have water classes that I can do which are much easier on the cardio and my muscles so those are my back up options, but I much prefer the harder options.  On the week after my chemo when I feel the most tired I usually just take a slow walk around my neighborhood.  When I feel up to it I do one mile, but if I'm not feeling it I will just do a half mile.  I usually take my dogs with me and they love it so I consider it a win win situation.  I'm going to hate it when the time changes! 

    I'm so glad I found this group.  You guys keep going.  I've been trying to find a study about exercise and chemo patients.  If anyone has seen one can you reference it.  I just want to know if those people who do try to exercise while on chemo if it helps them in any way, if it makes the chemo SE any better etc.  Has anyone seen a study about this?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited October 2012

    Sonson, I don't have a link, but my mom was part of a big study about exactly this at the U of Copenhagen, 5 years ago when she was doing chemo. She was in a group of chemo patients that did exercise all through chemo and beyond. They were followed carefully and the study concluded that exercise definitely helps counteract the effects of chemo, especially the fatigue.

    I have also seen studies that suggest that exercise can help prevent recurrence and that it extends life significantly in stage IV patients. So as far as I can see it is a win-win, during and after treatment.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Sonson, here's a link someone (I think Claire?) posted a while ago to a long talk about emerging evidence about exercise preventing recurrence and decreasing side effects of cancer treatment.  If I recall it was more about side effects of hormone therapy rather than chemo, but overall it was a lot of good news.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    I am just zooming by, if I have time later I will look, but I know there are studies about exercise making chemo more effective, and it is the most important non-medicine thing we can do to prevent recurrence (as well as preventing lots of other health problems, and making us look GREAT Wink).

    Did FIRM Rock Solid Abs and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Book Club tonight. On will come the calories I burned off.

    Claire, because of her family history (mom & sister with ovarian cancer) they checked specifically for it when they removed the organs, and the pathology report showed no cancer. Mayo had her bring the report, slides etc. and looked at it now, and they couldn't find anything either. Mayo said there must have been some micro-cells already in the abdominal cavity.

    Lilac, your vacation sounds so fun. Enjoy!

    Congratulations to you, Mary!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Ruth- maybe when the shock wears off your friend will be ready to listen to you a bit more and you can help her come up with a list of questions for her dr. She is lucky to have you!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    sonson, I can't quote any studies but have anecdotal evidence, i.e. my personal experience, that exercise during chemo helps.  My blood counts stayed good and I didn't need Neulasta shots.  I did gain 30 pounds because I ate what tasted good (not the healthiest choices) but that came off within a year.  Now I'm working on the "old" fat, the extra ten pounds I've been carrying way too long.

    I got steroids the day of chemo.  Cleaned house like a sonofagun the next day. 

    Ruth, those thunderstorms rolled through here today and the temp dropped 30 degrees!

    Didn't get outside today but made sure to leave my desk frequently.  3.34 km = 2.08 mi

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    freezing cold and windy coming your way, Badger.